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发表于 2014-9-4 17:14:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、多选(共 4 道试题,共 10 分。)V 1.  Which of the following sentences use the rhetorical device of onomatopoeia?% y7 Z* E7 p* |( f6 f
A. They were interrupted from time to time by giggles that must have come from Mrs. Flowers% n. `$ i% ]% b
B. Like the women who sat in front of roaring fireplaces,7 Z" |# Q5 |* B! u9 `9 d
C. What on earth did one put on to go to Mrs. Flowers’ house?- k2 @* Z" }" L6 w. h8 z
D. The chifforobe was a maze.6 e. `' z4 Q: M- e5 P( q! \
      满分:2.5  分. P* a' N0 a/ {  w1 n
2.  Rhetorical question is applied in ________.1 o9 J/ q$ m7 ?& U9 ?' j8 g
A. If it is the devil that tempts the young to enjoy themselves, is it not, perhaps, the same personage that persuades the old to condemn their enjoyment?, J0 T7 H0 m- i# u* ^  }) P, r
B. And is not condemnation perhaps merely a form of excitement appropriate to old age?3 r- T7 w, {& e* D: \* p
C. And is it not, perhaps, a drug which—like opium—has to be taken in continually stronger doses to produce the desired effect?
( B0 g$ y2 B$ i; m" OD. Is it not to be feared that, … everybody except the fellow members of our club?0 l) M% G3 j' A& i7 c2 {# R
      满分:2.5  分
/ o! X3 B" s' e, }  P. u# V3.  Onomatopoeia is NOT used in ________.
) B; p' g4 B- N  @2 n% ?A. Surely, humor is the saving grace of us, for without it we should die of vexation.
0 O7 x6 E5 N4 f# ^  kB. It is not so with me, to whom sleep is a coy mistress, much given to a teasing inconsistency and for ever demanding to be wooed – “lest too light winning make the prize light.”
+ y: P( Z/ A$ n1 r, R; sC. Between chime and chime of the clock …, m/ y  O5 ^. R" H8 i# w
D. Discussing the question, … sleep drew the curtain.# m$ j7 U8 e. b. F$ X& v2 m$ R
      满分:2.5  分
6 L' `/ }7 J( F. S! p4.  Which sentences use the rhetorical device of antithesis?4 n7 b# \' ?; e& ~+ w* {1 N3 i8 V
A. Our popular attitudes could be summed up as a combination of wishful thinking and stark terror.; n' C0 j5 M$ M% f6 u
B. Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle.
5 i7 d! I7 }: X1 z( U- G  U- hC. A second theme runs through the popular view of old age.; ?9 l3 c+ s/ a% {0 c  r7 _7 v# z$ q
D. Old age is neither inherently miserable nor inherently sublime…
7 J; @6 y2 M6 H1 W. _      满分:2.5  分 / s0 H  w, |9 b  \8 C

& f( o9 i3 d4 r' S, @# h二、判断题(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。)V 1.  (Four Choices for Young People) The author personally favors the fourth alternative.
8 q0 X3 ~- J; L3 o& T( S/ w) b( mA. 错误3 G( a, L+ b3 f+ }9 A5 G2 d1 B
B. 正确% }7 V: ]- @, G2 j8 z
      满分:2.5  分8 S9 L- s  O) |% {0 K* o
2.  (I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) While at Wittier College, the author felt ashamed of telling people that he was from “South Los Angeles”.1 i0 W2 @$ P, i$ Y# k
A. 错误
  d5 z2 N3 b: _! ?! |4 I4 ]: A- g* JB. 正确
5 W4 L7 x- X8 v/ }2 S      满分:2.5  分
1 O5 _- a8 s1 E8 Q- M3.  (What to Listen for in Music) An intelligent listener is satisfied with a general concept of what a musical piece means.
6 ^$ q4 \5 ]& b/ ^A. 错误/ t, A  S+ W8 q8 @4 w; V
B. 正确
+ Y1 D; h3 r6 X      满分:2.5  分! x/ w) b. V' D; _
4.  (A Lesson in Living) For many years, reading of books gave Marguerite some relief from the bitter reality in Arkansas.
