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发表于 2014-8-12 17:45:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。 3 Z- h/ q6 e, F, s; d! i9 X7 J

8 S& `/ A, c) [* f7 A  t
2 @( g- i) M) _% L; }: Y- t5 Y
& Y8 d1 s2 b- f0 @7 H《大学英语(二)》14年9月补考作业考核' C1 g; ]6 y# P+ k0 J) b+ R
       * Q: Q0 Z) B0 G
单选 完型填空 阅读理解
+ k+ i0 j+ u* N" c% L+ E& e& g. t( |6 v9 M" u

2 W7 V) O. J2 Y  Z0 t3 n一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。)
- Y" B- V% ]: J% O/ s4 Z* }1 E1.  I _____ 100 dollars in my savings account this morning., n' f1 X$ a' {& W, |
A. departed
" b" a$ F% ^$ NB. deposited
  n) i% O7 ~& U4 ?C. ordered
2 u. @% o2 O* PD. provided
0 P& @. Y* b. c2 p-----------------选择:B      / l5 i/ I  T( d; |3 B: L& ^
2.  After the 90-minute match, all the football players were _____.3 _) v1 O/ Z& I% U4 P
A. lost
1 [1 N) S# r' q7 A* JB. tied
# L8 Z) q5 {8 }, Q7 w: S$ G! D3 ^. RC. exhausted
' D9 z* J6 }' o0 M' mD. exhibited
9 J8 J2 {# `7 y+ d, S4 |-----------------选择:C      % P4 w5 \5 F! v2 V0 z% X. B+ S
3.  He found it difficult to _____ the fact that the ship was lost in a heavy storm." S! p7 @4 I1 x1 i: ^5 U5 f: r
A. receive
* m: A7 B, H) VB. keep6 W* D4 T; X1 @9 A& m0 _
C. obtain
$ v* v4 g8 Q4 |' ?8 a+ tD. accept
+ y% H% c9 r6 j* @2 O! V-----------------选择:D      
/ U- L/ d& I! ~. X+ O, a4.  Can you tell Mary _____ her twin(双胞胎) sister?7 _9 z/ c: i& w- ]& q! U# s
A. to# ^& d+ h" G+ n
B. with
$ u! s- V9 e9 G, U* ZC. between
2 q4 t( C4 [" `+ ~D. from3 F# \! R5 D( R3 D' X1 R) V
- n: F! A9 G3 ^# a& }# z+ R. H2 `5.  Rebuilding the canal has already brought many _____ to our national economy.
1 y% J3 g8 x2 ~4 i! T* `8 x8 JA. interests' G6 M  K2 s) e) ^- j  K8 m
B. developments  }" e. {0 k( S; U9 p9 H1 d! [7 `
C. advances
2 @6 ^, P0 e+ ID. benefits
5 k6 Y+ e5 \4 K. D-----------------选择:D      
# v4 o6 w" m4 s9 k/ S6.  In teaching it is highly _____ to know exactly what one is hoping to achieve." @+ n8 r# W9 K! j3 O$ C0 W7 `" B
A. unable
0 y' {7 `- {5 U4 ?( W  U. m4 b' mB. reliable. b  J  T7 N3 Y: ~7 S! Q; }# ]
C. unreasonable
) h: @' h* F* e. A" r+ OD. desirable. v/ [$ Z6 i! x+ a
$ |- m2 \3 n# L4 o, {5 B2 Q1 w7.  Does he _____ English?
, ]% p0 U9 M1 s. R3 aA. say& H; N" Y8 \6 U0 z8 C
B. talk( _- m+ L$ |3 Z) B
C. tell
+ y/ J' H3 r9 @9 S( ~! k2 kD. speak9 G3 p. J+ `3 J9 E  E& S# r" J
" g7 F" T) k3 T9 G5 X; F; t# ~5 E; Z% U8.  I had some difficulty in _____ the plan.
