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发表于 2014-9-11 22:57:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。9 W. U5 V+ x# |/ ?( |) Y: i

7 Y! q5 G/ \! Z2 V$ u& b: \一、单选(共 15 道试题,共 45 分。)V 1.  Nursing process is divided into steps( )1 O1 A- K4 y2 m1 r! D* N* i2 c
A. 2
, U" t! Y4 F6 ]7 ^B. 3
8 B" e0 c3 j5 @; ]# `& U0 L; iC. 49 l& w2 f* J& |2 o$ a! \1 Z
D. 5& R0 y) l; T3 ~4 |2 Y
      满分:3  分# m$ Q+ j' }* c6 Q8 m3 s, B! ~
2.  How did Nurses’ Day come into being( ): a7 A/ R' w& G( q$ l* Z' |
A. It came from the Birthday of Florence Nightingale5 g% H, V. o% E' N- Y& e
B. It came from the Death date of Florence Nightingale
' W* x& d! ?& Y" |$ JC. It came from the date of outbreak of Crimean War! S+ I8 u7 h& p3 y
D. It could not be verified
# W, L* c4 W0 `4 }( ~; \      满分:3  分) ?+ K8 I: v0 z( m8 ?" [" H
3.  Which one of the statements is right( )- |6 ~- ^# J/ c3 `8 w
A. Wash hand before and after touching surgical wound.  J5 G4 f' o& ~) x1 c% V3 ~# n3 ^7 {
B. Touch an open or fresh surgical after washing hands.1 ^( p/ N/ ]  `7 b6 ~6 ~
C. Changing dressings is not important in accelerating wound healing
; L" I/ y& D9 `% uD. Sterile gloves are still required even if the wound has been sealed.
/ s% R6 ~. a* f- e      满分:3  分
4 P2 t- @% `+ A% B: y0 a4.  Which one of the statements is right( ); M4 _1 i; N- Z. J- T
A. Drinking any type of liquids can prevent constipation.
" _0 H* Z- Z% Y9 E. q$ VB. Severe or chronic prolapse needs surgery to strengthen and tighten anal sphincter muscle.
3 @; h4 w# ?' n9 SC. Regular use of enemas can prevent constipation.
# B  m+ |3 _# i7 z. \$ `D. Scientists have known the real reason why lack of exercise
, f6 B+ _/ z. E( J) I      满分:3  分
2 P8 D5 j6 v' d% T' t+ i3 [5.  The main changed organ during pregnancy is ( ). t0 [4 C3 D- [
A. uterus
' A9 }7 C2 E) Y) ]: pB. ovary
  p) X, U' u7 J$ B/ Y% bC. vagina! a( d' o6 Y# V! V9 C$ K; I
D. breast
1 R. A, D+ X5 h  t0 `% P      满分:3  分
: j- v) ^9 n, l* p. g7 i6.  Perenteral medications can be absorbed most rapidly because( )) V! _1 ]( w4 a/ O9 ?7 c1 M
A. they are of short action' Y+ c1 h) k; W- `
B. they are injected rapidly$ Q3 E6 {0 Z/ y
C. they are applied to the skin
# W" X0 B' }& U. g5 e0 U# r: C4 i6 \D. they are injected into or close to the circulation, y- j7 V4 i0 i3 P/ W' M3 T
      满分:3  分- p. T) \  s0 Y+ c: H7 S8 j+ D6 F
7.  Cardiac arrest is( )
% N2 D4 [' `* p, Z7 N3 kA. heart’s sudden stop, O- Q! Z3 A& Y
B. sudden loss of cardiac output
  ?: Q1 S  |; U4 JC. sudden loss of conscious
$ s! M" {4 T4 F3 N+ j% A( SD. sudden loss of blood supply5 P1 T: i2 N5 f% `$ U& D
