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发表于 2013-1-3 14:33:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《开放英语一》模拟# e9 @3 L2 E( x# U+ ]
I. Vocabulary and Structure(每题1分,共25分)
" x8 k/ ^  A2 n4 n' KSection A       
1 A% \) f/ e1 Q& o) M  p7 ZDirections: Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 6 N+ u+ V8 y$ l9 h% ]7 }1 N
1.        A: I like documentaries on TV. " C+ g- C7 K% h- C, h
B: ____________.& Q3 J. L  i& C& N9 p
A. So am I3 U) K; Z9 v: a$ B& }2 P8 d
        B. So do I" t9 p' ~! {8 j- E, h$ K
        C. So have I
+ Z+ \4 p5 \, ^7 E( W1 e- D' T资料 B
$ l7 B) |7 \& D$ {- ^2.        A: I am from England. , s$ v8 v2 X1 [0 s* ]/ _; d
B: ____________.- G, T3 ~  M( ]) k/ u
A. So am I8 F- t% i! H4 ^$ K( {) |) i5 I
        B. So do I
1 O* V9 G" R" ^- r; j8 K5 z        C. So have I6 I. {& _/ Y0 t- c- n
资料 A
4 ?, l' Y2 u5 F1 ~9 ?3.        A: I have a light breakfast early in the morning.
1 e3 G: E7 h* ?B: ____________.
% Q# v+ _1 ~8 N% ]; l1 [A. So have I
7 n8 S+ K/ g2 \2 S: g: S        B. Me too
3 j9 f9 G& w* k% Q% E- a/ O0 E/ N+ G        C. So am I& q1 o- b  I' I" ^
资料 B7 p, C. j$ T0 n% Q5 r" a5 _
4.        A:I don’t get up late on Sundays.) }! X; m0 W0 I; H" W
B: ____________.
. Q* J' J2 |9 ^2 D6 G4 UA. Neither have I
& k; k) B8 L$ X, f5 v0 z        B. Neither am I
+ N; J, g. t# O        C. Neither do I
- I. q7 X7 f7 v资料 C" t, z0 ]" g3 ], x
5.        A: I haven’t got a car.
: {8 D0 {! K6 k& a" {% SB: ____________.9 k' g' a3 U* g* C
A. Neither have I
( b: m; j7 N/ S# x8 \/ o- t% h        B. Neither do I
' Q4 ~3 x# A- P        C. Neither am I* D% {- a) P6 u9 B+ A
资料 A
" W( R) _( w# }7 |# f% y6.        A: ____________ is the nearest chemist’s? ; ^; A7 S" I' r( s; P' g
B: On the corner.* ?6 G) w4 x" F3 q0 L
A. What
% S) h3 G5 t2 ?        B. Where- _8 O) C- C$ o
        C. How5 q9 s: A7 w& r/ |
资料 B1 E# k5 a4 \) H" j! a; W0 v
7.        A:____________was the meeting like? % F2 g7 ~3 }7 z1 G* y. U  X1 r1 k, T
B: It was very exciting.# H% v$ H6 r# l, D$ i
A. How6 r* s- _1 j: D, T) }
        B. What
- [  `0 l$ g% w2 @' ~1 A2 A        C. Why) ^, w  J0 c8 n0 {
资料 B: g( k- n1 ]7 \# C
8.        A:____________time do you have lunch? 8 K$ y# I, r( d6 v
B: I usually have lunch at 12.
8 f  p; e1 Q7 v: t* K4 l, S! \/ ]A. Where% s$ G# x  M9 T: n; h, z6 g
        B. What2 O7 t6 g; u! b. S( m6 b
        C. When
9 K& r4 W8 y# k2 ?/ N资料 B) r1 w  N1 P! U, s
9.        A:____________will the meal take?
+ \5 c$ N# y5 JB: It’ll take two hours, I think.
% C- q1 Z+ K. m9 pA. How long) A5 V! e, P5 ]4 ]8 S
        B. How many+ A. H# U! z: U
        C. How much
/ r3 V2 P$ O1 g2 F资料 A
9 o# v+ a/ [4 t2 z+ z10.        ____________ people are coming for the party?
