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发表于 2012-7-6 18:19:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  In language learning, input refer to the language that a learner receives through listening and reading, and from which he/she can _____.# f# `( j! b" c( Z0 ?1 W% c  f
A. teach
- y8 H, v+ \2 X% p/ L3 y1 @, x5 PB. learn" Z+ ?# Q- f7 c  u) N' Y# x4 d% ]
C. form
7 @" a2 D+ R' U& w$ e8 K# nD. think
2 }  b! Z1 X4 V1 N: F; y* C: p0 D      满分:3  分+ }" u3 F  a- H1 r  ^6 X  e9 @
2.  Learning by doing encourages students to experience the language, which is a process of ______ that leads to high level of proficiency.; L, N2 K+ e1 y& \3 H( Z
A. acquisition
8 l/ c; z: D. N/ Q9 jB. instruction/ g3 ?! o) |% v# |9 m; ~
C. experience
6 d( U" @/ u7 O8 r  P5 F1 r4 F) FD. neglecting
+ _+ W6 D7 c) [" N      满分:3  分
" T' ?# Q" |' Q8 {1 n+ N7 x9 [3.  Learning by doing encourages students to experience the language, which is a process of _____that leads to high level of proficiency.
: R1 b) G9 ?5 G  rA. acquisition% k; A8 @; I9 J
B. instruction. N: u- k+ \* R/ O2 s7 u+ [
C. experience4 N% _9 U0 T8 E! }  L7 @( |
D. neglecting
2 H7 k. I0 r, G. d      满分:3  分
( w# i8 L2 e9 J! z5 O4.  According to the theory of the Oral Approach and Situational Language, teaching is _____./ Y' g$ K) L) H/ W7 Q* ?! p
A. Marxism+ U- O7 W2 e5 O- V$ E3 I. @% C+ Y# d
B. post-modernism. i  u5 m' R3 ]0 \6 `6 r
C. deconstructionist
( [' r4 \2 ^0 r6 ]- T& p' }D. structuralism. W  i3 \- S0 \. E" }9 _
      满分:3  分5 f4 |7 @& c1 i4 T; W% s% Q, J
5.  In traditional teaching, ______ is often used." y  v7 Q; ~4 _2 h" y
A. deductive learning: A" f( L8 @  j) W# Q7 S( c! g+ i% z( W
B. inductive learning/ z" o8 t) G; S! H( x  @* o6 G
C. conductive learning
: z  U' e2 k. `! `  ND. instructive learning( P0 q) d/ l# c( H! ]
      满分:3  分
- F) S& Y# Y* l  i3 d6.  Knowledge can be taken in throughout active thinking and trying. Therefore, a good teacher tries to enable students to do their _____and self-exploration.
" y' r, z# `; L( g$ V7 b4 T' q% LA. self-restraint
$ f- Q% `. w9 u" X# K% a$ G) T& e/ P: ?B. self-discipline
6 X: b6 s5 C1 dC. self-discover
( c3 Z- q' E; r5 B' `" uD. self-discovery2 A0 w0 R1 ~- y0 A. u( e
      满分:3  分  ^. l; T9 g! \9 l4 V- u4 h
7.  Anderson’s theory is that of the acquisition of _____skills, on simple interpretation, ranging from controlled practice to automatic process .
8 L7 v7 ]0 f9 M8 z' @& jA. cognitive
) {8 k8 `8 l$ W. dB. interpretive
$ u. B  e4 i% t6 ]2 r/ i: V) F2 [C. contextual0 |  C) O+ \+ R: D5 e4 C) J' q
D. meaningful
. p8 R5 j( M- L5 L4 a& W/ D5 V      满分:3  分) {6 Z+ r& _7 O
8.  _____is not fixed in time and space.1 l/ U5 J& j  T' l
A. speech
. _* O7 t: O: Y9 XB. written discourse
. T, O& K& l* L# j' MC. spoken discourse* d0 x4 N$ Q& P& V& y
D. discourse
2 `8 F+ B. f9 A5 k0 L0 W/ I, Q      满分:3  分  }4 @5 r) h$ K0 i: w
9.  According to the Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching Method, the instructional materials are -oriented and contains dialogues can be used needed for drills and exercises.
