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发表于 2012-10-20 21:44:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及提供代做作业服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区2 P: _" N/ ~/ z. F) K9 ~
  \3 S6 G0 ~' d4 w! l& f# z% M, f

" _7 y% a& X. \5 ?2 }; Q) G/ b/ J: t8 W+ t
一、阅读理解(共 4 道试,共 40 分。)V 1.  The resources of the library can be helpful even when we are doing something very informal, such as trying to devise a better way to measure attitudes toward music or looking for a better way to teach mathematics. The library can be equally helpful when we are doing something very formal, such as writing a dissertation (学位论文) or preparing an article for publication in a professional journal. In either case, our goal should be to use the library as a useful tool to help us understand and solve our problem.
  M# C% ^' C0 {0 N    The following sections of this chapter will describe specific resources available in many libraries. In some cases you may already be aware of a resource and may use it frequently and successfully. In other cases you may be completely unfamiliar with a resource. Your goal should be to become aware of what is available and to know how to use each of these resources to help you solve the problem they are designed to solve. ; [/ p, e4 y8 ?0 v7 \6 J% R
    When educators have a piece of information that they want to share with their colleagues, they often make this information available in professional journals or at professional meetings. It would often be useful to have access to such information, and this chapter will describe the special services that enable us to locate such information. # Y( {% l! X/ s
1). The library resources can be helpful when we _______. ) P; U& {( V, V5 {6 y3 Z# d
A. want to find a better way to measure attitudes toward music
% V, G  _4 m8 B  \
' G4 o' c9 B' F$ N1 gB. are preparing a paper for a professional journal% P: w0 t9 E# }4 a: `4 }

9 O0 w4 M& Y# qC. are writing a dissertation
9 S  q+ W* P* F. A. A( E2 M6 L- F, g* t- y+ C
D. All of the above. `6 i/ f. [  G4 g- Y8 t
      满分:2  分
" L  `6 z- U4 j/ g! v2). The familiarity of readers with different resources _______. - U3 h( ], P( e& E% R5 Y4 C9 T% ?
A. is more or less the same0 i/ k+ d, A9 m* L3 D
B. varies slightly
9 G7 Q+ _* t0 H  e- J
5 p2 w2 G$ s  qC. differs greatly     % N4 i; U* D$ a& r
D. should not be different
3 r, i# Y) ~! U* c9 p# z      满分:2  分
% l. s. h8 K/ N4 Y( r# r3). The author believes that _______.
9 K0 {* F( l" f& D. HA.  library resources should be used frequently and completely
$ U; V& B, y7 x; q& z6 rB. library resources cannot be made good use of if they are not available to us- g$ B! ^6 o& T* S( u

+ q( C$ J  A5 d7 HC. one is supposed to be aware of the library resources that are usually not available
& q6 b: I" F$ J7 D- v7 @, x
7 C  }+ c) e# C; yD. one is supposed to have good knowledge and make good use of resources6 w  D% z. o* |- c, |( f+ e. ]
      满分:2  分; h1 i. i2 E, F! q/ Z5 T  _
4). When educators wish to share some information with their colleagues, they often _______.
! ]: S) e4 w: A$ L. x9 FA. publish it in a professional journal! T; y- x+ R% O6 F
B. attend professional meetings+ G( w2 E9 C; D0 [) {2 I

' P5 a1 R+ H5 n8 j7 x: w+ T# ?C. get access to it in the library
4 R1 \+ H  r4 E$ Z! p
8 i- o5 {4 a) V1 i' {7 `( T4 RD. make use of some library services5 k1 k6 `3 ]6 W0 ]' C; I# @
      满分:2  分
' \7 p( C& i1 B% g" V5). The chapter in question _______. 4 l9 P' u1 d. v. z/ @5 ?8 Z
A. mainly deals with the ways of dissertation writing
, o; k3 X4 P( X2 j- t" rB. presents information on publishing papers in professional journals: j* u' [4 s$ Y' r+ h& V

3 u# i* F0 M* ?: n/ {3 \4 \C. introduces some library services2 ~3 `9 F# D2 _* u' Y$ u! h

