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发表于 2014-5-28 23:08:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 a8 k; j% Y) \/ k( R8 O3 u' N2 `: D+ i% z3 l" ?) ^

. b4 J( V4 t; l$ i( J, j! T! j  ], E; x3 [( n; S% B% T

4 y  t( J7 I3 Z, p; `5 V  
+ O1 I* Z( C4 M! j; B8 f《大学英语(三)0003》14春在线作业2$ V, m7 `1 T0 _5 E  g" T5 _
& O8 J7 ]1 g& Z7 m- D1 P4 O单选 + D0 \: t/ V2 k! z9 b$ j! ^! U

* m1 M" K. u0 m" R  @  a+ Y
- f7 ~8 g8 c' l1 ^一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)9 ], g' m  `) G1 V  _. A
1.  —Will you do me a favor? —________________.; r  \6 U9 o) k
A. My pleasure.  c1 J1 w) n& I' e- x
B. Yes, I do.2 h4 ]( f1 v; v5 E* s/ Q
C. Yes, I will.
/ D0 D" U& `- [2 B4 W1 U  j4 L! JD. I’d be glad to.
/ D0 B! \; d+ v" t-----------------选择:D      
3 v, Z" D8 T& o* u" s! k! P2.  _______ the computer _______ it can work.! q! Q# @8 A9 Y* i
A. Smaller; faster
2 I# N# C) J3 [2 k  D* |4 R8 r/ G6 PB. smallest; fastest
% m" e5 r. C* n9 }3 \2 k* {C. The smaller; the faster+ Y" r5 I( }) s% Y" j2 r: h5 F
D. The smallest; The fastest1 B. y- Z7 [+ q. s* [
5 F9 Q" X% b6 e* r/ Z9 |3.  Tom likes to playing _______, while his sister likes to play _______.
" J& q, S& m" A7 T. E$ ~A. football; the piano- _2 Y) B  w1 M- e& e
B. the football; the piano6 N9 R, p6 w# Y% \. v$ {
C. the football; piano
4 o  i" Y' ~$ xD. football; piano0 X; ^4 A4 F; D4 Q* ?' V& E# t
-----------------选择:A      # O3 @+ E7 k, J9 X
4.  John speaks French as fluently as he does German.$ f% M1 F1 ?5 ?- I9 _6 `# N% F
A. 约翰会说法语,也会说德语。
, ~* \2 b; t/ _5 A0 rB. 约翰法语没有德语讲得好。4 G- ~$ L, J8 C# O* a8 s
C. 约翰法语和德语说得一样流利。/ o; |: T- I5 G5 Y" c$ ~5 s5 T
D. 约翰在说德语的时候,也会同时说法语。
* I' e& q: k) G( v% R3 L$ t-----------------选择:C      & a) Q' b. a, z$ o7 G" a
5.  —Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? —________________.( ^4 c" u  D3 j! |( N: T+ U
A. Good news for you( ~" {4 n) i" s# ~( I* o
B. Go ahead, please
: s9 g0 i5 R+ a, V6 I2 `' G4 JC. Yes, sure
; J, P9 J# M8 O$ F2 ?7 ]7 }D. No, I can’t" }# I# y! ^# t+ w8 [
-----------------选择:B      / U, ]5 z" e/ p4 N! v$ v$ Y
6.  She leaned _______ the wall while she was speaking to her friend.1 M  C  u( y" j1 S: `
A. to
6 y$ i( A1 Q1 d# Q  V7 |B. against% l3 Y' @0 T; z$ H% g
C. towards9 V3 r9 Q( ?5 Y: ~: T! Y+ U. p
D. for1 @- P5 H/ m5 y
1 }0 s3 l3 n2 m1 J+ P7 ]7.  When she was in Chengdu, she often _______ to see me.! D$ E. H4 _5 z8 O- x) T5 H% v
