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发表于 2012-7-6 18:20:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  Perception refers to recognition of the____ impressions in the light of the individual’s past experience and present needs.+ y+ P8 s% `: a' G  g5 J
A. visual0 [0 t$ d3 @! c0 G/ e
B. audio
0 L) e1 x; ]" U0 Z0 b5 X: U* \C. watch% \/ H( X; S! ~* V
D. listen2 F) S5 o3 L% O; {4 j
      满分:3  分8 [3 u, D& Q4 T1 c) O
2.  _____is designed to give information used to measure the candidate
6 _; o2 t; n# p4 D) G. w' C; \A. Criterion-referenced testing
  _7 j9 O+ P9 }' j4 z: xB. Norm-referenced testing7 i. A8 D1 @# N) `0 a; k
C. Discrete point testing8 v5 t1 N) I' c$ X1 i
D. Integrative testing) b7 ~6 E5 q* F! p: \
      满分:3  分9 i3 c0 A/ m: W
3.  The principle underlying and means to teacher development is______ .
, b3 d. A" |% U1 c& `+ y, I' d, PA. instruction
0 f5 A* A2 Y; n( f3 u5 @B. reflection* [: [. v# O0 T' m. u" O
C. ability
/ }$ u$ A+ r  I. q1 ND. skills' T) h' s- _$ G& Z! T
      满分:3  分( P: i5 G! F8 j2 ~! D9 r5 s8 F
4.  Language____is defined as ‘a person’s sensitivity to and conscious awareness of the nature of language and its role in human life’ (James and Garrett 1991:4).
( E5 }$ i; D5 h  |( [A. recognition
1 _+ [0 X9 L8 r5 |; gB. awareness
2 Z6 V" V, u/ u6 P& GC. realization  |" f$ i) C; H& N4 r1 G
D. study
% i3 `; M) A# M4 h/ n3 p* T% ~: V* o% _      满分:3  分
8 c2 D" A; W3 I' \. Q! ~5.  The nature of ____ refers to emancipating and developing meta-cognition that concerns all relevant aspects of professional actions." M( o6 X) \0 z. d. J) I  L+ r: x5 H
A. technical reflection
& \2 Y; X+ k$ P$ AB. practical reflection6 ~' N6 F- n7 U, O# I$ F
C. critical reflection
9 H( u9 f. w2 FD. spiritual reflection
% x( J" g2 r3 i4 `3 I3 v& T      满分:3  分
/ t3 A. @2 y* z. z+ I6.  Technical rationality is an/a ______of practice derived from positivist philosophy, built into the very foundations of the modern research university (Shils, 1978).
4 D: S/ _  e" f8 fA. epistemology
$ R6 l1 U0 W+ }2 u. ]7 GB. sociology2 y5 T2 ]7 D/ E
C. biology
. g, s) @# d; DD. knowledge2 v: Q! u* ?2 p& {* z
      满分:3  分
) f6 Q6 \5 c- G% R% T1 L* N7.  ____ is the core of writing.
1 q7 x4 `$ _, @3 p- eA. speech! Y3 U8 P9 F! I, P
B. text
2 q9 p5 i5 L1 @; x7 M$ R) pC. language
4 `/ v( n: |. YD. Idea# Z- d) ?- K9 X/ e6 Q% X
      满分:3  分9 D' k9 z; E9 h0 t2 s+ l
8.  The repertory grid technique can be a powerful heuristic tool used to facilitate reflection in the sense that it generates a list of ____ constructs.. R! r2 k' C; b. Q# y1 Q' X
A. personal
& r9 n  |$ A3 g  VB. public
& a- r/ s) ]" n: oC. person
% C, \: T, `: \6 E. z, V4 LD. publicity
' P- U, X  x" u& q5 s6 W; _0 X4 b      满分:3  分7 U+ P+ i) I* J. v. M+ @
9.  Means and ends are connected by____in a thinking process by which our mind actively selects and interprets appropriate necessities in order to gain better outcomes and significant improvement in the competence of our action.
