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发表于 2012-10-30 21:59:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。)V 1.  mixed language which has become the mother tongue of a speech community is called a ___________.
& m' y1 g: p2 l5 K  zA. pidgin
* N( M3 V9 k' d& N; w- kB. creole. _: d9 [3 X, D7 P" K
C. Esperanto; ]+ v' {! a9 l" R
D. natural language& p/ a$ P' d& E# c8 p
      满分:2.5  分& E6 U/ f' g/ P
2.  What maxis of the cooperative principle do the following dialogue flouts? A: Macao’s in Spain, isn’t it, teacher? B: And London’s in America, I suppose.+ w* M# O+ m- E) @
A. Quality4 h/ Z) _  H: Z; ]. j( ~
B. Quantity6 u' W3 ?1 D8 l7 A: \7 G8 H) P
C. Relation
0 Q& e; G& e( ~$ t/ rD. Manner
: |3 Z% W- e% E; r$ X      满分:2.5  分. G: x$ B6 c6 ]$ Y0 \. G
3.  Children undergo ________ stages of language development.6 z3 B0 g! E3 |5 ]
A. babbling, two-word, holophrastic and the telegraphic speech
% F: m( t8 n) G; u! T1 TB. babbling, two-word, telegraphic speech and the holophrastic
9 y  A- p- s1 h# XC. babbling, holophrastic, two-word, and the telegraphic speech
. c/ R1 d: T9 ND. babbling, holophrastic, telegraphic speech and the two-word
4 c0 Q8 \3 X/ R, A" d3 c      满分:2.5  分- G5 q0 @# u! F) s
4.  The sentence “My father has deceased to join the heavenly choir.” is of ____
' R$ `/ F( F9 W- o, p" R# TA. the formal style
+ T" y" Y2 A) d5 Z) R* [7 jB. the frozen style/ `. p( j% t- a# z/ x, S: v
C. the casual style: r* Z- ^0 k0 p; U8 @' ?" L. X
D. the intimate style  C( r$ L2 p1 U/ j
      满分:2.5  分  u: j* c# [( i# k
5.  The term ______ is used for less drastic difference restricted to variation in pronunciation.
( Q4 r) s! l5 u$ b$ u3 G+ k* HA. sociolect
9 W6 Y+ O% |! R+ R) H& dB. dialect
& [4 @6 ]8 |5 y6 f4 \9 aC. geographical dialect
! Y5 @9 J( P) Y, s7 i+ A/ d  SD. accent
9 K0 q( D+ w& s$ h9 q0 S      满分:2.5  分
" P1 o: M  I; p6.  ______ is concerned with the purpose and subject-matter of communications.9 v# h4 z- |" e6 _  Z& `3 Z( s+ D1 Y
A. Tenor
! O- L5 ?- V1 r% U! s, YB. Register- \0 e( l6 ^( r# @. |; ^# K
C. Mode
  `- L, x7 @: A6 v1 k' W7 y' wD. Field8 S( L# E' j# S1 ]: U3 D+ o
      满分:2.5  分
% [3 E" T5 c' \) l, E9 U7.  What maxis of the cooperative principle does the following dialogue flout? A: Do you know the great writers of the 19th century? B: Oh yes, they are all dead.0 i( p/ B' O' V+ ~4 t
A. Quality( {* R" X7 a$ l3 d
B. Quantity% W, t; [; ^4 K( H. s, L. K
C. Relation
/ L% v3 s& X7 z% cD. Manner
) T8 z5 c: J5 Y$ ~8 g6 W. n      满分:2.5  分
: y/ V7 t4 J% ]  l/ C8.  Words and phrases like now, yesterday, next week, in three day, etc. are called __________.8 w0 V: n, U+ p) Q& G0 M  D
A. person deixis
6 d. {3 f, ?1 S- Y# i  oB. time deixis; B2 r) H. o! W, W4 u
C. place deixis
9 x2 B! D+ e# u. U- }7 y% H9 xD. discourse deixis
- m2 M0 B3 A( P+ a% n: n! v* R5 B( p      满分:2.5  分% `+ b$ o' g! W6 e- u
9.  ______ is/are used most widely in a community.
4 c" z3 _) Y7 b' ~3 EA. Sociolects
! |5 m$ B5 X! h7 K# o' ?& LB. regional dialects4 a3 H% M# y# M& T6 K" N8 c5 q
C. The standard variety$ G8 x) V  `1 t2 ?0 r# l
D. Registers, C$ t) {1 D4 S  k
      满分:2.5  分
( D' Y+ _* B8 a, _10.  The following sentence flouts maxis of the cooperative principle.A: Macao’s in Spain, isn’t it, teacher? B: And London’s in America, I suppose.+ ^: X. H. E  ?. ?5 ?" t& e5 J9 T7 {
A. Quality
) w! p7 X! O: aB. Quantity! }/ K! Z7 S9 f! f% f
C. Relation7 i5 ]0 k7 `2 n5 d6 M
D. Manner
% H4 C- d" T$ t( r* g! g      满分:2.5  分   M, w* R& M: o
8 Z2 U' J% ~( G
二、判断题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。)V 1.  he idea that the learners have a sense of achievement as long as they learn if of vital importance. This kind of motivation may be termed integrative motivation.