6 n" m2 u9 @1 \% i+ S! [$ K0 uA. student9 z. @  l% O/ \3 N% K6 d
B. teacher8 |+ N0 @1 |! A) h0 O, J" p
C. book; T2 I3 Y1 N3 {% \4 K! R# [
D. experience/ B5 L9 f) h& ?7 P8 X
      满分:3  分# x, \4 Q# f' o8 c5 ~* k1 F
10.  In traditional teaching, _____ is often used.; `% D& \7 D! b; }) W9 e' x; d
A. deductive learning& H& z5 }. Z; p* t, h9 O9 y1 ?
B. inductive learning  X0 y& N; m$ I/ t
C. conductive learning4 A+ `7 D% Q% \1 _
D. instructive learning5 K4 |7 N: u1 A* y8 e( ~4 {
      满分:3  分 7 x$ c% D7 s6 C% I! m# e, G

8 Z; G1 P1 ^8 r' K) F$ K二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  The following _____ are the features of the native input.$ T: J2 b1 n2 D
A. mother talk! Z1 {" U( m" r0 w- {
B. up to date4 P4 {0 k  K3 b, u) y; v1 H
C. not for classroom use
! v3 p! T$ e4 y: B2 BD. interlanguage talk3 V% c) k' s9 b' o3 o, s
      满分:3  分
4 _) }$ g) q! S3 s9 y2.  There are two kinds of teaching of pronunciation: .
) ~6 e' V( V( CA. reading' W. b4 Z4 r* C. w; S  T5 ^
B. speaking3 I3 u, B6 n& `! h9 a4 s  X. }
C. systematic/ i- B; r. k. f0 D  ^' m
D. pick up
2 E' b2 U6 c* T4 Y5 D6 k  U2 N& T      满分:3  分
/ B+ e) q4 K; @% o6 I6 }6 ^9 n3.  Being an effective language analyst means
' o2 u* x: y6 S( W3 T4 WA. the teacher possesses the knowledge about the language
$ y# Y" H1 a% M& l8 jB. being able to speak several kinds of languages; |- l8 W  P+ {" D
C. the teacher help students study the nature of the language with learning effects% p% q" S) S! s; _% I8 c
D. being able to conceptualize language phenomena3 {4 z: _: c) M) U8 I2 s% c+ F% A
      满分:3  分+ s4 D7 Q& p* L1 W% i
4.  Principles for teaching listening after class include: _____
) b* |$ |0 j3 Q( I! f3 s) d& [A. Vary pace and methods in teaching listening8 [: |7 R) a/ f3 U2 r
B. Make listening process an active one
' r. \  i4 S+ A( z, @; C1 [; ^C. Develop Autonomous listening: intensive and extensive
8 P: U0 F1 z0 z" ?0 GD. Encourage reading extensively and for meaning/ ~1 q: M+ Z( W4 L, V
      满分:3  分
$ K! I9 ]- j7 [) N5 E* H" K5.  In general, vocabulary items can be classified into three aspects: _____.4 K) C3 \6 e: u% H) s: m
A. sounds3 a; y3 ]$ d& w, S4 A: M/ E/ L
B. spelling
3 N5 X( u- K5 aC. forms
1 \. @/ l2 K, b+ W6 D& q' z( y$ qD. meaning7 l. H- W. {* S* I7 v6 ?: x
      满分:3  分$ R5 G4 V7 E; K1 w4 x5 y& G
6.  The syllabus of the Communicative Language Teaching is , centering round situations and topics and organized in communicative activities or tasks.
6 h+ o# t6 I8 ~5 P* aA. useless
  `2 T3 r. E  H) W7 ]B. instruction
( Z- w% Z. t& V6 z* N+ QC. functional2 }+ D: l4 d( X, p% _9 W1 ]2 v9 s6 _
D. notional1 S2 D2 ~- W/ f+ i
      满分:3  分
" f+ T  c- k: K$ G4 J, e- `+ }7.  According to sequential procedures of a reading class, reading activities can be classified into
6 b' D: R5 O+ {( l, G/ Q1 F$ kA. pre-reading activities5 ^- w7 Z! Y0 Y; {4 Y
B. intensive reading activities
  }4 V0 ~2 Q& A, W) S/ {, u5 ^C. while-reading activities
% g4 t9 T# i! V3 bD. post-reading activities.