; u8 }1 a: `. J) t8 qA. reflection: R: q$ J' C. R% Q& b% D
B. knowledge# M, V9 ]/ d9 Y( j0 w  v1 K5 i
C. ability8 I( w7 p# v, t( r3 S( E9 u
D. recognition. ^5 o7 U  K1 C1 s; g; d) m# j
      满分:3  分$ N" g0 |* H% \% `# l( g
10.  ______measures knowledge or skill of individual language items. It is testing of one element at a time, item by item.  y4 q6 }3 {0 z/ A- @8 k9 k  z
A. Direct testing3 i  y+ ?$ |3 X' u
B. Indirect testing+ f& [% C8 V1 B
C. Discrete point testing( [2 H, Q5 O6 W
D. Integrative testing
2 L" a# N8 f3 l: I6 A: u      满分:3  分
: ]6 O) y( J- D- N% u1 G! R- M
" U5 @0 e3 m8 d/ D( \, E二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  There are many tools that can be used for formative assessment, ____are presented.4 E! \/ X4 b& d0 n, C1 b( N
A. Teachers’ observation; Continuous assessment
8 G6 d6 g  u4 F2 i+ S4 eB. Students’ written work; Students’ project work
. `9 n: s; f" O9 D5 {" [C. Students performance; Some records% x# |5 _6 w# @. M1 A, ^
D. Using research methods; Portfolios
$ z+ l9 o( }1 Z( S) _% U      满分:3  分
; s# C% g' y4 q2.  Formative assessment ____% Q% r0 f- |! z' L0 b
A. does not necessarily relate immediately to what has been taught, u' }5 Y/ `7 p0 v. I% F
B. is prepared and carried out by the class teacher as a routine part of teaching and learning6 H+ n, A& b7 y3 Z) i9 j
C. is specifically related to what has been taught, i.e. content is in harmony with what has been taught
" p- X3 Q9 e% m3 _" qD. the information from the assessment is used diagnostically; it is focused on the individual learner’s specific strengths and weaknesses, needs, etc.4 O$ m$ ]  H8 L
      满分:3  分: l; f8 x4 V, R2 r9 ?1 _
3.  A teaching profile usually contains . (Gibbs, undated).5 p& \4 @2 a5 E0 E/ P3 l& [
A. professional categories
/ j/ E: |' K: O6 wB. special skills
- }5 y& B( V9 N) ^$ OC. rationale for each category
, _+ k+ Y% w) p. s5 z4 u& ?3 ~D. concrete examples of what each might look like( K9 G3 Y0 M% V4 B3 B
      满分:3  分  K9 |3 i& T$ ^/ S' M9 F! V
4.  Summative assessment ____% U$ k. K0 p% f; I1 e% Z. H
A. is not necessarily prepared and carried by the class teacher, P7 F+ s+ T( `$ R: @
B. does not necessarily relate immediately to what has been taught
+ L3 a4 M& D+ rC. the judgment about a learner’s performance is likely to feed into record-keeping and be used for administrative purposes, e.g. checking standards and targets
: _$ z  O3 J; |# ~! xD. is frequently externally imposed, e.g. by an institution or a ministry of education.
3 R4 R9 L/ P$ @/ M7 R3 B7 G& \      满分:3  分3 ^  E( b* U4 Z" v
5.  Based on Hughes (1995), tests include the following ____kinds.# n: ^* L8 C5 y
A. proficiency tests6 a- B3 x* |# l) Z6 y) G
B. achievement tests
) s5 r! D4 L# _$ W& G' gC. diagnostic tests5 g: R% l! n( Z% ]
D. placement tests- s1 v- v- ^4 L
      满分:3  分! X# z* J% R& I" B* d
6.  Reflection in Kelly’s theory is a process of ____+ ^( M: G! Q$ Y
A. raising awareness* ~- @7 c5 ]! {0 L+ }7 S4 e
B. making built-in, implicit theories explicit1 B, j1 b" E$ U+ `3 a* o9 X
C. arranging and classifying jumbled thoughts and feelings systematically