, s- |; v* F3 S  @' u; u  CA. 错误
, ?, \- q& H  s& F) RB. 正确
4 R4 o% m; h& {; G7 h) @) ]2 l      满分:2.5  分
: a" H- [7 O4 c3 g) v; t2.  The idea that people cooperate with each other in conversing is generalized by Grice as the principle of relevance.% }  c6 Y5 p2 H/ L+ t
A. 错误3 [( X9 l4 f8 s' I8 y/ E
B. 正确
. t. ]' O# O& B. S! d7 c& p' @      满分:2.5  分( Q! R* X( A1 p
3.  Psychology, philosophy, and anthropology are all concerned with the study of meaning.% |9 p! f' R: K9 Z, v0 {
A. 错误/ G/ y1 W; J; `$ q5 z
B. 正确
+ d% i3 h" [& ~  E. f6 Z6 ^1 W. ^      满分:2.5  分
1 v' W5 S/ X$ F8 L& V) x( e% X2 p2 s4.  A social dialect is a variety of a language spoken by people living in an area.0 @* j( P9 H! b2 v7 b6 ]% E
A. 错误  R3 a. |+ a* i
B. 正确
) v& @+ r; ^, D# t- {" Y2 e0 i2 U9 _      满分:2.5  分
( T3 q3 O9 b; F0 u9 r. q" V' W5.  Pragmatics is defined as the study of meaning.
( w& V% [( H; Y" HA. 错误
( k2 m* S9 X! }$ QB. 正确
1 C$ m) }( @3 v      满分:2.5  分: v+ K) v6 ]2 g8 K+ L
6.  Pre-sequences are a fundamental unit of conversational structure.+ ]; ^2 K1 {9 N0 f  \4 E0 e
A. 错误
) e2 n# t/ V9 L& Q! XB. 正确1 O" x% W* z: ~4 U
      满分:2.5  分6 E# j2 u0 o. V  O% T
7.  Textual function does not belong to the language metafunctions illustrated by M.A.K. Halliday.
9 H1 f! C0 p) |6 \2 AA. 错误) T5 e: o1 A- W: r7 I
B. 正确
* Q; i# U# b# T7 Z) g! X      满分:2.5  分
- t( u: F% Z) y+ f. U2 \9 u8.  The fact that Eskimos has seven words for different types of snow but there is not a single word equivalent to snow supports the idea of different linguistic capacities of different people.0 q, m- \& ?" \5 ~
A. 错误1 l; M. }+ f' t7 z, Z; H! @, B
B. 正确# J' ?. ?  g1 `; N
      满分:2.5  分
! Z, n1 `0 q$ b. |( `: e" M  u9.  Mode is related to how we communicate, through speech or writing.- A7 ^( _2 b$ J$ i5 ]6 l8 y) i+ `, {
A. 错误
0 [$ x0 g7 G# w& wB. 正确
  G; U* T  X5 B' j      满分:2.5  分
  G8 k0 q, m9 f9 C9 v10.  Metalanguage is the approximate language system that the learner constructs for use in communication through the target language.  g" s/ V! P+ ]5 I% r) \, ]3 M
A. 错误) U- w$ ^4 K) P' s8 D# k
B. 正确4 Q5 B* p$ N5 j" |
      满分:2.5  分! m" `7 }( k$ K7 ~
11.  The idea that people cooperate with each other in conversing is generalized by Grice (1975) as the principle of relevance.+ u  g$ i/ \- p" r
A. 错误
4 T9 @! K# E6 {$ _% O6 _B. 正确
& c3 ]& u# ]1 S: |1 Z; a! x; v( P      满分:2.5  分
3 @+ c6 H9 T3 @; u# V, X' K12.  Associative meanings are meanings that hinge on referential meaning.* t) Y' v8 ~* v. {  ]
A. 错误& d% j% K. ?2 f* H6 M  f) B& j6 d; L
B. 正确5 E6 y6 m. T5 ~6 I8 q4 {, @. W1 L, o
      满分:2.5  分1 y$ z6 ]- O/ W* q1 {: d
13.  Semantics is defined as the study of meaning.
) O( ]6 c" M; L; Y( d8 |) AA. 错误# `+ |, t9 k, e/ a( v
B. 正确; \$ {0 o6 n7 n1 R8 }
      满分:2.5  分
$ p+ u' G! n3 C" U& \9 F/ X) d7 i14.  Knowledge of the target language alone is adequate for successful teaching.1 }% \2 u; X" g* ~6 U
A. 错误7 `7 T% f) R3 j4 A2 P- }
B. 正确/ W& |- U' K6 ^( K- n
      满分:2.5  分- q: y' ^1 x$ p7 b3 u" U0 B
15.  Acculturation is determined by the degree of social and psychological distance between the learner and the target language culture.