7 h& R% g+ c7 [9 A) j3 ^& C2 P      满分:3  分
1 T3 y. i0 Q9 m7 `7 E8.  Besides the four basic qualities, the teacher should be$ X  z9 Y: z9 x) o4 K
A. creative
8 f  P, y: G: }3 p& RB. passionate, B. l% o1 D1 K5 b- q
C. empathetic1 q" d! t- {/ e0 M3 G
D. patient+ U1 b$ Z3 E' a7 `
      满分:3  分
7 V% o2 W5 I5 i* c% k, E9.  Principles in vocabulary learning and teaching include _____# E/ j8 ~2 B8 G5 [- F
A. vocabulary ability
3 M. o3 p3 L9 j; b5 B& EB. two kinds of vocabulary learning and teaching. ^4 t9 T2 v. J6 h8 `1 g- D, N8 k; G
C. process in vocabulary learning1 j0 V$ `8 H5 Y- `! c  ?
D. meaning relationship  p4 o3 ~% V5 V! y- g" a, U' F
      满分:3  分8 ?3 i) K5 ~  Z1 \; f5 b! C
10.  The aims of our reading are _____." n4 j, A: D" Y  n3 G. _2 i
A. Read for pleasure: I- _3 ~) z! {# ]
B. Read for meaning" D1 @4 m) A/ N) b
C. Read for vocabulary learning:4 F  c: Z% S; N% u
D. Read for grammar studying
: m6 [3 ^" D3 j8 ~0 y. l/ D      满分:3  分 . H) y" n" N* z* t

6 N3 \8 C; x& d( P* c- K三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  According to the Community Language Teaching theory, the syllabus is systematic.
# U: [8 t5 Q: }/ l7 u5 V+ ~# ]A. 错误
; X: I1 M% q0 p& {B. 正确
, Z/ c* x0 F) d! ]4 J- ]# i      满分:2  分
* I: B/ D- u) Z3 m2.  In the declarative stage, the new facts are directly embedded in procedures for performing the skill.; [7 e) w2 i, z
A. 错误& m0 z% D2 @- P, ^/ @1 d* T
B. 正确) @5 W. P3 b6 ~  D# U) p, \
      满分:2  分
4 r  K! }  ]) ?6 f% j! Q3.  Word recognition is a part of reading.
; d- A% g3 l1 N6 G3 a% q5 z1 DA. 错误
0 f* W" O  q' NB. 正确
4 z# p( F7 U5 I      满分:2  分$ ~/ [2 h3 _9 |% z2 v0 U9 `2 B
4.  Voiceless sounds are the ones produced when the vocal sounds do not vibrate.
4 F0 ^' D! m* ?4 o1 NA. 错误
0 }4 P4 y* i" @# N% c; cB. 正确4 U- J  ^4 N, R
      满分:2  分. B+ p5 B, G" X/ e; R
5.  Verb tense, word order, punctuation, capitalization are called Linguistic taxonomy of errors.1 ]+ m2 F0 E) B; y* B% j6 g; C
A. 错误, l' c* N- ?2 l1 k6 O$ i! `5 T1 B
B. 正确5 P2 z' {% G4 W
      满分:2  分
# j7 M- p$ E1 x6.  Chinese equivalents of English words have different denotative, connotative and contextual meanings.4 R2 {  [- B! g4 I
A. 错误
8 I3 ~3 }) ]; G5 ]5 kB. 正确
; s9 P. D( Q4 K4 |1 i* ~      满分:2  分4 Q/ t. q7 ]% V; N
7.  “-ble”, “-ple”, or “- tle” can form a syllable.
