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发表于 2012-10-2 10:49:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、阅读理解(共 4 道试,共 40 分。)V 1.  Children in the United States are exposed to many influences other than that of their families. Television is the most significant of these influences, because the habit of watching television usually begins before children start attending school.
$ |! t8 b$ p" s0 I: g4 wParents are concerned about the lack of quality in television programs for children. The degree of violence in many of these shows also worries them. Studies indicate that, when children are exposed to violence, they many become aggressive or insecure.' l9 o% ?! Q2 Z- w! ^$ s
Parents are also concerned about the commercials that their children see on television. Many parents would like to see fewer commercials during programs for children. And some parents feel that these shows should not have any commercials at all because young minds are not mature enough to deal with the claims made by advertisers.
! ?8 _  _9 n$ n' P( f. H. g( ]8 UEducational television has no commercials and has programs for children that many parents approve of. The most famous of these is Sesame Street, which tries to give preschool children a head start in learning the alphabet (字母) and numbers. It also tries to teach children useful things about the world in which they live.8 p% M5 ~" U4 j
Even though most parents and educators give Sesame Street and shows like it high marks for quality, some critics argue that all television, whether educational or not, is harmful to children. These critics feel that the habit of watching hours of television every day turns children into bored and passive (被动的) consumers of their world rather than encouraging them to become active explorers of it.3 B3 t/ L- H; }0 ?8 O
3 M" y) |( X( Z/ O2 a. T) H: V
1). Which of the following statements is NOT based on-the passage?
* G; K2 ^5 Y  h* G- kA. Parents are worried about the influence from television on their children.$ L4 t0 ~  v/ r2 \7 f3 A
B. Television has much influence on children.0 h! O# b8 j, M, C: J' k

+ _7 t6 T+ ]% B2 G: _C.  Both parents and their children like watching educational television.
$ y1 \* C' X1 J1 T1 k6 m( R8 ~2 p5 o. i; f5 @4 _
D. Some critics think that television is no good for children.
& v2 ]: F* a0 n: M* g9 h9 e      满分:2  分
, u' [! n: H1 z6 F# x2). In what ways do children suffer from television?
  H, ^7 s- }5 {; b) QA. They become the victims of social violence.
1 L, n- Y# T; }B. They spend hours watching television instead of doing school work.
) x% @  m2 I; e0 x. S9 L2 {2 a& ?8 u1 m+ `# F0 u2 f1 }. Z
C. The programs make the children lose interest in the world.
  D1 T+ ^  C3 L! D
- X$ s- w$ H, ~$ ND. The programs make the children spend too much of their parents' money.
: o; g% B) w  o5 D      满分:2  分
( M- N0 C' C8 r3 k4 d3). Parents would not like their children to see commercials because ________ .. K. l+ a/ n5 [6 L
A. they think that their children are not old enough to handle advertising' _* T; `0 v; e- {* Q0 }
B. commercials teach children alphabet and numbers: n0 G( j$ m: f9 j

3 X' q' R. {) `4 f' n6 |4 Q/ tC. commercials help to sell products. W  m: s8 z7 B( z) X9 ]2 M

" ]: a: e, o+ z: _' Q1 PD. they don't like commercials  I; k  G6 N4 d) [- g
      满分:2  分( O* F3 F: f% n# P+ Y0 L
4). Educational television is widely appreciated because _________ .. h# |) l% `8 C6 d; z* T' ^' e% F1 R
A. it does have the same commercials as others
% ^* M% \4 _: ]! VB. it offers programs for both children and their parents           * x  k0 G$ l! B8 x3 @
2 G( R3 q* |! r
C. many parents like the programs it offers for their children; E- s: B! f2 @* [

