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发表于 2012-10-30 21:55:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及提供代做作业服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区* u& x0 [6 G8 Y
" e. t! R3 x" `2 w8 K' W
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1.  It seemed at times that we were climbing almost ________.
( z& C  M5 r3 V5 A, U9 VA. perpendicularly7 X' K. f% }: x) C7 S4 O, z( \
B. resolutely
9 b0 ^3 h! X) {" FC. unpromising9 K* ?8 }  Z9 ^2 _2 Q
D. splendidly; n$ k0 I1 m$ D/ W
      满分:2.5  分
) E) I0 w2 m2 i1 K2.  They had minor breakthroughs but real success ________ them$ n$ ?  r& \  N' X4 l
A. applauded/ g2 j/ d7 E9 F6 t# S  H
B. decried) P, u, e( Q% y/ p+ P
C. eluded$ E; |- H7 P, O! I0 H2 \3 g
D. brute
' _/ v8 j: o- S& \* {      满分:2.5  分
5 ?& Z1 I: U4 K8 Y4 {0 z3.  You are moved to pity, excitement, or ______________.
8 T3 G  e5 R" S1 F+ S1 o# `A. gaiety
$ t& ~9 ]0 W9 {: l' h  l2 z/ mB. costume2 r0 \, f" o- }% K' [# |6 n
C. simultaneously
5 L; z( @8 o3 L2 jD. engrossed* p) I+ B, g' w* a
      满分:2.5  分* a# r) P! f2 ~& ^+ C
4.  Children these days would ________ out of sheetmetal clothes.7 i. C) D# G' G8 W& t- Y$ p
A. burst
5 F5 K5 Q0 j# rB. bust6 [! p! ?) f: V
C. break
1 H8 V* @* u# n; z1 SD. burnt9 ~  v& G# V' ~/ L
      满分:2.5  分
3 ?% G# W' S" D7 h- e4 h5.  Sleep is a coy mistress, much given to a teasing ________ and for ever demanding to be wooed.
* [7 ]" T: y$ J( nA. inconsistency
# M; W2 z* t5 CB. inconsistent6 J$ q7 I. g1 k4 n$ M" }
C. consistency3 {6 v- X2 O: |* I  `9 ^
D. consistent. Y- U# E( U6 g/ Y
      满分:2.5  分$ [1 f# T; T0 b0 U; n
6.  Going to Mrs. Flowers’ house was ________ to attending church.
4 y& f) N$ |0 M% Q) EA. same7 j8 e" |, ^5 }' C1 O; P* U
B. identical
. D% e( z- S- i) Q" E# B' bC. equivalent
* }, k, @/ h9 x0 {D. assimilated. I- Z) V  R! B8 G
      满分:2.5  分+ U! d" F6 O( g* _
7.  The beast you feel is savage, ________ hostile, basically a murderer.. d( }& M  I1 [6 S0 g* c: D8 ~8 {' q
A. intrinsic
$ @! T# C& G' Z% B2 D: OB. abrupt! x7 g# U: S9 H/ B0 g2 V
C. intrinsically
' I7 R+ I/ X& |1 ?D. abruptly8 y1 Q! p; t) ]+ O! p: Q; P  Q
      满分:2.5  分
- Z" R5 R9 U7 t1 B8.  New problems took their place – the unprecedented problems of an ________ society.: ]0 `: u+ D% Q; {
