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发表于 2014-8-20 20:55:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2014年春季  期末作业考核
6 D( R& F$ y( R" S《大学英语(一)》 高起专
* |, @0 `$ ?5 `# F% p+ ?5 x% K) W8 m8 A' [% {; Y& T  U% }
* |" y8 N7 r1 ?& m& z5 F
: Z% R6 g" ?! p3 \8 d
- U) h+ ~: Y* }一、Vocabulary and Structure (共25分)- J7 `7 ]& V% \; x
Section A
0 W9 C$ @; g  rDirections: In this section there are 25 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
% u: E$ A! r, |" Y' R7 C* Q0 T1.She was quite excited by the ______ of seeing Mr. Gordon again so soon.) |' t" a  {; R" @) K
  A. prospect       B. issue     C. bond       D. contribution
$ F" z- x  C9 J+ v2. The boy felt _____ with his new classmates when they made fun of his accent.: B' T* f9 C" F' ^* t+ B3 F2 {
  A. valuable     B. uncomfortable     C. massive   D. relevant$ Q1 g$ C3 R& n% I7 g9 v$ k$ k
3. The speaker’s excited ____ seemed unrelated to his boring speech.- Z. G7 b1 b1 D8 B4 O* Y
   A. competitor  B. gesture    C. compliment   D. contribution% \9 D7 w$ x; E' ^/ D
4. The _____ meaning of this word isn’t used now, but you can look it up in a big dictionary.
) ~' i" o8 l3 J+ s) [A. keen       B. marvelous     C. primary    D. massive
4 n& F1 L- H, c# r" \) r$ J4 ~5. His ______ in such an unpopular affair put him in an unfavorable political position.
" C$ @9 S( e/ K2 V& @, Z8 g) |* S     A. emotion   B. journalism  C. journalist   D. involvement( L; Y+ e- n3 N4 P8 U& D/ u, i0 V
6. You mustn’t hesitate too ____ when speaking English.
6 z& u2 M/ ?" H3 U3 qA. frequently   B. keenly   C. overnight    D. marvelously
( o: m8 e% Z% R  ]; x7. The houses in that ____ are very stylish but too expensive.9 x5 N5 E0 b0 q9 P2 z
     A. volunteer    B. neighborhood    C. supervisor  D. stead4 }5 R( L& s1 z, `2 T
8. I’ve ____ to see Francis tomorrow morning before our important meeting.
! y+ M  i* V  `6 i0 R" j8 I      A. volunteered   B. suspected C. arranged   D. supervised
8 x$ b8 e9 w+ r+ S) M4 ~8 g9. They are probably of high-level ____ in English reading and writing.2 \; ]2 z' b& F$ _# I. F! S
A. competence    B. recognition     C. rank   D. parade
0 I; n- i0 u8 w6 D& N  J1 t9 J9 k10. The plane arrived ____ on schedule and my friend was there to meet me.! U8 U$ @4 @- q2 l! ]/ ~  v9 K' T
      A. massively     B. precisely  C. powerfully D. obviously) f! u+ B. _0 }/ E" y
11. She was ____ her opportunity to earn a position to assistant manager.
/ S: `8 f; E( V3 h6 NA.        being keen on             B. being relevant to  ( f" c4 z& A' k
C. standing sb. in good stead     D. making use of! B4 i9 b& _0 g. a8 ]: R; [* e
12. Young children are quick to _____ words they hear their elders use.
( j& g/ t' X# r- `& w1 y3 ~* ^A. pick up      B. revel in    C. take part in    D. pick out
7 [' R' v- C6 f$ E- X" o13. He is unable to go to work _____ the fall from his horse.
- P' D) ^( X/ a( GA. as a result    B. as a result of     C. because    D. since
/ g+ I2 s- }( B. p6 e1 C4 q14. Winston Churchill will ____ in history as the man who rallied the British people when they seemed to be defeated.
9 X+ e$ c2 n) r   A. go out     B. go up    C go down     D. go into$ X+ x( Z7 f0 r$ b" e, E
15. For this very reason the government has ___ refused the farmers’ demand, but may reconsider their position.9 \6 S2 M( e9 Y2 n8 \* M
  A. so far                        B. highs and lows  
3 `9 P" f; U5 L, r, T  C. a once-in-a-lifetime experience    D. a range of+ p6 u% }; |8 P# s$ a

7 h9 W. E* d( g6 Z( Z: `8 w1 M, p8 }2 b
' W8 ^6 x- t& E$ I6 o4 SSection B# W& K2 P1 L( A- c$ v* T" I
Direction: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the One answer that best completes the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.2 X# e5 H6 Y# {& T$ j
7 e% ~8 V# D% R% r
If George Washington(16) able to travel (17) in time, he would feel much more at home in ancient Babylon,3700 years before his time,(18) in our modern age,200 years after he lived.
8 k$ r8 b# p4 ^" @4 x- w   Torches, chariots and rough streets,(19) those of Babylon in 2060 B.C, would not surprise him. He read (20) candlelight and (21) in carriages on unpaved roads .He never saw a building more than four stories high. Electric lights, highways, and skyscrapers(22) amaze him." s$ v3 c: d! }
   When Washington was ill, he might(23) to be cut and bled to let out the “bad blood” that was making him sick. He would not know(24) a modern doctor meant by serums ,germ, and allergies.
$ V+ p" g  {' u   If the Father of his Country could visit the United States now, he might think that he(25) on another planet./ S, O* j  N  V* y% r5 ?( a5 m
  16. A. was   B. should   C. were   D. may+ N+ e; }% G. i: u
  17. A. back and forth  B. back and forward  C. up and down   D. over and over
. j& |/ }, \& F! f  18. A. though   B. so   C. then   D. than
9 ^0 W" d' M8 Y% o$ i% X7 P+ T  19. A as   B like   C. which   D. who
& W5 h* R, E7 i8 p' V3 x  20. A. with   B. in   C. by   D. on
. `+ Y- a* Y9 Z  l" [3 u' h% J  21. A .rode   B. took    C. got   D. came- _3 X  e5 j+ T/ ?9 N
22. A.should    B. must   C. would   D. may: ^- `7 `: z# n- z6 s: L
23. A. respect   B. expect   C. inspect   D. escape
+ p/ f- [' A( `) k24. A.which     B. that   C. how   D. what  K7 x( M- G; m  n
25. A. land   B. had landed   C. landed    D. had been landed  
4 I3 L+ e6 @$ z1 L; d1 r! L/ E9 L! h
) U8 T8 {) Y! m* U. S
' P6 G6 _6 R2 E! O8 X2 Q二、Writing (共15分)
1 e/ S' Q# Y6 U! L; ~7 e5 f2 d9 r2 L
本篇属 “三段式”作文,每个段落的第一句话(主句)说明各段大意.请同学们完成各段,字数不少于120 字.
! R( `- l& M4 W0 }" B           The Importance of Learning a Foreign Language4 I- S1 J9 I$ M; h8 m
1.        Foreign language is a required course both in middle school and college.
- B# {  W6 {. e. c2.        Learning a foreign language can make us know the world better
' b+ I8 L" G/ r) `% B8 R3.  Now, we may draw a conclusion, that is .it is really important for us to foreign language.
: s' I( i- o% c


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