1 [. U, F' y6 K/ mD. children can learn some school subjects before they go to school
! k; `9 r4 c' f6 H' c) [- S      满分:2  分
; q1 {# C( R3 j5 v9 |8 t5). Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
1 o9 x" }" P0 h2 sA. Watching Too Much Television May Be Harmful-to Young Minds
$ E% b& v3 Y: @, O( JB. Television Is More Harmful than Educational6 b# ~+ @, J. Z. v- p* c7 k. l
2 k2 ~4 U$ K! |3 z
C. Television's Influence on Children3 }: W$ M1 [/ v4 o
3 R6 S( ]( c: \1 P+ ?
D. More Education Television( r6 W! U- ~, [; W
      满分:2  分
1 y5 F) p8 P" g; y0 Q2.  Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going on the stage is "Don't!" But it is useless to try to discourage someone who feels that he must act, although the chances of his becoming famous are slim. The normal way to begin is to go to a drama school. Usually only students who show promise and talent are accepted, and the course lasts two years. Then the young actor or actress takes up work with a theatrical company (剧团), usually as an assistant stage manager. This means doing everything that there is to do in the theatre and occasionally acting in very small parts. It is very hard work indeed, the hours are long and the salary is tiny.
+ Q2 S# L, Y1 m1 X" J8 j1 U1 @( aOf course, some people have remarkable chances which lead to fame and success without this long and hard training. Connie Pratt, for example, was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory. A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, as he drove past in his car. He stopped and got out to speak to the girl. He asked if she would like to go to the film studio to do a test, and she thought he was joking. Then she got angry and said she would call the police. It took the producer twenty minutes to convince Connie that he was serious. The test was successful. And within a few weeks she was playing the leading part opposite one of the most famous actors of the day. But chances like this happen once in a blue moon!
; o  D& R2 ~/ k0 o& R" j8 P* w1 n5 z: h* L5 f. j
1).  From the very beginning, the author puts it clearly that acting is a profession _________ .4 e5 j4 |  P5 Y% s4 E* Q+ C
A. sought after by too many
5 b! m% o: |+ U: b8 B; pB. too difficult for young people
2 o, h9 a: Q# l  n' R
) j; O6 g9 O* G; }/ ~: tC.  for slim people only   
. `% i+ ?* _$ K2 ^D. one can go into without special training
' u+ H- N) C$ A" h- k0 [# _      满分:2  分0 Y4 d7 u: z  ]2 S& u% U4 Y
2). For someone who feels he must act, it is very likely that ________ .3 {; i/ e5 c* s* J3 Z
A. he will become a film star at long last
- b% E' x, V0 k) a. }4 a( m) V. j, L7 H# G: \; ?
B. he will become a stage manager
5 w7 b$ I8 k; c) R2 [, v& f3 G( w+ Z' ]  v* Z1 Z0 \; v* Q! y
C. he will be well paid  g1 W% ?4 D3 `' n: `7 _. d2 }
. U4 R0 H: x$ f! J. _; q
D.  he will end up without any success
& l4 L1 n3 J; l( r% g( \      满分:2  分8 P0 J) |5 z( h% q2 a  k; ^' e
3). The film producer found Connie Pratt one morning when she was ________ .
. ~4 f8 ?" Z  L2 _3 W/ e( V& ~A. at work in a bicycle factory  v* R6 l( \" p+ B
B. driving past him in her car
4 `# g. _: R0 ^) O
) m( s# ^: F1 Q( ]  [0 nC. going to a film studio
6 {5 t7 X$ l' |  W$ Z( q
# F8 A# v' a, x! k* y- L9 i5 fD. waiting for a bus
# @" }, A! O, a1 \      满分:2  分
* p: M" G3 Z5 t- C4). A few weeks after the test, Connie Pratt found herself ________ .
- |% y7 o! w  OA. the most famous actress of the world
" k. W( @) J' ^3 b0 D& V0 v: IB. playing the leading female role in a play
$ Z2 H* v' D/ n3 ?) ]
, n4 O3 i7 O' }3 d* _- A4 f1 QC. as famous as the greatest actor of the world
" K- s! U4 ~2 O/ e
8 L  C6 t# C- }' D: r1 ?  ^D.  no less famous than the leading actor of the day% i, N  [; R* r
      满分:2  分
" {8 G9 I( g. q& G: J; s( f5). The concluding sentence "chances like this happen once in a blue moon" means _______ .
4 G! G. `9 J. A* n- D9 b( n7 tA. this is something which happens once in a while
2 R% D7 Q$ t$ y, rB. this is a highly profitable chance, {) n' ?5 _* L; u, }* T