A. comes
* P3 ?9 F; m/ y6 a' xB. came
7 T- _* d5 h3 T7 {3 y- NC. has came
* a# F/ Y  y* x: e" ^D. had came/ M6 u* Q7 Y7 E! B
-----------------选择:B      : W* Q; D2 z- O# D; A' J% ?) F
8.  You’d better take an umbrella with you _______ it should rain.% d3 v( ?: F4 K
A. in case of
3 m  x7 s4 \' J" K  rB. in case7 j& C0 F# H% O8 N
C. because% F8 J2 _0 d7 c$ c: T+ l
D. when
. @/ ~7 w1 S, v; Q-----------------选择:      7 z! ]+ B/ I* g! B/ o& s6 G
9.  It's _______ that he was wrong.
5 z8 h& S6 ]3 i* a* E' X2 WA. clearly  O- L6 L* f: u( ~. q) A
B. clarity
& K) U0 h3 y$ k( B; n' Y1 Z2 ?C. clear
0 I+ d0 I0 [% e/ E  rD. clearing1 o0 y7 [8 s% f6 T
/ U3 d9 r' K1 Z" V10.  Tea and coffee are _______ popular beverages in the United States." d% e. j1 i- F4 i
A. most6 e- p/ H$ U: D! o4 {$ Y
B. the most
9 Y+ ?5 w, G2 s3 ZC. a most9 }. |- z; Z/ s
D. the more
' l, k% a! O+ M2 B3 b+ s) B-----------------选择:      
0 y( L5 @8 X! C% [1 F; a) c11.  —Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside. —________________8 n& n: E( b3 u8 q6 j
A. Not at all.8 f3 q) z, I6 R
B. Sure, go ahead.& R8 _* `. T! S
C. Why not?
$ O8 [  G% F% _" E4 \$ {; V( AD. Yes, I would.
* s; ^4 H# f7 q1 X* b" z; T! V  e-----------------选择:      - v* w/ K' L6 N0 }
12.  —It’s so sweet of you to help me lift the box. —________________.3 G' ~4 n* o+ N1 ]& p2 k
A. Don’t thank me6 a( N& ?  U( Y9 W: j1 ?
B. No, no, don’t say that
. p9 n& D# ^( m  J/ ?, X' a% GC. It’s my pleasure
' I4 C8 i; e2 ~% r4 @; N# r6 P7 YD. No thank.3 f2 V# ~# u# W
-----------------选择:      ) F3 g  O0 i0 Y& Y  L1 ~$ _- \' ]& }
13.  What is the train _______ to Birmingham?! T4 B+ J& T; }6 D, ~
A. fee! p! `* ]9 d/ F5 e
B. tip
+ H/ x& J5 c! E& q. y# j! bC. fare
5 R) d" q( E5 J2 iD. cost
; G( c( G$ C# T& s( O7 |' O-----------------选择:      1 v' ^# Y+ e! S) z! U
14.  _______ at such a time, his work attracted much attention.
( t5 I" M3 `( j" {7 W# U9 @; RA. To publish+ i4 Y7 f* b+ A$ ^3 B+ O; `. Y
B. Published! U# x1 n3 D/ C  ]4 c9 f8 b
C. Publishing
8 G2 ]4 T) H+ ^8 `D. To be published6 S5 J. Z; r+ m
-----------------选择:      , }* f3 _* ~6 u) X
15.  _______ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.
, |% f! O; L3 q0 [& `1 u& R- J" lA. Before) y. c1 ~/ \: @" X7 `. o
B. At( ^9 j8 |+ \$ p# Z: g3 w  j
C. In8 I4 G+ q/ K: j
D. Between
" N, |7 z8 H& T' [/ K" I  \. d-----------------选择:      7 a: `- }6 k) }' A$ }4 ^" _8 q4 r5 ~
16.  I am pleased to take _______ to exchange views with you.; j' g. ~  o3 P2 X/ j4 P
A. this opportunity& M# R0 }& @) s
B. a chance
* g: ?' I/ N) `. ]9 h6 m/ mC. this time
1 O: c: M4 Z& F3 qD. a period
! a# F# s/ m  T& Z; t% Z. e-----------------选择:      / F1 c8 s1 f, B# l" h
17.  He _______ whether he should make one last attempt to save the man.
. c, r6 I0 d- ?9 `6 |9 X; fA. paused* j4 u+ c% w* G% N) r% O
B. stopped, E; ~+ s7 G0 X& ~; ^
C. waited
2 b( ?4 I0 }( x2 e9 z6 Z) HD. hesitated
9 f9 L' `& a$ V* h( ^9 G-----------------选择:      
0 z1 q/ s  B' ]18.  I was talking with my mother on the phone when we were _______ suddenly.