7 K9 g- ?. j2 |. rA. carrying off1 X2 z" w$ ^6 M0 Z1 U0 a+ @
B. carrying on) r5 G- O- q) B7 X- i5 F
C. carrying out
  D1 l$ \8 U% e7 A" f- E( y) DD. carrying away( w) r8 }; \& ~9 V, e
-----------------选择:C      ) ~3 J# o5 u- O
9.  There was a serious water shortage in the area as there wasn’t _____ rain for nearly four months.. X% E; S1 x- [! X7 O5 F  D
A. plenty
3 ]* d/ H) F6 V& E: G! }* MB. many
6 Q. m2 ^. O, V  E0 U0 _C. adequate' T, d& y0 S9 i) o: M8 N0 c+ |) y3 A
D. efficient
6 I7 I! g- A" [4 X+ \-----------------选择:C      ( F* |% s7 b4 D/ t
10.  Our team _____ the visitors in the football match yesterday afternoon.
2 W+ `8 b4 P" @  @A. got the first of; a9 z$ q" X. l
B. got the best of( E" H. D% W; r7 ]
C. took the first of
' h, ]5 }7 n: ?( v" s6 J  `+ M* J+ M' }D. took the best of
- M' C/ M0 \! A  w- P-----------------选择:B      8 `1 i$ Z# {0 S( X" v/ l% Y  x
11.  I hope to _____ you at your office at three o’clock today.' `" L* X! G0 v$ N; s& m- U
A. call at
" u0 ~6 d. E# l5 n) AB. call on& V, t5 X! C9 K/ @
C. call off
1 O" q% r+ Z) f- n" N9 j- c; TD. call out- J5 r  ^! R& F; |
( h: ?4 T- Q5 U6 e* A/ v12.  “Such bad behaviour _____ a beating.” said the father to his naughty son.2 R0 p. a! t0 U9 n+ I! V
A. rewards4 R9 q7 S3 _5 u3 r7 g% }9 r' Z
B. is worth
3 O" y, R' |0 s0 TC. deserves
. L  k( j  b- T: t0 q) {& S, Z- R8 hD. is worthy  D2 ~+ ?2 s+ b, P
3 m, I: ]" k# E' i3 X8 G13.  I _____this book in an old bookstore on Fourth Avenue.& w4 q7 l8 v  E+ O! ~. z
A. came on4 _% K5 [7 V+ o7 l
B. came across4 c) n" e; K+ I0 ?5 y
C. came up
7 }2 A* R4 n! Q. t+ {4 Q$ O# f% wD. came over4 V3 m2 J- x1 ?
: ~0 ?  G, b' K- G14.  Last night a fire _____ in that market, so the firm suffered a heavy loss.& a9 B+ z& s6 o  ]
A. broke up0 s- y6 c# Y; i6 \
B. broke out; d* c# {2 L( e) w
C. broke of9 [& y& p. U0 H5 m& z* s
D. broke down
# |" P0 H6 p& x-----------------选择:      
/ ]* `  }8 b0 n4 X& f3 _1 m: M15.  It is quite natural for a new-comer to _____in such a big city as Shanghai.
$ ~- ~7 `- z( P  kA. get lost
$ q7 o, K7 C7 k, n, SB. lost way
+ p  q+ f2 Z+ Q1 `7 t2 l" N1 ?2 HC. lose home
5 T% z+ X. O- a2 A7 \D. miss home
  P0 M; u  z6 N: ]5 T# G-----------------选择:      & I1 A* o" {* Z# x" X
16.  Neither Tom nor Jane _____ this kind of films, so they left the cinema half an hour before it finishe1 e5 `, ]1 j+ j0 a! C) C6 _6 v4 G/ p
A. cared of+ V% K3 m6 T, L1 q, P5 f2 l
B. cared for
" B; i3 ?) T9 H5 W& W' ]7 D# PC. took care
  z2 S7 b. Q: v) v+ J9 M' f) @( x9 CD. took care of
6 x- k5 c" g4 ?/ e! Z) }-----------------选择:      , U- ^& s3 R! K" [5 H& U
17.  His achievement in research _____ him respect and admiration.
& \1 {; _. g8 U+ d+ V* DA. received4 C+ l8 o0 f5 s' f" x
B. beat
6 c( o* c! c  B8 r1 _C. won9 z7 C6 @; J$ {" n2 S
D. earned
* d  C, M- I- A3 G-----------------选择:      
. z9 k- v# {! Z7 B* K18.  In that country, the cost of living _____ quickly after the war broke out.
