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发表于 2011-9-2 16:57:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  According to the survey conducted for the Independent Women’s Forum, ___percent of the women said they had hooked up with men .* R- Y8 [3 K4 M! {& v7 B) U0 z
A. 14
$ p9 Y# `9 Z- V$ RB. 40
9 {. T! n% O+ lC. 108 K( a( n1 s" d
D. 60/ g; _. B# J) _* b  h3 R
      满分:2  分8 a6 D; f/ {3 v  Q, ^- L) C4 t
2.  About 5,6 million people, or_____ percent of the 40 million Medicare beneficiaries, are in H.M.O.’s.
6 W( B6 v4 T8 z* t7 M2 T9 RA. 13
1 d& s7 s. n9 Y# D8 U. y# cB. 14
! a, j( M6 _/ q, BC. 15
0 o! s: P2 S) Y8 W7 K7 @* T6 @$ UD. 16
# f; T; ~0 M$ p" H9 a) Z      满分:2  分, v3 K" ]% y% d) @
3.  _______ is a spokeswoman for the American Association of Health Plans.
! y; y/ H) m& f& S! tA. Gerald D. Kleczka$ M2 k6 p' n  c1 @4 c2 A
B. John Dl Dingell4 k! C4 G6 q2 R# P. t
C. Susan M. Pisano, X; Q* R1 t; j- u. @' w7 }$ b
D. Stephanie Sue Stein. i! I: L; T  t' z! b$ M
      满分:2  分
( \$ U% V' W1 e# O( T* E4 F) ]4.  The author believes that the proper way to decline gang membership is _____.
. ^0 n. g2 k7 K( |) S3 y! vA. to show contempt
' z' z' R  K: n9 ~B. to show politeness/ N. ]6 c& l+ u4 x6 j: e
C. to report to the police% F8 i/ z0 @8 Y+ B9 v& D
D. to show hatred9 h0 w1 y1 U8 N+ q+ @( N
      满分:2  分
# p6 C8 ~9 m$ o3 S5.  The percentage of ------ full-time faculty members has remained vitally stagnant over the last 20 years. c& _& B1 a4 s/ T. k* x
A. African-American! l* c% B1 e. Z# p' H0 m
B. Hispanic+ r# A. x$ _! C/ M4 }% Z& t2 {
C. Asian-American5 Y1 T, o' n" ~% f- `- e- `
D. woman( L0 v) I0 Z4 ]9 j
      满分:2  分! |" J& f5 T7 x% f) h$ h2 S
6.  panacea.. w( Y' r6 q9 j9 X
A. sth. that will put right all troubles
* _$ L% }1 S% gB. hard working
# {8 L1 g* Y- v' j* Z2 sC. lazy person( b1 B3 I# }+ e* v
      满分:2  分0 l6 p& S2 n5 t( y0 |
7.  Which of the following statement is false?
: f& _/ K6 _0 x, D' _0 U9 vA. “Women in midlife” is often just code for menopause.
4 g0 q) k3 P. v/ V7 MB. Psychologists talk not abut crises caused by stages but about those caused by events — the diseases, deaths and disappointments that come to everyone at every time of life.
* }9 ~  w. B- ~7 Q$ c' s% pC. In midlife, a woman is more driven by a biological clock than in childhood and old age.
+ y! V4 y4 L- M; Z  bD. A woman has a clear marker of midlife, an opportunity to affirm who she is and where she wants to go.
1 f+ p( f7 Y1 t7 i+ s- V      满分:2  分' x  R" [& c+ Y5 n' d, b" B
8.  In the 2000presidential election, the most important state which decides the political fates of Bush and Gore is ________.4 ]: x: X: a7 J9 t! V
A. California2 E% ?9 i5 }  `7 g
B. Florida
# ?# A2 g1 @( j# E" B6 C! GC. Maine, t+ z, [" U" D& _3 {, _# J
D. Texas
: |" t, Q& l- Q- s# F3 O6 Q/ w9 L- ^      满分:2  分- \+ |% f; Q) p1 ~/ A
9.  The phrase---_____now means a situation in which there is only one thing to do .* g* C  U% z9 ^1 U8 u
A. Hobson’s horse
9 L2 L+ }) u5 Y6 ~% s/ Z* ~B. Hobson’s idea
3 L4 ]3 B3 L8 U/ E9 [) [C. Hobson’s situation
: g6 f6 A. P' h' p/ r! W8 @: L4 Y8 ?D. Hobson’s choice' p8 f  `' @( G6 F
      满分:2  分
( O, M% N5 m5 G" J" e! J6 r# z10.  U.S. News focuses almost exclusively on input measures----including ______.
