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发表于 2014-10-21 12:20:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  There was no choice but_____ indoors, as it was raining hard outside.
A. stay up
B. stayed
C. staying up
D. to stay
2.  The lecture series ___three parts.
A. feel into
B. fell to
C. fell into
D. divided into
3.  The newspaper___the officer as a spy.
A. abused
B. exposed
C. dealt
D. limited
4.  It is our ______ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.
A. consistent
B. continuous
C. considerate
D. continual
5.  He sold the houses even though it was ___her wishes.
A. with
B. for
C. against
D. opposite
6.  We ran down to the beach and ___into the sea.
A. threw
B. plunged
C. rushed
D. flew
7.  If people knew more about each other, there____more oppportunities to work together.
A. would be
B. are
C. will be
D. is
8.  __ that it would rain tomorrow, the explores decided to start immediately.
A. Learning
B. To learn
C. They learned
D. They had been learned
9.  ___ she has no car, Nancy can’t get to that small town easily.
A. Though
B. As
C. Where
D. After
10.  They have begun to ___ because they have had enough of American Westerns.(美国西部电影)
A. turn out
B. turn in
C. turn down
D. turn off
11.  Much greater _is now _environmental protection.
A. importance… apply to
B. importance… given to
C. important… apply to
D. important… taken to
12.  There was a slight decrease in___after a week of dieting.
A. health
B. illness
C. heaviness
D. weight
13.  The company claims it is got to rationalize its workforce, ___ many of the staff will lose their jobs.
A. on the other hand
B. in another hand
C. in other words
D. on the whole
14.  We agreed to accept ______ they thought was the best tourist guide.
A. whatever
B. whomever
C. whichever
D. whoever
15.  The wounded soldier had been in the darkness for two years, and at first the strong light of the day__his eyes.
A. broken
B. heated
C. hit
D. hurt
16.  To my surprise, I’ll spend the night_____ in the lady’s room.
A. locking
B. to lovk
C. being locked
D. locked
17.  Nowhere else along the coast( )so far from land.
A. there is such shallow water
B. there such shallow water is
C. is there such shallow water
D. is such shallow water there
18.  I want to try my had at politics, or go back to the law. I do not want to go to school for it,__.
A. but
B. though
C. too
D. neither
19.  It’s difficult to keep up__these changes in fashion.
A. within
B. in
C. at
D. with
20.  ( ),I couldn't persuade him to change his mind.
A. Hard although I tried
B. However I tried hard
C. No matter hard I tried
D. However hard I tried
21.  Eugene is ill and can not receive you__.
A. at hand
B. on the other hand
C. at least
D. at present
22.  Although this ____ sound like a simple task, great care is needed.
A. must
B. may
C. shall
D. should
23.  The city itself ___thirteen square miles.
A. costs
B. covers
C. takes
D. houses
24.  He went to bed( )the light on.
A. when
B. while
C. with
D. as
25.  I haven’t seen Ann for ____ long that I’ve forgotten what she looks like.
A. such
B. very
C. so
D. too
26.  Only those people who are rich__can afford the luxurious furniture.
A. much
B. rather
C. too
D. enough
27.  Don’t waste your breath ____ him. He won’t listen to you.
A. to try to persuade
B. trying to persuade
C. trying persuading
D. to try persuading
28.  He had a great desire to have a home of his own,__he had always lived with his parents.
A. for
B. when
C. before
D. where
29.  Sometimes I wish I ______ in a different time and a different place .
A. be living
B. were living
C. would live
D. would have lived
30.  Fighting between these two countries continues, as neither side would give way to( ).
A. the other
B. other
C. another
D. each other
31.  In the United States, there is always ____ flow of people to areas of ______ country where more jobs can be found.
A. a; the
B. the ; a
C. the; the
D. a; a
32.  Under good treatment, Linda is going to beginning to ____and will soon recover.
A. pick up
B. pick out
C. turn up
D. show up
33.  Mr. Black is a young inexperienced lawyer, so he has few( ).
A. customers
B. clients
C. sevvants
D. assistants
34.  Bill’s design was good, but the manager thought there was still __room for improvement.
A. much
B. many
C. a few
D. little
35.  Please___your remarks___the subject under discussion.
A. figure… out
B. trade… for
C. confine… to
D. view… as
36.  She placed the money,___the change, back in the drawer.
A. with along
B. along together
C. along with
D. with together
37.  He takes such ________ to do his work that I am deeply moved.
A. a pain
B. pain
C. pains
D. big pains
38.  It was___he was thirty that he had a girlfriend.
A. the time
B. not until
C. since
D. till
39.  As we know, sea mammals, like whales, must__periodically to breathe.
A. appear
B. occur
C. show
D. emerge
40.  In the United States, professors have many other duties___teaching, such as administrative or research work.
A. but
B. except for
C. with
D. in addtion to
41.  Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _____ will hap pen to her private life.
A. that
B. what
C. it
D. this
42.  John’s luggage is ___ his girlfriend’s.
A. three times heavier as
B. heavier three times than
C. as heavy as three times
D. three times as heavy as
43.  It’s the sort of work that ___a high level of concentration.
A. results from
B. results in
C. calls for
D. calls on
44.  Mike’s uncle insists ______ in this hotel.
A. staying not
B. not to stay
C. that he would not stay
D. that he not stay
45.  The young man was suspected of stealing something in the store, but he ____ever having been there.
A. resisted
B. denied
C. refused
D. avoided
46.  ___ the war, Haig believed in victory at any price.
A. In addition to
B. As well as
C. In regard to
D. As far as
47.  ___ at Harvard, she was active in the dramatic society.
A. Unless
B. Although
C. While
D. Until
48.  A cough is usually nothing to worry about unless it lasts for ten days  ___.
A. or more
B. instead
C. at most
D. only
49.  We are going to start Unit One tomorrow and we__learned ten units by the end of the term.
A. shall
B. shall have
C. have
D. should have
50.  Although this ____  sound like a simple task, great care is needed.
A. must
B. may
C. shall
D. should



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