8 x  ^0 @! M. O1 vA. cut down9 n2 o! E9 c9 g
B. cut off- {% f7 W5 S$ @3 x8 o
C. cut across
# k1 H: G2 s" _+ G; ?- oD. cut back
# y9 R. a! u8 a/ ^& I-----------------选择:      
  e4 {0 z0 G' ^% q- [2 D; a" B19.  —I wonder if you could help me. —________________.
% A  i/ O7 N7 K& tA. I could.4 Y! J  X1 q( l- C" {: q
B. Yes, I do.
6 t- T/ N& C! d; I7 `5 JC. No, not at all.
. t% \/ |, i' t' ND. Of course- V! }2 L7 h. b% ~( r
% ~$ p" X$ s" N' d4 e4 Z20.  Suzan speaks English _______ John.
. E/ c+ w, \$ s" j- ~& [A. so fluently as
$ C8 s' v* K2 W- tB. as fluent as
$ p: V7 @3 D( W) P' g+ j  `C. more fluent than
$ @8 c; l5 }. f  q/ C$ y- [& d8 t% VD. much more fluently than3 Q: A& j4 ^3 Z% U* W* t* h8 u( T
-----------------选择:      $ w% ^1 _) u8 l1 n8 U% T' y6 D
" X. m8 B, t! V; h3 bAs long as the sun shines, the earth will not run out of energy. The sun pours more energy on earth than we can ever use. Most of that energy comes to us as heat and light. Energy from the sun is called solar energy.
' S* `% y5 T6 W. ]0 g6 @$ i9 G6 D; N    Anything to do with the sun is called "solar". The word began with the Roman word for the sun and their god of the sun, who was called Sol. Solar energy is a safe kind of energy. It doesn't make pollution or have dangerous leftovers. That is why scientists and investors are experimenting with ways of harnessing(治理利用)the sun to do some of the jobs fossil fuels have been doing.9 N. ?! a: [; J/ s! s+ c
    But to make the sun do work like that, they have to solve some problems. They have to collect the sun's energy. Collecting sunshine is not easy, unless you are a plant. Sunshine is not easy to store, either. You can't fill a tank with it or put it in the wood box. You can not move it through a pipe or a wire. You can not just turn it on.
# }+ k% {3 q. B. E+ A. p(3)、Which of the following is NOT true of solar energy?
& ?, ?$ a' ]2 K6 F- RA. It is a safe energy.
' H  Y" f- `$ o3 k; GB. It is a green energy.
9 ?# E. r, }! ?. Q2 ~7 yC. It may cause pollution to the air.
& j2 r! w  B: G5 z; V8 e' ZD. It is endless.
8 l; U. X' p  J9 n6 a/ g-----------------选择:      / [1 ~/ }- I6 B3 e! v3 z
22.  The old woman next door is very keen _______ growing roses.
$ H+ P. F5 b7 u( [) ^4 aA. to
1 o9 l: W! n4 u( ?  F. nB. with
  _# o3 }$ S1 b6 OC. on" e/ w1 g; n) L# K2 h7 U& N6 ]- p
D. at$ F) y5 Q9 H! m& I3 ~: I" i; K
-----------------选择:      / G$ T4 \" v/ `7 [% \# ?; V
23.  —I'm sorry. I missed the bus. — ________________.
" F3 m. P- k, E+ J2 }, m9 iA. I hope it won't happen again
1 l9 G- u: F9 r3 h! V2 FB. I accept your apology8 G, R+ I1 i! ~/ h
C. You should be very sorry. Never mind
4 G' e# ]1 a! R- d; @7 x7 kD. It could happen to anyone" _& s, h' k) N) c9 p1 e! \
! e) R7 i; a0 l$ P" G+ K% c! O24.  He _______ at the thought of seeing the pretty girl again.