6 @6 q# \; a- N! V1 ?A. raced7 j% j0 m+ q# z8 U& G, U* ]: ^4 @) B
B. raised" s9 m& ~- W& T9 E
C. arose7 [2 V* H5 o" L4 T6 Q7 y. r
D. rose: K7 e1 Q: E# p
$ p% r7 n. A4 y0 |+ o- y3 J( P19.  Breakfast is _____ in the dining-room from 6:30 to 8:29 a.m. at this hotel.
. S0 I  O1 ^+ [# Y) xA. served
& d9 }1 y- L1 e4 XB. made2 R: A* J2 H: k& G. F) @
C. eaten
) |0 ?4 f% }( O! M0 G) w4 pD. cooked0 `! [. h. O3 q. s  O. E* o. \2 O% `
2 J% y" P2 F8 h! ~20.  The project is already due to a lack of funding.* U! b+ F/ U; B0 r. ^
A. behind schedule' V/ V' j; w8 X
B. in the process
1 w+ _$ [6 v0 e0 AC. in the way
+ D2 O2 ~% n# ?; J% w% qD. in sight
' ~; Y+ m2 _1 k: |4 d" h0 l$ E6 k-----------------选择:      
- s7 [  K# A1 Y- Y( R21.  _____ language, maths and history, the children are also taught music and art.
6 I* W* v. z; Q3 X3 y& rA. Beside2 `% ]- P/ G$ x$ F4 T
B. Except( m' ?$ Y. n  P7 _! n
C. In spite of
6 m. z, v0 [4 @8 DD. In addition to( |  d! j% {0 j
-----------------选择:      # s7 x8 W% o" W
22.  The minister refused to _____on the new agreement be?tween the two countries.
! n" p, S: ?% U! O! m9 y4 n1 aA. describe
7 I* F1 b$ L( E- g: l/ DB. report
( _$ E5 A6 F# _. W* ^- |7 mC. complain% U4 I1 x8 S9 W. w
D. comment8 t  m! r, J2 G* z- y
-----------------选择:      3 D0 ~4 a  a5 W& V5 G. o( q
23.  The doctor came out of the patient’s room with a _____ look on his face.
) s7 g4 Q' ]8 nA. serious1 L- ~- R% v2 I6 V& O% d
B. silent. K: t! \, d& l( t
C. simple0 T- Q( X* I& u
D. slight
1 p- ?' p. V( k3 o* H! |-----------------选择:      
3 \4 M+ I3 y2 P' Z3 b24.  She has _____her mind and is going to Canada instead of Japan.
- n* N5 e& [2 Q" K* v* l0 nA. changed. K- ~# B" w+ [2 `. ]
B. exchanged
* i, r) R  U, x6 N( f* gC. decided
, x7 L* ~; k( oD. made
6 m7 _+ R/ G* r/ [# D, F) \# ^-----------------选择:      0 l- m9 u3 }) i, R; a) c: K" L" F
25.  When applying for a job, you have to _____a resume.
  Q" B) @2 u9 ?" d- VA. get off
8 U9 K6 j2 W5 ^% O" [+ c* FB. hand in. J& e8 d& a4 U, ^6 n
C. put out
2 [* R5 |& @+ G$ W: D" P: [9 o0 @D. take away/ {' [' s- h3 Y4 `& K
-----------------选择:      $ R6 o) }" O. _
9 A: U( g) ]. W! J. |6 }

6 ^7 d* m' T( s   
, A8 E% w% |. V3 M3 \5 t, \《大学英语(二)》14年9月补考作业考核
( M" l& P7 N2 |& X  _4 h( R      
5 L9 X4 P, u: B; d单选题 完型填空 阅读理解
& o& j3 m7 ^4 ^2 d1 w: z: m" P1 t0 M; m0 X, t& l

' ^: v) B2 e$ W% m: H& }9 W二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 10 分。), N6 ]  f- \$ T* b
- S- x9 N- s' P7 U; U% @3 kHistory appears to have provided many examples of whether war has eventually resulting in peace, this perception is an error. The end of war does not bring peace; it just brings about the end of 1. This confusion in defining the result of 2 a war as an indication of peace can be corrected by being willing to see things 3 and more clearly.
