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发表于 2014-5-28 19:17:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  John__home; Mary asked him to cook supper for the family.
A. arrived
B. had arrived
C. to arrive
D. arriving
2.  The little boy dreamed to have a garden____ his neighbours's.
A. likely
B. liked
C. alike
D. like
3.  I've got a lot of American friends who don't( )with what you're saying.
A. equate
B. concern
C. please
D. satisfy
4.  The President declined to deliver the speech himself,___a sore throat.
A. as to
B. along with
C. on account of
D. in response to
5.  If he hadn't got a bad cold, he would not lie in bed, having nothing to do, but would go for the picnic with his friends_____.
A. except
B. instead
C. rather
D. instead of
6.  If people knew more about each other, there____more oppportunities to work together.
A. would be
B. are
C. will be
D. is
7.  Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _____ will happen to her private life.
A. that
B. what
C. it
D. this
8.  In some places women are expected to earn money ____ men work at home and raise their children.
A. but
B. while
C. because
D. though
9.  John’s luggage is ___ his girlfriend’s.
A. three times heavier as
B. heavier three times than
C. as heavy as three times
D. three times as heavy as
10.  You’d better take a raincoat. It__rain before evening.
A. would
B. must
C. might
D. should
11.  Ava was__ to believe that some things in the world cannot be bought.
A. brought up
B. brought along
C. brought about
D. bring up
12.  The skull at the bottom of the picture is synbolic( )death.
A. for
B. to
C. of
D. with
13.  John was caught exceeding the _______.
A. speed restrict
B. speeding limit
C. speeds limit
D. speed limit
14.  ___of my sisters remembered my birthday.
A. Not
B. No
C. None
D. No one
15.  Facing dangers, he always( )calm.
A. looks
B. seems
C. remains
D. appears
16.  The roads___widened when I left the city.
A. are being
B. are
C. being
D. were being
17.  Alice's parents died in the war, but she____.
A. served
B. spoilt
C. survived
D. solved
18.  Usually Mr Jones eats___that his wife eats. It's not surprising that he's overweight.
A. twice the amount
B. the amount twice
C. the twice amount
D. twice as much amount
19.  She broke it by accident. _____  the whole, she didn’t do it _____ purpose.
A. at , on
B. in, on
C. on, on
D. on ,for
20.  It was___he was thirty that he had a girlfriend.
A. the time
B. not until
C. since
D. till
21.  There was no choice but_____ indoors, as it was raining hard outside.
A. stay up
B. stayed
C. staying up
D. to stay
22.  You'd better go back now; your mother___where and how you are.
A. wonders
B. wondered
C. would wonder
D. will be wondering
23.  ______ she realized it was too late to go home.
A. No sooner it grew dark than
B. Hardly did it grow dark that
C. Scarcely had it grown dark than
D. It was not until dark that
24.  It’s now exactly half past seven, ____, the doctor has been here for two hours.
A. In other words
B. In another word
C. On the other hand
D. What‘s more
25.  __a cold shower every day will do you a lot of good. It is worth a try.
A. Took
B. Taken
C. Take
D. Taking
26.  You’re not allowed in here."Really? Could you tell me why that’s ___?
A. so
B. thus
C. therefore
D. that
27.  ( ),I couldn't persuade him to change his mind.
A. Hard although I tried
B. However I tried hard
C. No matter hard I tried
D. However hard I tried
28.  ___ of my sisters remembered my birthday.
A. Not
B. No
C. None
D. No one
29.  Joan made her son ____ that he would return the money to Mary within a week.
A. to promise
B. promise
C. promising
D. to promising
30.  Such customs as sending roses or chocolates to one's lover on Valentine's Day are widely___in China.
A. accepted
B. allowed
C. received
D. admitted
31.  The city itself ___thirteen square miles.
A. costs
B. covers
C. takes
D. houses
32.  Sally finally learned that her devotion to the family does not __ a happy marriage.
A. credit
B. identify
C. survive
D. guarantee
33.  Take a notebook with you and ___ what you see, hear and think while travelling in the mountainous areas.
A. set down
B. sit down
C. sign up
D. set up
34.  Alice had a hard time ___ with that drunken husband of hers.
A. lived
B. living
C. to live
D. live
35.  If I had a dictionary at hand, I __it to you.
A. will lend
B. would have lent
C. C would lend
D. will have lent
36.  He had a great desire to have a home of his own,__he had always lived with his parents.
A. for
B. when
C. before
D. where
37.  The young man made a _________ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.
A. prediction
B. promise
C. plan
D. contribution
38.  He went to bed( )the light on.
A. when
B. while
C. with
D. as
39.  It is the management that is at fault ___the work-force.
A. rather than
B. other than
C. more than
D. than
40.  Jane is very generous. ___, she volunteers her time and gives money to charities.
A. In this case
B. After all
C. I suppose
D. For instance
41.  In order to__, the new product should be superior to the old one in most aspects.
A. be accepted
B. being accepted
C. accept
D. accepted
42.  Never____the fact that you have great artistic talent and never lose heart.
A. catch sight of
B. come in sight of
C. stand the sight of
D. lose sight of
43.  __that it would rain tomorrow, the explores decided to start immediately.
A. Learning
B. To learn
C. They learned
D. They had been learned
44.  Mrs Clinton paused as the group of chidren__out of the house.
A. left
B. filed
C. started
D. crammed
45.  The research work of the young scientists is going on very well. If it _____ for your support, the young scientists____ in a very difficult position.
A. weren‘t...would be
B. isn‘t ... will be
C. won‘t ... are
D. weren‘t ...are
46.  The skilled worker was employed on a permanent____.
A. consideration
B. reputation
C. advantage
D. basis
47.  My parents __us all the same when we were kids.
A. treated
B. cared
C. entertained
D. raised
48.  ____I know, there isn’t such a word in English.
A. As much as
B. So far as
C. As long as
D. As soon as
49.  Sometimes I wish I ______ in a different time and a different place .
A. be living
B. were living
C. would live
D. would have lived
50.  Although badly hurt in the accident, the driver was _____ able to make a phone call.
A. still
B. even
C. also
D. ever



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