( u3 L, \% L/ t, v; h* MC.  this is something highly possible
" w) U7 S7 I" n& u  u$ V3 O
5 y0 x  Q/ U! CD. this is a very rare chance' m. J$ _* m5 |5 n: e* r6 E/ f
      满分:2  分! h/ C2 k$ E) R+ f8 P3 a
3.     The opportunity to study abroad should be something that sounds very exciting. For most students, going abroad is a life-changing experience. There are benefits for the host country as well. Not only do foreign students spend money on tuition, housing, food and clothing, but they also often take home positive impressions of their stay and the people they met.
5 c' a7 \" N8 a    But Japan, which hosts over 100,000 foreign students a year, is having trouble making the most of its foreign students. “I’ve been here for three years,” says a 26-year-old Chinese student in Osaka. “I don’t have any Japanese friends, I’ve never been invited to a Japanese home, and I’ve never felt very welcome here.”0 {+ v  j: _4 E' q* D  C( N  _1 ?
    That’s hardly the kind of impression that the Japanese government wants foreign students taking home to their families and classmates, but it seems to be a widespread sentiment(情感). One newspaper complained that, “If foreign students tell everyone how they hate this country when they go home, we should ask for what purpose we are hosting them to begin with.”
7 y5 n- \) w' ?- [# X    Many of the students arrive with hopes to learn Japanese and stay on for a few years working for a Japanese company. However, that doesn’t always work out. Many foreign students graduate from a Japanese university only to discover that “Japanese companies don’t hire foreigners because they think they cannot trust non-Japanese people,” says one job-seeker from the Philippines., J1 O9 Z$ F4 q% ]9 b
    This is a problem for universities. With the Japanese birth rate one of the lowest in the world, Japanese schools are turning to foreign students to fill their classrooms. * p! D+ i* C& a( T  J
The government has actively tried to increase the number of foreign students, up from fewer than 10,000 only 20 years ago. But, as one student in Tokyo says, “Japan’s policy is one of persuading people to come and then dissuading them from staying.”5 }& u- e+ l" _7 }
1). According to the author, studying abroad ________.: \* H- ?' J$ R8 q& Z( C3 t/ N' F
A. does good to most foreign students and the host country   
' ~! z% h- i1 g! ~% C$ dB. ensures a chance to get promoted
7 o2 M. F1 }0 f* h1 \( o) WC. has a great effect on most foreign students& b& n+ h$ a  e8 x" R* ]
D. both A and C
3 ~' T- o, u9 G4 c      满分:2  分; `0 o; F! ?  s) |. ?
2). How is life in Japan in the eyes of most foreign students?
' B% L% d% |$ HA. Helpful and meaningful.3 Z9 [( ^* `: d$ q2 w$ X
B. Busy yet attractive.
2 x1 a4 b9 P, O. q# ]& GC. Boring and disappointing.
* b. c4 u, `3 ]1 s& lD. Tiring yet rewarding.: j  T6 ?" Z% Q: Z/ s9 L
      满分:2  分0 s6 p! ^* E% j; V$ o+ k
3). The word “dissuading” in the last paragraph probably means ________ .
. i. }* Y: j$ z" hA. discouraging % [/ v, R9 |% Q7 Y1 q
B. encouraging+ y* z) e; e) O  b
C. advising
5 f5 s7 p# d/ l6 T1 J2 w& @D. informing% \  m& F3 V) ~$ w0 @$ S
      满分:2  分- x( R) [6 C$ [' G) c* s
4). Which of the following is NOT true?6 U5 j  A% \  j! t/ l1 i3 X
A. Japan is one of the countries with the lowest birth rate worldwide.  
4 F5 M& z/ [+ y% DB. The present situation in Japan lies in the slow action by the government.
. o- }5 M0 Z+ L" qC. It is almost impossible for foreign graduates to work in Japanese companies.
7 |% ~! d- ]9 @! dD. learning Japanese and having work experience are the hopes of many arrivals.3 K- O/ i2 Y9 x) k
      满分:2  分
6 F# G8 Y4 ]( M5). A suitable title for this passage might be ________.
# ~+ h1 S6 g; f% H' b& \* H" LA. Poor Reception in Japan
- w: s, L/ p" f( _B. Japanese Foreign Policies% }+ Z* ~7 C' O1 \( Z) @
C. Japanese Shifting Population
2 M0 P% a; q+ f3 U  h+ V# B4 r, P8 mD. Successful Careers in Japan/ @* o! q3 I# k1 ?
      满分:2  分
8 c. T+ R1 ~* s6 i/ [( \( _2 ]4.  The resources of the library can be helpful even when we are doing something very informal, such as trying to devise a better way to measure attitudes toward music or looking for a better way to teach mathematics. The library can be equally helpful when we are doing something very formal, such as writing a dissertation (学位论文) or preparing an article for publication in a professional journal. In either case, our goal should be to use the library as a useful tool to help us understand and solve our problem. ' W! `  ?+ w0 ~" ?. I
    The following sections of this chapter will describe specific resources available in many libraries. In some cases you may already be aware of a resource and may use it frequently and successfully. In other cases you may be completely unfamiliar with a resource. Your goal should be to become aware of what is available and to know how to use each of these resources to help you solve the problem they are designed to solve. , n: k9 k8 |; D# A
    When educators have a piece of information that they want to share with their colleagues, they often make this information available in professional journals or at professional meetings. It would often be useful to have access to such information, and this chapter will describe the special services that enable us to locate such information.
  Q( A0 N2 x4 f7 r
2 `% u" [! }. t1). The library resources can be helpful when we _______. ) ~# ]% Z7 a9 ^: Z, F7 d9 ]( p
A. want to find a better way to measure attitudes toward music
! n( G- ]. @9 @
! T9 k( H' ?% k0 @9 E+ T& \2 X! RB. are preparing a paper for a professional journal; ?0 ~0 }! w" `4 O9 b
6 p# ]( K/ {: M& m9 Y* x
C. are writing a dissertation: s6 j5 ?$ @% f- _