      满分:3  分
) t& @1 F- O) A7 q" Q8.  Which one is the common physical stressor( )0 h/ M$ l5 l7 H( t0 W1 d0 [' N# D; l& Z
A. Loud noise% c1 j2 a0 s6 c! X5 g8 f9 x
B. Low self-esteem
3 L4 x! Q: g4 |, lC. Loneliness
  D& n* e& _5 \D. Conflict with colleagues
+ r. f3 k( L  `! ?. g; Z      满分:3  分- m1 n1 |2 o. ^  X7 \
9.  Essential hypertension is due to ( )
0 K' ~1 H, \- Y5 M2 \2 eA. weather
# ~  G9 V0 u5 ~2 EB. bacteria
4 i7 m8 V2 U; o# m' LC. virus
$ B( \" I: F" o* rD. unknown cause
5 \' Y  Y! K% E% z5 z$ q3 G      满分:3  分
5 Z1 l+ o  ?8 i" m10.  The process that a nurse teaches a diabetes patient to give an injection or discusses care with a pneumonia patient is an example of( )
* S% E8 `" i# E/ q5 xA. social communication
' I2 U9 ^+ M% K& l2 N) }$ TB. structured communication
% u7 \- _3 A3 k. S( cC. therapeutic communication.4 m( J7 w& G7 c
D. effective communication0 h0 z" T* _% u7 K
      满分:3  分
! X+ x* _5 q: l4 r11.  The fastest physical growth occurs in which age group( )) b/ ?1 }; }6 i8 c' B
A. The first 6 months of age* w- b  F# X6 @
B. The first 3 months of life
0 L0 V9 t! E8 F( y$ o7 yC. In infancy) ?/ Y* }. h0 v
D. In puberty
5 g" j' L9 N8 q3 Y( }' H3 \      满分:3  分1 z2 H( V, S/ a4 a0 H' _6 |
12.  How often the baby should be fed( ), u9 O: b" y  ~: h8 y0 R
A. Every 1 hour
' D2 y/ x; Q/ TB. Every 2 hours* G0 Y# R$ L" h; S, p% t3 S. C
C. When he wants# H" j. S- R! F8 G
D. Every 4 hours2 v+ a" O2 \- _$ a% C7 t
      满分:3  分/ E0 l# V/ h9 {; f0 T9 D; c2 E
13.  Usually, which is the firstly happened organ failure following shock( )" B5 S" H' S3 c! p+ n
A. respiratory failure- |3 i  c' ]' W/ s
B. heart failure
1 G" l1 v# `. a3 Y7 hC. kidney faliure0 M) @. U/ [& C
D. cerebral failure( R3 h0 _3 t5 x$ v( O! V( |
      满分:3  分
! K* |5 `5 e  X$ {" u14.  ( )are medications usually used to lower fever( )0 R4 G3 j$ q" g
A. Antipyretics/ T8 P0 y  x0 ?& w, V
B. Sleeping pills
8 U  m, U: e0 q  H+ D6 S% D" UC. Antianxiety; g/ t3 h: z- q. h& o9 d, q! l- l
D. Antibody, C* @# t( z7 S$ H4 W
      满分:3  分
0 |! {4 e6 S7 |" h& m15.  The core of a community is( )  G  P3 ?  R; R5 s4 k1 ~) @& R0 [, R
A. interest
, d$ H+ u2 s. c; \2 Q4 b* w1 l2 @B. people
& G8 x5 |& l8 W% f9 j; Q7 RC. organization
* r- j2 u( T; S2 t1 p" y8 Z$ oD. boundary
6 b, c- z. _  _      满分:3  分
3 ]0 R# T5 D" |5 W) F- b# B, U: ]
/ ~5 O1 o) J. H& s3 v, G二、多选题(共 15 道试题,共 45 分。)V 1.  According to Hans Selye, the stages of human reaction to stress include: ( )
: p# \- Q! z- E9 aA. Alarm reaction stage- W( o- _& p, M4 U; |
B. Latent stage
  u! z3 U/ N8 r! c* NC. Perceptual stage* r6 ]+ o$ Y$ Y: ]+ M