+ `  A: s% a5 [9 F3 xA. wealth
7 c( p  {* ?# JB. faculty salaries- \' v9 a% i. K* q1 t7 {# _
C. acceptance rates$ h! s; w* Q, w2 H9 z3 l3 P4 Y
D. all the above answers
9 O* o9 D! L3 G4 X! ]      满分:2  分' J% l7 O/ P, {! {# O; R
11.  deteriorate .0 K- c2 f( ^6 Z8 J/ c8 F
A. to become better
2 `) l" d' c! x; A3 ?B. to become worse in quality or condition& ^9 i' P8 z; ~1 W/ Z
C. happy statement
' W, m% u1 v, u9 Q      满分:2  分$ w3 l/ u, N! ?9 F# i" \8 v0 A
12.  According to Clifford Notarius , ___ causes problems in marriage.
" Z" {; z5 t" [3 Y, HA. difference  [0 V) @* j0 ^% ?0 d+ L% I- T
B. pressure7 f  n/ K* z4 Z6 b
C. the misunderstanding% U% R; y! a, C+ \3 b
D. the way to deal with the difference0 A2 J9 m+ s1 L" I3 [
      满分:2  分
+ B5 s  e* b5 R, J4 F' I13.  National Bureau of Economic Research
% z$ S- V: U9 x; r" X: uA. 民族委员会/ z2 P, J* d4 M; L5 R
B. 经济中心2 H; ~# y/ U: d! E
C. 国家经济调研局' a7 o$ t3 x" g- d" d
      满分:2  分
7 O" P1 I2 C8 T# o14.  neurotic
2 B& K" ~6 X) U9 j2 aA. suffering from neurosis
9 E' F. ~8 E& N; LB. surprising or astounding
8 x8 x" P! q5 {4 MC. developing rapidly, flourishing
# \, ]% Z6 s" _8 t      满分:2  分
5 V: d' u3 O0 `6 h15.  From this article we know that many ______are leaving Medicare.
" j) w0 S" ?8 z3 ?7 bA. HMOs
& f* j4 b) d' a  c7 y8 D/ _, [; d( Z% \B. medical association
$ A) \3 K" W3 q0 V- QC. health groups1 Y. A8 q9 E% j- {# }) S
D. patients
# l: H$ Y, K1 h9 m) n) x; S, d5 y      满分:2  分
, `% N) p3 a/ t2 H16.  Frustrated parents are lifting their voices to protest the bulging backpacks of after-school assignments at the following places except________.
