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发表于 2014-10-24 10:16:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。, o2 P& m* D9 q2 `% E6 h+ b8 q' _

% n2 L4 u2 |- h% ?% H7 R一、单选(共 35 道试题,共 70 分。)V 1.  A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and____your text more easily.
3 Y$ k0 J/ e. {! _A. register5 B7 U! E1 w3 D1 u1 ?
B. edit
( [6 R8 F, e8 l" p: K* Y) hC. propose
: j7 R/ r; A& V6 {' C0 q' y- eD. discharge: V& {8 U  J- R9 r: V% ~
      满分:2  分
% K& k6 A: B6 D. s. J4 |6 Q2.  Do you think we should accept that offer? -- Yes, we should, for we ___such bad luck up till now, and time __ out.: e3 @1 G; i# y# z
A.  have had; is running
5 q" h- B) I  XB.  had; is running
' Y! w/ ~( B/ m* k7 d- Y8 xC. have; has been run
9 J; n$ E$ q: MD. have had; has been run
4 v) m0 [. K1 I  h      满分:2  分! c7 f6 q! x3 [4 x& o4 ]
3.  Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers __ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.# K% }# I8 z2 C, b2 r9 J
A. where
' E( ^6 v) r& o* R$ ?B. when
# f' y1 m/ _4 O' C9 A$ UC.  who1 }5 Q$ s1 [9 M' k
D. which
6 A" o$ ~  {9 C1 J+ u! n- g, [4 p  N      满分:2  分
5 z0 l. r+ Y) o9 v, F& E7 V4.  English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language because( )." w5 p5 k/ W3 ~4 n
A. English has more connectives than Chinese1 D+ ~4 m& P- j8 f, h( w
B. English people are analytic thinkers and Chinese people are holistic thinkers
& a4 F2 ^+ l: A. r% dC. the branching sentence patterns dominates in English and the linear sentence can be observed in most sentences in Chinese
4 S* b8 `# H: Z/ g* QD. English relies more heavily on connectives than Chinese does for sentence construction- z/ ~$ Y' F6 }3 q7 s
      满分:2  分
# h, n( Q4 ^) q8 T0 L5.  The word “workaholic” is often used to refer to( ).0 S. I0 S# Z, z! W
A. Africans
6 o) t! T9 R' y/ IB. Americans+ a: h+ f* n5 s' x/ A: C- r1 e5 f
C. Chinese
" P1 n# G9 w. T8 }D. Koreans8 p# f/ x2 s! S3 P0 E
      满分:2  分: `1 N. ^! r/ Z, h6 T( z" `/ A
6.  I wish you_______me how to swim last year.5 H/ D) X! C6 w! Q
A. taught
, E+ {3 s: Z9 V4 F: ^' bB. have taught
' w# A4 ?+ x7 \% Q, u8 E+ SC. were taught
2 P0 T, T3 E/ N4 l7 _2 E6 q- tD. had taught
$ G0 ]0 z' c4 A9 M  `1 E      满分:2  分5 M% ]( O% J, i$ _$ P5 q7 `
7.  In its narrow sense, culture is( ).
& _# X( C8 s+ t, u. _/ MA. whatever distinguishes one nation from all the other nations
2 A, L% z  f- @0 S2 PB. the attributes of man9 i6 N; W: n- @+ n1 X. T
C. life way of a population
% j/ z9 d" x9 u$ E0 fD. intellectual or academic development/ J7 N% k& B/ E
      满分:2  分7 [& @# l1 U. H0 m1 ^  g9 Q& S
8.  Some nonverbal messages are consistent with accompanying verbal message, which is the____function of nonverbal message.; _' m+ d$ B: k! A; q/ n- f
A. complementing
6 j  J  Q0 d1 g* V7 @/ v/ ^4 jB. contradicting/ N# {8 |8 [: V' ~. H# V
C. regulating. ]  Q/ u+ f2 o0 H& m' e
D. accenting2 D! b. E- j$ d) b( P! m
      满分:2  分( X2 a8 J4 [( J2 s/ }
9.  ( )is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning./ O, F( ]- f! |- {* u- d. y. {/ r