D. The stage of resistance
  |" h' V9 W" eE. The stage of exhaustion' I+ \( ^' N" L
      满分:3  分% @! L/ [9 Q2 p: s
2.  Which one of the following statements is right( )
! ?/ _' k! _, N* Q9 L% ?A. Suction decision can be made by the nurse.- C3 W) d) x3 V' @1 k
B. During suctioning the patient can not breathe in oxygen  r0 t" X4 {: d1 f2 x' f" ]- U- c
C. Carefully assess the patient before you proceed with suctioning is always right6 b; C, `& a0 R9 S
D. Nurse should wash her hands for infection control+ o* a- p5 ?5 p& p
E. During suction, the pa
+ {+ l9 [; _5 k# a, P+ ^- P      满分:3  分
+ H# O: E9 T; o# w+ w8 z. _' L3.  The sites for subcutaneous injection include( )- T1 ^! C2 c8 v* ]
A. the lower abdominal wall% b- P/ y5 z& }: @+ \4 L
B. the deltoid muscle
" p/ r. A( F7 }8 ^% r# B8 t* PC. the dorsum of the hands) [1 D% b& c7 Q, Z- S. Y* N% C9 ?
D. the inner surface of the forearm
3 g8 W0 Z6 x, N' n* v; O/ [E. the outer aspect of the upper arm
. l- E8 u& |3 Z0 E: @( m- B6 m      满分:3  分4 {- I0 s4 A' Q) j. s* _
4.  The common routes for intubation include( )
$ l& v  b, Y/ J9 R7 @2 M6 TA. oral intubation  Z: ?2 ?. B5 D" Y: _8 X' }$ u$ i  M
B. stomach intubation' P9 ^% A- K' i: C, n5 Y
C. throat intubation8 N% ~. _9 ]+ W
D. nasotracheal intubation.1 h* Q  X- l" y, ~; s" D
E. chest intubation
% f2 J: U  e. c4 t: ^$ B      满分:3  分  w: G+ M& k8 n! \  z& w: r. _3 H
5.  The functional disability include ( ) levels( )( b- K$ ^1 h# [' v5 X' Z
A. impairment
( r3 N9 B7 \* A6 p4 Q5 qB. handicap
' S3 s( t7 U$ N4 p9 A+ TC. disability7 U9 ]2 V' ~9 T- I% s' G  p* p- t
D. paralysis  {) y( a. K+ ?9 D5 t# x
E. blindness% ?* }5 Z# r% p
      满分:3  分! e  g0 k! M. L* K/ r  }- e* ~* Q
6.  Common treatments of constipation include which of the followings( )
, o# |# k! V' d3 K8 k# c2 G- B9 JA. having a good rest
- v+ O; M4 `- U# ]) c& `8 MB. drinking enough water4 X: b" q6 h1 H; p7 b0 C
C. eating less ice cream
) E% z8 J  }5 ID. eating more fruits and vegetables
8 @1 M3 ?! |0 r; ?! S) v9 NE. Ignore the urge to have a bowel movement. B# B5 n- h" }* i% M
      满分:3  分) q( O4 ^! T: m5 A( k0 K
7.  The causes of hypovolemia include( )4 L( i- n5 T* L" U/ x5 E' H. x
A. cardiac failure
7 r- \7 b5 V& ?" Y: s. o; _" Z+ r# `1 B9 RB. bleeding from trauma* f& `' s0 q" C/ Q; [$ ]: G
C. bleeding of the spleen
$ R" p) {1 K7 G- v, g4 ~D. bleeding of the liver  l" ]& T) W1 E' r* c( x
E. anaphylaxis
+ p; A6 {: |2 e; g* e; v      满分:3  分
) a, W! A: z/ i; d5 F" U$ a8.  Venipuncture is used for which of the followings( )
& {$ v# P, J. y! S2 L. @- bA. blood withdrawing