' w. Z2 ^4 t8 e7 {D.  describes some professional meetings$ H) e6 E- X8 O: ?4 V% f. S
1 s' j) Y% M! U0 m
      满分:2  分6 V0 R7 D7 w' ]- ]' Z
2.  The comprehension passages on this course are designed to help you increase your reading speed. A higher reading rate, with no loss of comprehension, will help you in other subjects as well as English, and the general principles apply to any language. Naturally, you will not read every book at the same speed. You would expect to read a newspaper, for example, much more rapidly than a physics or economics textbook, but you can raise your average reading speed over the whole range of materials you wish to cover so that the percentage gain will be the same whatever kind of reading you are concerned with.
$ l( _1 o2 Z9 p! s' Y+ }    The reading passages that follow are all of an average level of difficulty for your stage of instruction. They are all about 500 words long. They are about topics of general interest that do not require a great deal of specialized knowledge. Thus they fall between the kind of reading you might find in your textbooks and the much less demanding kind you will find in a newspaper or light novel. If you read this kind of English, with understanding, at 400 words per minute, you might skim through a newspaper at perhaps 650-700, while with a difficult textbook you might drop to 200 or 250.
1 n9 l; \! R* \( X! o/ f" G    Perhaps you would like to know what reading speeds are common among native English-speaking university students and how those speeds can be improved. Tests in Minnesota, U.S.A., for example, have shown that students without special training can read English of average difficulty, for example, Tolstoy’s War and Peace in translation, at speeds of between 240 and 250 w.p.m. with about 70% comprehension. Minnesota claims that after 12 half-hour lessons, once a week, the reading speed can be increased, with no loss of comprehension, to around 500 w.p.m. It is further claimed that with intensive training over seventeen weeks, speeds of over 1000 w.p.m. can be reached, but this would be quite exceptional.
/ Q9 B6 @9 d2 E0 [8 y  d1). According to the passage, a higher reading rate of English depends on ______.
5 o2 I1 Y, j- a! iA. a large vocabulary
! T! `! p( n8 R6 b. Q8 J4 ~( eB. learning other subjects well besides EnglishC. a good comprehension of the reading textsD. different reading speeds for different types of texts . N( F3 @& v9 c* Q( \: Z
      满分:2  分
; P8 V$ J+ F& M- |2). According to the article, the reading passages on this course are ______.
- C$ n. F$ F9 b# YA. more difficult than a textbook on a particular subject.
8 \5 K( R3 d3 L! `% }3 dB.  easier than a light novelC. more demanding than news storiesD.  of the same category as novels and newspapers      满分:2  分5 ~) Q; ?0 e; u, [* e( Y
3). You can expect to read your textbooks ______., q8 N) ^0 Z' W( i- ~7 B
A. more quickly than you read the passages on this courseB. re quickly than you read a newspaper% P8 A. b3 g' @5 j) M
C. more slowly than you read the passages on this course9 W+ c& _/ s+ w: X. k8 {( P
D. faster than any other kind of material
* j. Z/ y% b2 N) Y! s. F+ n' {- P      满分:2  分9 w, P+ r# Z; ^% F) C
4). For a book of average difficulty the average untrained native speaker at the university of Minnesota ______.
; _8 q% B( v( r2 Q# O& yA. reads at 500 w.p.m.1 t! N+ t/ F# G