0 r- m5 N. ], O. n* h  c! j! GA. cheered off5 s& V4 f, W. C5 f
B. cheered up
; e- k/ V/ N1 P' g6 l  X7 K6 aC. cheerful
4 ]6 ]+ s3 \( W0 t& pD. cheered on8 N/ r0 |. j: m; Z& i
-----------------选择:      " h5 Q/ }0 N8 b* B7 r/ T/ [
25.  It was the car accident that deprived her of a normal life.
$ P* `( j6 X: I' LA. 是一次车祸影响了她的生活。7 y: _2 f2 t' C7 P
B. 正是那场车祸剥夺了她的正常生活。
  H9 K. k5 B: \7 D  IC. 她正常的生活被车祸打乱了。
8 a5 L' c2 {* y5 ~D. 她中断了她的正常生活,又遇到了车祸。% O  V6 W1 ^: \& b+ Q3 j
-----------------选择:        A; Y$ v) ~0 f5 b' B
26.  —Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please? —________________! l% D# ?) L5 a- B7 j; N! g
A. Who's there?
$ s$ k8 F  F2 zB. Who's speaking?
2 c! ?" W  I; z5 d# G8 PC. Who are you?
( n) j) I4 U) AD. Who wants to speak to Mark?: g& j  K, z1 `% [
1 o7 J0 U, B! W/ J; Z, y& ~+ X27.  They have learned about _______ in recent years.
- j" c# `2 ~8 S( EA. several hundreds English words6 V! S+ U; ]/ F  ~
B. hundreds of English words- {. ^  d$ m, C3 X; Y+ \
C. hundred of English words5 [) @) g  N, C. l
D. several hundred English word6 ]7 V/ _! l4 r% O0 y
-----------------选择:      - K& v3 k, A7 a: c2 |2 p
) F* [& F3 @3 m# c5 |$ d4 NSixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo. She was leaving her native country to join her sister in the United States. She spoke English very well. Though she was very happy she could go abroad, she was feeling sad at leaving her family and friends. As she was thinking all about this, she suddenly heard the airline employee asking her to pick up her luggage and put it on the scales (称). Maria pulled and pulled. The bag was too heavy and she just couldn't lift it up. The man behind her got very impatient. He, too, was waiting to check in his luggage., z; C* x& O; Z' N: ]; t
"What's wrong with this girl?" He said, "Why doesn't she hurry up?" He moved forward and placed his bag on the counter, hoping to check in first. He was in a hurry to get a good seat. # a4 |9 M- c/ I
Maria was very angry, but she was very polite. And in her best English she said, "Why are you so upset? There are enough seats for everyone on the plane. If you are in such a hurry, why can't you give me a hand with my luggage?"
* }' g* c& n: v      The man was surprised to hear Maria speak English. He quickly picked up her luggage and stepped back. Everyone was looking at him with disapproval. 4 X3 m& z/ y0 c* P7 y
(1)、Maria's story happened _______! J" |4 g7 R3 O8 S* ?5 V
A. when she was leaving America4 |. }2 a3 O- U# E) ^
B. on her way back to Santo Domingo! N( e. t1 d, R% N, g
C. before she left the USA
' t) l% M6 o5 N) ED. when she arrived at the airport
% ?% u4 u! r& g  c. P2 s-----------------选择:     
, l# K! W8 |  K0 q' a" @29.  —Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? —________________.8 m; w8 v+ p6 p5 @: n/ I
A. Yes, I would., ]* X+ S3 ]4 ~
B. No, thank you." G0 M3 K' |3 Y) ?: k5 `* E
C. I’d love to, but I have a meeting to attend tonight.5 c$ _. ?0 U1 r( M8 r4 R* }
D. Sorry, I can’t
/ i$ ^9 Z" O* V4 d# w8 F1 r-----------------选择:     
, b2 ^2 B8 c$ R8 K; t30.  The doctor advised her _______ enough rest before going back to work.
+ y* u  E# Z* }A. get5 i, a5 V: u3 l1 a' x
B. to get
& s7 K8 s6 _3 }. g" g/ a6 nC. gets
- i3 Q" {% y3 jD. got" g# ], B$ J4 ?- E# U4 p
% \3 j% x: r4 Z- o31.  Are you going to fix the car yourself, or are you going to have it _______?
( x8 H0 O6 R( cA. fixing6 m- j! Q8 @. X/ k
B. to fix6 o# w- g' \4 p
C. fix' a$ |# C2 Y- K  q
D. fixed1 V$ c% U/ S0 O
-----------------选择:      0 p$ G1 L8 b, m: h+ s
32.  —Who's speaking? —This is Tom ________________.
