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发表于 2014-4-17 10:15:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏辅导资料,奥鹏在线作业辅导资料,奥鹏离线作业辅导资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及其他各远程教育作业代写服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。
8 E3 e; ]; _, S) T% G4 o' |+ g! k) T. C& l. D
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  34. As far as computer programming is concerned, this model is obviously superior ______ any of the others in our department.3 ^* `$ {7 O5 A: X% \
A. to* r' c! P( s2 Z, {, @
B. than
' F' N3 u7 j; ZC. over7 U( T* D8 N% M# i# U3 I; y
D. from0 g, y4 h- u1 u4 E7 ]* u
      满分:5  分
+ N0 U( Y, H2 t$ ]4 u- J2.  100. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed by the university to take in __________.! N1 I$ c7 k( s8 I- a8 d
A. residents# t6 r! y- f- _5 X8 J, f% R
B. inhabitants. h/ y+ n- d. \7 E! ~
C. lodgers% V2 m, i, q- S; p4 Z5 s& t/ ]* n
D. settlers- Y% O. x. y& _
      满分:5  分: V' ]+ k5 N7 B& ?# i" ~( S% g- G
3.  94. As a public relations officer, he is said _______ some very influential people.4 E- ]- y  ?8 u/ m9 y- X
A. to have been knowing) x4 W& U- d# T
B. to be knowing& ^" q1 i. \. ^6 [
C. to have known
! B! U1 h7 }! r2 o. k& \% ?D. to know4 I( e: a3 M% q( [- h
      满分:5  分
3 ?- Q- ?2 e) l! M1 `4.  7. Miss Evans knows that Arthur and I can't be ______ the same committee. We are not compatible./ U$ B7 L+ }# v; q( s$ r
A. at
8 T: T$ z! m0 y7 {5 m: QB. on
) I6 G0 _' o2 m; t) vC. by
8 E0 z( v7 @3 ED. to8 S. _8 _; }/ o2 s2 Q6 M
      满分:5  分* y3 I7 t& \% v* @( U( t
5.  60. Those who previously lived in the centre would move to better but still old houses in outer ______.) h# `4 l$ m4 b* |
A. territories
- o" Q5 Y0 x8 l2 U' ZB. districts7 u! _) O, t/ _- a2 n" ]+ ?
C. sessions- N' a! q4 D2 c, }
D. grades$ x4 n6 C! P3 q/ Q9 q
      满分:5  分
! @7 |. D! P. M3 a) P0 Z6.  88. The shape of Italy _______ a boot when you look at it on a map.
( R9 R7 W1 J0 N5 f( h6 `# @+ `A. resembles
, L: U" ?- s0 F: hB. pictures
, t! Y! w, i% `( O0 W! I6 OC. likes
5 b+ h8 m  q! E, F& ED. looks& y5 K' e* C6 U' }2 z( @4 C
      满分:5  分9 ]& y& G9 M# f& Z- C& E
7.  38. Abraham Lincoln was raised to farm work, ______ he continued until he was twenty-two.
0 R! r$ d3 s9 @5 l/ `7 y4 dA. since- A$ ?3 a& ], d7 u! t
B. what
6 ?( R% n: `+ y7 w/ HC. which
! x- j5 H/ b; y' OD. that3 Q: r9 v1 r+ H. x
      满分:5  分
6 G6 P' A3 L" T6 H8.  40. I have not found my book yet; in fact, I am not sure ______ I could have done with it.
/ A& W* d- B2 r1 P, S! DA. whether: S% B( G) ?* ]8 |5 s7 C" C! x
B. where
' `& d# U# Z% M' B4 N% F# s+ y- VC. when
6 k3 O4 d" H/ j: \D. what
8 l. j# E3 l/ }      满分:5  分
7 G1 L  z, e3 t8 `. M2 U9.  69. His family ______ great hardship during the war.: T; H2 o9 V' y8 M$ R
A. endured+ P2 }' v9 d9 c# l0 K
B. tolerated
0 \7 t/ e4 c+ F: }7 {C. sustained
3 \. O3 u8 x, y! iD. undertook
9 J/ U, e' B! E0 m6 `9 \      满分:5  分
( E2 b+ b+ v9 j( s# ^10.  103. Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert __________ it means standing in a queue all night.1 {/ E4 C8 p3 }% g( g
A. provided
4 g) T# H* }7 O( e! BB. whatever
( p0 V+ C+ G( R% F0 MC. even if
+ @) j+ m5 }$ ^D. as if
& E0 m( k+ w+ m# T& W& W# D      满分:5  分
: _! M2 U) e- {- l9 l; ^+ T11.  Directions: There are 120 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. You must work hard ______ you will fail in the university entrance examination." J$ X* @; x5 z5 B" x; w
A. but! ?: |* b' q% P: Z5 _. m
B. and1 f3 Y! y( b' g* d  Q
C. or
% I5 l- n( N3 }) l% ?1 cD. if# B. z0 y& Y# h6 S0 D5 O
      满分:5  分
" @& \. f# Q0 [5 d) Z! r3 k12.  53. Two problems seem to ______ if we take this line of persuasion with school boards and parents.3 L7 t" l6 q1 Y0 U6 ~
A. establish
0 C( H1 O- b! o: k1 L  c& QB. enter
% C8 Y  Q# K0 e' O* KC. represent6 _2 q( U- g+ N
D. emerge5 g2 g7 n) v( T0 O& y
      满分:5  分" ~7 y- l$ L4 J- ]" d- Y6 J
13.  68. He only ______ the letter I handed to him but signed it anyway.
