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发表于 2014-5-11 21:12:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  Linda is fond of playing ___ violin while Della is interested in listening to ___ music.
A. /, the
B. the, /
C. a, the
D. the, a
2.  The speaker was so nervous that he had to _____ for a few seconds to find proper words to continue his speech.
A. break out
B. break into
C. break in
D. break off
3.  The little fox was not clever enough to miss_____by the hunter.
A. catching
B. caught
C. being caught
D. to be caught
4.  Enid_____Mrs Morrison to look after her mother for a few days.
A. arranged
B. arranged for
C. prepared
D. prepared for
5.  Big Jim_____sit behind me in math class in high school.
A. used to
B. get used to
C. be used to
D. has used to
6.  Not knowing what to reply ___ such a question, we kept silent.
A. /
B. to
C. with
D. on
7.  My carelessness often _____ many mistakes in examinations.
A. results from
B. results in
C. happens to
D. changes into
8.  There was such a long time at the exhibition ___ we had to wait for about half an hour.
A. as
B. that
C. so
D. hence
9.  Washington D.C was named _______ the first President of the U.S.A.,George Washington.
A. from
B. after
C. by
D. with
10.  Richard was very bright and_____the crossword in ten minutes.
A. solution
B. solved
C. settled
D. ended
11.  Any student who _________ his homework is unlikely to pass the examination.
A. reduces
B. offends
C. practices
D. neglects
12.  Franklin discovered ____ electricity and John Baird invented _____ television.
A. an, a
B. /, the
C. the, /
D. /, /

13.  One of his many faults is that he never _____ anything very long.
A. decides on
B. sticks to
C. goes over
D. makes sure
14.  I cannot_____ the truth of your words, although they go against my interests.
A. but admit
B. but admitting
C. help but to admit
D. help but admitting
15.  The lawyer advised him to drop the___, since he stands little chance to win.
A. event
B. incident
C. case
D. affair
16.  He tried to _____his nervousness.
A. cover with
B. cover on
C. cover up
D. cover in
17.  John is not hard working at all. He has _____in all the examinations.
A. succeeded
B. failed
C. falled
D. fainted
18.  What’s ___ trouble with you? --- I have ____ trouble with my stomach.
A. /, the
B. the, /
C. the, a
D. the, the
19.  I appreciate _____ me the favor.
A. you should do
B. you to do
C. that you doing
D. your doing

20.  What are you ___ if she asks you to stay?
A. doing
B. to do
C. to be done
D. to be doing
21.  He _____to find himself in a dark room.
A. wake
B. wakened
C. raised
D. awakened
22.  People all over the world celebrate ____ New Year’s Day and people in China celebrate _____ Spring Festival as well.
A. the, /
B. /, the
C. /, /
D. the, the
23.  It’s ___ time of year of the corn harvest. That is to say, it’s _____ time for us to get in corn.
A. the, the
B. the, /
C. /, the
D. /, /
24.  Have you had any ___ experience for this job?
A. before
B. previously
C. previous
D. long ago
25.  Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ____ to the health service.
A. assessment
B. assignments
C. exception
D. access


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