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发表于 2011-9-28 17:18:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 T6 M' C! w0 j. r& f* y试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:100
& M% C& v! r" M- U  D. \ ?单选
; N. z* P3 t; T) l! w 6 V: S, _3 K' R( C# J3 b, H& r
. H9 P/ z# W1 b  D' g6 v
9 |4 l6 t5 i. |0 U3 g6 \
、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)    得分:100# c( x6 f7 b5 [* _5 c$ u  J5 S
1.  This machine is _____of being improved.A. able$ w& D7 o% w" J* `
B. capable
5 ~' z$ K" a) }  MC. competent
8 h4 C# h' U. L$ K% ]: LD. qualified$ [$ H% \, W6 z- j6 ?0 V" x
正确资料:B      满分:5  分  得分:57 ]6 g/ q# S& w
2.  The elderly lady passed ______ peacefully in her sleep last night.A. away
9 J3 M1 K9 Q1 m* o3 F9 L; [# EB. on, _/ F& M" d, {6 n/ d& w( }$ @8 W
C. by- m) P; ^4 c. w% q* J
D. over  ~2 D* `" ~8 r$ i3 _
正确资料:A      满分:5  分  得分:5
& |* H4 J" y$ h7 H- Y0 j! Q3.  Prices of these books _____ from 5 dollars to 10 dollars.A. limited
, K) A/ l5 f8 F. b$ ?: BB. flied, d* U; L. r  d! h. r, K0 \
C. ranged
% H& c8 p6 `8 s1 y4 F9 ?D. sold
) A) J7 j+ q( k% j4 N4 ]正确资料:C      满分:5  分  得分:5# l/ G2 d0 D5 [: E
4.  To _____the hero who died in order to save a drowning boy, a large number of residents came to take part in his funeral.A. honor
7 R1 o6 N$ h( ~B. recall( A: J# g# \0 ^! I; K
C. memorize
! y; P5 d0 q3 D: eD. remember
+ o  E" S6 }4 `" P2 h正确资料:A      满分:5  分  得分:5' {9 c# a6 ~+ o: `1 T
5.  I don’t approve _____ wasting time.A. to
5 ?* {9 }" t1 [B. with# p* M& g. T0 A
C. at1 S( E) @5 n" S7 i
D. of( a+ j9 M7 h8 L8 v' k
正确资料:D      满分:5  分  得分:5- x( z" m. t0 l
6.  _____ fitness means having a strong healthy body.A. Physic( u! }: o/ D9 [- p5 c7 X' N
B. Psychological
& `% h9 C& W9 @C. Physiological
0 r0 T# I6 \  H: I3 YD. Physical# \" A( R5 ]/ _$ n. Y8 O9 l3 g
正确资料:D      满分:5  分  得分:5
* _$ Y+ L2 z9 p7.  Can you give me a_____ description of the thief?A. creative
; @7 b8 \7 f9 YB. detailed
5 u% R$ Z$ R% q; Y, nC. mental7 v  }2 U3 M  q$ ^
D. strange$ e% I+ R- d2 y1 h1 [3 [
正确资料:B      满分:5  分  得分:5  V3 e7 d# p+ C" j, D; f% U
8.  _____ , I suppose I’m frightened of failing.A. In other way
3 @) Q3 E$ O0 \/ ]! J- l3 o! |B. In the way
& Y* T$ w7 ~6 B/ U( c) x% jC. In a way
. l$ d5 ]6 O" k9 zD. On the way
; l& s& u+ D8 n, I正确资料:C      满分:5  分  得分:52 t! i4 }7 y& O1 V5 G: j6 P' z
9.  To _____the hero who died in order to save a drowning boy, a large number of residents came to take part in his funeral.A. honor
$ @) b4 ?4 O5 f/ z; [. B$ z7 ^B. recall
+ q- ]  H3 a% c, lC. memorize
. m  ]) ^+ X1 t$ o, jD. remember
" ?3 t0 J6 j2 q( y0 G% p# @正确资料:A      满分:5  分  得分:5
/ K, {6 I6 j6 R10.  She picked _____ French when she lived in France.A. on, H5 W2 ^. Y# x! @3 {% c1 @
B. over
, E5 {( c/ _) k" y3 tC. up
6 @4 V) v9 \- V' ~D. out
, v0 i3 E, [. z( h正确资料:C      满分:5  分  得分:5
! r2 W1 Q  M1 }7 m' M11.  The marriage on the basis of money is _____to break up.A. bound
0 v0 i2 ~( ~! |8 V1 O) j7 ^! o' BB. apparent
3 p0 ]% D% B! pC. obvious. {& k4 b% l) }+ t) w% \" i
D. keen* N9 H: e$ J/ U* a9 p
正确资料:A      满分:5  分  得分:5
8 U" F* C9 U( \; g12.  To _____the hero who died in order to save a drowning boy, a large number of residents came to take part in his funeral.A. honor
' D, b) m% m- z% z: fB. recall
& A; f9 h- z( T- x( ?" n3 W. `C. memorize+ W! c: q6 X5 I) D) m3 L
D. remember
2 E+ R: p3 O8 Q$ w' J. b* m! H正确资料:A      满分:5  分  得分:5
* A$ z" O$ {1 P13.  _____ evidence that language acquiring ability must be stimulated.A. If being
0 e' H4 M* ?8 h( q' [B. It is/ ]. Z7 ~0 k+ g# @, g8 ?