& R/ e! Q' }0 l; b& C7 B# f4 [        A. How often; P) W7 u. W$ B1 W
        B. How much! _& ]( t, v  w+ q) p
        C. How many
* u8 f2 ?( C  R, L5 j8 S9 b资料 C
5 ~$ }* g8 b. G: Q' e  `11.        This radio is ____________than that one.; q. f% @9 F; r. ]7 Q8 U& _3 D
        A. more expensive; G- f4 ?: i+ j" r
        B. very expensive
# U7 b: a+ ^! z8 c$ B/ }        C. as expensive
1 Z, p4 B* K3 i6 {9 i4 J资料 A9 r+ h- U) [+ l0 u3 L
12.        James is ____________French than Polly.
: H+ ^4 G6 E, t" \. u        A. a bit better at2 F) j0 ~) u! T% x
        B. a bit more good at: e* ?$ E4 B) j* Z- a5 m: Y4 L, j
        C. a bit good at
' Q. U% i$ `/ M8 j& t3 i( P资料 A* c. ^6 B0 P! N. N& c- @. j
13.        This watch is____________that one.
2 I, @9 f6 r1 t7 L        A. as expensive as
* o* t1 K0 t' G; a        B. very expensive than
# s8 f4 `; T+ _6 I        C. more expensive to
6 d  R/ O- S  J# ^8 b' Q5 \' F资料 A : }- b9 Q0 g$ t; H) @( K
14.        I’m bad at spelling, but Jane is ____________ me.
& h# ^( ?3 |' A        A. bad with
8 {7 S* c9 p' c3 D        B. worse than
4 t' G4 Y) D7 {* a" _        C. less than
+ w4 K3 d2 Z+ ]3 S6 A4 G& @资料 B
) ?6 E5 P) d) A9 F+ K15.        John is ____________ experienced at training than Mary is.
5 S( C+ c3 J# r( D9 m3 t( m        A. more
) e: h, G5 f2 q) q2 C" {. Q0 k: d+ W        B. worse
7 f( v& V$ J5 v# p& c        C. much
2 o' Z- M9 G! V: w( k* C3 Q资料 A' j9 u. }1 O3 O. I4 Z
Section B       
! Y# @" D: \" A1 yDirections: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. ; E; @" y2 _4 B$ \, j6 h, u7 i
have           work        answer        see        try
% j9 j) a: N5 |1 B- f1 a16.         “Could I speak to Maria?” “I’m sorry she__is having____ a shower, could you ring back later?”
0 S. {% s2 ]4 a+ y/ f17. How often   do    you  see     your parents?6 z7 {6 B/ ^  ~! Y0 ~! ]! E+ M. C
18. My father          is working     in Australia at the moment.( G6 c' m. m/ {+ |+ l
19. “What are you doing?” “I  am tring      to repair the washine machine.”
/ ]8 t$ f$ a& D# ?- Y: t20. “That’s the phone.”        “It’s OK, grandma. I  will answer     it.”
$ ]) u5 `; ~5 X) b3 g) H7 q- G. S. n! T8 W4 ~6 Y8 i
Section C       
& S" K# h+ O' k% O+ ZDirections: Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition. 8 v3 |4 A2 g% R" _5 G/ p
21.         Can you get a coffee   for     me?; T3 t" n4 R# q, m, a
22.         I’ll lend my car   to     you.- @0 K5 h" n% B' Q4 B9 k/ S
23.        I live___at___ 28 Blue Street.
6 y2 d6 m. d8 L. r4 O24.        I live    in   London., I& w# u' O6 p* o2 p
25.        I live    on    the fourth floor.
# a" T: S# b+ W& k7 b# Q& g
2 I. g3 M2 C! E( s3 S( I$ L+ I. z2 _3 AII. Reading Comprehension(每题2分,共30分)1 x  O/ y8 S$ C+ O5 r% ~" Z- e
Directions: In this part there are three passages followed by questions, each with four suggested answers. Choose the ONE you think is the best answer.
, Y/ M. I) s  W/ F9 B2 }5 [Passage 1! G9 u3 E% z0 a8 e5 u5 z' X( F# ]
Xiaoyan: I’d like to do some exercise today. Is there a swimming pool near here?
( x5 A3 _5 C' U- t7 m1 d5 cPolly: Yes, there are two actually. + u$ C  m! y, n! y- z% w
Xiaoyan: Where are they?
1 w5 a  `! J" \+ F, i0 x3 yPolly:There is the Springfield Pool just behind the shops and there’s the New Street Pool further away. That one is much better.
, s$ i9 S+ i1 f+ d3 VXiaoyan: What’s it like?
6 G) `7 S2 A  MPolly:Well, it has two pools. One is Olympic standard and the other is smaller but much warmer. It is really for children, but I go in there when I am cold. It has a sauna and a really good café too.