A. affluence
( {; D) `, f2 @( _$ L4 qB. affluent7 W" Z! D8 G6 K3 i4 Z
C. dogged
' V, X3 [; d# M7 y: g4 d  r' uD. sanitary  d# X6 o; \9 g! W# P4 r5 u( c* h
      满分:2.5  分0 y( ~; t  [: h
9.  One turns on the radio while doing something else and ____________ bathes in the sound.
2 f* q9 f$ i9 ^9 r7 \8 Y5 G0 oA. engendered3 N' {: f4 h( I, L6 H. `
B. absentmindedly
5 X+ K) E. Z  R+ a, W8 @( lC. appealing9 W3 R' l. m8 A! W, S
D. mere: z. g# I' v9 f: m
      满分:2.5  分6 G3 w0 y* Z+ e& h
10.  Independent sources say that the death __________ from the earthquake runs into thousands.
& `% J3 n$ P& m3 `) QA. toll
- n" ^* r% Q* u  fB. funnel
+ g) Q  g& ?% D. H& PC. quack4 c4 a- d9 g% z- a% ?3 X
D. impair9 K4 w! F8 U$ ~/ @
      满分:2.5  分4 h% j: R0 B5 y7 Y/ z$ [
11.  All at one time it can be brave, pitiful, ________, heroic, messy, and obscene." r4 `; J- U* S1 {8 r
A. squalid
! o4 p1 ?# P! O$ s: fB. saint! Y2 `4 V* w- D' K; N
C. isolate9 r# m3 p; p- {/ Y
D. romance% x2 k+ L4 j% R& I6 T/ M; J
      满分:2.5  分
! k5 c* H( y0 I  A12.  Employers rarely make ____________ for the possible physical limitations of otherwise valuable older employees, and instead they are fired, retired or forced to resign.; P3 Y0 S1 c/ X" s* G
A. concessions
1 A* b; Z% M6 V6 qB. subsistence
; s- U0 @1 y( p1 C1 O2 D( HC. confrontation; S4 r6 X$ [0 F2 N- }
D. humiliation
( n* W. S/ d8 h: d$ p" Z      满分:2.5  分( G# X7 S3 x  u( _+ H
13.  The are prime victims of dishonest door-to-door salesman and __________ advertising, and buy defective hearing aids, dance lessons, useless "Medicare insurance supplements"." v" a6 S* L* u' Y' W& Y$ [
A. diagnostic
6 n' ]( A9 h! M7 i8 GB. fraudulent/ c' K9 e* @  b$ _$ j7 u- y( p8 w
C. adversity/ e; T  k# G  r' j7 s7 Q
D. penalize* m8 L" w7 K& f! B$ V
      满分:2.5  分
1 R) {5 d" S1 s) m! w# P' |14.  It was difficult for the police to ________ the angry crowd.% H5 y( X  y' L; U5 R3 B4 m$ }9 j
A. hesitate
" n" m1 }$ Z5 eB. pacify# j0 f0 n4 Y! s/ X3 |7 W
C. satisfy
* H+ z, u5 v" z" J/ `# RD. spectacle
% Q3 ~! N) u3 d' o( B. [, n      满分:2.5  分
- {4 \3 [6 [* i# g8 ^3 T15.  By ordinary standards these are __________ enough to qualify one as coming from Watts.
