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发表于 2013-1-22 20:12:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  Reflection combines ____, which is essential to teacher development.& ]9 K; {! Q2 @! G
A. purposes and aims
7 b3 E4 \- ~& b! T$ R* m, sB. means and ends
" i0 s9 p, i& M8 _$ _C. means and ways: {1 ~9 s; G5 R; N: Y8 @& c+ k8 |7 ?
D. knowledge and abilities6 |9 w0 |& F) _# F
      满分:3  分
4 G: X5 j4 e' w0 T* C1 x2.  A____of textbook is of traditional nature.) F# [' V( z: S) b# T+ h) a' d( d
A. knowledge type5 e  |0 f* @9 F! @2 q" H
B. structure type/ u& m5 k# ]9 j9 V4 l
C. function/notion type3 u& M) E5 b: O+ Y$ x+ k+ |' h* P3 p
D. topic type( _+ J' \6 \* \  J! X7 E
      满分:3  分
4 O6 K. c% e! l$ g. K9 R8 p3.  ____means the observation of the characteristics of an individual unit — a learner, a teacher, a class, a staff room, a school or a community.$ t2 U8 @! ^9 X; c
A. A case study( M$ e8 N8 @5 [5 [" |! F4 y5 _
B. Action research
9 L4 ?+ t3 |* TC. Peer observation
& v4 Z1 }; d5 r$ Z5 ^D. Description
3 ]0 b7 s3 V& S" X7 A' O: }      满分:3  分
4 T% L, S  _0 R& |& }: e4.  ____ is not fixed in time and space.2 J; Z5 L- r7 s9 w! L$ b
A. speech$ E5 {+ k! l6 J* Y& {# w3 k/ o
B. written discourse
7 V. S' ~, M3 u, _C. spoken discourse  _' j- R, r* w1 q6 a2 L
D. discourse
& x& b) f# d5 G0 \' H4 O      满分:3  分; [" K) K# S8 d3 ^
5.  ______assessment is to diagnose learners’ learning process, information from which can be used by teachers as the basis for further work.: j( a7 o# X/ ^1 e& D1 D
A. Final, o  ?  D" f7 m7 _/ {. t; u
B. Progress  {0 n1 v0 O) @5 v8 G+ i" g
C. Formative; ]! g) K5 v4 s, E
D. Summative) g- \% N, V, c, p$ {) r* L# D
      满分:3  分
( G7 \# A3 }4 g& z6.  Reflection is ____-oriented, social and political, which directs teachers’ social development." f; {- p. W$ h4 |0 `1 v% a
A. motive
# G! [. I7 h4 k1 k# aB. belief1 u" h0 o# q, f, e+ G" Z
C. action' }, C8 s; J# o( g' i! V: }3 d
D. idea
7 a4 R1 m- A0 \' b1 _6 O% M- w( P      满分:3  分
( \7 [0 ^: c% y+ [% j7.  _____is designed to give information used to measure the candidate
$ ]& l$ Z& H2 n0 GA. Criterion-referenced testing
! ?0 L& o7 N, m2 QB. Norm-referenced testing
$ s' b6 b* i4 ~8 \( }C. Discrete point testing
! T3 v8 y! Z- h5 P" kD. Integrative testing
8 A7 q# _& k. T" M      满分:3  分7 ~" @+ r* T0 a4 L- N% O- m
8.  A topical syllabus is like a______one, except that the headings are broadly topic based.7 o$ o. I2 r( C1 i
A. situational
8 B: W% Q* u( i5 D5 dB. functional6 i3 O2 C" J9 F, Q
C. structural
. g6 P0 q  w% h7 Q% v4 f# K) MD. skills
7 s  e7 e# n) E% m! C      满分:3  分
& @# N( n, `( f8 X' [* d# x- U9.  Technical rationality holds that practitioners are instrumental problem solvers who select____means best suited to particular purposes.
0 [8 i. `+ [% w9 @A. theoretical4 S, E3 D6 ]6 c- ?
