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发表于 2012-7-5 11:05:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  Which of the following word does not represent person?6 r) v/ c$ C  j3 c
A. western
1 d4 \1 x" P- _B. easterner3 D' W5 v8 ^2 x* z
C. citizen
/ U& D+ V& E" h0 ID. southerner
3 t+ w9 f% Q) G9 ?1 h8 w5 _0 s      满分:4  分
8 Y% y1 z, Y0 _$ g" N* h  v2.  The electric shaver____ before it can be used.
. O+ o; [4 e/ t# o* t2 NA. needs repairing
+ _1 H# f1 o* \/ i1 T+ AB. should be in repair2 |, ]. V. W) E8 k9 b6 _
C. has to be repairable6 U3 A$ [) Q5 l7 }
D. must repair5 s9 M# x; r1 U, V/ _* f1 o6 `
      满分:4  分
( I9 B; _( k* Y3.  Though many people observed the accident which occurred in the center of the city, they were not sure about the exact (series) of events. 选择能代替括号里的选项
( L- l0 h/ ^6 X+ U( j) GA. serious
8 c2 Z& p7 _; g2 Y# i' P+ c. C6 pB. succession+ H/ B3 w) k( |. r5 j' P+ b$ W
C. sequence: N6 g% }* B; `- A: y6 \- q: Y
D. subequal
- z( g5 Y% o8 L- z1 I, ]$ n      满分:4  分
" ~0 S! _: u2 X4.  The ___ products of his kind of education are people who think alike, dress alike, and have no ideas of their own.$ s4 M* r+ x: q! F  h
A. ultimate
1 l8 t  C+ ~. E1 M/ pB. uncertain
8 q* T# f; |: i6 ]4 v' B9 aC. uncomfortable
- |$ i5 [$ D4 n* ^9 iD. unchanging
( I( A1 ]" e* l5 S3 j      满分:4  分( @! \, p9 y; L# @. D! [1 U
5.  When the boiler (exploded) many people were by the steam.选择能代替括号里的选项
/ v* s6 L9 t6 y/ w$ g4 `* WA. collapsed
+ D) }& x0 t! iB. fell down
+ h4 }% ?  W# E$ W* @: R/ L( PC. fell over$ v" k! J0 J; c: ]( c
D. blew up. Y  A7 t9 ~$ o3 k5 n- ^
      满分:4  分; L, k6 o9 v5 {7 E7 s, T* O
6.  Mission control personnel gave instructions with the help pf (up-to-date) equipment.选择能代替括号里的选项
+ c& ]0 r4 `+ o! \4 V" ^+ a" {A. new
6 g2 K3 t' U" V0 XB. modern
1 Q  ~( j9 d$ y4 m" _! ~C. accurate
' d$ o7 i& H, A  m+ mD. precise" {$ \# a8 |# |
      满分:4  分% y4 k2 t3 d$ _5 O1 X
7.  Wise people ___ forming fixed opinions.
' X2 K8 N. U% s, @; T1 GA. avoid3 }% N( I+ R/ ~' W
B. escape
1 @# @# B7 r& `; TC. refuse3 r- |3 v7 L# D5 o5 b" V
D. reject
: A* @8 u7 x0 A2 s* h* Z/ h      满分:4  分
" x" u! T" S3 N) v' r- Z8.  The hospital has X-ray, operating rooms and other medical___.
+ e/ [+ L) A, dA. sections
+ Z$ ]$ l9 f8 `) L' e) L2 dB. equipments2 e' P" ]$ e- ^0 d" z% n
C. facilities
- |# L4 }$ @; B  F: XD. conveniences
1 E1 o/ G* a8 Z# K. f0 A, a      满分:4  分! J2 T% D, Z8 M6 V) F
9.  People with fitting ___ are more likely to succeed in reaching them.' q' ]7 K8 y  h! e
A. results
; z7 o* t  P. }& M/ sB. intentions7 f$ m+ m0 }' I/ d4 j6 B, S
C. goals
" M3 N9 Y" D3 A# ^D. desires
. t; l$ q* [7 s, ^& m0 f4 v9 F      满分:4  分
( s( O; r6 R! l2 U& d10.  An accident does not (occur) as the result of a human purpose.选择能代替括号里的选项$ k7 H& b- u4 D% \
A. fall' u: a# `1 `6 H- i4 G5 G
B. appear
& w3 \. ~; y) H- RC. happen' f5 y! j0 H- u0 \; m
D. befall
& z/ ^' \- d% [8 s+ F$ l; e" y      满分:4  分
: C7 p1 q  q) O11.  Einstein had (genius).选择能代替括号里的选项
5 N6 p$ w4 \, H/ M+ R) \3 u# aA. skill
9 \8 O# @0 Z* D& z/ J8 {# gB. ability( I3 U  i0 R; Z9 s7 }+ n4 @
C. talent/ P: ]7 N4 W1 F6 l- K3 j
D. capacity- H" F) w$ L9 K
      满分:4  分: @& c3 Y7 D$ w) q. v) L
12.  A judge of a competition should award the prizes in accordance with the competitor’s merits, just because they (are worthy) of their prizes, but not for some other reason选择能代替括号里的选项
9 A" r' f1 w, _# T: [5 lA. desire
$ `. S% A% W/ {. hB. design5 n$ a- g$ K7 ^- N2 r
C. deserve
3 H/ t4 d: u2 l) _D. desert- _( A. c8 k6 r) _* w
      满分:4  分
4 R( D# c  I# E8 s# I13.  She managed to ___herself to the habits and customs here.+ y+ d& e+ V- a6 j3 s- O: D
A. fit
8 @- L3 f, {( |  @: W3 Z/ xB. adopt
& m, C- ~$ x. D7 e9 \/ V  z  rC. adapt9 u: s1 z: F/ \
D. regulate& T0 S/ V- v3 L5 J5 m: H4 L
      满分:4  分
; G  G" H: c$ j14.  Why ___that girl ____on the table?