2 r: I) x% x. S0 a2 @; `B. giving intravenous medications+ e& Q! z2 i- I" U2 U) b; _2 p
C. allergy test
- N. E, A; V/ o' ED. blood administering- i' Z0 P1 U) m( G1 T
E. administering irritating medications+ c8 C! N6 K% W; u
      满分:3  分# n7 _7 r1 Y; U( x1 s
9.  What is the usage of “sterile water”( )
" k4 ?/ {+ Y* M' Q/ N7 w1 ?A. diluting the drugs
0 E' A" t8 ^9 H7 ~: tB. lubricating the catheter
" \. |2 t. o3 |! m2 L; lC. lubricating the nose
' n- c. e8 m0 U1 U7 ~5 p) G6 nD. clean the nose
9 @( i% w3 }: v6 JE. wash face  M  |- a9 k) U+ C
      满分:3  分. q6 M$ F9 Q2 E) `- p( `
10.  During the termination of a fever, the signs include ( )
) k: @, O" ?1 P' E) Q3 c6 fA. diaphoresis
- T( w8 z3 f, j1 e2 F5 R  P) dB. polyuria
& m! H+ T/ |# L; j+ k: |C. reddening of the skin! `1 _# ]$ g4 W8 N4 e# f' Q
D. possible dehydration# C! U# M# J6 Z1 X6 R- D" m7 w
E. hypertension1 O. h- n# Q3 J) u3 j! z
      满分:3  分2 [* P" E) G. W8 i
11.  Hepatitis B can usually be transmitted by( )( F" b0 l% i$ p9 \8 i9 C6 y- I3 L
A. having dinner with someone who has the disease occasionally
9 z% I: x# ^; r4 }B. fecal-oral route  T3 {$ X' V, A
C. having unprotected sex with someone who has the disease8 R; d# P( [% u. A4 q! c. {5 f  _
D. sharing needles with someone infected with the virus
7 j( S2 B7 K, o2 kE. being accidentally stuck by an infected needle.
8 Y" G' T4 Y6 O0 }- _! [5 l      满分:3  分5 |6 g' _3 G6 B# X! I" s* `
12.  Which of the followings are the measures to reduce the risks from hypertension( )
4 b7 u9 L/ U* V% B8 J1 o1 F' xA. annual physical examination
# v7 `# I5 ?( |; ^+ eB. eating fatty food
+ }$ A5 `8 K: s, \C. moderation of salt intake
% U2 A4 ?3 y( HD. obtaining adequate sleep and rest
/ m/ X( ]6 N$ G! NE. change in life routes
; a; N% \8 y  X! f1 N      满分:3  分
+ N6 ^% O2 F6 s5 C1 l: N13.  What are the main indications of the blood transfusion( )/ P" ]; R' ?: \5 \. d
A. restore blood volume4 l. H/ ]8 @3 t( H
B. reduce the body temperature
6 Q) U2 F1 q' {  x: b, UC. improve oxygen carrying capacity
: x0 N# [, Z9 L7 Y+ f/ ]D. replace clotting factors- [% G+ e4 u) o- k
E. reduce heart rate5 c6 t/ ]" X% b. P) e
      满分:3  分
# w. X( ]' z2 a' M9 D14.  The focuses of primary health care are( )
! ?, x, o! q: q! `A. health promotion/ J) Y. }% i3 e: S! Y
B. health maintenance
4 k, h, b% S: fC. rehabilitation
9 m. ?6 c6 S% Y: U. S4 V# `" z! h, kD. illness treatment8 k/ u* u* s/ I1 f# e, I
E. illness and injury prevention& ?; _" A- y9 D
      满分:3  分) U* |  r, k! ]- `# S) \  e
15.  About vitamin, which statement is not right( )
+ e5 j5 T2 c1 sA. Vitamin are generally fat soluble.