C. There is9 s2 \  v) _* j; f
D. There being
- a3 Q: i% M7 Z; ?! i正确资料:C      满分:5  分  得分:5
/ m* s: S" j/ P/ a) U# h14.  Much of the day was ______ with classes or study.A. turned up
. k4 V4 h8 Y  M9 _, \' MB. taken up
2 H' Z. g8 E2 W& cC. hung up
& x5 \- x& `# z+ DD. brought up
  o9 B" m7 K5 f正确资料:B      满分:5  分  得分:50 u+ M% o( t$ ~0 L) {% |/ k
15.  You can take a _____ calculator with you in the exam.A. electric
- _9 J0 ~+ t9 Y# V2 RB. electrical
: r; G- D5 T% uC. electronic
/ t7 ~& k( o* {D. electrified
% B( j" V: t# g+ L; Q正确资料:C      满分:5  分  得分:5' X3 W0 l. z& F4 W
16.  _____ the car, they bought the garage.A. Except4 U. S: R7 v4 r5 e0 X" \! J$ p
B. Besides
8 n4 d. i  W6 I, |+ D+ nC. Except for. U5 Q7 z9 R' m9 K6 |! D8 q+ f
D. In addition
' f8 n: i' N/ ~( `, [) {3 F" w正确资料:B      满分:5  分  得分:5" k5 e6 x/ K  H) g! I
17.  Quite _____ of interviews are going on.A. a number* K) @% D7 D2 G/ Z% }
B. the number
$ V  X; y$ [0 h( KC. number8 y0 Z* ?6 G$ G+ k6 h0 [* j
D. the numbers
8 G6 {9 @1 C% }8 f4 \正确资料:A      满分:5  分  得分:59 m' z8 g% g- u' e) q# \; H. t
18.  Applicants will be called to have a(n)_____ .A. interference+ m% U- d# {: r6 U" X; K
B. interpretation% x& a# U1 o! {0 C# V6 Z# S
C. interruption
/ P3 f5 z! r! g( [1 wD. interview
, d/ D  W7 a* D- l正确资料:D      满分:5  分  得分:5" A, \6 a+ \5 G0 S1 F5 o. x
19.  The shrewd politician ______ his speech to suit the interests of the audience.A. adopts
, Z* Y& Q) O0 P2 EB. relates7 B( h6 B0 o9 q. f4 A
C. adapts
$ r1 A& {! e8 C9 x) ]D. connects
$ \! [& E4 S9 {! T  b) ]* R正确资料:C      满分:5  分  得分:5
4 }- r% h! X' I0 I$ t  `5 D$ ]20.  Don’t let the child play with scissors_____ he cuts himself.A. in case
9 G  _4 _5 P: d" S# h% g9 ]B. now that4 o" n) J. W; r+ I$ r- `
C. so that) j1 L& ~- m" x+ I+ W/ S# [) z9 u
D. only if4 l5 t2 v# p! }$ u6 j4 T) E9 A
正确资料:A      满分:5  分  得分:5
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