4 d- `0 H: W* d+ I( ]' @; GBeing at peace is not just a ceasing of hostilities, 4 a characteristic of how you live and how you treat others within the world. Being at peace is more than not engaging in war. Being at peace is 5 embracing (拥抱) and extending peace by being peaceful and pursuing peaceful methods of existence. When we are not doing so, we are not at peace, 6 there is an active war underway or not.3 F' G& `! Q8 w1 P4 n( M) a4 N
There are almost endless examples for us to think war was necessary in our past 7 bring about peace and it’s hard to understand how we could have survived without engaging 8 war to either protect ourselves 9 gain something we valued or believed we needed. This method of thinking only exists because we go far, far out of our way to not see 10 there is always a peaceful solution. 0 \  x. P" V2 Y. ~
* T( U6 r, E& S6 I. k& mA. peace
2 a/ j  V/ q/ m. g8 }8 nB.  war$ w& u8 I: c% C# a3 K
C. world      % D: k: U9 @# T5 D
D.  problem
! a. K% B0 r& g) R-----------------选择:      + L# R* J; x" @
2). / X! {6 W) _1 r- r5 ?/ L
A. ending     : c2 {9 ^) f/ ?" L
B. having
5 E3 T% d0 f4 IC.  losing8 _5 U" Z/ B" ]6 a) G  q
D. collecting5 c. |1 Q- @! U0 ?2 ~
-----------------选择:      6 ]+ H; a  x1 P, V& Z
+ y# g( Y* E, m1 M# UA. alike
/ u% j2 A) |6 v: wB. same      
5 I0 Q, g6 b  w$ y6 ?% pC.  differently2 T0 c7 V' ?" E5 c- O! f+ r
D. recent! o2 b- ^. \' l( f1 P
-----------------选择:      8 B0 K; P$ s4 z
4). , P( G5 r; i" o5 S/ Q
A.  as
6 d) g3 _) E: j) `B. and; V0 N$ d2 `- E- p2 F
C.  or
3 L- ?8 H+ _4 U9 GD. but/ g8 o) n  P" A; h0 o
-----------------选择:      5 R4 Y4 I5 r- B) A7 ~, V6 J- Y# o
5). . e9 {$ h& W' X# |2 j" B
A. to$ p1 A) z. v4 l* t% K- d6 R
B. about      2 S! g- Y# q8 d5 D& t. r; C  {# |
C. in/ Z' ]5 Z, e9 G7 C2 L
D. away* @& q8 I/ L6 w% h/ y
-----------------选择:      6 u) E; Z' ?% B2 m" J+ c
  _7 g5 `8 k4 s' ^1 A5 P5 mA.  whether) K( s% j$ N5 n8 e9 b5 `0 r1 f% p
B. what
( R8 n# n) ~- ^+ A$ t5 `! ^8 _% L; u0 NC. which ! ]4 Q% C$ {: p. ^# f
; Q. [# G* |2 a4 F4 b( ?where
: |( X0 K+ D* p( f9 |8 d5 }1 a/ e# E-----------------选择:      
) c! P- |5 |9 n9 G+ r- s2 W$ G7). ( r0 q! `  ?% Q; H  U# T  R2 ?
A. on9 w$ d6 j0 K6 ~4 U; f
B. with
2 j% U) ]6 T+ D7 @* F, C! gC. to
7 O) d) a; |2 Z7 b2 DD. down7 N- f( B% r1 F
-----------------选择:      * e- Z. L  t# B+ `
8). 6 q2 ?6 g0 s2 d4 z
A.  in& w3 M7 G2 W) r) b) Y
B. on, z7 `/ x! T: c
C. to
) c0 V( i3 M% j; e; r- {D. behind# R6 N* l9 i( z
-----------------选择:      - Z  o0 K0 H& ~8 @7 ~! g
9). 0 L# E4 v- H7 G: N7 Q' ]
A. both7 \7 N5 y# C8 m. |0 F
B.  nor
0 O2 H0 |7 N8 TC. no
+ s8 k* V& ]  \D. ' {/ r; H1 ]% L; D/ {8 U) y/ ^. j
8 o6 ~( j/ v9 \+ B* j4 D" m-----------------选择:      