A. Connotative meaning0 t* ?; U- [* E, n" _! e4 O
B. Social meaning
. x2 x5 O( J* r' V. I/ c3 S5 R! RC. Reflected meaning
+ f) n3 d( n  X1 K' m, J, U0 U* h8 h$ MD. Collective meaning
" l; [  |  p9 d" q* z8 t+ {+ I0 m4 B$ S      满分:2  分  c4 R  n- i% P9 j, s; v) Q
10.  I’d like to go to the cinema, but I’m_______to.
- @" B7 g* @% |  X# E( N9 A1 sA. enable
' E5 ]* V% t. r% ?B. disable8 w/ p* W! a( c! n* i9 |# N0 P
C. unable/ r9 [& Z. d: ^# l7 j& M: j* q  P3 _
D. able& u1 l1 e( c' v- O5 r9 S0 q# S
      满分:2  分* X0 S  O; x) ?6 R0 ]% k
11.  Waving good-bye is an example of( )., ]) J& S8 Q- r+ U% C% R
A. substitution
( M' `% n- T& Q5 I1 \0 |B. accenting; e$ Z5 I* J) z; N  ?  V
C. regulating
9 X; U3 y+ m7 ^$ P* ZD. complementing
% [. X; Z% D7 a* D; N, f      满分:2  分
+ ?! D, t1 Y2 r9 z6 R12.  Communication without feedback can be called____.
- d7 v3 o# j! q7 c: j1 qA. unintentional communication
; w. A0 }6 T$ n. QB. unconscious communication7 D% h7 r$ l3 S
C. one-way communication
# A' f9 m- K7 k) O1 Z1 C8 n7 ?D. indirect communication
% \9 K$ R9 c6 y' F& H( U      满分:2  分
4 E! J9 f8 H, u3 \2 e2 E  u" v13.  It is only recently _________astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.
& Z$ r3 R! ^! VA. when
% ?& o' L8 P+ o, l$ l5 F& iB. so that
9 N0 P$ ^: X( S5 M9 s! _$ gC. that& W0 ?& t" v: O( z9 w% R$ O
D. which
& r$ d$ T5 h" l1 I1 G      满分:2  分
! i6 B, T$ w5 u) |2 K* N0 h14.  In English culture, privacy is regarded as part of( ).4 |" c- v, S( R; N! {
A. human nature
  C: p; h3 P! r: q/ ZB. human desire; C( x1 u' w" W4 M+ b1 l2 l# Q; p0 X
C. human rights
8 J. W3 q: d. j- r% ^7 c+ nD. individualism  j& H0 V3 M  d" L5 f) N; C
      满分:2  分
) ^+ R8 x0 q% F5 G! X. a" k15.  The relationship between language and culture is____.
9 ^' b; e/ W% H. @. J$ [( V4 pA. culture is part of language% A% V, y  G  Z: w. a
B. culture is the carrier and container of culture
9 L0 n# [( t$ N0 k" z5 XC. language and culture are closely related
4 s# P% K. ~4 ZD. language and culture are separated( B) i9 t: D0 [1 x& g. E, m1 k& b
      满分:2  分# m  y; B4 N9 R: D
16.  _______leisure was generally considered a waste of time.
2 [5 z+ R( x0 |5 H- }4 ~A. Not until recently2 H; u5 |: U& c, t
B. Not recently
' [% B4 ~! P. s3 j) nC. Until recently
- O5 f( f) `3 [( j. M- sD. Recently until
9 ]) O# j. T2 z" l7 k      满分:2  分. D7 b( G. u$ w# N9 C  L: D" u
17.  Liquids are like solids______they have a definite volume.0 s7 p3 N! c% [% a; L
A. in that! @  y4 z& Q+ n8 N- j
B. for that* v: a4 U2 r! {7 f. G7 b7 C
C. with that! n1 ?1 `" i% E: G6 Z
D. at that
8 Z: g7 I/ q( N2 k; D      满分:2  分1 B/ t5 e! }7 I3 B# |: T9 @3 d
18.  He made a request _______immediate help.8 j' j# e' e% p! ~9 d9 `
A. at0 i. F* R, Y% |& k: y
B. for
2 N/ `/ O7 e3 h# b2 `, TC. on
- I- H* E- m4 H# \/ \2 f; ~D. by
: H* l5 N* Q6 h; O% V      满分:2  分
, m# {9 k$ ~* |7 Q8 Z6 O2 O19.  In western culture,( )is one of the central themes, and emphasizes privacy and the right of individuals rather than that of society.  d9 O6 y* b  P8 O+ S- F$ a( A
A. capitalism
; ~6 M! U0 Z5 m, S+ g- `. \) k$ a  jB. individualism
7 I& \4 C- p& h$ a% VC. socialism7 }2 r; ]9 x+ h* K
D. environmentalism
/ i* n, _& {" }2 w3 w- S+ E      满分:2  分
# P1 K% \. J( P20.  In the sentence “He's merely parroting what many others have said”, the word “parroting” refers to____.
