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发表于 2011-9-27 22:18:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
11秋学期《大学英语(一)》在线作业1# _0 H) @& I- D5 f2 h3 N3 F5 D
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  I think it unnecessary to go back there, _____we have visited these places.+ j3 n! i* y, Y7 S
A. so that* \) ?% R5 s7 X
B. in order to
$ y, i- C& y# p/ H/ tC. provided that* P" P1 f6 J! t+ D9 K, I
D. now that
2 E2 z+ Z* F+ c- n) g      满分:10  分) l) K$ g6 Y# e# `
2.  His father is the British_____ to Japan.
; s8 o+ z7 c* J0 b; \; AA. ambassador7 V" W3 j+ f7 E2 y/ A  R
B. ambulance
/ @, T' G" r0 A7 d: lC. ambition
( j) M& O0 D& ~! Q; q5 s2 I  ~8 vD. embarrass+ U1 e# `: r5 M4 g( K" E$ j' @
      满分:10  分
9 ]" W& F# `7 y7 S8 p3.  Whenever he has trouble in study, he always tries, _____, to get help from his teachers and classmates.
7 s  R4 C; y# [' I5 B+ M8 `A. somehow8 i3 x0 |5 e1 i6 U& M# Q" B, M
B. anyhow
& s3 w8 j! y# oC. no matter how
8 R' s& w0 d' i3 G/ u' FD. anyway
7 P6 f/ a% Q6 u& o4 Y8 }      满分:10  分
' Y7 w1 K+ ]! l  G4.  How can you convince him_____ the death of his wife, since he was with her a few minutes ago?
4 O7 G" ?) g% {# Q( Y! ]' B4 dA. of: \& U7 C6 I/ n1 |" J/ c
B. on/ C8 @8 }0 c4 d! h  ]3 [! X
C. in) w; B( {* q/ u
D. from
! O7 J0 B* F6 U) ^0 m' f3 T      满分:10  分
) d' R/ P8 ^9 _2 o0 J% p$ m5.  They worked hard to _____their small business into a large one.% y, y9 b8 C! Y/ O' ~. U% i% p- d5 R
A. transform
8 K# }. y& j- p9 Z( O- iB. transition
6 T- M' I/ P/ sC. transit: @: n$ [$ g5 b/ q9 z" W/ q+ O
D. transport4 b# c7 a$ A/ N) `7 O) z' q
      满分:10  分7 c1 E. ?8 k3 y$ [4 b  E
6.  The organization performed an important _____ in protecting the rights of children.
0 X$ O. I5 _, t( B! WA. function
9 C( m% r2 F, ]$ ^) E5 Y' vB. fiction+ ~1 e# P- _2 }  j, j
C. fraction
# t9 ~( ?! h, `5 AD. friction6 V% c4 m0 n2 J: t0 X- X
      满分:10  分# G8 v# B7 V3 Q9 I- y9 r
7.  He has won wide _____ in the field of occupational medicine.+ Q) ~/ c5 h& c  d9 p) |
A. recollection' g: Y. \1 M* M+ A" @" D# Y8 g
B. profession
6 w. \* [: p+ c: B/ OC. recognition& J/ z9 A3 ^5 ?! {$ w1 {( o
D. production+ _3 \% V! f8 e
      满分:10  分
1 @6 v" ^6 H+ y8.  I have seen that this method had been_____by many people." `+ B/ W" y. h4 E" f# S' r
A. applied
5 N+ j: o0 M: _B. demanded! Z3 I$ V# k: P, Y" Y. h
C. owned! M5 h* s$ J9 J( N( ~
D. disagreed) f3 I, W, _3 N
      满分:10  分& V6 {7 `) S! m) j$ s/ i' Z! S2 w0 s
9.  _____ all her other qualifications. Mary was an excellent cook.
% n) ?/ |/ w9 T* h! {A. except
2 `; X' F7 B) B+ c/ lB. in addition to
+ f. I6 i" F- U: Z- P3 e  xC. besides
2 y! ^8 M0 }& M! o( l% |D. except for2 _- b* d' e# X1 \
      满分:10  分* e6 y1 `$ [9 E6 U
10.  We supply every_____ for traveling.- U4 x& Q2 L" b& n+ h! B
A. requisition2 R% H* o2 T; _. b. k
B. requirement9 v; b" \) ?0 B' _
C. requisite
5 X7 N, B1 M: E. MD. request
- ]" C% O9 m& l+ n! V      满分:10  分


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