# D/ T. c# t: @$ R' b7 c9 Q10).
; {4 w& j0 `+ y  MA. when7 P) V6 `" T! u1 {0 N4 ?, T
B. where      
% D' v6 K4 C* Q; v+ ]( S' R# KC.  that: j0 O6 k  t/ }5 a
, T! f/ o# t8 D: l" z0 u, {since+ ~6 @3 Z6 i" B1 l; B! j2 z
-----------------选择:        \2 t  M8 h4 d1 D4 O. ?& t

, F- u+ p) j' [0 B! m5 t& Z1 ~2 k2 J$ P0 x/ [' L
   , k, B( B% s1 ?4 K% q
《大学英语(二)》14年9月补考作业考核) t0 Y* ^7 I( W$ i$ T  u& P
       5 Z# Y4 j6 \8 C4 V* n
单选题 完型填空 阅读理解
8 R* [1 e+ {$ e: C# O! d- X* E
% l, i  G1 `' j' W( u5 _3 e" I9 E- a$ J; l$ ^
三、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 40 分。)' [. ~& m% N$ _/ Q
1.  9 _0 R, h0 O4 c" A$ Z# k
Our surroundings are being polluted faster than ever and it seems that people cannot prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities, and the growing use of man-made materials.
6 P4 J; j6 H) b2 ^7 K5 `7 N  B3 WWhat can explain and settle this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man—by his desire for a modern way of life. We make “increasing industrialization” our first aim. So we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our children. There is a constant flow of people from the country-side into the cities, eager for the achievements of our modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twenty years, pollution has become a serious problem.* ^* U7 W5 ]) o9 l5 y' ~
Isn’t it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going—and why? It makes one think of the story about the pilot who told his passengers over the loudspeaker, “I’ve some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we‘re making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The bad news is that we are lost and don’t know where we’re going.” The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when speaking of our modern society.
) g7 E' C9 `  F7 z2 W  A3 V+ y1). Man cannot prevent the world from being polluted because( ) .
- ]! e- s! N  H0 fA. the population of the world is increasing faster" f7 s% L% i9 {" v4 m& r; D) Z( K8 X7 {
B.  people use too many man-made materials
& o. ?( o! ~% U% w( M  {C. we have more industry $ x5 u& c+ i5 A# }& e) K# C
D. we are producing more cars, trucks and buses
6 U: ^- x: _) M-----------------选择:      
7 B- B) S* s/ O( t. {2). According to the passage, what does man care most among the following?
5 ~  }8 q! O1 k* F: Y* ~; }A. Health.) A% V7 g( X, L8 u
B. Industry., o$ s/ h$ S5 X
C. Clean air$ c" C1 V: v9 o& I. E2 X/ x
D. The future of the children# m( M1 p+ o9 e2 _: ~% e4 z& h
" D/ C4 ~8 i& v) A! J  a3). The story about the pilot tells us that ( ) .) w* z: a( z: y- u3 N0 x
A. ! `, w) U3 t) C2 Q
man knows where the society is going
9 k/ R$ P+ f1 O. ]B. people don’t welcome the rapid development of modern society) f( Z, ~, f9 I) \( J! U* X7 i7 B/ R; q
C. man can do little about the problem of pollution
  q( Y9 s# Z$ @1 i5 {! ^D.  the speaker is worried about the future of our society0 H. {- z  }# h2 E2 K
0 A! k' u; U/ k+ g7 C0 R9 P- l6 V0 W4). What dose the writer really want to say in the passage?! C/ d  B- O2 _" y4 w3 i
A.  With the development of technology, pollution has become a serious problem.# ~1 q! Z1 ]- C) ]
B. We should control the speed of the development to stop pollution.
; @& }0 M2 R. z  r+ _C. It’s time we did something to reduce pollution.% N% {4 u  x% o2 H+ J6 ?. C
D. As industry is growing fast, pollution is the natural result.9 X2 E# f2 C4 e7 D
6 a/ q, {, o7 Z( ]& f5). Which of the following statements is not true?
