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发表于 2014-5-31 18:29:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
单选 阅读理解

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)
1.  His plane is due at 10. Listen,( )plane is in at( )airport.
A. a,a
B. the,the
C. the, an
D. a,an
2.  Does John ( )a brother?
A. have
B. has
C. is
D. are
3.  He is no longer( )his study, so he often daydreams in class.
A. tired of
B. sick of
C. bored with
D. interested in
4.  I hate ( ) fish, but my mother likes it.
A. eat
B. eating
C. to eat
D. eats
5.  Let's go. Look,( )car is outside ( )airport.
A. the,the
B. the, an
C. a, an
D. a, the
6.  Even on Sundays, fewer people go to( )church than before. .
A. the
B. a
C. /
D. an
7.  Where ( )she come from?
A. do
B. does
C. am
D.  is
8.  -Whose daughter is Mary? -She is( )
A. Mr. Green
B. Mr. Green's
C. her
D. she
9.  Look, Lily is on( )track!
A. five
B. the five
C. fifth
D. the fifth
10.  yesterday I had my hair( ).
A. cut
B. cuts
C. is cut
D. cutting
11.  My litter sister is good at ( )the pinao.
A. plays
B. play
C. played
D. playing
12.  A new technique( ), the yields as a whole increased by 20 per cent.
A. working out
B. having worked out
C. having been worked out
D. to have been worked out
13.  She’s going to ( )a meeting here this evening.
A. be
B. have
C. has
D. is
14.  John and Jack ( )best friends.
A. is
B. am
C. are
D. was
15.  An accurate knowledge of weather conditions helps a pilot ( )certain good conditions.
A. take advantage of
B. take care of
C. take place in
D. take part in
16.  Do you enjoy ( )English in our class, Miss Gao?
A. teach
B. to teach
C. taught
D. teaching
17.  Could you tell me if it ( )in winter in Australia?
A. snow
B. snows
C. to snow snowed
18.  Any ( )of the items in filling in the form is not allowed.
A. lack
B. omission
C. word
D. effort
19.  ( )the teacher( )at this college last year? Yes, he did.
A. Did, taught
B. does, teach
C. Did, teach
D. Does,taught
20.  The clothes are placed in the closet according ( )their colors.
A. of
B. to
C. in
D. for

单选题 阅读理解

二、阅读理解(共 3 道试题,共 60 分。)
1.          Surtsey was born in 1963. Scientists saw the birth of this island. It began at 7:30 a.m. on 14th November. A fishing boat was near Iceland. The boat moved under the captain's(船长)feet. He noticed a strange smell. He saw some black smoke. A volcano(火山)was breaking out. Red-hot rocks, fire and smoke were rushing up from the bottom(底部)of  the sea. The island grew quickly. It was 10 meters high the next day and 60 meters high on 18th November. Scientists flew there to watch. It was exciting. Smoke and fire were still rushing up. Pieces of red-hot rock were flying into the air and falling into the sea.  The sea was boiling and there was a strange light in the sky. Surtsey grew and grew. Then it stopped in June 1967. It was 175 meters high and 2 kilometers long. And life was already coming to Surtsey. Plants grew. Birds came. Some scientists built a house. They want to learn about this young island. A new island is like a new world.
1). Surtsey is ______.
A. an island not far from Iceland
B. a new volcano
C. a fishing boat
D. a place in Iceland
2). Scientists flew there ______.
A. to watch the birth of the island
B. to save the fishing boat
C. to learn about the island
D. to build a house
3). When did scientist fly there to watch?
A. Before the volcano broke out.
B. As soon as the volcano broke out.
C. About four days after the volcano broke out.
D. After the volcano      
4). Put the following sentences in correct order. a.The captain found the boat was moving. b.A new island appeared in the sea. c.Fire, smoke and rocks were seen rushing up. d.A fishing boat was near Iceland. e. The island grew quickly.
A. d-a-c-b-e
B. a-b-c-d-e
C. a-b-e-c-d
D. b-e-d-a-c
5). The best title of this article is ________.
A. A new island
B. The birth of an island
C. A new world
D. Scientists      
2.  This is a talk by a London taxi(出租车)driver.
"I've been a taxi driver for nearly ten years. Most London taxi drivers have their own taxis."
"It's a nice job most of time. You meet a lot of people. I always work at night, because there is too much traffic during the day. I live twenty miles(英里) outside London and I go to work at 5:30 in the afternoon."
"I usually go home between 2 and 3 in the morning."
"Some very strange things happened late at night.The other day I was taking a woman home from a party. She had her little dog with her. When we got to her house, she found that she had lost her key. So I waited in the car with the dog while she climbed in through the windows."
"I waited and waited. After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out what was going on. I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought I was a thief(小偷).
Luckily the woman came downstairs(下楼). She must have gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the dog!"
1). The driver always worked at night because it was easier to _____.
A. drive
B. make money
C. climb in through the window
D. meet a lot of people
2). The woman climbed in through the window because _____.
A. she wanted to have a sleep
B. her husband didn't open the door for her
C. she didn't want to pay the driver
D. she couldn't find her key
3). The story happened _____.
A. early in the morning
B. late at night
C. 20 miles outside London
D. near the police station
4). Which of the following is wrong?
A. The driver worked until between 2 and 3 in the morning.
B. The police made a mistake.
C. The woman had no money to pay the driver.
D. The woman had forgotten about the driver and the dog.
5). The driver climbed in through the window to
A. get money from the woman
B. return the dog to the woman
C. see what was happening in the house
D. phone the police
3.    Mr Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, "if anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea."
  "OK, Dad," said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then.
  Four days passed, but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him, so he burnt it that evening.
  The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, "Where is your father?" The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, "No more."
  The man was very surprised. He asked, "No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?"
  "Burnt yesterday evening."
1). Mr Brown told his son that _____.
A. he would be away from home for four days
B. he would be back in seven days
C. he would be back in a month
D. he liked a cup of tea
2). Mr Brown wrote the words down on ________.
A. the wall
B. the door
C. a piece of paper
D. his son's pocket
-----------------选择:3). A man came to visit the boy's father on ________.
A. the second day
B. the third day
C. the fourth day
D. the fifth day
-----------------选择:4). The man was very surprised because _________.
A. he thought the child's father was dead
B. the child didn't ask him to sit down
C. the child gave him a cup of tea
D. he couldn't find that piece of paper
5). What was burnt? ___________.
A. The piece of paper
B. Mr Smith
C. The visitor
D. The boy


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