! v+ R* A4 L% |' B$ n" y9 O3 xXiaoyan: How do I get there? , s9 K! a) a! e  h9 J4 F, R! E
Polly: You take the number 38 bus from the shops.
& X) z, H: D9 n" [" Y! P5 j26. Xiaoyan wants to go ____________ today.
- e! a! T! b' e% V. l& u, RA. shopping, M; K. ^0 X+ R$ V
B. dancing
; e, s% j# N9 k1 J, p/ x8 B6 wC. swimming$ ?: G* p1 W2 D, l3 [# e0 ?
27. Which of the two swimming pools is better?
  W, g: D$ r+ b* J" z9 ~A. The Springfield Pool.4 f7 o" H) b& g9 Y) ^" r! ~' |
B. The New Street Pool.
2 h, B2 ]) u5 p* }4 [C. The Olympic Standard.
. U8 W% K- r  o' y: @- \1 [28. Which of the two swimming pools is farther from Xiaoyan’s flat?! S; W6 Z/ T9 Y& Q2 F/ @, V: z2 `
A. The Springfield Pool.
, q- m! \1 p2 {0 T( A1 pB. The New Street Pool.9 x  d5 K9 A4 V' ?
C. The Olympic Standard.
7 S2 M( T2 T  X" A7 p/ {29. Which swimming pool is really for children?  b; G( N3 t2 ]' p, `* s' @
A. The smaller one in the Springfield Pool.9 ^7 `5 i8 N8 v& q% g+ Z5 Q
B. The Olympic standard one in the New Street Pool., U; s; Y- r9 ~& ]+ ^6 P4 U1 f
C. The smaller one in the New Street Pool.5 s+ b9 R) r% Y* {( [) `
30. Polly ____________ go to the children’s pool.% ~; `0 p! L; z
A. sometimes
+ ^) s, b+ [; CB. always5 i+ u" D+ e8 d; E: K3 ?
C. never
8 a4 Z+ |4 O' c$ o资料 26 C;  27.B;  28.B;  29.C;  30.A! A6 y$ W4 _4 D- r; Y* t! ?0 b- t
Passage 2
( [+ e1 n' M5 s' n0 u8 N  B; r8 g9 ^Let me tell you about my new job. It’s great. I work for Centre Company. They have an office in London. I am the Deputy Marketing Manager. I am in charge of newspaper advertisements. I like working here, but I don’t like traveling by tube. It’s too busy! There are some very nice colleagues, and I often eat lunch with them in the canteen. We start work at nine o’clock. Lunch is from one o’clock to two o’clock. Then I finish work at 6 o’clock. My brother works near my office. He is in insurance, and sometimes we have a drink in the pub in the evening.
$ z# A( l; h: d% A31. The writer ____________ new job.1 p+ C7 M# D7 _5 T
A. doesn’t like his
; `" H/ \! {5 G; [7 NB. likes his
9 B) I6 s9 Y$ `2 vC. is looking for a
' V3 i5 {% Q/ P0 b7 `8 Q& H! T32. The writer works in ____________.
2 q( B. x) k% b" w+ n# NA. insurance
- a( w! ~0 |/ h0 o, mB. marketing2 Y4 C& p. _* `- D5 Z7 w) O+ }* u
C. computers
  F" Q1 ~/ J7 I3 D33. The writer thinks the tube is too____________.
9 l. F8 p% l- d7 X0 UA. noisy
* Y4 j3 @3 b) eB. slow
$ M( [7 U2 O4 L9 Z! S6 y  U( eC. busy5 H: x1 ^8 x1 a, }2 ?2 z
34. The writer works for about ____________ on weekdays., e. y, _9 D2 S4 f4 t3 e2 k+ r
A. 8 hours
9 q: k; N- l3 `" g' qB. 9 hours
$ ?; Q9 S1 d  {$ \C. 10 hours' i  v. t& k# E( ?% Z/ ]: W
35.The writer and his brother ____________ .3 v/ P6 g# d9 t* r
A. sometimes see each other2 E7 {2 i' x3 I0 A: F" T$ J
B. never see each other2 f# U% K5 Z' Q! \& `
C. see each other every day" p0 ~/ h2 h* M: B
资料 31.B;  32.B;  33.C;  34.A;  35.A! G$ w6 Z9 U) i3 D( l$ g( @

! Q5 _% Y$ P4 A8 c7 EPassage 3
* ]. b6 k/ z, |& s# ]Hello. My name is Molly and I’m from Ireland. I train the staff and help the customers --- especially the important ones. Franco, the restaurant owner, discusses everything with me. I have two free evenings a week, but twice a year I work every evening when Franco is on holiday --- I hate that. I always have to work on Friday and Saturday evenings when the restaurant is busy. But I like it because I’m interested in food and people. My salary is good. I like working with Franco. I get along well with the other staff in the restaurant.