3 H& L, ~" D2 Y8 s1 lA. estimating- e+ R+ p; y  S$ |1 f0 a
B. acknowledging
& D( Q/ s) E3 s" b4 N1 P; m5 LC. imitating
. i+ A- z7 [# e' Q6 n4 ID. imaging6 v" U( k& R: W' N  F
      满分:2  分
5 D! b& j" G5 m21.  He helped me and I hope I can do something for him_______.7 i2 y0 p. e% |
A. in turn; K, R3 v. c7 D" p- i/ n7 X
B. for return
/ x& ?0 C5 {1 W  \) ]- }; h: C+ cC. by turn* x* m; `5 [, O- }" i7 _; V: D
D. in return7 P% e% g. b& C" ]
      满分:2  分
0 I! ]) ]  H$ L! z- o9 E* Z" c22.  When a fire______at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.* K1 y3 n0 l6 c4 g# S9 {- I% `
A. broke off
) S3 M: F* q5 m8 }" rB. broke out- L, p0 B7 j" G: k" t# j: H5 A/ Y
C. broke down* H: F! m, C  X$ ?
D. broke up, A( F4 x) y7 F; C$ }
      满分:2  分8 D* D8 B- j1 ]8 o
23.  Then the speaker______the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.
1 t' d! K) m3 `$ F. ~; \A. went after
7 g9 j7 ]9 l+ r* J2 {4 J/ DB. went for
: m$ b3 w+ t2 d4 q7 A7 gC. went into
0 z& H! u" P0 \6 ?9 B( B* W$ G% M# F& _D. put up with/ k9 M8 o6 `7 _9 p8 F* t7 a
      满分:2  分
1 m( g! I# G( f24.  In English culture, the introduction rule“____” is correct.5 n) ~. ^4 J: W! Y2 y+ R+ s
A. When introducing two males or two females, put the younger person's name first
, J" k: g4 `- `* J) dB. Men don't have to take off their gloves before shaking hands% v2 o, [  j0 F+ D  \
C. When a man and a woman are to shake hands, it is the man who extends his hand first! l4 ?/ M. M- L0 B
D. When introductions are made , start with first names, and add some descriptive notes* ^& F9 ~- X: p0 ?* g
      满分:2  分
, E, [% w7 b9 N! {5 e2 g25.  Sentence“____”is correct.
4 f0 z4 l9 i8 D# Q, y/ sA. He lives in 25 Robertson, Perth, Australia3 V1 R9 `- Z% Y) K
B. He lives in Perth, 25 Robertson Road, Australia
# W5 [( K  i- H. a% A" KC. He lives in Australia, Perth, 25 Robertson Road6 _. }- Z! L! `4 H' t) e4 V
D. He lives in Perth, Australia, 25 Robertson Road
' I9 a, _2 U7 {! P- }) l      满分:2  分, v" s% M5 G* Q3 h9 L; e& F, Q
26.  You will want two trees about ten feet apart, from______to suspend your tent.
# g/ K& M4 K; h- wA. there5 t* p% @3 b4 e- F. ^8 |4 R5 O
B. them, y$ t$ R" M7 D9 t
C. which
2 L" h1 F) @# B+ A! d9 hD. where
$ F+ ?1 D  g; i7 R4 L      满分:2  分5 O9 F! Y( g2 G+ m' C* G8 C
27.  ( )relations at the sentential level refer to construction whose components are linked through the use of conjunctions.
9 @) {( {5 x- \$ @1 {. ^A. Hypotactic
& i7 B# n, A' n! nB. Paratactic
4 U2 j: r" O" L4 ?( P+ yC. Grammatical
; P( z7 T4 c4 y& F3 j+ s0 k" K4 TD. Branching0 u9 y0 k" f- V1 ?