$ N: |, a9 @# D. BA. at basketball practices nationwide
3 f& G( B3 v, _5 W* R+ G$ n0 V8 CB. at dinner tables! _' q: I2 Y+ L% G' M$ B
C. at soccer practices nationwide
) i; }9 H. P$ x: Q0 B0 }! J8 nD. at school-board meetings
; n# |, n" Y. ^      满分:2  分
# t3 e# y9 S/ l; ?' c" B' f0 y17.  The audience for Spanish broadcasting is made up almost entirely of-----.
9 o( R7 h5 L$ g- W6 iA. youth
1 k8 h7 C- \- a' D+ l' }3 x; Q4 gB. children+ O/ z5 A2 V$ j1 }( K+ f  D
C. adults
1 K  @1 N; P1 p! J7 Y- [5 N$ ID. old people
+ L5 `$ q( m5 H" I" D3 e% y      满分:2  分$ x# z, w4 g' ^/ S
18.  Gorge W. Bush Jr. and Gorge W. Bush Sr. are the _____ father-and-son president.& D  j7 f( L( V  r# |
A. first! A  k/ i* s4 A0 z+ I, X2 i
B. second' x/ \7 w* s, \; e# L8 g" A
C. third
2 E! t% H6 {9 a6 ^0 R! e5 i, WD. fourth* J5 U8 D7 w4 G) K( F- r
      满分:2  分4 u# h7 Y9 W& {: m; h/ m: I9 Q
19.  What kind of companies does the “Silicon Glen” boast are the highest concentration outside California?
' d1 T9 M! L% Z( I' I1 vA. car companies
4 J& L1 t4 f% o# B9 aB. chemical companies
' H: Z$ i. f% o' {2 [1 [' KC. high-tech companies
  L. D* p5 D% J3 U7 U* DD. film companies% p- w5 F4 k3 f; r6 z6 k4 v
      满分:2  分" f6 {1 Z, g: c4 q
20.  The NRA’s power depends on the relatively few close elections that often determine who controls ____.% _8 M, p2 H6 W$ N3 B
A. President
9 N' d" x2 U7 G, p5 f5 ~) B" qB. Supreme Court
1 L4 \6 n# {. d3 n/ H- l3 \" B0 h( xC. Congress, o* P$ `0 t% _; {, Z! H/ y
D. jury2 @, K4 C9 S2 \. ]; w7 z+ h- \- \
      满分:2  分6 w  M5 i) V7 i1 F. Y+ F3 e
21.  ______ a Catholic among the following Presidents.6 P% T! @( F! L! n3 e
A. Eisenhower was
2 P; W" G; c  }; ]  j! ?, jB. John F. Kennedy was  l2 |6 s. O0 B1 z& U1 _
C. Gorge W. Bush Jr. is
0 |4 V* F2 l) }( N  k: SD. Nixon
) {$ W) {' B9 u      满分:2  分
' [. t8 D) H$ b! P22.  virtue
: q' u; K1 ]6 B/ l) cA. to express sorrow or regret
7 b3 A7 ?) @1 `B. good quality7 b: o5 b. G; K" N# B
C. experimental test
) N7 k1 U& h3 N* C0 q1 L# }      满分:2  分
5 s9 A1 Y. g, q7 B23.  gratify' h4 T% W; a8 Q* a# {" w
A. please or satisfy
8 Z8 v" a! w% iB. discourage% |" u4 w* `% R9 X. t6 p
C. supremacy
; y- t0 V/ b# a2 _! X# F      满分:2  分- d3 r  H5 m- F& Z# q( o
24.  Schools attempt to gain an advantage in alumni giving; electivity; SATs and0 y9 p! W3 g* b; R
A. late decision
3 R0 j8 Q" B. F: m0 [/ K: ?B. early decision
6 z$ p% r$ {# ^3 t9 \& Y- @* R' r+ P. DC. decision( V( d. _% H& U0 k5 p
D. the latest decision( n# Q4 X. O1 Y% p
      满分:2  分
3 z3 G2 k' p4 O$ @8 Q- o  q3 c& F25.  The candidate of the president of the United States often mention God, because ________/ U6 h6 a4 s- V6 y# `( d
A. they are superstitious
; o1 O' `" m# Q4 [3 J+ gB. they want to be blessed by God; y- ?2 y  P3 S) l2 p( G
C. they just make use of religion for their political purpose
8 ]" v- N% k, _D. we don’t know4 Y9 f* o% @* c
      满分:2  分
& G3 T, o& |4 g. ?26.  By the _____, building life skills came into vogue.
6 s4 _2 c( h, }% T# M5 YA. 1930s  W( M5 Q! b4 \5 A  Y
B. 1940s
' M5 t5 {0 P3 w( Z! ^; hC. 1950s+ Q; u$ N- O( w7 b. j2 [7 Y7 |
D. 1960s
  V! a+ c. r) r$ W; v( R) l      满分:2  分
) p1 j6 K& q+ f: J" O27.  What is the attitude of Ian Lang toward the secessionist fever?8 J3 f( p* T' c  [7 b. u+ \
A. He supports the secessionist action.
3 w9 h: J2 k. p9 q* N. n# FB. He is against it because he thinks it will harm the unity of the U.K.4 M; p! J2 m8 H( K
C. He is neutral towards the action of the secessionists.% ~% }  \! B4 H) m. G1 t1 h9 J
D. It is not clear in the text.- n) f; H' C9 q! o5 E
      满分:2  分: |/ ]. x/ J- O) ~$ d( Z
28.  According to expert, ___difficult marriages can be salvaged .
3 A7 i7 V: h# W1 N, q8 EA. all+ K# n! }: f- U% ?. T
B. none
4 A2 y* s8 c9 L* F& Q# _C. few
# G9 }4 a3 K1 w# XD. most
3 l4 C. U- ?, S* m* S  T      满分:2  分
% j5 d; ~2 }5 p9 d. X% u29.  According to the text, open-air films are offered in these places except a _____ .