8 C1 k+ @3 a! C/ S3 A8 FA. credentials8 `% e3 H- m7 D, w
B. oratorical  Q0 m$ W3 T5 s) d2 Q# p, ]5 L6 b4 c( A
C. stigma: W1 c1 D0 j! v1 E7 @$ @- |
D. designation
& I' \& w' K+ h3 D  f. l      满分:2.5  分$ R4 S7 _6 ~4 Q) B' O" U
16.  Domesticity appalled her, and she nourished in it, dispite a _________ for the comfortless grand.
1 M# A* Z0 |; g, @A. encasing4 X2 ?' V  a6 }* Z7 ?
B. yearning
1 V- V: w( [6 }  F$ [C. cramping8 o& [. s7 L! x+ H5 \& [7 E
D. emerging5 G! ?3 z0 u, F
      满分:2.5  分
8 ?4 Y0 A9 L8 d  g  A8 e17.  After the recent scandal, the priest is expected to do the ________ thing and resign from his position." y5 j: t$ E4 `! e5 Q# n( j
A. decent
& E0 t3 S) ^' N% E  U$ E% R" U5 BB. celebrated$ n1 E4 ^. Z+ q1 x5 T
C. wilted
% j) g) |4 h' ?D. bland
. G) M1 F3 s/ |8 m4 `' g/ X      满分:2.5  分
! d: S0 O: T; C3 k9 I1 k3 h18.  We were only able to make a __________ connection between the two robberies.! K$ \/ E% u& T/ B8 ~+ [. D
A. hailed
& A# Q( X- C! L( M3 C  q: @B. initiative
: }1 N4 t" b# h* b9 y& s9 dC. throes2 O8 ^  x+ y$ o# K8 Q
D. tenuous/ W7 V5 Q' C+ x/ W, c5 A* f( `
      满分:2.5  分4 k# X5 W* z) ?1 [# i
19.  He had the dignity and ________ of prophets.( X4 m( m: C3 C% k7 f
A. crouching
1 g0 m# X# G/ J9 |$ dB. pillar
( q; D6 s! z$ a  m5 {" _/ QC. glaring0 q% E: b1 j" Q, ~$ q( U5 `
D. majesty
; C( d8 T; p* q4 t! h  M      满分:2.5  分
( B* R9 M6 T9 W' V0 K) g( J6 I20.  Is it ________ its duty to diversity by printing snippets of opinion from unqualified readers?
3 a. A; H4 B! `+ O, uA. preceding- b, N. J' V$ u8 v
B. discharging
, [. ]+ @# h  ~2 IC. charging
5 D6 A$ f" Q( |9 ZD. opposite
! }" K9 S* U/ I, k* \      满分:2.5  分 + A: @$ @% Z. r4 j! i& U" M
3 t( y* Q& f, t6 e4 i+ L
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1.  Literary men have no desire to seek publicity.
4 k+ D& L5 d5 w( {) QA. 错误% q: d$ ?' [( C8 h* E* C  s# Y6 M! f
B. 正确& d) p7 W! u; p3 Q" e  J" g
      满分:2.5  分! b: ]3 m5 N% i/ |3 c( ?
2.  The language in his later works is more flowery and less precise.& m# {( e8 v  O2 H" B  B. u
A. 错误: }8 w* S" s6 P/ _# |
B. 正确
# N/ N. U7 |5 o" \, f7 p, z      满分:2.5  分0 Z3 j% y. }+ {6 h) _' x! d+ Y
3.  Madrid is now the only city where you can see a bullfight.* N  G% ]; t* O7 T
A. 错误
  ]2 j: R: l! t1 t, K% G' }/ qB. 正确
; D/ B, j9 M. R, T      满分:2.5  分
9 n. |, @1 Z) m1 ^* m  _4.  The main duty of the monosabios in the bullring is to help the picadors.5 u5 ]  ^& o  h6 [' D2 h
A. 错误: p& I6 S# {4 F) y, _$ d1 ?+ }6 |, m
B. 正确
4 o$ \% r1 Q) f4 {/ i- J  y      满分:2.5  分" ]7 K( a; G/ h4 t- u; P1 H# r
5.  Mrs. Flowers understood Marguerite’s feelings better than Momma did.
6 J) H- Y$ a: q+ I+ X; c" CA. 错误0 ?3 Z  n1 l+ K0 y' D  X0 u& @
B. 正确) d- M7 ?8 f, m" y4 e
      满分:2.5  分1 ]& S2 z' W1 V: u; ?* p
6.  Priestley doesn’t think he has an iron will, and he is not sorry about it.
4 P- E" a' u: [A. 错误1 X- G1 d7 j8 e9 ?
B. 正确
- X( M( @( ?4 @1 A0 u! x      满分:2.5  分
* T4 b- r) F7 Y7.  Primitive men, due to lack of such entertainments as modern men have, easily got bored.
4 J- ~- m- S( c! l( ]' t. S3 wA. 错误
# e+ Z4 Q% w5 x* f: p  h, K; @& VB. 正确) x+ C& ]! ?5 _0 [5 E5 ]+ j$ a
      满分:2.5  分
7 L* S+ @6 a' U1 ]* W5 A8.  The mental problems of the old are untreatable.
' b$ n1 C; n5 i# C1 E6 |" vA. 错误
0 ]; v7 w! ~8 qB. 正确0 O! c, t, ^: T
      满分:2.5  分
, z) d/ P' y+ S6 R! V9.  Besides political issues, rock music also deals with the emotional life of the American people.
