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发表于 2011-11-7 14:40:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
久爱奥鹏网:www.92open.com " t& ~5 S  A/ z1 P: z

  P' O' |' {( O% k. U; B+ `9 R) z+ U0 _. t4 i
4 F9 F# l$ t" Q9 N7 T5 Q* J福师《高级英语(二)》在线作业一1 \' |# m; @3 F5 _, s
7 N8 C% L* ?8 @+ c1.If you want to make a call, first, pick up the ( ),then deposit a coin in the slot.
: i, J7 @/ [& L; u# zA. receiver( M, j5 z$ D2 L" a0 n" k5 r
B. speaker
" C6 t$ t9 p8 L# F/ F0 ], lC. microphone# i8 |. j% Q: L( ?$ C1 s' X4 z
D. hook
+ L" U1 R9 s) m. A; W资料:A6 q) w. H% }) @* }
2.The company management attempted to __information that was not favorable to them, but it was all in vain." C) `( X. Z9 w" o; k) h# O
A. suppress% T# z6 h7 V% i$ r% t  c
B. supplement
% }4 e+ L% A* T3 H2 uC. concentrate9 V, K& _4 a  I4 y  u
D. plug
2 e) F$ o6 k" X资料:A' j7 M% A1 F5 Y! D5 A
3.If you need further information, please _______ our office., K4 E4 g2 Y7 Z2 V0 z
A. constant
- e  D7 P9 V8 L& a2 i+ V, RB. construct
  r7 ^$ L, s5 G3 h9 }! v/ A# d1 M3 OC. contact2 z/ j( s, V1 f9 {$ x2 U
D. contain! t/ i9 f# A/ n9 O& P
资料:C& f4 k& m4 d, H3 y
4.The eldest child is thoroughly ( ) because they always give him whatever he wants.
( ]( @0 B6 e9 [A. wasted9 ~8 c6 ]+ e) m2 @
B. spoiled5 {9 Q  x( Z3 h% I- }) X$ G0 W
C. destroyed
+ T) Q8 O3 `  k) a% S& F( fD. uneducated0 ]6 W* D1 P6 _3 e6 V
" p2 |1 y- Q7 ~! x7 }: `& F  N5.He received four years of training in English and two years in English teaching.He is a _______ English instructor.
: ~9 Q8 p, o, ?5 N- W1 b# `A. responsible
0 h% }6 }! ]/ M; A' [B. scared
+ o5 r2 v- m# ?2 M  R  `C. vast3 w1 X. _( C, x9 ^, m  O% u
D. qualified
; A5 J) f2 O9 T6 x+ ?资料:D" z8 W0 G7 u5 O! F( r( w& l
6.While fashion is thought of usually __ clothing, it is important to realize that it covers a much wider domain.9 h6 d8 s( f& M$ k
A. in relation to; O( z, ]1 D. J3 Y+ S2 n
B. in proportion to
5 _( y. E! b8 [$ LC. by means of- J+ o1 H& d6 f7 A' ~
D. on behalf of
  j$ l0 t* v" F! W. F1 p资料:A: j/ ^7 l' D7 K8 |# \
7.The next time I buy a typewriter, I’m going to buy a ( ) model.
5 P8 O$ p- K& I1 IA. sulphur
; G# f/ l, I- Q- t  ~. d- e8 VB. portable! [0 x6 f8 r. j0 g
C. suspending, Q$ N2 f/ F% o' p
D. tender
4 O# Q4 d. i2 p, G5 \7 Y资料:B
6 D$ V7 w$ F& l- L7 P8.Water is as ( ) to fish as air is to man.2 }5 `7 F4 M# Q% _, i! q" h# ^
A. obvious
1 W3 R" ^2 F; bB. basin; O1 M  M- \6 i3 h
C. indispensable
- R2 G0 S* Q/ l. z. |D. constant/ M  E) ]' [5 F# a( O) Z* h
# A7 t6 w; ?0 k9.This 80-200mm zoom lens bears canon’s L designation, denoting a top-of-the-line lens built to extremely high ( ).2 r' P/ l, b2 D, M
A. tolerances
! y- j7 W  J5 _B. pitch
6 O7 |& ~$ k7 m, ~C. possession
: A5 D: E+ ]# W- y, |7 g% y7 zD. purses


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