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大学英语 A3

发表于 2011-7-30 17:12:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大学英语 A3

1、I shall never forget one showing which was really a challenge. I was busy getting ready to show my winter fashions. Then just a few days before the presentation, the sewing girls were called out on strike. I found myself left with one tailor and the woman who was in charge of the sewing room! I was as gloomy as my models and sales girls. "We will never make it," one of them cried.
Where was the way out this time? I wondered and worried. I could not help thinking of the day when my father had brought me to the highest spot not far from our home. I was only ten years old. "Look down, my dear daughter," Father said. I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in the center of our little town and I saw the crisscross(十字型) of twisting streets leading to the square. "See, my dear," Father said, "There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can't get to the place where you want to go by one road, try another."
What would be another road this time? I was almost certain we would have to call off the presentation - or else show the clothes unfinished. Then it dawned on me. Why not show the clothes unfinished?
We worked at fever pitch(程度), and exactly right on time, the show took place.
What a show it was! Some coats had no sleeves; other had only one. Many of our clothes were still in an early stage. They were only patterns made of heavy cotton cloth. But on these we pinned sketches and pieces of material. In this way we were able to show what colors and textures the clothes would have when they were finished.
All in all, the showing was different. It was so different that it was a great success. Our unusual showing caught the attention of the public, and orders for the clothes poured in. Father's wise words had guided me once again. There is more than one way to the square and always so!

(1)、The writer was busy preparing a show of ______.
  C:winter scene
资料: A
(2)、The writer found herself left almost on her own because all her girls were ______.
  A:busy sewing
  B:on strike
  C:on holidays
  D:tired of working
资料: B
(3)、When the writer was only a young girl, her father took her to the highest spot to ______.
  A:show her the center of the square        
  B:show her the danger of the place
  C:show her the ways to the square
  D:make her familiar with the city
资料: C
(4)、The writer decided ______.
  A:not to give up the show       
  B:to postpone the show
  C:to call off the presentation       
  D:to buy some new clothes
资料: A
(5)、When the show was held, it turned out to be ______.
  A:only patterns made of heavy cotton clothes
  B:pinned sketches and pieces of material
  C:a big failure for the clothes were not finished
  D:a success because it was so different
资料: D
2、Castles were brought to Britain by William the Conqueror, when he invaded England in 1066 from his homeland in France. One of the most powerful ways for William to take control of his new kingdom, which included England, Scotland and Wales, was to have castles built throughout the land. At first, he ordered the construction of very simple castles, called motte and bailey castles.
These early castles consisted of an earthen mound, topped by a tower built of wood. The bailey was a large area of land enclosed by a shorter fence. Inside the bailey were the main activities of the castle, such as workshops, stables and livestock, household activities, etc., while the tower on the motte was used as the lord's residence and as an observation post. Before long, the earthen castles were replaced by the stone castles, which were much sturdier, did not rot like wood, and also were much more able to withstand any attack by an invader.
From the 11th to 13th centuries the stone castles were booming. They were not just used by the king. Most castles, in fact, were granted by a king to their most loyal knights or barons who fought bravely in battle and supported their king. The king, starting with William the Conqueror, gave his loyal knights vast estates and permission to build castles. In return, he expected these men to control their lands as the king's representative, to keep the local population from rebelling, and to force them to work and pay rent to the lord, who then passed it onto the king. These knights and barons built castles almost everywhere in Britain, served to strike fear into the local peoples, and to symbolize their power and wealth.
By the 15th century the stone castles began declining. For the one thing, military necessity changed in Great Britain. There was less emphasis placed on defense and more on comfort. Earlier stone houses were gradually modified, or abandoned completely and replaced by great houses of a richer and more relaxed style. The development of firearms and the increasing use of gunpowder, for the other one, also ended the castles' endurance.
Despite their decline, many wealthy families of the 18th and 19th centuries fed their passions by naming their newly built houses, "castle." This ill-informed romanticism had its valuable side, which eventually led to concerted efforts to preserve and restore many ruined castles.
Even today, centuries after they were active in British history, the castles of Britain have established themselves firmly in the national and international mindset. Castles have demonstrated not only the exchanges of the majesty, power and wealth of their noble builders, but also the rise and set of British Empire.

(1)、The castles originated from_______.
资料: A
(2)、According to the text, "motte"(Para. 1)refers to _____.
  A:an earthen mound
  B:a wooden tower
  C:a shorter fence
  D:a larger area
资料: A
(3)、From the 11th to 13th centuries, castles were booming because of the following reasons EXCEPT ________.
  A:a gift
  B:a force means
  C:a symbol
  D:a tourist attraction
资料: D
(4)、What caused the decline of the castles?
  A:They are too expensive.
  B:They are ruined because of fighting.
  C:They are less comfortable.       
  D:It took much time to build them.
资料: C
(5)、Which of the following is true?
  A:People doesn't like the castles any more.
  B:Much more new castles are being built.
  C:The castles are the most famous buildings in Britain.
  D:The castles still have their reputation in the world.
资料: D
1、He can always _______ excellent proposals to help the company make profit.
  A:come up with   
  B:come upon  
  C:come up to  
  D:come out
资料: A
2、You ______ look in the closet. Your birthday present is hidden there.
  B:don't have to     
  C:must not         
  D:may not   
资料: C
3、You should give the application to the man ______ at that chair.
  B:to sit              
资料: D
4、_______ rapid development of railways, aviation and ocean transport, long distance traveling has become more and more common.
  B:It was the  
  C:With the  
  D:There was the
资料: C
5、- Hurry, there is a bus coming.?
- Why run? There'll be another __  ___.
  A:one in two or three minutes               
  B:one after two or three minutes?
  C:after two or three minutes                       
  D:one for two or three minutes?
资料: A
6、______ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.
资料: C
7、Watching sport was _________ the most popular activity on Saturday afternoons.
  A:so far
  B:by far
  C:far from
  D:much far
资料: B
8、You may get good grades by studying only before examinations, but you will only succeed ________ by studying hard every day.
  A:in particular
  B:in the long run
  C:in season
  D:in the end of
资料: B
9、The ship took machines and other goods back to the port ________ it had set off.
  A:from which
  B:to which       
  D:in which
资料: A
10、He had been having trouble ______a hotel room.
  B:to reserve
资料: A
    A contract is an agreement between two or more people   21   one person agrees to do something by a specified date in return for something done by   22  . Usually the contract is a written document signed and dated by both   23  . It must state clearly the consideration, that is, what is to be given or done by one person in   24   for what is given or done by the other. If one person does   25   was promised and the other does not, that the other may be sued in court and required by court order to make good. He or she   26   also be required to pay for damages suffered as a result of the failure to perform. The things   27   by both parties must be stated in definite terms   28   the court will hold that the contract is   29   vague and general to be enforced.   30  , the time period within which the work is to be done must be definite or the court will say that the document is not a contract.
  A:in which
  D:on that
资料: A
  B:the other
资料: B
资料: B
资料: D
  B:the thing
资料: C
资料: D
  A:to be done
  C:to do
  D:being done
资料: A
资料: C
资料: C
  C:The same
资料: B
(3)、只要你继续努力, 你就一定会成功。
Instructions:Your essay should be no less than 150 words.
Directions: You are to write an essay on the topic "On Keeping Pets". You should base your composition on the outline below:
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