3 @) Y# E) H6 g, }3 J" rD. All of the above% I) Q' ?+ d1 O* B6 r' y& H$ w
      满分:2  分+ q. _# c- f/ {
2). The familiarity of readers with different resources _______.
0 N7 g/ W; r1 o5 kA. is more or less the same% l% P$ c: Q9 A* p& S! {
B. varies slightly
' H3 s) G& d% O3 q8 G, |6 e* b2 T0 |) Q6 y1 @% F
C. differs greatly     9 S* N8 B6 Y! e" h" o2 k  p
D. should not be different
: D* n3 B/ Q2 y      满分:2  分+ m# S, D$ H$ t2 Q
3). The author believes that _______. - v$ t2 V1 P" ]* O, T
A.  library resources should be used frequently and completely4 _2 m& E, ~7 ?0 q
B. library resources cannot be made good use of if they are not available to us+ ~' t' R; h! o6 Y

, ^! Z) e3 o( j4 _3 o; L! ]4 n$ yC. one is supposed to be aware of the library resources that are usually not available  s- F! O, c$ t6 G
- Z0 M. r! M0 e8 x( W& @5 G9 \
D. one is supposed to have good knowledge and make good use of resources
! z  h+ c: J1 I  m( {      满分:2  分
' a3 S1 T) b" o8 O9 [* s4). When educators wish to share some information with their colleagues, they often _______.
6 [* i$ O% `: Q" y4 ]2 `A. publish it in a professional journal
/ `5 v# W+ ]( E6 T4 r$ b2 vB. attend professional meetings' ]1 O8 Y3 ^* ~3 j