      满分:2  分) v5 {* D2 {; u/ Z& Q! i
28.  The English equivalent for “贱内” is____.
5 b2 E& `! E) u6 v5 @/ F1 t0 ?A. my husband
# w7 r1 Q- N! @2 Q- F' ]B. my wife
$ |3 R0 }" M+ {" F. F+ KC. my son, ?: [* N  A+ `5 D* y
D. my daughter
8 U$ B/ a# d4 _! H' P+ K      满分:2  分
# m. R0 G/ S( O  f  @- y29.  The International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies was founded in the U.S. in____.% w/ R0 {+ D, _; c
A. 1996
* z( F6 E% _9 s, yB. 1969
& F7 h  u4 j) J. A3 Q5 sC. 1995
- ]1 `, N  R# ]# L1 hD. 1959. f, r5 J' h# p- m% _5 ~# E
      满分:2  分! H; P" b3 E, Y
30.  Waving good-bye is an example of____.
7 l/ p: _2 [* Y5 s% Z9 E  @A. substitution
& J$ ?/ ^# c( x1 OB. accenting1 c! E5 O) }' t# a  M
C. regulating# O$ H0 i+ ]$ ?* V2 Y! R
D. complementing
- V0 i$ l7 @4 _      满分:2  分
8 @6 V) {2 R7 b" O31.  Man’s greatest energy comes not from his physical strength_______his dreams.
2 [/ Z# Y+ `/ uA. except from, B0 j7 b7 q" @1 ]2 g1 ]; n
B. yet from
" W6 I' a2 u) O6 y& ^) V3 mC. however from0 }# Q5 d' K/ ]( F
D. but from, e& q3 a- |- g2 S! M
      满分:2  分
/ ?8 b# Z/ `' D32.  American scholars generally trace the origin of intercultural communication to( ).1 k! }! x7 G2 H. m" a; J
A. cultural anthropology
; b' @& t$ @# g' LB. sociolinguistics, _/ V) {% k: Y' ?! s, x9 w9 d
C. comparative education' e: n  W$ J2 [9 o; w" D$ w0 a
D. philosophy
  V! }5 U: c1 d5 q. S! ^6 {6 b, ^( R      满分:2  分
& I. `" }: K  z7 |+ g1 O33.  The study of meaning, usage, and communication of place is( ).4 J/ L2 B" l& h+ P' \$ s( k
A. haptics! A; T8 G9 u& b* V9 y
B. proxemics+ G! s8 f( b& n$ `3 a2 g2 _$ I
C. chronemics
+ r: j& [' j  u5 a: T. o: J! Y, CD. oculesics
6 Q" ?, I4 \5 Z% ?      满分:2  分0 s+ P1 V" K- j; |$ |
34.  “Love store” corresponds to( ).
; p; P& z8 {( t5 n4 Z) \/ rA. 爱情商店
9 S% Y9 y4 ~2 S. aB. 色情商店+ h  i# b$ H5 I, v! I
C. 爱心商店2 T9 h! p6 S/ q" b7 W# y% Y
D. 友爱商店3 V4 c  A* |9 w6 b: l2 x7 ~5 |" E
      满分:2  分
0 B* Z4 j/ E7 E8 R2 W3 a, P35.  Westerners are said to be____in interpersonal behavior.( W, X$ O8 _9 @7 z& d7 Y  K! W" a
A. direct
, w( P# {' n( K. f7 d2 B! Z* ZB. indirect
- g4 u* d4 a7 R2 H5 ^. A/ Z6 uC. linear# Z* v* p# Y( t; Q& v
D. spiral
" y- E+ ?$ T* ~! J# n      满分:2  分 ; d& ?3 N0 `8 v" o" Z* A
: v6 v# O7 q" A/ \- k
二、判断题(共 15 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  It is said that the United States represents an “anti-smell” culture.
* u) I* F' ~+ p. v3 M# ]A. 错误
% J  L8 o& O! O* j; Z; Y) vB. 正确
1 A% G- u# t9 [: e7 N8 h      满分:2  分+ ~1 W6 P; c* A: a
2.  Some anthropologists refer to custom, rituals and, in a word, the total life way of a people as popular culture.1 h& [! }$ ~" b- w" H9 R3 V
A. 错误- V* d  y& Q* G( P# w# \7 |
B. 正确
/ u8 k/ `6 ?& V- `) O      满分:2  分
! J! C1 b( a  ], i% `; ]+ s4 Y3.  ( )It is a Chinese way of showing hospitality to insist on people accepting offers of drinks and cigarettes.6 {4 J0 L4 m9 B) K# ~7 k% {! B
A. 错误2 r$ Y3 V7 D/ x* j- T3 K( s
B. 正确
  A, \2 q; m$ j/ y9 y$ w0 C. z; b# f! z      满分:2  分- h  Y  U, _! A3 C8 m+ g
4.  ( )Americans expect an invitation to a dinner or a request for a date or for any other social event to be offered reasonably far in advance.