$ k2 G+ C* M2 kA. 错误
- m  z# |7 v! t" }  G7 }+ xB. 正确- m$ l( V' ^4 U1 ?: @
      满分:2.5  分
4 w; E1 n% e6 d1 A16.  The idea that the learners have a sense of achievement as long as they learn if of vital importance. This kind of motivation may be termed instrumental motivation.  C, b3 J1 Z4 I! T0 e' w4 Q
A. 错误, |3 g. k, \5 a) o; S; s
B. 正确
% @' Z! f1 [' W3 C; _' ?6 {- B      满分:2.5  分
% C6 P. j% p  i7 M$ V' A17.  Mode refers to “varieties according to use.”' G5 y# W6 T3 z* k( L6 R
A. 错误) s7 j- E& M4 [8 p7 P1 \# G- D
B. 正确1 C7 @' A6 k& m) z' I' |
      满分:2.5  分
  n2 I; B+ E( X  M3 Y% s7 i18.  A syllabus is an official document that authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.) a5 G' }# [  y9 Z$ q9 `
A. 错误
+ Q. M- W$ [9 @$ q1 K- jB. 正确
$ d: W1 `! S5 l/ o9 {. C' m      满分:2.5  分
( `8 E" H, U0 _* S3 Y4 a3 ]9 ?  U19.  Speakers consider the matter of face for themselves and others. Based on this observation, Leech (1983) proposes the principle of relevance.
: ]* ]/ O9 H, F$ sA. 错误
3 v: X( }4 U0 X( [6 J7 cB. 正确
# G. X- b  \2 {1 h1 Q( {1 t7 a      满分:2.5  分
0 s7 S- K' o% [: l5 E9 x20.  Cognition refers to the process by which people use language to classify the world around and inside them.
% t, P. `& O* o$ I% MA. 错误/ W" ]0 w- E% a0 R& d
B. 正确
3 _: O! `. R; f  l# Z      满分:2.5  分" Q+ N" Q3 Q# _& L
21.  Functionalist theories are those that attempt to explain acquisition on the basis of assuming an innate biological endowment that makes learning possible.3 K' @- O! L7 X1 ^6 G  v2 X
A. 错误
, H( d* P8 l* u( yB. 正确) b6 `) v# g8 M- t: T
      满分:2.5  分
4 y' [" x1 H7 m6 C  O/ n  [22.  Environmentalist and functionalist theories are those that attempt to explain acquisition on the basis of assuming an innate biological endowment that makes learning possible.
# y( R- D4 i6 B+ m0 v" ~A. 错误
) \$ c# r; Q0 i+ x  I6 E3 OB. 正确, x8 G1 I2 S" ~( s. L; o
      满分:2.5  分
5 ^7 y0 {+ G, K* `* o$ I) A) s23.  The transference from the source domain to the target domain is referred to by some cognitive linguists as mapping.
2 L. x9 M/ H/ t  Q+ j1 gA. 错误
6 ?3 r5 n; I" WB. 正确8 T0 y1 O2 ?5 k/ d+ B- k. L
      满分:2.5  分# q, e6 G- [5 X5 W3 Q1 K4 l
24.  Insertion sequences refer to having the right to speak by turns.
1 K3 B$ F8 K& F$ Z0 p' `6 y& s1 xA. 错误
) \1 f  V9 C; ^0 X% @B. 正确" E- |, i( I( ~
      满分:2.5  分4 Y) \/ D! b4 d3 L
25.  The term register is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field.8 I/ I2 e" _+ M8 c9 \( k
A. 错误
3 q' d+ V/ }0 |B. 正确
. N% x" Y/ w0 D      满分:2.5  分1 j" Q# ^: l2 i' _
26.  Interlanguage is the approximate language system that the learner constructs for use in communication through the target language.9 e8 _8 U9 I8 H5 z1 a, k! V
A. 错误, F7 \; f" Z0 T" g8 h  G$ s
B. 正确$ Y$ \( u4 Y1 _; k# K
      满分:2.5  分
, d4 a$ {* d! P( O. Y4 [27.  Based on this observation that speakers consider the matter of face for themselves and others, Leech (1983) proposes the politeness principle., C% Q9 M" [& |& R, R$ Z4 j
A. 错误2 W6 t7 Q6 H# k& y3 q5 a1 a1 t
B. 正确* W! D4 N' d$ Q2 l: J: v( [
      满分:2.5  分& r( J4 y/ J; o/ {
28.  The term Creole is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field.
3 B/ V/ O2 P# G7 @. M( C% NA. 错误/ Z$ y; @& S7 p
B. 正确
; j; A, a7 V& o7 C6 h, C& W      满分:2.5  分6 E! \2 v, _  \, W) q- v& P
29.  24. Tenor is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to varieties according to use.
9 E( C+ U( R" u$ O( o9 ~- X$ |A. 错误
/ c4 h" T0 J4 C. m* I, v% _B. 正确* N+ \4 p  P2 g
      满分:2.5  分
& Y  a* P% }9 E% p# D30.  Field depends on the relations between the participants.
( H5 f# O8 v( o  _" _0 x$ tA. 错误# L( a! b- M+ z5 S- M. z
B. 正确
" i- [4 V0 j0 J( ~$ x# X; N      满分:2.5  分 ( t" ^: _( q2 l8 D
8 f6 N) ?- I& p3 _! z6 V. z, {
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