" x1 x" L6 @6 @; u- b% hC. get access to it in the library
" u1 ^. h! p  r6 M
+ {" W( q! z+ _" ?, I: sD. make use of some library services5 D$ r9 ^# N. r/ o% f
      满分:2  分
/ N: J% c( j8 D. _5). The chapter in question _______. 2 M) Y! w* m2 q- K5 O+ n
A. mainly deals with the ways of dissertation writing
9 B0 w* k1 c0 Q. `5 k; L: NB. presents information on publishing papers in professional journals4 W8 ]% T4 T9 _. O

/ |5 y' Z0 o" TC. introduces some library services4 ^7 Q' c0 ~/ k) g# {% X" m
/ E2 \8 P0 \. }4 Y- i3 j/ d6 Q
D.  describes some professional meetings( P& {' j) j: f+ ?3 V' E4 i

4 M' B. u8 h; f  N      满分:2  分 ! e7 u9 u# u& c/ Q& d6 R
7 v& j! ]( J8 i2 z1 r3 V9 j6 x& z, a
二、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 45 分。)V 1.  ---- Would you mind changing seats with me?
2 j  z1 Q8 D3 {$ X   ----________________.
- Z) l: @/ M- [9 ~, f: sA. Yes, you can
/ f/ h( _3 k" l; Y. gB. Of course, I like to- p' g: h* x2 _5 J( U. t+ ]
C. No, I don’t mind # x. d0 S. P# E5 L5 Q) b1 X
D. Certainly, please do" a; A/ c0 D4 O! k5 v& m
      满分:3  分; h; r3 {' b% Y+ s/ S# T9 W
2.  ______ do barking dogs bite.) \, {3 k2 C, F: Y

9 d9 M, [+ w; J* ~) u) |4 n9 s0 lA.  Sometimes  
+ o- i8 c' X+ p6 s' r/ D7 zB. Often6 x1 B0 ?$ ]. A* A" K" X6 m0 l
C.  Ever   
% T( b! w. i2 O1 wD. Seldom$ P$ x4 b% E! r. P
      满分:3  分6 k9 `5 B) C, B) f% u. t
3.  I hope you are not getting ______ listening to me.  |3 {! b) P" S( u
A. bored
  [! \0 F8 ~" h3 d# x' T$ CB. bore
: ]  g' `$ o+ `1 oC. boring
- S# H0 P5 |' ]* F4 f7 rD. boredom! F# d  f3 Y/ @& \: X8 o, s; O. a
      满分:3  分' R' E. W. @/ T: j& v) S
4.  —Are you doing anything this evening?
) W; F2 m0 B" J( j. r8 z, {—_____________
( [/ m& B0 j/ O: W# i5 t6 b  `A. Thank you for the invitation. 2 o9 C$ n7 ]) b% J) G8 s( r
B. How about you?2 J/ ^% m  [& S
C. I can do nothing about it.
$ _) _/ [* h: ^1 kD. I don’t think so./ s8 Z5 e' H' c8 f% O, E! J' e1 q! [
      满分:3  分9 r* x# L9 B: H5 \5 d! D5 p
5.  ________ , he had asked three persons before he got there.
+ V* F' W& S5 Z$ }8 FA. Not knowing where was the bookstore2 P% l6 b5 D* Q
$ S/ i" z4 y+ ~# h& m+ H
B. Knowing not where the bookstore was
) ~4 f( \1 y; |6 WC. Not knowing where the bookstore was! ^7 V  D3 ]9 F' l5 A