B. reads at 400 w.p.m.5 n' U4 {1 ^" V( d
C. reads at about 1,000 w.p.m.2 ]* Q+ H& @  k4 c6 H" a
D. reads at about 245 w.p.m.& e3 }  t" B# p6 ~7 G8 T
      满分:2  分' l$ ]# I8 ]& ]
5). An untrained student’s reading speed can be ______ with intensive training over twelve weeks.
2 B( q$ i* D# T4 `$ F7 ^# ?A. increased four times1 u+ }! g% c4 Y6 X- K) \2 c% L
B. doubled
# M3 r0 U7 M6 Y$ Z, }. s& t! zC. tripled   9 e& [3 c, w( Q3 c$ n% [; X
D. increased a little) E' u$ V" j6 t) Y8 _  R2 j
      满分:2  分
" k9 W1 j5 p: [/ `; C, W3.  Education in the United States is usually divided into four levels. These are early children, elementary, secondary and higher education. School attendance is required in every state of the country, and in most states students must attend school from the age of 6 to 16.0 j7 C% W6 V6 c+ L5 ?/ [. P
The first level is early childhood education. Its main purpose is to prepare children for school.
& A( {* B) a1 {, ]" k* W" ]) o2 SThe second level is elementary education. Education at this level is divided into six or eight grades, and children learn reading, arithmetic, writing, social studies and science. They also have art, music and physical education.
* z' @. b' p; zThe third level is secondary education. It is for junior and senior high school students. Some students take courses to prepare themselves for college. Other students take technical or vocational courses that prepare them for jobs after they graduate from high school./ F/ A( _* a$ F
Higher education continues after high school. There are many kinds of institutes of higher education. Technical institutes offer two-year programs in electronics, engineering, business and other subjects. After two years at a junior college, students receive an associate degree and then they can continue at a four-year college.0 g% B- \4 C: o. W
1). Is school attendance required in the USA?
9 W; _5 u8 l, `9 k' DA. Yes, in the whole country.   
0 B9 n9 F/ f7 \+ H* U* T; jB. Yes, in some states.% ^9 ~7 u/ a0 ?# e/ i2 b+ X
9 B% X+ p: x) s9 ]$ |2 f
C. Yes, in most states. / B: H3 R! r- n; ]( E  @
D. Yes, only in a couple of states.  a% }/ M6 O! p6 B0 ?, d& u. g7 |
      满分:2  分0 R8 v. v% Q( u! @
2). At what levels are programs of technical courses offered?: {6 q% O7 r7 v2 [7 [& h
A.  Levels 1 and 2.     ) G6 a; R$ y: ]# S/ h9 [
B. Levels 2 and 3.
* ^( k8 O* l+ L: j0 L) o; u7 B6 h# O
  u  H( o% n( i4 j2 {" T0 f$ JC. Levels 3 and 4.
5 Y+ O3 G* q' t7 d$ P0 `5 sD. Level 4 only.! ?7 Z- ?( n: Q# i( z
      满分:2  分, f+ N' Q, Y# m- J
3). What degree is awarded to students at a junior college?
9 k9 Y: ^% ?( D: v- L4 c/ EA. Associate degree.   & f; ^# @8 H' A( T4 J( x+ W
B. Bachelor’s degree.7 D* S; ?; V" {" O+ \
  B8 I# R8 L* J: A; ]/ c5 m
C. Master’s degree.  
# [1 w. ^% K# \6 M) p+ H" wD. Doctor’s degree.
0 @% W/ w! o; x! K0 T  V! y, t      满分:2  分
0 D. k4 v6 l2 Q0 a- j& M' Z4). What would be most probably talked about in the next paragraph?
/ t: }; D0 b5 h% F' r( ~9 DA. Undergraduate education.
6 j/ O& B9 u, eB. Post-graduate education.
" O, r8 }  _9 N6 n# ^' a
& v& t# \7 U2 SC. Pre-school education. 7 {/ K9 l) k/ h# E- R
D.  Adult education.0 D6 H0 @& f1 I  H& j; b  a: |
      满分:2  分# ?5 u+ e+ P: o1 e& ?
5). What is the passage mainly about?6 O( T* e. Z9 G; N' J9 F
A. Education policy in the USA.
) U7 |* o) D( Z
8 D3 n$ G  V: n0 h8 C5 `B. The four levels of education in the USA.3 `/ P  W, [# g* R* [