B. systematic
% z/ G1 W) Y1 S7 f) ?% E! t4 l. DC. practical$ H: Q& N1 [# w% m8 ^; {( f
D. technical
. g2 W% z  C' H6 n* K4 O      满分:3  分
/ T9 C1 d& D, q+ b& c  U10.  The tests designed to identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses are called ____ .0 l7 p$ n. }6 [
A. Proficiency tests5 E5 g! z- d0 U
B. Achievement tests
: f. ^0 H4 ]. D7 j' x; {% J3 PC. Diagnostic tests4 [( |  \( f" c
D. Placement tests
5 |+ h  {8 |: Q+ N  @; ~& H8 V      满分:3  分
2 V8 i4 ^8 Q* o/ w! m, r: F
  ^# M) t, M' s* [二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  There are different types of lesson planning according to its nature and styles:; V+ d) M9 z1 [9 w0 A
A. Mental and written$ L- `# `& w* g# o  a5 ^
B. Formal and informal! t4 n$ F7 o5 p* Z  C. c' I
C. Personal and professional* b& y! G$ V) z2 R, j: W' U
D. Short-term plan and long-term plan
0 [) |) _7 T) e1 c      满分:3  分
2 J/ m/ p. L* N. @3 I2.  From a psychological perspective, Levelt explores several components that exist in a person’s speaking. They are______
: {: v4 i5 F) `, h! eA. conceptualizing8 X6 Q6 g  v/ Y2 ^
B. formulating3 L& x" ^. L# L' O- f1 f5 T
C. articulating
: c. w# I, q  j- sD. consisting speech-comprehension system, making ‘self-produced internal and overt speech available to the conceptual system’
  \, y; D4 O: q" \4 J5 T- B. b: Z      满分:3  分; z* Y! h$ v6 }5 P
3.  The following____are the failures that the students tend to make when they write.
2 Q5 ?! E$ a# E6 X' R4 C) F; f- a9 dA. to mention more than one idea in one paragraph+ v! L2 \$ _! [) _& w; S- }
B. to mention the same idea again in other paragraphs
6 ^: @! G6 I* FC. to fail to give a topic sentence with supporting examples
* i) |  t/ k) i8 g5 a  q$ qD. to use proper words to express the ideas
/ z( g1 |6 F! {/ m/ j% d      满分:3  分
( M2 v3 d" e  ?4.  Writing is a process of____.; K( P8 ?0 P9 |9 x" l, A
A. speaking9 f1 H6 R8 f% Y- b
B. acquiring
+ y4 L  T  h8 L3 bC. learning9 ^' U. e  \2 z+ {1 U2 m1 d
D. acquisition
* F; [7 g! K, z3 |2 |! U      满分:3  分. g& y) e6 W6 z3 D; A. X0 t6 h
5.  Instructional materials in language education are a comprehensive term covering types of materials used in teaching and learning. They are: ______( |: ^2 k( f* i/ y* w
A. textbook; supplementary materials  e; M7 i8 }9 G% V& A4 d6 M  i6 @- K
B. visual materials; realia, _, u& L2 U, i) W
C. audio-cassettes; videodisc/ Y' p/ a7 _6 r: I: u+ o
D. PowerPoint( O3 i4 ~7 w7 k" V
      满分:3  分! x# }3 ]5 Y: H! U6 Z
6.  Qualities of quality education refer to abilities, for example, discovery learning, autonomous learning and learning strategies; working with others, solving problems, building up positive and healthy personality.
! m8 q. l: d# QA. academic. j0 z* X2 O: q  \# v" C6 v
B. social2 C) p! k/ U; @
C. personality, D. d' p& ]. _: F2 s9 [
D. cognitive
% p, G* b' G" M4 N6 k, {      满分:3  分6 [5 ]5 [! Z: T; I
7.  Hedge (2000:322) summarizes different genres into different types of writing as follows: ____$ B6 J# [. Q# B
A. personal writing; public writing! e0 l; T; p5 t5 j: c; m( i' R- Z
B. creative writing
9 g" P: a2 e. F% g* ^7 k' g6 j7 CC. social writing; study writing: {9 {6 o* l+ h0 b
D. institutional writing
' J* g! N0 [/ f      满分:3  分
0 @: y2 a' j8 B- z5 M8.  According to Hedge, social writing includes: ____0 D7 h& b7 c. [' a