, j4 d' m4 \. XA. Our surroundings are being polluted faster than ever.+ L( ^7 h* o% B4 }& m  S: M; {6 u; @( @
B.  People cannot prevent the pollution.' @0 k* C  l, b! D2 g
C. More and more people flowed from the country-side into the cities
% N9 n2 _; A" @3 u/ k0 mD.  Pollution is caused by man
" B5 Y3 A7 r  H& D-----------------选择:      
! g8 s9 l; X3 z9 f+ B7 y- g. R/ _4 }2.  2 k+ P0 h7 [; |, e7 b$ l" o8 R
Last week as my husband and I were driving near the beach, we noticed a small house with a “For Rent” sign. We went onto the front porch and knocked at the door, but no one answered, so we walked down the steps and around to the rear of the house. There we found a small yard surrounded by a fence with an old metal gate.
2 E0 |" S6 \! w1 uBecause the house was empty, we decided to take a look inside. We looked in one of the windows near the back porch and saw that the inside was dusty but in generally good condition. The walls and floors were in perfect condition. The only thing that needed repair was the ceiling in the kitchen, which had been damaged by some rainwater.! m7 _1 Y/ n5 F/ o9 q6 w5 i6 E' N! Q
While we were looking, a neighbor came over to see who we were. The house belonged to him, so he was able to take us inside. There were a total of six rooms, and all but the kitchen and carpeting. The house was unfurnished, but there were still several pictures hanging in one of the rooms. In general, the house looked wonderful.
; C5 J9 D/ w6 J. V& \- sThe landlord explained to us that the rent was $350 per month, due by the fifth day of each month, and that usually he required a deposit equal to one month’s rent. However, if we would repair the ceiling, he would not charge us the deposit. The idea sounded very good, so my husband and I went home to discuss things. We decided to take it.
7 c5 B$ `! |9 m4 C: j' i/ C7 l1). The couple ( ).
2 t; b( o1 a  D% F& |A.  drove to the beach for holiday- d! f- j& b( v. }
B.  happened to find a house for rent.
! J- N% K. _2 eC. noticed a small house surrounded by a fence
7 k  F0 `  l' a0 c' N3 iD. walked around, trying to find the back door of the house/ l& P) e& |& j% _% d
-----------------选择:      # P% M* v" D4 ~3 V  M* X
2). There was a small yard ( ).
# B: k* _1 j5 H# }A. behind the house / [' X7 U9 _7 L4 F
B.  in front of the house8 u- g$ F( }" v" l4 Y& A
C. far from the house
3 k1 ?# w2 Z0 `9 ^D. near the house
9 J+ W0 {4 j' a* `- \/ J, ~4 i-----------------选择:      + K& j6 M, _7 }! c
3). Why did they think it was all right to take a look inside the house?, j! B6 f3 J4 l
A. Because the house was in perfect condition.
+ g3 b6 R" G, WB. Because the house was under repair.
" u- q2 Y! H- pC. Because the house was untidy.
+ _" j! i) f5 g. R" qD. Because the house was not occupied by anyone.5 ?# R2 H5 _) O( c
* x) o0 ~6 r; P, H5 D4). From the second paragraph, we know that( ).
: R. d* ?: F* g" _' _  g& hA. the house was in good condition except for the kitchen ceiling damaged by rain water# w9 w! `' b, ^
B. the house was not so dirty as they had expected 2 t* l, f; T. c. P
C.  they would rather not rent the house
& V% E. Z, I/ Z5 t+ aD. they had to have the floors repaired
0 `8 L" V5 L$ K: s( ~-----------------选择:   
/ @0 i5 J1 e" k# P& [: Y5 y5). Which of the following is true?# M$ \1 \- l) [3 Z$ L* D" K6 n. L
A. The walls were badly damaged.* Q4 v( Y# }6 F# t/ b1 |
B. 8 M/ d6 N+ L/ |* J
The landlord asked the couple to repair the kitchen.
9 D+ h& M2 h+ Z+ VC. The couple had to pay one month’s rent as a deposit.6 N/ Q, h$ H, d; ~$ i! B2 N
D. There were several pictures hanging in one of the rooms.. `  C2 @2 c4 c4 r, H
-----------------选择:      3 f# F" o* ~. F. l  F. h

- T9 {& J+ N+ j9 E  u1 v6 I9 ?$ y. x0 W8 S8 ^
- l1 s8 }( j; v3 \# N


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