& f. y2 @' e9 K& `2 F% Y! s3 w( rB. The body cannot store vitamins
! K, m; [2 W9 u6 A# z  h; sC. Vitamin cannot be manufactured by the body
' N; t, L! `; y, T% ED. A daily supply of fat-soluble vitamin is absolutely necessary.
  [( T9 F; d1 y$ f2 YE. It is greasy and insoluable in water.
. q' s3 n4 m0 K; s      满分:3  分
6 c( p6 ]! s8 f8 z
' O0 F0 F- G7 G! O9 ?& z! @三、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 10 分。)V 1.  The emphasis of health promotion is to strengthen self-care responsibility of patients or population.
% y: c! Y# l. b, M1 q: z3 z6 jA. 错误
% P% }2 X% o9 ^9 D1 j! mB. 正确
% t. ^4 l, J8 m# W! W( I      满分:1  分" a0 F+ J  I# ~' C9 {
2.  Teaching and learning in health education processes are separate activities.
- ]( c/ J' s% A9 u+ F; [# I9 N4 UA. 错误
9 L9 B" k# Z4 Q0 lB. 正确
; r  {) H) T9 H% B6 C' [      满分:1  分1 e* K0 v7 s! B
3.  The community health is much more than environmental programs and large-scale efforts to control communicable disease.) w! e4 {; j1 y; ?% J
A. 错误+ N# ^( G# Z  p; d
B. 正确7 ]9 m& h- j* m: N
      满分:1  分
5 W. ]( a) U; P, e: j6 R, y  j4.  A healthy person's body temperature slightly falls during the day since the morning.2 X3 x" i% t+ N1 N; f: q# a
A. 错误) E% [; i' J) q+ T, \3 P8 f* p
B. 正确
$ k' b1 q1 ~8 P4 t9 v- C8 r      满分:1  分& v* S7 t! A) A3 c( [8 }7 U
5.  Never apply suction while you are inserting the catheter.# j$ k4 C# i; Z1 F& x! Y/ g* F+ o
A. 错误3 }2 C) d0 E" U0 ^% k1 d
B. 正确
4 W5 V8 B1 Z3 ?+ O7 J  l      满分:1  分
( C5 z9 X- Y5 i# A8 r6.  Not all stressors have equal impact on an individual’s homeostatic balance.' W! o( d" [3 \( a8 Z) F
A. 错误) [, y3 L4 V' k. [- C
B. 正确
0 @: d! p4 B' S      满分:1  分
6 V+ B3 y% x! k, d1 L7 Y7.  Communication is a one-way process.& K9 [3 [/ N3 z6 x5 I& ^8 ?
A. 错误
3 a6 c0 }0 G( H+ ?5 ^B. 正确
0 K" F, p. F' W) w% w! U  K      满分:1  分& g8 e% J; L) {# W1 ?
8.  Illness is the objective experience of feeling unhealthy.) k9 m. u  |# u) w. }  G8 F! T5 ~* [
A. 错误2 p  |. l4 Y: q) I; i# x, n. P) [
B. 正确
7 g5 D8 x( B% T* l      满分:1  分% I' P4 C5 }4 Q7 i
9.  Diabetes is a chronic disease. Right now, it cannot be cured and but can be controlled.
! [* P! k& a' J4 FA. 错误  d5 b: ^- l6 n0 H+ D* R- [
B. 正确1 D0 h' o5 L! }) j8 m. h
      满分:1  分4 G/ K# {! l/ b
10.  The forth step of the nursing process is “intervention”.
( F$ K' z1 @. n3 N: iA. 错误
' o  D- S9 r0 H2 s0 vB. 正确
1 j7 u; W7 _7 q1 z      满分:1  分
$ E6 Z7 ?+ T% j. y9 }2 W
1 C2 d6 Y3 K% U4 B( p% {1 j谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。


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