A. poems; stories
/ F( K: i; s5 J5 \B. invitations; notes of congratulation
* J: H/ D  z! D# K5 i0 ?C. telephone messages0 L5 |" \9 l- p& i
D. dramas; autobiography
# U& Z) x; E- L7 I      满分:3  分* c) g, X! m/ Y
9.  Psychologists such as____provide full presentations on human thinking process from a psychological point of view.
1 c3 N3 N( H) K4 a, u8 ZA. Rogers3 Q3 R9 W+ \1 b# }0 }5 g% ~2 v% V
B. Selby( |- s/ D7 x* M2 m
C. Piaget4 R2 a1 F; R0 y: A; d
D. Kelly) T  g1 A# F0 H
      满分:3  分
: V- }) Q% o: m* R' i10.  ______decides whether you can conduct your teaching effectively and whether you can deal with unexpected events successfully.
3 C4 {0 ?* y. u0 A# TA. Fluent English
5 f3 A- q; ]" \7 t$ |* QB. Proper gestures3 T: N" b* S6 Y+ T
C. Lesson Planning
. h: B2 r" C& i# p2 E$ ID. Classroom management
' Z" d( l$ T' l0 \4 g! ]+ }      满分:3  分 3 @8 b* Q" m' t: @0 `6 v4 v
* N" }7 z3 r* d& `( E& r( M2 J0 d
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Writing is a means of organizing representation of our thoughts and feelings in written forms (Hoover 1994).( c) M, k, q$ c- ^$ k, h5 f
A. 错误
$ @# h. Y' Q- j% q/ L+ ^  QB. 正确
5 d# v5 G  Q5 ^/ L/ g: l7 ~      满分:2  分3 q( b' ?5 }, w9 Z6 `( X: m
2.  Merely following the textbook step by step is mechanical and not interesting.
+ d0 a7 b& c. b8 N; d1 e, cA. 错误
/ P! T3 u  B8 ]3 l: z% HB. 正确( X5 G- N2 i; q+ Y* O6 z. Q, Y
      满分:2  分* o1 \6 z* m7 [* E: x
3.  Literal understanding means to know the meaning of what someone is telling us or to know the language they speak .% H/ v' w$ S5 t% t% l& h5 q. Y
A. 错误$ M( [5 r" M1 N6 |- j
B. 正确
( l. r3 ^5 j5 S      满分:2  分. I/ M- j' Q  o4 P9 n7 b
4.  Sometimes teachers can be distracted or momentarily forget what they should teach next. Then the teacher needs to glance at the plan.
  v- M# p* C6 Z6 j# S: zA. 错误
6 B* ~" N: E6 W$ g2 D, tB. 正确0 G% V* \8 r( Z/ ]/ ^
      满分:2  分3 v$ j1 H1 G; x
5.  Reflection provides a developmental process, which hinders teacher development.
7 F% G: H. d* f' J* d  \, O7 ^A. 错误
" X: x7 H) u+ M4 q0 A; T1 ]% dB. 正确* O4 ^! f; {! q1 z! s0 f
      满分:2  分
% f# y! E$ v# V6 C3 T6.  Indirect testing is used to measure the candidates’ abilities that underlie the skills in which test writers or teachers are interested.
% v4 w9 `& p8 E; a& `' x8 Z7 cA. 错误
9 T% J7 N6 J& j0 `3 [) l& h! C2 aB. 正确! `$ U) ?% S* }% a
      满分:2  分" {  m, d2 |6 Y' D5 Z
7.  Syllabus emerged because of changes in terms of what kinds of language learners were needed and how materials were organized for those learners with their special purposes in language learning.
