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发表于 2012-5-5 17:45:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


1. What about _______ a taxi?
A. to take
B. take
C. taking
D. taken
正确资料: C

2. ________ electricity plays such an important part in our daily life?
A. Why was it that
B. Why is it that
C. Why is it
D. Why it is that
正确资料: B

3. Do you have a ________ for a particular food?
A. preferation
B. preference
C. preferring
D. perfection
正确资料: B

4. I can't quite remember ________ you started doing the work.
A. that it was when
B. when it was that
C. when was it that
D. that was it when
正确资料: B

5. The answer is ________ true.
A. accurately
B. definitely
C. efficiently
D. effectively
正确资料: B

6. Only when he started to explain _______ the reason for this.
A. she realized
B. did she realize
C. she had realized
D. had she realized
正确资料: B

7. We found all his time ___________.
A. devoted on teaching
B. devoted to teaching
C. devoting to teaching
D. devoted to teach
正确资料: B

8. Nowhere else in the world ________ cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong.
A. a tourist can find
B. can a tourist find
C. a tourist will find
D. a tourist has found
正确资料: B

9. She wants to know if it is 600 miles an hour ______ the newest plane can go.
A. which
B. how
C. when
D. that
正确资料: D

10. It was the way he asked ________ really upset me.
A. that
B. so
C. therefore
D. so that
正确资料: A

11. Under his arm ________ a pair of shoes which he had bought from the shop a few days previously.
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. was
正确资料: D

12. Then _______ we had been looking forward to.
A. came the hour
B. the hour came
C. comes the hour
D. the hour is coming
正确资料: A

13. Not for a moment _______ the truth of your story.
A. he has doubted
B. he doubts
C. did he doubt
D. he did doubt
正确资料: C

14. No sooner _______ they rushed out into the street.
A. did they hear the news than
B. had they heard the news than
C. did they hear the news when
D. had they heard the news when
正确资料: B

15. Not only _______ a promise, but he also kept it.
A. did he made
B. he made
C. did he make
D. he makes
正确资料: C


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