7 i* P' e6 t% `; OA. 错误
/ @7 S/ }3 Q. ]# p( K0 z' S) FB. 正确# q/ A: ^# k, \1 f: u* y6 }2 z: p
      满分:2.5  分
8 A8 E! E' A* y8 E. B0 z; Z% {5.  (The Trouble with Television) Television stations in the US often organize the viewers on a guided tour to museums, cathedrals or other places of interest.
* Z" j2 j' Z0 |' cA. 错误5 ?) ?# a! [" A& z7 Y8 @
B. 正确
, H/ O& P/ r2 Y6 G1 U( u% Y      满分:2.5  分
2 K) y1 F% m. x! J/ a# Q% y6.  (What to Listen for in Music) “The fateful hammer of life” is a precise description of the first main theme of the Ninth Symphony.: _+ A$ d: J$ U2 M) Z: g
A. 错误* ]) ]8 t$ s; T. b: o; z. Q, \; T2 _
B. 正确2 f6 V, q( {7 Z' K8 Z) x( l
      满分:2.5  分
, e$ s# f: \5 o7.  (Vivisection) The author doesn’t think the victory of vivisectionists is final.* \8 b( J' `2 F0 U( }0 y& M
A. 错误2 H* w4 u7 d9 Z$ R0 o
B. 正确% w$ B5 B: j0 p
      满分:2.5  分
7 \  L1 C1 B8 d  \9 p8.  (Eveline) Eveline was more attracted to Frank by his wide experience than by his person.1 ^/ {6 \" w  \; w/ l  X8 q
A. 错误
+ K# i; C2 ~% i4 E+ E' W$ ]  XB. 正确1 h6 S1 t4 J6 N# I
      满分:2.5  分
; v, i. G9 M2 C: f& X% T9.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) When the author and his party se out that morning, he was quite certain that he would meet the gorillas.- ~, n* }8 G1 Z, r- O7 j
A. 错误
" ^) p5 c# a' P/ [4 U8 HB. 正确
, H5 Y' w- Z& l( [* h0 a      满分:2.5  分0 x6 |# g0 s3 [2 K. {
10.  (I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) The author is the first Congresswoman in the history of the United States.- V+ a9 d/ }3 |* q
A. 错误7 ]6 _5 Z/ L, m5 ~$ L; x9 |. O
B. 正确
; Z3 j: v8 j/ v4 O6 [      满分:2.5  分
  N( y  Q# C* o. H11.  (I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) According to the author, most American men are still reluctant to that there is prejudice against women.( ~, j) W. B' C0 K) G
A. 错误  V7 k2 B8 A! B8 u) m# X2 h" S/ @1 y$ o
B. 正确
# K7 t. |; ?& _+ c" P  |3 }5 W      满分:2.5  分; M5 u9 M# H! K# d" P
12.  (A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers took special care of Marguerite only because she liked her.9 S9 H2 u. s9 b8 L: D' F. r
A. 错误% k9 R( h2 F! M6 g
B. 正确
& Z& X; I6 J1 ^5 x      满分:2.5  分4 [- M1 ?" }1 x2 j" \$ {5 b8 `
13.  (On Human Nature and Politics) The more experience you have of exercising power, the more power you desire.
2 p2 a* j5 Y, g" K7 {4 _+ _, x- ^A. 错误
; ?3 n/ ]5 \: |1 X3 h/ qB. 正确
0 I* u3 v* g) V      满分:2.5  分
2 a4 l7 A0 E& U( _  {9 t: w14.  (A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers read to Marguerite a poem from the book A Tale of Two Cities.