/ w2 U7 J$ x& A& OA. 错误
; J, S3 L+ N  I/ kB. 正确
6 w3 _% C, _3 u' r) C      满分:2  分
+ g- s2 m- X% v8.  The suggested content of students’ record can include students’ identity, date of birth, home address, educational background, previous English learning studies, future intentions, description of her learning and classroom behavior, some of her writings, test results and the teacher’s comments .8 y6 K$ P* y9 b7 [# z2 Y
A. 错误# M3 I* m& W+ E/ h* d! H
B. 正确
3 A+ }" ?8 h- z      满分:2  分
8 l9 c# D6 K% d1 n  S; L3 h9.  Professional achievement has positive effects on a person‘s self-esteem and self-concept. In turn, a person‘s psychological maturity motivates and increases professional competence.! e* r. ]  e" V- k# C3 V
A. 错误  \/ K& u1 z% _0 _, o
B. 正确1 l( Y. c# E# H6 ~% P6 d! F
      满分:2  分" Z9 k8 d4 r! Z3 Q( U1 L) n
10.  Following the plans rigidly always make the teaching active and lively
; \, e/ E: J# A2 eA. 错误
* b' k" u1 a% H6 qB. 正确
" g. W! \4 m- O+ f) @, n5 ^( p      满分:2  分
. g( `. r5 K5 ^6 a( |! k11.  The reflective nature of journal writing lies in its process of discovering hidden beliefs and feelings and gaining insights about teaching and living.5 G7 R- {* d4 Y4 W- }1 K) g2 O/ ~
A. 错误
! r# V" K5 S, j$ c* u% mB. 正确6 ?4 ^& q8 y8 |- q2 O
      满分:2  分
8 X9 y5 I$ n) K0 w1 P  i7 t& c( l12.  A professional lesson plan is usually a formal one. It can also be used for administrative or managerial inspection.5 b8 V' B( f  Q5 k8 V
A. 错误
1 i: A. h) y# `B. 正确% ~0 }4 f  q$ C+ I
      满分:2  分* Y2 z6 l2 G2 l# y) |" i
13.  Learners should not live with uncertainty although they should try to work things out by thinking, sharing with others or with the help of resources.
5 ]! t) z: t- T( {1 j# I$ E  eA. 错误: B7 }' z: K, ], B1 v! a
B. 正确( E) `7 w1 x6 z6 T0 s* H8 V
      满分:2  分6 N# N( a3 C* d2 y! s
14.  The purpose of reading for meaning is to get messages.5 T' I: Y2 Y, n" s' O0 p3 p
A. 错误% A0 j2 H: R% T1 w; W* }5 N3 W& @
B. 正确. N7 P' S; _- F' }
      满分:2  分; o  `5 A6 w# k6 x( Q% M  L. d
15.  A curriculum contains a broad description of general goals by indicating an overall educational-cultural philosophy which applies across subjects together with a theoretical orientation to language and language learning with respect to the subject matter at hand.
8 L/ y* `. ?! u* R- O" B" d8 ]: g5 [A. 错误7 G. T- T5 c' Q8 l9 P
B. 正确
+ w/ G. v* ^, K8 D& w1 Z      满分:2  分+ g# Y- m( q) j) p* r1 W' h! y
16.  Language awareness can be used as a philosophy attempting ‘to develop learners’ explicit understanding of language. (Borg, 1994:62)
3 U* y) H6 j# A) _8 G# S9 NA. 错误
* H' W3 X. X  h% A) uB. 正确
6 M! ?8 t# D# p      满分:2  分6 u5 d+ e; U) l5 h4 C# \
17.  The self-evaluative feature denotes that team members themselves take part in the research, according to Cohen and Masion.
% x! U: H* W* r# @" F6 X* }4 sA. 错误
7 w% E3 K  X7 k2 |# m. d! XB. 正确
) v* P4 n( n  M4 t; {# O6 Z$ B/ M      满分:2  分! Z/ D, ~. X! A, ], D( ?8 K3 ?
18.  The nature of practical reflection refers to decision-making about immediate behaviors or skills.
, V+ e! S  w( X# L, k+ [/ G5 TA. 错误
0 u" f2 }" ~% H5 ]2 B8 Y' FB. 正确  E5 I( k6 F3 a' K
      满分:2  分8 ?/ ?6 m2 w3 Z" v+ j" v' X
19.  A thick textbook is surely a good book.* s" ]3 C  e1 k3 G6 S+ U* j
A. 错误6 _; `! [. I" p  L& H- c/ p
B. 正确
) `2 p) D+ i  G9 F. |2 f      满分:2  分
6 ]; ^! d& q  ]% Z6 O5 |, J( _9 b: H20.  Instructional materials are resources for teachers and students to use in achieving course aims and objectives." {( s5 E! o7 r3 K+ `
A. 错误/ x3 a; {* P+ R9 w  k
B. 正确
3 o. G+ ~+ I' F$ d! l6 [8 W4 w      满分:2  分
, E& {; j; H( @0 s! P
  m4 l) t3 j  E9 z& M
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