3 p3 [7 Q+ ~; L5 xA. 错误& j6 u) O( }; S/ g( m
B. 正确1 O* f& b, W2 T# N
      满分:2  分& O$ H$ k# F- @  y3 l
5.  ( )Whenever someone responds to the behavior or the behavior residue of another person, communication has taken place.
7 y$ k# o- t6 X  s  I* n$ s& g! DA. 错误
% q+ M( U, F9 N) {4 s: o. tB. 正确
! I# x5 {( W$ ~9 i      满分:2  分
6 n0 o2 ^" x& X2 Z6.  When you want to learn about an American's political stand, you can ask Are you a Republican or a Democrat?6 ~, s, p9 T- `$ {: ?9 V" H
A. 错误
" @8 W+ d/ E8 p) O( w% c, I% dB. 正确+ h" |0 }' _+ G0 L. g
      满分:2  分
5 h2 w! z% t% c3 x7.  ( )It is said that the United States represents an “anti-smell” culture.
1 d2 X  Y) @8 n) w, J' JA. 错误* A  c0 R  ]) N9 y/ e/ C
B. 正确4 m' B+ ]  L. W' h- v6 H" o
      满分:2  分
. |& W7 ?3 V, K; u+ ~8.  In English-speaking countries you usually first introduce a man of higher social status to one of low social status, not the other way round.' D" g3 q% l" J4 z0 n& ]) o( z
A. 错误2 {6 R4 U8 [* v
B. 正确
, M4 q% x. l' L+ J3 A      满分:2  分# K) R% ^- e5 P# }% ~
9.  It is a Chinese way of showing hospitality to insist on people accepting offers of drinks and cigarettes.6 Z( X3 U% z' r% Z2 N/ `+ G
A. 错误, K4 N: P# C! _7 }4 Y
B. 正确
# k4 _) Q/ p" `' P! `7 v      满分:2  分0 t7 ^) v$ Y6 u' x  s1 F( _
10.  ( )When an Americans says I thought it was quite reasonable in response to your inquiry about the price of something he has just bought, you can rightly assume that he is willing to tell you its exact price.! \4 R2 `8 V3 n
A. 错误
1 W0 T) `* X' `  s  \0 WB. 正确
6 S" l* l- m( \8 |3 B; _' ]! |5 ?7 i      满分:2  分
+ W8 }8 o- ~) J0 ~11.  ( )In the U.S., it is a compliment to tell someone that he or she has put on some weight.
& ]4 M5 b- r0 z' aA. 错误% I: H$ |2 a7 {5 s& \( g: c
B. 正确
. S7 f% G! G8 q      满分:2  分
5 d5 P7 L/ L; @* h' X, w12.  ( )Instructors of intercultural communication believe that the process of communication under conditions of cultural differences can be analyzed and the knowledge about the process of IC and related skills can be taught., V. L: a5 x8 ^/ g  e! ~0 I: y
A. 错误! \# `2 d$ W2 d0 n9 M5 m
B. 正确
: I/ e3 i& O$ c) H+ _( L: I      满分:2  分
# j+ m" Y% n/ B3 r' X13.  In the United States, the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, is considered the family.+ \! x( T% U* b6 m: B( g( o
A. 错误
( n1 `$ t, S2 m6 {B. 正确
' W6 h) e# x- S" L4 `- B" \      满分:2  分+ ^& s) y7 _: Y2 E
14.  ( )North Americans prefer to sit where they are side-by-side to one another.
; M4 b) w& y0 ^  p& T4 fA. 错误
! d0 p! Y# Y3 y$ F2 o$ E3 SB. 正确
2 [( p6 I& F. G  F  V- r, k      满分:2  分- p8 ~# F) T  w0 E' ?/ Q# a
15.  ( )In certain situations body action contradicts what is being said.
# v7 I  W; n8 K$ \, h  ~) T8 u3 {A. 错误
1 J5 q; i% e) q" j1 H3 F9 N8 y+ |' hB. 正确2 Y) a$ b/ m7 l; b6 b" R- p
      满分:2  分 2 b, |0 L( i+ I" V

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