7 f" W: `9 @3 w  }) g; MA. speaks7 e5 x; j+ U6 m" z! z4 N
B. spoken
: R' e" q6 N, t; E3 t, kC. speaking2 W+ U4 ]( P2 A: `
D. saying3 r" x1 b- O5 b. Q
-----------------选择:      5 O+ W) M" ?7 R) h& `( k* R, d
33.  The atmosphere _______ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.4 u; z, o* m6 l+ d' J: }% p
A. composes of! d7 y1 g- A: Z, c8 r; ]% m/ F0 f
B. is made up
9 {/ r; ^* b; `& t0 gC. consists of5 X" y5 T2 |( j5 O
D. makes up of% U8 x0 M; G$ `1 |( x
# h2 b& N" u  y& w  s3 ?( \% f& |34.  It _______ that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday.
+ m& B. z4 Y, V- z8 R$ P" M  Q, S. G5 S4 jA. took place0 u; w/ a, {" |$ L
B. occurred# m3 o7 l9 c8 \3 r
C. broke out
4 ]7 K. u4 F. ]9 ^! UD. happened
: J* D! s7 V2 P/ `. c-----------------选择:      ' q4 ~5 R6 b4 ~. v, a9 d, `; ~
35.  —We’re going on a visit to Japan next week. —________________.
9 x6 C9 `  y1 H. c9 n3 |# L, cA. Have a good journey
! m% F% l* A$ }8 b2 u! x4 v. wB. Good bye9 |  ^2 e$ ]# h( X
C. Wish you happy9 A- B7 W/ ~2 `' y. F6 H7 [
D. You’re right.
: z( L/ t3 t: j* ]' W  r-----------------选择:     
7 f8 P$ j9 W% V3 `36.  A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.
1 R1 s8 p3 T$ PA. 那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。# @/ _6 r. ]# V! Y- A  m
B. 很多人到山区去开发和利用自然资源。
/ w$ k: M+ R% N" B+ O5 k+ v8 D$ LC. 山区的许多自然资源已经被开发利用了。5 T. d) r( ?9 [, o2 J3 O) Z
D. 山区的许多自然资源被掠夺了。
5 P  L# }2 f2 W-----------------选择:      
$ L* V3 `+ j/ Z37.  —Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. —________________
$ K  M% e9 p3 i% NA. Great, I am very art-conscious! d; @9 R% P: f
B. Don't mention it
) S. _1 C, H0 d) T- B" jC. Thanks for your compliments8 D# D) V+ G& z
D. It's fine.5 r* {7 o% \( Z: [. A
-----------------选择:      ) G6 L4 @/ W6 P0 ^
38.  The sun _______ in the east and _______ in the west.1 \* o3 G% X! u7 L9 U( V
A. rise; set
: w! K* `0 O! @" G( @B. rises; sets& u$ x4 W3 S& A/ F: l1 z' ~
C. rose; set
+ v7 U( d+ e5 t# cD. is rising; is setting
: i$ q1 e- z, m7 i* c7 P9 G-----------------选择:     
) ^9 g$ l) A# D1 h8 R39.  —Why not join us in the game? —________________.
) ?4 M9 |2 ~& j! K0 k+ IA. OK! I'm coming. F; q5 @* ?+ m- ~& O, N; s! Q7 G
B. No, you do the same; G% G( s( e! f
C. Oh, that's all right; Z' v: w2 g) L, S0 ^7 o5 z
D. Don't mention it
% _+ h% _6 h9 o# \-----------------选择:      2 D8 `( ~" V0 j9 u! n
40.  It is likely that our team _______ the game.4 P1 J, \2 |! C! D
A. is about to win
6 t: F6 p3 W' @% [$ F6 jB. will win
7 ^7 L6 J3 n/ x9 BC. wins
. {9 M% y- f: B5 I* o" B; ~D. has won/ h" K) N9 e! b
-----------------选择:      , U1 p$ |( Q8 l$ @7 G" {6 X+ S. Y

. F9 u+ I$ |" m. Y8 L4 m; z/ k" K1 E
: b/ f! d) v0 A+ z5 O1 | 7 @5 y2 g# V4 d3 d
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。/ h! j( }8 P1 @6 p% y, V
  b3 N4 }. C$ J4 U4 j$ z* W* d


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