- U" ?6 {3 g& C+ h% d; c1 oA. park( F' Y/ z3 y; n, f# \7 \9 V2 v
B. pier9 ?5 m8 `0 T1 V2 X2 k& z
C. grassy amphitheater+ I. I% r9 V$ z. ?
D. stadium
9 ?; J+ t2 e, ]0 x. P" e# j      满分:2  分
8 M. z( `% p  c- d30.  According to the survey conducted for the Independent Women’s Forum, ___percent of the women said they had hooked up with men.9 ^  q- n) @# c- |( W* X9 e3 q# `
A. 14- W' t# e+ S5 F/ k! ]% L$ y2 I
B. 402 a: J; h$ t6 z
C. 10# U1 a5 R$ H- Q) e9 Z3 z2 i- @
D. 607 w( H0 J  Q7 |5 V' s
      满分:2  分
$ V, ^& e0 x, E# L3 n) z/ _( c+ K
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  “Soothe” means to make someone uncomfortable
) S! V) p6 F+ W! kA. 错误( Q! E6 T, w' _: D0 g: h4 T5 G
B. 正确' X8 q: M9 O( q0 X: T
      满分:4  分( k. G+ H/ R5 Y$ V1 A. v, R
2.  The child born between 1947 and 1961 is frequently referred to as “boomer parents”6 N: u( m5 ~! Y/ E$ {
A. 错误
* m# g8 M- b3 `+ R4 SB. 正确
+ n1 b' K; H& \% _1 M      满分:4  分
* C- I3 }$ n( v' |3.  Winston Churchill often described parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy as being imperfect----but the best that man had yet devised.
5 ^  u3 N7 a) Q4 @0 q6 ?; pA. 错误1 x" L$ E5 |4 p. Q# r; t8 w4 ?
B. 正确
' V& M6 R9 k1 U- ~# V9 O$ f' ~7 R9 W0 d      满分:4  分% L" A, w$ Z) h, S: [  y! Q
4.  British monarchy has served both the empire and the commonwealth." f& V3 q& H9 V$ C7 E4 h' v9 D9 O
A. 错误# w# y7 k5 Z, b5 @. W
B. 正确3 U& E; r% [6 `) M( X
      满分:4  分
5 h  b# K4 H" z# z, X5.  The Taliban began as a group of seminary students.
4 V* V, i/ u0 W( |3 Z7 A7 bA. 错误7 }* W/ O4 Z- z$ n2 |
B. 正确
$ h0 J/ Q+ M. W/ a" ~8 D# J% I      满分:4  分. @: e% X0 |1 }3 Q# i
6.  British monarchy has served both the empire and the commonwealth with little distinction.2 n% U: z! s: |" m$ d. o( u
A. 错误
7 _, t6 G2 \' eB. 正确
( n7 W5 t5 f& E  U      满分:4  分
: B  j. {" [. b$ W7.  Hug drug is good for people’s health
! ]2 N$ t; F2 Y: n! X) G# lA. 错误5 m# p& m- r- _$ M+ {5 q4 O
B. 正确
  p5 ~$ R% T3 S' f9 a      满分:4  分( y' S9 i7 }. S& O6 e! V- }
8.  The author believes that the rankings have become an unhealthy force in higher                                            education .) _- t3 Q1 K9 H" W
A. 错误
# K8 F0 C# }0 v# _B. 正确
" J1 g$ Q1 A. `  Y3 S1 N2 A( X& I3 Q      满分:4  分
, i- K# a3 h8 Z! c# Q9.  Schools attempt to gain an advantage in alumni giving; electivity; SATs and late decision.
: H9 N$ n. \3 Z4 _5 _% EA. 错误
. U* w( X# x, }' |B. 正确
3 E+ B8 u8 [8 `7 x9 q- s! v      满分:4  分
) |, q1 X! z- w/ p7 s. i10.  In Britain the monarch remains very much at the heart of its Constitution.
  d+ x/ \7 S  H0 mA. 错误
7 {) z' e6 r' ]; ?B. 正确& F) X' s9 M# _( T; X* e; I
      满分:4  分
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