" N/ ]( E1 ?' v# y' @; Z: X$ nA. does…stand
7 E, O! P6 y0 V7 z4 }7 D3 U# AB. is…standing
0 Z/ N" F! w, W, U) D8 x3 u* C0 KC. has…stood, m! ~. c& c, V( A! z3 B- u
D. did…stand/ O- r. f# X/ I. e! |5 b2 ]. ~: @6 v# k
      满分:4  分% B+ N- p" A- |; @1 w  `7 y! J
15.  Information fed into a computer (passes through) analysis or evaluation. 选择能代替括号里的 选项
% h* z  ]/ M6 l9 n  xA. undertakes0 k( I1 q/ m7 `! D# G7 ~
B. understates8 g6 M. L7 x8 J
C. underrelies6 ]0 }9 D8 J5 Y: T4 w4 u6 O5 x) ]
D. undergoes
/ D6 m/ y. A! u      满分:4  分7 q$ ?2 h0 b' `0 y
16.  Unfortunately, the fire fight found that the extinguisher was not (behaving) well.选择能代替括号里的选项
3 E" x2 p" F* J" S/ nA. working  {/ A- d- k2 Y3 G/ ~$ Y
B. applying
5 ~% n* y0 H0 t% z1 k4 B( XC. proceeding
$ f& F' A* ~8 J3 h, g+ JD. performing
* G; a! r9 n: d  u. \1 c" Z      满分:4  分7 [" S; h" W9 }2 u& y7 r6 `+ d
17.  I (give advice) to you to go to the Town Hall and ask them for the information about it选择能代替括号里的选项" w% ^4 s1 z: o  C; M$ ~' S! R
A. announce
' x( k2 @. A, f- LB. advise# r1 }, Y* A( e/ ?
C. notice8 M. c1 L5 ^. q& Z
D. advertise
0 M3 Q7 @5 H4 X5 k      满分:4  分; E8 i- j5 O+ D! k8 Q# d3 ^
18.  I am confident of his ___ to get work by himself.
3 t& R$ ^$ x' bA. ability2 c, i" W/ J+ ^4 ^
B. talent
5 S) G& h% p  s6 S5 ]2 v8 Y( F  DC. genius
, s4 f8 W1 m- c& E2 T8 }8 cD. originality
! @3 e8 z  R9 Y      满分:4  分
0 K+ E$ V7 V' c3 T- o6 ]2 y19.  The main road through the city was blocked for three hours today after an accident__ two buses .
2 ?! y" L( D8 j& j" v/ a: ?A. containing
. K9 F8 M6 h  y" @" w. {B. connecting1 }$ o, g+ X( B( n
C. including
8 d( j# ?# e2 E/ j  ND. involving( n2 X# `' x9 ~3 w
      满分:4  分
9 h2 K' `4 x' N9 Q+ P- e20.  Some people consciously seek ___ and wealth.
: o! G; L- B: `% d+ ]: RA. money" s9 X2 s! }7 q/ k- g& R
B. role
2 G* W) t; m& ^, ^/ ZC. fame
; e" U5 y% v( ~+ wD. salary
( x1 D: w+ X. X; s. q8 `" g      满分:4  分
5 M# H0 ^8 R; O5 S  V9 {9 d21.  The explorer used a radio to (send) news of their location.选择能代替括号里的选项
+ k& j0 S$ h6 x1 G* wA. transmit7 I( A: N5 z7 a  ?1 k: H: x
B. post
2 i* U4 J6 E2 V# g: W& EC. mail$ u( q! y% Q3 j1 ^3 Q! E. g: g
D. transport
. P% l1 h4 M4 {% H& ]+ `. }      满分:4  分
! i; y2 s# k" w+ D22.  Communication is one of the most important (bonds) that hold cultural systems together.选择能代替括号里的选项0 Y6 h0 C7 g# _, m
A. strings0 @( F+ B: p/ p
B. qualities
- y+ n" G0 u4 ~8 Y4 e; IC. links# ]# P* Q$ D& `; e* R; \; x
D. needs4 V. T/ g+ f+ {) g2 ?( e+ i
      满分:4  分1 r# G- k4 `6 a/ e2 I& I
23.  The (foundation) was not firm enough to support the weight of the apartment house.选择能代替括号里的选项
0 j( T3 B( Z0 u  w8 @5 EA. root; o  r) |3 ^5 B# T, w  [
B. basis
5 b' R  L4 W7 D  e; O6 u* nC. basic part
4 }* G, [$ c( K; mD. substructure. J% f+ s& a- T" z
      满分:4  分
% I' ?! \) L: S6 f24.  Water is (essential) to the growth of crops.选择能代替括号里的选项* Z7 M2 w1 {3 K3 p4 Z7 @9 B, _
A. needy& j8 I4 ~+ G% X: J
B. basic
9 {8 F6 b+ [" `8 a5 K' G* f1 e+ v3 mC. necessary
6 _6 R- L; K$ |3 M, _" {3 `& N7 PD. important
/ }# p$ V" N' R: K( O      满分:4  分5 T3 _+ n- @9 f; ^
25.  he has decided to (continue) his career of a teacher. 选择能代替括号里的选项. Y7 j6 N& l1 D& w* f1 S( W1 P
A. pursue
; }" b" M6 @1 c- ~, a3 ~& GB. compete
* X6 |* ~" p- w/ kC. purchase
( v/ S+ H& q# y. aD. complete
% b8 n$ M( g0 i" R      满分:4  分
8 ~# ^( {; ]: L1 _% _2 G0 c. }4 K; {; X
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