$ G5 {8 h6 B$ t3 z# i, p3 @$ AD. Not to know where the bookstore was0 k5 }( j, ~  t
      满分:3  分" }. g. }' I- o+ k5 p1 l0 g1 `% P
6.  —I’m looking for a shirt for my father.
, r9 B" S4 K! a2 Q0 N& [—_____________# l- j0 e' s7 b5 Q$ _6 W
A. What size do you wear?
6 g( i0 u2 g( pB. What can I do for you?
5 ~) C- E9 o6 b% b( f# C: |C. How about this one?  
4 U5 h. W9 Y) k1 Q1 DD. What size does your father wear?2 T6 I7 p& ~$ |0 C8 L7 S
      满分:3  分( N0 R- M. R- W* D- I  b
7.  I am looking forward _______ you soon.' U, [! f9 m% a
A. to hear from   8 g1 d: s% \  o6 @4 b
B. hear from     . P# b8 e: d1 E7 x
C. to hearing from
! f* h( Z) H2 b% h6 j7 h7 rD. heard from& F. h2 H+ c/ Y0 D, \% x' P
      满分:3  分
4 u' g$ w7 g; x8.  The football game will be played on ______." }; Z: p5 w4 v9 D) e; }
A. June six      9 P- q5 Z; M9 L4 s. W
B. six June
2 ?1 w. Q/ m# L- ~C. the sixth of June
& S* O' P. a, |) FD. the six of June. y! Q. Y1 o- y% j& D. W
      满分:3  分5 B# q# F2 P2 T- x7 G* F1 I
9.  —What do you think of the novel?
, H3 R8 ?8 Z# }8 {% N—_____________
& ?% h2 z! W; b6 RA. I’ve read it.  1 M; K4 X$ \) U  ]  l
B. It’s well-written.
1 i( B! U$ z+ gC. It was written by my uncle.  T( Q  w% r! {, ?5 o/ B4 Z
D. I bought it yesterday.
8 k4 X5 F$ t- n2 A4 z. g      满分:3  分* l% H( w0 r% V( F: O: M& l
10.  The nurse told the patient to ______ medicine three times a week.
- c. z4 A# T6 K. T9 m4 h: dA. make
" O/ A: i- z4 M. f; K* n1 vB. do+ l" U. N# R0 f& L6 {. ?  ~
C. count
/ K' z3 q7 [# E# V( t2 e$ F* g8 e0 ~D.
0 V8 \: [: U( _. w3 ?& J% R% ?take# |+ {3 F/ i! t8 O

% r1 W4 k9 g' V* i+ y6 P5 ?      满分:3  分% Q- C9 F" l+ G8 i9 I: `
11.  — Hello, may I talk to the manager about the price?5 Y5 `8 Y6 V" X
   — _______________ .
( q) t0 d# f0 x1 b: |" }7 r3 HA. Sorry, he is out at the moment
3 t5 M3 B: Q' X( n) f2 ]& N6 eB. No, you can't
7 ?3 l: _* w3 h0 |C. Sorry, you can't
2 }" d6 Y+ \) WD. I don't know
5 T) Z. V! D- n7 B4 G      满分:3  分3 r+ v$ b& T( q  r8 W
12.   From my point of ______, money doesn’t mean happiness.5 X# n6 E% d7 x0 p

( a$ F" w+ D1 U+ q( o; p6 F* y5 p( }A. iew
+ ~) A+ e( C7 \; hB. look
8 G6 Y  B, l* UC. sight2 Y9 C$ y2 V$ }$ a4 n. q  }5 J; |5 Q
D. thought/ k# E( ]" O& W  K: q) E8 `) }  w
      满分:3  分
# w5 S# g  k! [7 d3 Z, v13.  ---- May I see the menu, please? I’ve been waiting an hour already.
# j0 K: H1 n8 q   ---- _______________. 3 F& s6 ]" b( J0 @
A. That is the menu, sir
4 M+ W, e: {/ m) i3 v4 x$ A, J! X4 wB. Yes, please go on# Z4 t# d0 g/ p1 k- t
C. Here you are, sir
% B, k; _1 e  Y8 BD. Of course, sir
. k! V& V6 R' Y6 @, Q6 ^: [5 K      满分:3  分
" D5 ^; C# x; {# o  v; l8 A) m14.  The neighbors complained ______ the noise.  X) U3 h3 Y3 \* I  f8 m! I