# k2 o2 I- n. Z6 SD. adjusting thinking hypotheses in relation to the environment./ t  `  Y7 O1 O3 v. D- |
      满分:3  分
- G" q0 n) L. ~5 v# k7 U  K( S7.  According to Hedge, social writing includes: ____
2 e* h6 c6 w1 O8 W+ m4 F8 d1 w, _A. poems; stories
/ f* K' j* A) J  HB. invitations; notes of congratulation& P6 [% W8 R# B! p' _
C. telephone messages6 h8 v* E2 N; o9 m( v
D. dramas; autobiography
. G" {1 w) j) o7 g      满分:3  分9 G* p& Z- R) w3 c9 X4 D% l
8.  The nature of cooperative learning is______2 p& N, i$ ^* f0 ]0 V9 U+ _: m
A. willingness
; _* y: z% S( o' N& s, ]( LB. involvement0 o( @) L% B7 @8 @
C. balance of personal and group needs
% F5 U  H% c  o. y. XD. interpreting2 s1 j4 a# i7 v! ~: h2 o4 \
      满分:3  分; T* H# O, a2 M1 M+ K+ {8 n
9.  According to Harmer, in a language classroom, interaction takes the form of student grouping: ____3 g4 p8 U, V4 x8 p0 c$ K' I. |
A. lockstep
; _1 o2 L; Z0 u7 \& k, PB. pair work
0 V9 x# d4 ]/ HC. group work
, n3 w& D7 M' HD. individual work
8 h3 h1 S( `. U6 _7 I: J      满分:3  分  Q6 S2 Q& I- n  ]3 B
10.  Reading as a means of facilitating reflection lies in the cognitive process of____. (Strang 1967)
. J' }0 D6 P" q8 JA. cooperation
& [4 z. k8 T+ d, h0 |B. visual reception( w% t$ I: _: B& d  _) b
C. perception
' ~  o/ D/ _* d3 E9 ^D. conceptualization
% Y) A( x$ o' d1 H      满分:3  分 3 e" L, Q7 N' I- n8 N5 c

" e& K% a8 k- V( `( T2 Y三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Being collaborative refers to team working either among teachers or between researchers and teachers on a project, according to Cohen and Masion.
) i! w- v# K# f4 ^& d6 hA. 错误2 G$ S" B7 N; `/ D$ q, q" ?; s% r; |
B. 正确
# ^" H6 c- ^2 X7 A      满分:2  分( s* {4 k! P4 N9 m
2.  The purpose of reading for meaning is to get messages.1 N. a6 f: o& y" ?9 R
A. 错误3 l: v; M- E: l9 @, \+ O
B. 正确- F2 _8 M. p9 B1 n7 b
      满分:2  分# [4 X& L/ P5 u( u
3.  Visual materials help to motivate students, activate learning process and enrich classroom materials.
$ g0 @2 J# R) ?2 b; [4 A, R' cA. 错误, t8 u; q, m0 Q5 n2 q$ T! u- E
B. 正确0 ^) C9 T  o0 F+ V" h0 h
      满分:2  分9 _& A7 V! m9 d' }
4.  Curriculum concerns a general rationale for formulating policy decision, which combines educational and cultural goals with language goals.
, }8 j, R3 L6 p0 I3 K% w$ Q8 O" AA. 错误. J" K: |, u( I& \
B. 正确& p) u" {  i* b% l  z+ }1 F
      满分:2  分
: P2 X0 l6 G8 C. F( G+ q5.  The crisis of confidence in technical rationality implies the success of the mechanical model and the need to seek for new solutions to human issues.
$ }  n( `5 O, x6 c; ?+ S+ rA. 错误
. k2 P* g( R: F4 H. M2 kB. 正确
/ k$ v- w4 Y! {# Q; d      满分:2  分
, B* g% a& Q1 E6.  Development means learning toward achievement of a goal. The goal in our action guides and motivates us to move forward.
; m) K4 N/ ]9 B6 t9 CA. 错误: I6 Q) a5 K) z  `) f
B. 正确
+ [4 x" r" |5 ?) x7 n' H      满分:2  分! e$ n3 ?1 U1 s3 A# S  }! u1 d
7.  In linguistics , cohesiveness means grammatical and/or lexical relationships between two elements in the discourse (Halliday and Hasan 1976).