* {+ j+ J* ^; V$ B* SA. 错误; v1 o+ Z/ S+ a$ n: m
B. 正确
, C- s* k, Q4 O0 g. |8 H* r      满分:2  分3 _& O. U4 Q5 z5 w# Z; U6 ^
8.  Vocabulary is rich, versatile and changeable.
, Q! T# X+ S- P) X& T1 Z$ q2 rA. 错误# o7 {" r" @# X" L/ L' t4 S* n& C
B. 正确
$ y  ~* s( f+ Z7 b- ^2 ?3 R3 G      满分:2  分5 M7 a4 B6 s: I, g
9.  That grammar teaching is inductive is in the view of the Direct Method.6 j7 K/ G1 k# s! b3 o3 d
A. 错误0 Y0 a9 V+ K# c0 a: |
B. 正确1 _, }7 i( r0 ]; v6 V
      满分:2  分
7 y7 a$ w/ L* D8 K$ x, H2 s10.  The teacher employing the Suggestopedia acts as an absolute authority, encourager, organizer, but he/she needn’t be able to act, sing or use psychotherapeutic techniques.& f1 K% A8 K/ P4 j& p
A. 错误0 j. h+ P8 W4 J) S* ?
B. 正确
3 u) }( x. y6 ~0 Q3 W! x      满分:2  分
: }* q* E4 X9 M/ A! ?3 q4 U11.  Very often denotative meanings are quite different, but connotative and contextual meanings can be the same.
3 F/ @- h# m! s! L. D  {A. 错误0 U1 k  W" @1 j: p; s8 g0 h
B. 正确: p1 O6 J$ O8 ]3 o
      满分:2  分
( A3 W# q- \# V5 w; I12.  The word “go” contains an open syllable.$ n  ]2 F# T, V$ N) f1 p$ h
A. 错误
% Y  P+ A5 m% s; ^* ~/ \B. 正确/ b8 u! V$ ~) \! n4 A- h+ t
      满分:2  分; }# S8 k& N+ d# e* ^
13.  Intentionality: It refers to whether a learner makes a conscious and deliberate decision to learn some L2 knowledge.
9 Z; V! o+ F' ^9 g! WA. 错误
6 r# V& e1 v! q9 _% F5 HB. 正确1 u/ h) x8 M/ y7 z6 C" [: z, \  x
      满分:2  分
6 E& F6 ?3 ^0 [: Y% O14.  How teachers deal with students’ mistakes and errors is very important for individual learners.
/ Y$ D  Y1 v3 R* n* y' OA. 错误
% r- i0 `( i" O  _% KB. 正确" K. x2 L6 h: N5 @4 `( b
      满分:2  分
; _' t! r2 t6 _3 \" ^; Y15.  The Grammar Translation Method approach deals with speaking and listening only a little or not at all.5 e% }- s$ ^* ]; [4 p( m; q) H
A. 错误( }2 r* L* X5 T5 U! m. [$ A' A3 L4 O0 u+ l
B. 正确2 _0 N$ r, [- Y8 l
      满分:2  分) Y/ A! X  {* Q; E3 r
16.  According to Krashen (1989), unplanned grammar teaching is less efficient., s4 |# m% b; d
A. 错误2 r+ h: g6 z9 h) M9 F
B. 正确$ F3 t' a. U. N, g8 a$ d8 ^
      满分:2  分
/ s) x& {5 z" q9 ?) |* p17.  A field-independence learner is sensitive to human relations and interactions and feels learning can be more efficient if it is done in interaction and context./ {  r/ a  J. }& s! J  [! O
A. 错误8 c! Y5 Y8 F. n% O! f6 A9 H
B. 正确0 K) y9 b2 W: d6 L2 _
      满分:2  分& }  \  h) r' L8 v1 F$ p: H" [9 s+ V
18.  If the teacher presents vocabulary item by telling stories or working on the sentence in which words occur for students to understand and learn, then the teacher uses the method of “Using realia”.# v/ M) Q  I1 W) o
A. 错误
9 O+ L+ I6 k5 N6 R& c3 A' gB. 正确
8 y$ J$ M: N# Y      满分:2  分
5 G2 H* G5 ~  l6 L0 K/ R6 p# Q19.  Writing involves a number of activities: setting goals, generating ideas, organizing information, selecting appropriate language, making a draft, reading and reviewing it, then revising and editing. It is a complex process, which is neither easy nor spontaneous for many second language writers.
( s8 V! K$ N% T6 E  jA. 错误8 U! V8 l5 c0 F. G- A
B. 正确
5 t* g& m# u/ g      满分:2  分' P. i" u6 @: r$ S5 S4 W
20.  According to the Grammar Translation Method, accuracy is not so important.
* k! `0 q& R' c' K' C2 k9 _% FA. 错误* G+ u: c6 M  U  S
B. 正确4 H- x% u3 r2 \1 a1 M) g
      满分:2  分
" j8 s8 j# j* x9 T. u) w( \; C7 R
% D+ K6 x$ s7 K
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