$ f1 o& E6 _! F; VA. 错误
. x5 x  I- H% c* n- |B. 正确
% P; J6 M- o6 g5 W# U) v      满分:2.5  分8 d' `/ g- o3 _( z, k5 U
15.  (Eveline) Elveline’s father was a brute man and often beat his children including his daughter.4 F. X) k4 q+ B
A. 错误  N& _% O: }7 D0 o* p) H
B. 正确
  h8 x5 b# v: W7 O: s7 ~      满分:2.5  分
# a, s3 \6 t( R7 }) ?5 G9 ]  j16.  (Science Has Spoiled My Supper) What the author calls “cheese foods” used to be hand-made in small factories.0 `+ E  p6 [' K8 k3 G% `5 E5 e1 ~
A. 错误
2 Z% d7 G3 O! RB. 正确
- s1 G4 S2 ~9 s      满分:2.5  分
7 U& _/ C- U( W+ q6 v8 F& ^17.  (The Spanish Bullfight) There are many symbolic acts in bullfight.% ^* `; L9 F7 |* \6 x2 {
A. 错误
2 t; {9 K, _& B2 n9 rB. 正确, c; o7 k8 c6 _$ S- U
      满分:2.5  分
$ `# X* ]. r! F7 L# R4 v  E2 f18.  (The Spanish Bullfight) A priest prays for the matadors before the fight.
7 p- C# `- ~1 u/ m& U, t2 `A. 错误  I- R5 {) W0 R! R7 y7 a
B. 正确
/ Y, Z5 N% p6 \8 C  Y      满分:2.5  分
" l3 r( Q/ t3 y  y) X19.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) Priestley thinks he will become more famous if people know what is in his mind when he is sleepless.* W$ e, d  T% u, |4 a7 s
A. 错误" e; s  E& q1 [- U" |5 l) i# \
B. 正确. y* s6 S3 n; g8 `# e% p0 X
      满分:2.5  分) I8 p) Z7 F5 ?6 V5 {
20.  (A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers understood Marguerite’s feelings better than Momma did.+ P/ i- G  \7 Q. E* u3 d8 C
A. 错误* S. l: _6 a" c0 E3 _
B. 正确
) R% @  @/ A  i* s* t' U      满分:2.5  分+ J0 E$ Y. E' A7 w  L5 T
21.  (Vivisection) Though the infliction of pain in itself is an evil act, it requires no justification if it can be done for a good purpose., `' G3 w  Q3 E( R8 N
A. 错误# n6 X9 a( }. U8 D( Y
B. 正确
( V) U! @& B9 e6 d      满分:2.5  分) ~/ @2 o: V1 H5 s4 K, U6 Z: p
22.  (What to Listen for in Music) It is a bad habit of listening to try to connect what one is listening with something concrete.: i9 n/ N8 H" k+ g  A1 w
A. 错误
  @- }4 g% _1 I: [! _- z% VB. 正确
5 I: ?; d0 ~+ r* d3 Z      满分:2.5  分) M9 ~1 f- ?1 e- v5 N' ?6 t
23.  (On Human Nature and Politics) The sons of a sultan fought because they were by different mothers.
$ s# {8 z" Q' [% s3 j  S5 K% _! jA. 错误5 v" i3 u+ ?) a
B. 正确
+ |* j% G6 {" f5 h- k, ?      满分:2.5  分
0 e' E, o5 s# z+ k24.  (I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) The author thinks, however, that most white Americans are truly aware of prejudice against the white Americans.
  j5 o) M1 V. G: r$ EA. 错误0 r& B6 I; ]3 \. Y7 N  O
B. 正确
8 Z$ ?% ^9 B, [8 a" T      满分:2.5  分
+ g5 o( n7 Y) D9 p/ d0 Z25.  (Jerusalem the Golden) Clara has a peculiar taste of the physical world around her.
' E1 u6 R9 S6 d# J7 z9 B: ~A. 错误
0 J+ B0 s0 g6 q/ YB. 正确
4 h  K" A  T6 R. Z. s* ~$ Z, ]% L      满分:2.5  分
$ a: v' T4 ^, Y8 o: a7 p26.  (Science Has Spoiled My Supper) The author hates frozen foods in spite of their seeming advantages.