( z% z+ P8 f. L' E* y4 X& \# G1 s& bA. studies
; q7 D) W3 M; h' ~9 [B. scanned0 ?4 |- F- |2 Q0 c" _
C. saw6 {) \9 d; c- W* F5 ?5 t  D2 d
D. stared& Y1 i' z; {, A7 f$ c) H; z1 o
      满分:5  分
) c& I! y: v0 u3 r# \1 @' e. @9 c14.  90. Mr. Smith said that he did not want to _______ any further responsibilities.; G$ w  J" b- C6 B
A. take on  E2 W# D- w2 [+ i& R( D$ B% o$ h; E/ v
B. get on
, I3 e  S5 E- VC. put up$ \+ [1 o* Z& }# E; o! o
D. look up; f5 _4 A. f- P, l6 T: [2 _0 T
      满分:5  分
" u( R. \3 R% [  E! r, i1 Y- W15.  76. They gave _______ broadcast while the performance was in process on the stage.
% v" B5 i9 A  K; d4 k9 h5 w' nA. alive/ f1 j7 h  `. e) G# I3 A( L
B. live
" ]8 f5 [5 k. L2 D, ]5 a8 `! A5 ~C. living5 L4 e; \$ T8 G1 n) Z; X! Q  E
D. lively4 L) m% O- o$ G0 G; b* n
      满分:5  分; z4 b0 I: c- Z! C3 S
16.  47. They are pleased to switch it off when they do not like the programme or change to the other ______.
" z5 u7 m4 c4 J' y# jA. channel, e1 k& B* C$ v: {( Y* `7 }# f
B. title! y. _' \$ ~4 R2 q# ]. b/ x
C. volume
5 F/ x' T- i' G& }8 l8 wD. version
! f1 n$ w8 B$ R7 s& m# b) W      满分:5  分
) z7 Y, L7 k9 j17.  50. A year ago the first volume in this series successfully ______ the pattern which is here continued.; z$ ~1 v, D0 x' u, B* ?( c  U
A. established
% u: x8 X; |6 ]0 TB. organized
9 f5 B" w, K  S4 [) i- YC. proceeded "
; V1 w) q! j3 }4 i: L' @+ s; z1 r$ J3 \D. represented" D. s* y1 m* t4 `8 w
      满分:5  分5 _5 l0 _2 Y5 s/ u3 ~  p: H) `' E  o
18.  58. We watched the backward ______ of the tide.% k: l1 G8 Z! I% e8 s- u4 R) Z3 c
A. bay4 V: _' Q$ w+ w* v/ k' M8 n
B. flow+ z! h1 s! H9 r  g+ S
C. gulf
& O' ?: d8 `4 Q9 N- [7 HD. wash
5 [; g, g& M8 I& O3 }3 b+ \      满分:5  分- \& L7 b" N! U0 g4 ?# m
19.  72. The worker's demands are ______; they're asking for only a small increase in their wages.
+ S2 A( r  j* C" SA. excessive& S0 w: ]0 x4 Q+ K
B. raw9 Z  G9 N. f+ A5 q1 v
C. super& z5 D* D( X) m* K& _3 M
D. moderate
* F9 @7 g# Q( F" n      满分:5  分3 o! T# i/ ~: |2 _- Y* B2 Y9 p$ d* x
20.  5. They have no ______ wish ______ to live and work for their motherland.
! d& l. G3 g0 fA. same … as
, J0 M$ L* V6 B& ^) G7 u' kB. such … as% L4 E2 \+ x; L4 w8 U; b; C' h8 {
C. other … than( I8 `1 j5 f0 e& s! J+ g
D. another … than
, T) V- d, ^! W' Y      满分:5  分
+ z/ s1 H* A4 ]: d- }& h
- j, P! ~8 v" ^9 ^谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏辅导资料,奥鹏在线作业辅导资料,奥鹏离线作业辅导资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及其他各远程教育作业代写服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。


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