5 W3 G  x4 e5 }$ NA. for
# ~' i/ ^$ w6 D+ _+ c# C/ ~B. to, y" p% Q& m0 `" Z( v
C. with1 t" b9 ^. n$ m& o  M" f
D. about
3 s9 a/ o8 s# d: k2 A& D( c7 Q      满分:3  分. F4 N0 ?% d2 ^2 N. o1 J( I
15.  I was very ______ to the librarian for helping me find the book I want.: A9 k: t7 m6 B; N9 P8 K% z
A. grateful
8 I/ e# V4 T+ V6 JB. helpful   ' j5 C$ z' W% V- ~! V/ n  H$ D8 Z
C. skillful    ( o( |* V0 J( P- \
D. hopeful: O0 E" Q3 U# Q' J$ [- F( {) m
      满分:3  分
  h0 |: w9 E8 t+ T! V: ?1 I  ]9 O5 D2 X5 D- l- n
三、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 15 分。)V 1.  Hundreds of millions of people buy fast food every day without giving it much thought. They __1__ consider where this food came from, __2__ it was made, what __3__ behind the shiny, happy surface of every fast food transaction (交易). They should know what really hides __4__ those sesame-seed buns (带芝麻的小面包).As the saying __5__: You are what you eat.
( Q7 g, {8 y5 j' ~9 b1 S) t- L0 E; a  Y7 Y4 H
5 N  q; R6 c  g5 X, o" N8 ]A. lies   B.    C.   D.    E.
/ ~# j, T3 M' D, Q! [: ^& gB. rarely5 J; v0 ]& k, U* C: j4 p/ E
C. between
. ?% g9 C4 S1 g7 vD. how
7 j; E4 I& J7 g! X& h" O8 b6 [8 RE.  goes! C6 ^5 o8 e# g* s
      满分:3  分
/ T+ m0 q( {# |/ r2). " U1 A, ?& h" _
A. lies   B.   C.   D.  E.
/ H# k# U7 `; ~3 Z7 y7 @$ F; hB. rarely+ U4 T* U4 @$ d$ G/ [! [) }
C. between
$ |( Z; R; n7 g/ O/ `' R! h, r) m6 SD. how  
. V; p2 e# v7 q" i; wE. goes$ \# ?: {/ T% ~5 J
      满分:3  分1 M' ^0 ?. F6 p; Y5 T2 p
3). 7 @+ S$ J4 F( L+ @. Y' N
A. lies* t1 l/ e  `: s' i
B. rarely: P! N7 V$ ]0 P" w
C. between   
3 I! ~5 R, x8 iD.  how   4 l& ~9 T$ z' a! W& u8 ~9 W
E. goes
+ g& o4 F  e0 B) q+ I      满分:3  分: C- v1 C# o0 a: g1 K, i* x
' m0 k- D# V% K" N1 g% j8 T+ V8 N; fA. lies " s4 e( P. y/ A- }. C
B. rarely
  I4 k& e+ N# m& I- L9 R% i/ hC. between  
! g1 _( s5 Z) u; m: `+ J3 J; K& OD. how  
2 X" G5 X" x. GE. goes* ]( E* m( M' R, k- h
      满分:3  分4 A6 ?4 A2 B5 c. T5 W- ^
5). * ?! e' n# V3 S9 g' C3 l
A. lies
! ~  _3 `9 _, x' f. j! R4 ZB. rarely3 A0 [$ ~& y+ D4 C+ h* D8 O) ?1 E
C. between  * @0 z, F8 \. @% p) V  x# e7 F4 ~
D. how
8 G8 w4 f9 x, \E. goes
4 b7 F0 D7 S; q      满分:3  分
9 B9 i/ Z0 e: p& W" M* \2 j+ ^
6 ]  q7 ?3 ?1 o$ y8 U; L. ?4 J# K
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