5 z5 M0 T4 s+ I: L3 QA. 错误( D# i" t# g% Z' ]( Z6 @
B. 正确  U6 y1 d. c! I/ A: m: i2 q+ H$ g
      满分:2.5  分
5 P/ x. b" k. c4 J$ N* u10.  An intelligent listener is satisfied with a general concept of what a musical piece means.# }9 M9 ~  d0 V7 a/ w* M" J; t7 y6 F/ l
A. 错误
: K2 R, n* n2 k/ d$ ?: \B. 正确' m) z4 O, k, l8 g  H
      满分:2.5  分
6 H6 [' Y. N* S& M; Y0 [# O11.  Priestly doesn’t like Lamb’s letters.
" h) y* r3 g3 j3 _/ ?A. 错误2 h* H) D1 J& s2 o* e
B. 正确& O7 W) c  w1 R8 k9 ~
      满分:2.5  分
3 b0 a/ y# n3 M( L! U12.  While at Wittier college, Sanders (the author of "I‘ll Never Escape the Ghetto") felt ashamed of telling people that he was from "$ \0 k3 i9 u6 X3 ~0 j
A. 错误
, k% ~* K! Z7 c4 }. y9 h9 IB. 正确
3 m' u+ H. t' e- h      满分:2.5  分
" P6 @0 |/ c5 n% {" K13.  If alarmed, all gorillas show their fear or anger by beating on their chests.$ X; a6 u% q9 T, K  v$ z+ I
A. 错误: h, E! O  P( t: U
B. 正确; }  S  ]' @: Q
      满分:2.5  分. J# _3 s/ Y, n* _3 p* M1 L" s
14.  It was difficult for the black woman to win the election due not so much to her racial background as to her sex.
4 h2 q8 ^, X9 ~; B* {A. 错误
- E5 W/ [$ ~0 L1 f+ FB. 正确. W5 H+ [4 R. L. }
      满分:2.5  分" _8 o, E3 B4 p! ?5 i2 Z
15.  Young people doubt that the older generation are capable rulers and should, therefore, be their teacher.3 z/ [8 t- a$ D' m+ z
A. 错误. w" K7 F5 h5 k" S  Q' I
B. 正确
: N" L; x0 S2 a% s9 W$ {      满分:2.5  分) ^! S; n$ r3 G- n& Q
16.  A rational discussion of vivisection can only be based on the assumption that pain is an evil.
7 ~* V& s! M- i, KA. 错误3 S' Q* O" y5 W8 |% z) I% r
B. 正确2 p# E( S# ^. F# B, |
      满分:2.5  分
& {7 i1 s; Q6 A6 m17.  When the male gorilla discovered the author and his party, he suddenly rose and was ready to charge at them.- A0 `$ m3 X, _. t) Q# {5 q! ?
A. 错误6 R% }4 ^; W! P; H2 o2 v; U- R2 v
B. 正确
0 ~' m5 j1 t$ _# y3 ]* P3 y: {      满分:2.5  分/ G" J1 u: W" @- _8 x3 u  f; a" v
18.  In New York, and in a couple of other cities in the U.S., the newspapers have ceased to play a significant role as a medium.8 e. V% b* s* U" b% ~. }
A. 错误) \$ x. |( A" `2 c% ?
B. 正确7 E9 T5 t6 `7 D4 n2 n
      满分:2.5  分
0 a# u) D( H  Y: Y$ L" J" R: h19.  When she ran for Congress, some members of her own party even held secret meetings to discuss how to stop her.
) Y% X, [: j/ L4 S6 ^  e7 PA. 错误
- h$ b  f/ X1 Z- I: n- ?# IB. 正确
' g- G0 Q, k) s      满分:2.5  分' q" w! b5 ~. y8 A
20.  Many elderly Americans do not enjoy a satisfying late life because the society itself is too harsh for them to live in.: P1 l" T2 N: C9 t
A. 错误
0 U; m; f) |# N+ a: h9 kB. 正确' q; o+ [7 Z0 v) I0 n
      满分:2.5  分 , K) Q0 o4 D- T: v" k/ ?

' f1 ?6 l# j' _: x3 f0 O谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及提供代做作业服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区
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