& ]( f; d8 v" ^+ d9 nC. The purpose of education in the USA. % J; h4 V  }3 M  ?8 A

7 Z/ Q( D1 h& ]D. The subjects offered at schools in the USA./ s! }; m8 E; i3 y
      满分:2  分- D3 H& V5 Y# f' O. m+ [/ ]
4.  For any Englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the world’s greatest dramatist (剧作家). Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of William Shakespeare. Every Englishman has some knowledge, however slight, of the work of our greatest writer. All of us use words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s writings that have become part of the common property of the English-speaking people. Most of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words we used, rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of Hamlet and complained that it was full of well-known proverbs and quotations.
2 J: x% o) _, U' S( y$ a, e0 w' U   Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, makes full use of the great resources of the English language. Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal use of English; Shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand. , V; T+ P) @$ b% A* F
    There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it. Such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners) even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since Shakespeare’s day.% o' B: ~* j( S( Y7 U9 i9 \" y, I" _0 A
1). English people _______.
# @0 A+ j! c" w! o  }2 j9 t* WA. have never discussed who is the world’s greatest dramatist
' V7 i+ z! O+ r  _" ?7 F  X: DB. never discuss any issue concerning the world’s greatest dramatist) `+ n# v5 k$ E: h) ~

# m6 D- S/ ^! e' Y$ S/ q" O& N( ~C. are sure who is the world’s greatest dramatist5 \5 u( B% V9 `: L

' C4 I6 r( ~5 ^3 E0 z7 v. p6 UD. do not care who is the world’s greatest poet and dramatist
+ G' T+ J. j7 o, B4 y      满分:2  分3 h. t/ f" {: z& A7 C( @. Q
2). Every Englishman knows _______.
+ a5 d) g4 F6 A! W8 K3 c4 NA. more or less about Shakespeare
$ Z" R$ p; q3 u4 S/ }8 \4 AB. Shakespeare, but only slightly
( N3 w7 N# x  _" t9 R' V! l4 I/ P3 x% d* R7 J7 m
C. all Shakespeare’s writings4 L6 |3 `; a' K& C- j- }

# H/ D8 Y& o) [D. only the name of the greatest English writer& {$ l/ U+ N  y6 D! k4 ~2 J
      满分:2  分
& J1 y' |" h( R  {3). Which of the following is true?
6 p4 H* w3 Y+ a5 W9 rA. We use all the words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s writings. 5 R6 Q2 l& K, H, m7 P
B. Shakespeare’s writings have become the property of those who are learning to speak English. 3 u$ L0 `) k6 }( f- Z

  R3 K8 g( U, W) m. ?5 y4 sC.  It is likely to be true that people often do not know the origins of the words they use
, r) {3 M& k7 }  v/ i8 K2 c0 W' H9 `5 G2 I6 o4 i6 R
D.  All the words people use are taken from the writings of Shakespeare.' L  }# e3 ], P
      满分:2  分/ Q6 r6 e$ g  D+ W
4). What does the word “proverb” mean?, J+ O/ I  l) t% h/ L1 L8 d
A. Familiar sayings.   
: \  u; ~* v& Y5 {B. Shakespeare’s plays.- |: {# T/ M" C! W7 u
$ N/ N+ M# W7 h
C. Complaints.  
. j( P: q5 X9 n' `' _/ bD. Actors and actresses.- N2 O4 V, X. ~$ |/ k1 Y( p
      满分:2  分
/ o: C; _6 P2 m4 V: `- r7 J5). Why is it worthwhile to study the various ways in which Shakespeare used English?7 J) ~0 P- g' c6 v9 `. j
A. English words have changed a lot since Shakespeare’s time. * }! M' Q4 O8 h( J
B. By doing so one can be fully aware of the richness of the English language.
" n1 f" n5 c! d& x% D# o
* `; P  j: O: N0 UC. English words are now being used in the same way as in Shakespeare’s time., }3 I% `% A7 z% z1 _
D. Beginners may have difficulty learning some aspects of English usage.
  F+ k: v+ B; X7 F0 V      满分:2  分 ( b- E- g- Q/ P' {! {' }; k. T& K) T
二、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 45 分。)V 1.  The more learned (有学问的) a man is, _________ modest (谦虚的) he is. A. much 8 _. Y4 D; n) s
B. the much ; z! o: g+ K% J+ j
C. more
3 j5 }; ]4 c) m& r: ]5 e. A4 ^! ^D. the more
" E6 S' E& M; T5 ]- N      满分:3  分
2 z9 f( q, A  L, k' x- H8 V) Z, D2.  10. _______in the United States, St. Louis has now become the 24th largest city.
0 ?5 Z6 y' Y7 C" TA. being the fourth biggest city
* v7 X/ r8 D5 M& rB. It was once the fourth biggest city
% c, P8 o/ x+ N- q+ W3 E9 W
- Z/ x1 X8 o) gC. Once the fourth biggest city0 P$ N: g6 X5 c2 ^+ c# N
D. The fourth biggest city it was % J' K/ @  w1 L) z/ m