: w: @8 x6 n3 W; _A. 错误
! p4 A  p8 M# A' d/ h) w( p% wB. 正确
) m5 B: O% Z( g  a; [5 N' T      满分:2  分: A4 C/ P1 G8 h$ Q4 @
8.  In language learning, learners must take the responsibility for their own learning process and develop autonomy and skills in learning how to learn (Nunan 1989).6 j5 X2 o5 u" t( }. D
A. 错误  H6 n, p$ u' z" I
B. 正确
0 d4 U# w0 Q6 o1 b1 \  h1 w% |      满分:2  分9 _5 Y1 p; G5 V( y2 N
9.  A teacher has to get him/herself well prepared for each lesson and develop the ability to manage his/her class because teaching involves social and interpersonal interaction.  c, w3 V, e0 b& n- d/ |
A. 错误& g; M7 a' v  Y7 H0 y3 E" q
B. 正确
  t8 j1 i; D* Y7 D5 N/ w      满分:2  分
% Q: Z  f' p$ _+ b6 I3 c10.  The nature of practical reflection refers to decision-making about immediate behaviors or skills.6 {, Y# q  }4 R' j: b: i0 y
A. 错误
3 |. D- {* ^, a8 ~- dB. 正确2 S9 C. p- j# K0 C. `! n5 D8 O, i. _
      满分:2  分* A0 U* ~+ u( l' z8 c* @
11.  Formative assessment is exclusive to teachers only.
# r" v) D- g* p* ^A. 错误
2 m6 j# m4 h6 YB. 正确
0 m0 p$ W4 O! g% z) r8 l      满分:2  分8 U) Y; [2 X# j, I
12.  Notes of condolence belongs to social writing.$ ?6 `3 O3 [" f8 ^) s: |8 z
A. 错误
1 O% {& s' f; L- l) T! H8 g  D$ oB. 正确: X1 ]6 }, K' O- S+ }
      满分:2  分
( Z. g9 x( C" `# J2 K13.  Teacher development has always been a matter of controversy.; E7 P3 ~# E9 }# \! d
A. 错误
$ X* R$ ]% m* M# C: Z/ CB. 正确
$ g" s4 e6 o/ r1 g      满分:2  分6 h/ Z. d; H3 d1 `
14.  Following the plans rigidly always make the teaching active and lively
* c: B" W7 X! ]1 ?9 i& `A. 错误
# P, Z# R* M- z' V: w8 j( Z+ ~5 cB. 正确" K% s) m1 O3 M5 @! L. ^
      满分:2  分
/ Q$ z4 Y- B$ C1 o9 K0 R15.  Textbooks of function type focus on language usage instead of its use.( y- O5 m& i; \. A' N
A. 错误- f* w% Z+ B. ~, M! a, x
B. 正确
% Q9 A& J: A! c. Y3 d& z      满分:2  分7 {: p; H8 z7 ^( m( a; g7 y# c
16.  The suggested content of students’ record can include students’ identity, date of birth, home address, educational background, previous English learning studies, future intentions, description of her learning and classroom behavior, some of her writings, test results and the teacher’s comments .9 T& r* `& `" e; L+ E
A. 错误& [' z- Z  c/ Y9 y" N; \
B. 正确3 K) I  T2 r5 m; I% ~+ L0 {" N
      满分:2  分
; h; m1 ]: d  n# y17.  When managing pair work and group work, the teacher may lose control of the class and the students may use their native language.
. J' L. C( o0 M& BA. 错误
2 U$ X8 C% B2 w) x( }B. 正确
* r% l1 L7 w4 C) d0 T! g( q4 d      满分:2  分/ @! H+ H+ n( q
18.  Professional development is a living process of gradually unfolding one’s personhood, in terms of building up competence and self-esteem, and seeking for meanings and fulfillment of one’s life (Rogers 1961 and Whitaker 1993).$ R5 W( [- W! R* i, p: o, v$ i" F
A. 错误
% n4 t( g9 p0 J0 d" b% MB. 正确3 Y# U, x, Q3 {/ r; d
      满分:2  分- ]" V' X( i2 Z$ Z6 ?% r% G, F
19.  The nature of practical reflection could be descriptive, exploratory and experimental.1 `' y* E9 e# ?
A. 错误# m' Q$ W3 e$ C+ Y, c: n5 p
B. 正确
$ S, c! R% h) R( t/ f" P1 B      满分:2  分# B! }3 Z& O; M& x/ I9 A
20.  Achievement tests can discipline students to be attentive and committed to class teaching and learning.( s0 c9 D# y" ^; w' G
A. 错误$ Z6 f' S  S+ K+ g
B. 正确
6 L: M. {  [+ W5 o/ J      满分:2  分 ( B! u  ]& U* B7 c! e* U9 N# t

: p5 Z! I, a5 s0 R) b% R
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