$ D! u7 z( h. C* V* u' yA. 错误
' \7 d- d$ g9 g& v2 WB. 正确) ]8 d1 B2 f2 ^. U& z2 }
      满分:2.5  分# |* U8 t* z0 F0 B/ Y  F
27.  (Four Choices for Young People) Few unspoiled places remain in our world where the escapists can practice plain-living and high thinking.) w3 _% b! l; ]2 w, e# A
A. 错误
* f7 J" o1 f. W) K  r5 `" i0 E3 lB. 正确  G, [' j$ |- \3 t
      满分:2.5  分1 [+ i2 @* T  v) B
28.  (I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) Racial climate in England, especially at Oxford, remained relaxed until the author wrote this article.
, t, ~, Q) n7 P: ?! i# n) A0 FA. 错误
/ X" ?0 T6 ~1 ^B. 正确
' M, T, ~' O0 ~/ E      满分:2.5  分- L5 \# x8 m+ d7 g. D7 B
29.  (Jerusalem the Golden) British high school students wore uniforms provided by the government.3 k% d2 t3 A, W: v+ W" V+ t9 I
A. 错误/ _, B  a0 t6 Q7 \$ O- q. E
B. 正确
- _4 }' X" C, x! x1 j' w( F      满分:2.5  分$ R# m$ ^# b$ p1 L- b) D& i/ u$ o
30.  (What’s Wrong with Our Press?) The author has encountered intense partisanship in television newscasts and network commentaries on current events.
  y6 \+ T" k% \- zA. 错误! d5 ?; B1 ^: g, h
B. 正确) X, Z3 V1 @* C& Z0 S/ s7 I/ A0 M
      满分:2.5  分
+ Z. z/ ?6 r: t7 f/ N4 r* S31.  (Eveline) What made Eveline pluck up her courage and leave for the station was that she didn’t want to live her mother.
/ \" e. ]6 d1 {7 KA. 错误, q7 u. ~8 q& |. `# f5 R0 N: }4 A5 b! y
B. 正确+ _0 w0 h2 l3 z1 o6 `4 s0 e/ U
      满分:2.5  分$ P" _9 k+ i% U& J, s
32.  (Why I Write) For fifteen years or more, Orwell wrote a story about himself.0 F: V. X5 T5 \5 ~
A. 错误. T1 Y1 B, V. W. P! y! S" F9 U
B. 正确
7 M# K" F% Q# U7 M      满分:2.5  分
6 |$ l$ f5 y9 w33.  (The Spanish Bullfight) Successful matadors are even more idolized than film stars.+ V8 N6 O9 ?- T# R, u
A. 错误
6 E+ I6 J$ k: A: T; N, V" dB. 正确. h! A: }; F3 q  k
      满分:2.5  分
& w' [, G2 v5 H/ b! K34.  (A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers’ approval told Marguerite that she had made the right choice of her dress.
  G  Z; ?0 x/ H, U- KA. 错误$ f" h. n0 q! h! @+ y' Q8 T
B. 正确/ q2 t0 l; H4 z- b, l5 }
      满分:2.5  分
. I2 x0 `  p* J: z+ @6 C35.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) The mountain gorilla lives in an area up on the volcanoes seldom visited by the local African tribesmen.1 G9 e6 E, |' T% Y% S% k
A. 错误& Z% A7 r6 Q6 W! J4 N. X
B. 正确
/ o' D: E4 `; U  a$ m' {9 _      满分:2.5  分
8 A3 ^, U, P1 o7 \36.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) Though the number of gorillas is small, the local tribesmen ignore the law and kill some of them., w& N! ~" A( e& Q! O
A. 错误
9 L- A+ i" k( ?% EB. 正确
+ }. [" _) O. t/ R1 k+ {      满分:2.5  分 5 s& Z1 z5 U) M% W
" G3 V: j# s5 G* w# Y7 _: K, A1 @) L1 H
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