1 g7 E/ ^+ B; g5 E% U' y      满分:3  分
1 ]2 a2 O3 G4 ?3.  There were not many people who dared to predict the ______ of World Cup 2012.A. egree/ x8 l. T  ^( G; V6 A/ Q
B. manner % F4 r; C  Y: W; z3 Q( j2 [7 t7 N0 U
C. result) d* v' I. A! {3 w) m
D. means
$ a' k" r, w9 E      满分:3  分6 p! q( n+ I2 ^2 b$ ^/ P. b
4.  — Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please.) X9 G, {6 h( z1 a7 b
   — ___________________ .A. Yes, I'm Mark! i: o) Y, P5 N( c# A; ~
B. This is Mark speaking6 c1 j; d- H! m2 V* A' @9 \% F
C. It's me here
* g! O# c/ a4 m& t# x- [D. It's me here
% @2 U4 U2 Y9 R; c      满分:3  分
/ G. M% X4 X* B4 D5.  The secretary will get everything ready before the manager ______ back.A. come
  \0 \& X9 W1 ?1 Y! nB. comes: C8 a$ a1 \! u8 ~
C. will come/ I! z. g: g  z1 G! |$ r% o; i3 S
D. has; X2 ^1 p/ i5 W+ j4 M
      满分:3  分  l) t9 N2 m4 {* t
6.  4 Sometimes children have trouble ________ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist. ( W& L0 J# C6 t" R
A.  to separate
; R: x1 N' }4 q( A* K# zB. separating / r, v6 d; Y  [( ^6 g. b

' }( L. a0 k: v; e7 sC.  for separating9 N/ t: w' M: E6 l& G

* Q, I+ O7 P7 ~: }, r9 D5 x& L6 oD.  of separating
6 W3 E2 k, a/ S8 \( Y      满分:3  分
3 z5 o9 F# ]) N2 U/ ?  J" V" B7.  — Can you go out with us for dinner this evening?. _8 U" p- a9 r( `
   — _____________________ .A. No, I already have plans
  R6 L- N9 y2 n0 t$ D) `B. Thanks a lot, but I'm busy tonight
: z& p0 y% s0 x3 H' w5 W. _C. No, I really don't like being with you  ?+ m; D  ?0 X
D. I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out for dinner
, X' a- @) a. R" @5 R1 N6 _      满分:3  分
) q! ?2 Z' j. b4 G8.  1. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we _______ here for two days.A. 0 L" H0 k; J- }
will have stayed                                 * i+ n" a$ r+ A5 V

" ~1 M7 R/ o4 DB. shall stay
, P& N- M" f& C5 i( L! f( hC.
. I$ D" l8 }% q. ~# J! \) A& ohave been staying                                
0 J5 z# V& u: n7 y% a& x/ |- V! @; o1 I3 f
D.  have stayed. @3 `2 d% j" F- {+ m$ A7 @
      满分:3  分  V4 z# H+ `$ m5 ^4 s. ]
9.  12. Purchasing the new production line will be a _______ deal for the company.A.
" O( k1 U- U: k& c forceful            3 k' W# i  L9 g. \6 {