, G# u( g+ \0 F+ e36. Molly likes to work every evening.. \4 m5 Q: z, J9 j) `, N
A. Right.& q* S2 L9 J* \% B
B. Wrong.: d1 I8 |$ E4 N: B: P
C. Doesn’t say.: k5 W2 f; S% T5 H. f- [
37. Molly sometimes has to work on Friday and Saturday evenings.
0 _1 j+ C7 H* a. m) G: qA. Right.
- ~% \8 l$ K  G3 k/ {B. Wrong.
- I# t, B& C6 \7 `C. Doesn’t say.7 U, P/ \3 M2 t" x6 n$ Z# {* W0 T
38. Molly has a holiday twice a year.
# \- N$ t& n3 _+ R" r1 e4 X4 DA. Right.0 b7 l$ [- L9 ]4 ]! n
B. Wrong.- X$ F, x4 q. v; \) h" F
C. Doesn’t say.6 l) G+ a0 Z3 m4 v; x  ~
39. Molly like working in the daytime.
5 ?, a5 l- E5 P" qA. Right.* U& I/ P. O# \+ r8 r' U9 |4 R
B. Wrong.( X1 g! i2 }0 d  i* z' s6 f0 ?
C. Doesn’t say.% W5 @* i# V4 q# k& O+ Q
40. Molly gets along well with all the staff in the restaurant.$ I! v: z' M5 X3 x0 M
A. Right.
8 C# D# Q$ m" C: m  BB. Wrong.
6 k4 R1 f* g. u( dC. Doesn’t say.6 f5 k. t1 d) N7 v; O7 ~, W( [- U" k
资料:36.B;  37.A;  38.C;  39.C;  40.A  N: F4 p7 b- r

* {# `" \" h. y' c. B% `III. Translation(每题3分,共15分)% o  d0 Y5 l" g: f4 K: t2 X3 r5 a8 M
Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.+ }3 z! D$ ~& f& I7 e; d0 F
41.        __When are you convenient? _______________ (什么时候方便)? How about during the day? I usually work in the evening." n4 E9 T$ g3 F, B+ z
42.        __Are you free on Wednesday________________ (周三有空吗)?No, I’m afraid I’m not.% a9 `' x% d# q6 G/ Z$ u$ F
43.        John is good at training. Mary ____is better than him____________ (比他做得更好).
4 T. V$ S! z# ^+ q" l" c4 g0 v2 g44.        What’s the matter? ___I’m not feeling well__________________ (我不舒服).
0 {7 u: B+ s+ Q- @1 b1 x/ }& i) O45.        If you would like to see me at a different time, ______you can make an appointment with the coach_______________(你可以和教练预约)." ~" P# e  I! P+ p% q  `

$ E  A6 c$ m' Z/ m' @IV. Translation(每题3分,共30分)
  S. z3 d6 D" I& |7 Z; h9 r2 ]Directions: Translating the following sentences into English.& K% B2 U4 J9 \4 _5 q3 b/ o
46. 请你把那个瓶子打开,好吗?  Could you please open that bottle?
4 i2 h3 k1 R3 U6 k6 |47. 要我洗这些蔬菜吗?  Should I wash the vegetables?) X9 ^+ w( ~/ w. C; F
48. 你能准备一下那些洋葱吗?  Can you prepare those onions?
8 I  E. k% G& p6 j# m- f49. 我来做这只鸡。 Let me cook the chicken.+ Y0 I$ N0 f9 z0 k! x
50. 请把那些荔枝给我。 Please give those lychees to me., ~8 Q7 E7 J6 K' K6 v( C: V  \2 @" M
51. 我能用英语进行阅读和写作。I can read and write in English.
! P& F4 I& ^! y52. 我们没必要再预订更多的了。We needn’t book any more.% |% @+ J3 J: D. t
53. 我每周有两个上午去游泳。I go swimming two mornings a week.4 _4 J$ M* `& ^3 t) v
54. 我的庆贺迁居的聚会与玛丽的不同。My moving party is different from Mary.
1 t( ^! f) c' O2 q( }2 @55. 我们五月开始开放,直到九月闭馆。We are open from May till September.
# V" J  E/ s* t1 d
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