( e: O0 `/ L+ y& g) v  @1 _5 bB.  tremendous         ( K' ?* @3 V5 C
C.  favorite            
$ @# m. R8 \7 \( lD. profitable      满分:3  分
3 C! w# M4 l$ J10.  —I must apologize to you for the delay.
4 U, ^/ w7 M" ^7 F$ r1 o. f, Z —_____________A. That’s all right.
" P0 w, C$ [8 K' XB. No trouble at all.3 W* z& I4 _  p- w
C. All the best.
. y# r- S+ l9 oD. You are welcome.3 ]4 t9 Y: G8 U8 R9 C
      满分:3  分0 o) I( w4 ^8 |8 e
11.  —How was your final exam?
# m# `* A7 z- c, i) I5 W2 j3 k—_____________A. Take it easy.0 G/ `- F/ G' h9 o
B. You are right
5 c1 o0 c9 C! v' a  P. n2 jC. I am not sure. . U- C2 M. s1 K2 Y( u% h" q/ j: N
D.  Let’s have a drink.
6 P$ `# y6 t, U0 G& Z      满分:3  分
0 y# \! y8 C5 u7 f12.  16. No one had told Smith about _______ a lecture the following day.
  S/ u0 l: j- k5 c; l! mA. there being4 ^/ {6 F  d- _6 q, R
B. there be/ K, H6 ~& |- ]. ]$ T
C.  there would be
: [$ s0 z8 F. E, [
! ]5 F/ t) N- a$ |) WD.  there was/ M, o, `& L* R, Y0 u( l
      满分:3  分
' I( T+ m9 v9 i; S4 ]13.  That young man has made so much noise that he ______ not have been allowed to attend the concert.A. need
7 }+ ~! [" f9 x  q# a5 cB. must  
; @0 Z( |% j" T  y1 P$ s$ eC. would 5 K  U/ j2 {5 L! ?, W# r
D. should
& e9 g" F  u# j, w3 k' A      满分:3  分4 l4 V& c* i6 M% b3 ]+ p  W
14.  —How do you like the dress?5 j+ z% u. x% x; M% T$ E3 x; E! D& q
—_____________A. I’m fine, thank you.
4 s# K5 T# I; i) @0 y. v0 z6 ^B. The price is reasonable.
0 j: p, ]) W% K: e; M" \C. I bought the dress at a sale.$ h  ^" x1 {, r4 W( }9 ]
D. It’s my sister’s.
4 I2 x# z( S' X+ p      满分:3  分
- z& [5 v% J2 m  I1 c/ B7 p1 Z15.  13. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _______ in broad daylight yesterday.
7 m1 r9 x4 [# M& n( p8 RA. being robbed$ M+ j1 K& B" [3 J% S8 D& O
B.  having been robbed
- p- K/ T0 B# D0 w! y! \
% C; t0 N  B" X6 F: ^2 k8 {C. to have been robbed
8 O! g( t0 E3 M/ o* v- XD.  robbed
5 Y" Q+ w8 l, f3 l$ S$ E- f
/ B5 C3 a, W" H/ i/ t; j3 n      满分:3  分 ; Y" {1 ]9 c& }$ }  B
1 P* n: k: J4 `$ j/ w6 u$ T
三、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 15 分。)V 1.  The way that people greet each other differs from one country to another, but all greetings are __1__ to show friendship and respect. In Japan, whether meeting someone for the first time or __2__ an old friend, people usually greet each other with a bow. In France, the way to greet friends is with a kiss on both __3__. But possibly the most __4__ way to greet a friend is the one used by Eskimos in Alaska---an enthusiastic rubbing of noses! More and more, however, the __5__ is becoming the most popular greeting around the world.1). 0 G8 N0 v, t- c$ Y
A. cheeks
" {- z. Y9 _! {% sB. meant
  N1 y+ k) h$ x6 z/ S7 ?3 R4 n9 JC. handshake
- b1 j. L5 F6 cD. unusual
' g. q. r" J4 c: M9 |/ D) ME. seeing0 ~2 k, ]$ H# l1 ^8 t

. g  n- o2 t1 Y& w" `! F7 `4 Q8 r: l      满分:3  分
+ `% `' x2 t' |6 M2).
9 ~! z6 L$ o" O3 SA. cheeks
) C, p7 w" J: p) k% D5 CB. meant
; O5 _# {7 m3 e! Q+ r4 X3 \C. handshake8 G+ F3 r4 a( j! v% B& G9 t
D. unusual6 b3 e# @) b% Z' A' }4 c
E. seeing
& m# K9 E1 s1 w* L% f      满分:3  分
2 g! r% @4 H/ m8 ^; _3).
* U! T) q% k. MA. cheeks
0 k/ A3 D4 q9 l4 k' \- H8 y2 {0 kB. meant
; {! V- ~3 h3 K- UC. handshake
  w- p3 [* i8 R- X6 ?+ w  TD. unusual8 t5 F1 f0 v2 @! n% c1 ?: z2 Z
E. seeing
. I7 |4 |* x& j      满分:3  分" E: X' X; A+ z9 T
; L; W( X. z' d  l/ @- oA. cheeks
) ^& _) @9 D5 _/ T. B) oB. meant
/ U, u# T6 L  x+ f4 ]+ M+ OC. handshake
& z: T* O$ R3 `  {D. unusual* }6 \; ?6 j8 u! l; I* @
E. seeing6 _' d- ]' Y) E  C5 A/ m% h( R
      满分:3  分
4 }  |9 ]% L: T  t2 m8 l, X5).   q/ H' _1 V1 f, g6 u3 x2 j
A. cheeks 3 N+ `, \* C5 M/ g
B. meant5 u3 O- o; ], n& Q
C. handshake
, Q- Z( K; y, b9 w) V! e5 OD. unusual
3 j# x& J1 \, R! G/ e+ M0 b. eE. seeing
9 _# a  v' n% V! W" i2 c& K      满分:3  分
5 U2 J  o) f) w8 i
8 F- W+ e+ e5 ]# T6 v3 E/ ^4 |+ _2 z# r
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4 ~( q7 J! l! R5 e9 q8 E( K


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