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发表于 2011-12-7 12:06:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
久爱奥鹏www.92open.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料以及奥鹏毕业论文,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。" n9 R& G# Y2 _8 s/ Z& U5 y

7 h3 v6 Y1 `4 X0 Q  r/ j" G, Y* {' }4 x5 |
! B$ U; J3 S/ N1 T& _
6 M  H- c3 I  d" I试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:100
6 \& e1 C9 i# Z8 } 单选 8 Q" ]$ U2 D) D$ Y4 l
2 ^: i6 i! a( l
! Z; K7 `' S; L$ O( m. ?
+ h8 S) e8 H; G8 D2 t8 n2 s/ q
、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)    得分:100, n0 Z# ^6 `6 m/ W& M
1.  Please be serious. I am not ( ). You should consider it carefully
" w" ^6 _# t% g+ T- DA. sorting
1 E. V( ~( j; h6 H) GB. joking
: p2 T2 j4 T+ C; i' b0 q4 jC. counting
& P4 H2 Y: p( q* ^/ X/ K2 O8 CD. comparing" a4 ?  i* Q' @9 e! V: u
正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:28 }1 F1 i2 j# V, |' h
2.  When a spacecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s ____.
: w' g; T# Y3 i7 V( T8 \A. surface
* g7 y4 O6 _# ~4 U0 `B. atmosphere7 W  d* A) p6 I, @* m6 v
C. attitude
, `& s; ~2 P" \3 F; n% h" M2 iD. bent
* \; a3 y5 j: k* P* w; r, R7 T4 K1 q正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:29 s$ K; J/ C0 I
3.  Work paid according to the amount done puts a premium____speed and not____quality.
, d9 `( P, H% M# O; c7 AA. in,in
2 J: I& S. y" jB. of , of
& l* o* ]8 U  X  B2 O2 d; f9 MC. on , on
' r+ ?) d6 ?' b. D" L. nD. from , from
' s1 j2 W$ M* y- d正确资料:C      满分:2  分  得分:2( {3 L+ s3 k' s. X3 f
4.  There are many things whose misuse is dangerous, bur it is hard to think of anything that can be compared ________ tobacco products.
+ o2 b# Z" ~* v, ^9 L! u; KA.   in# A( V4 |7 v; X  E+ ^
B.   with
$ G1 d9 k7 h1 SC.   among
2 X+ ?) o' p) q) R& L- r9 HD.   by
- j8 @8 E& W* I0 ]7 V5 T2 i7 Q正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:2, P& d/ g. }4 B+ Z4 D) i+ {
5.  Through long power lines electricity goes ( )." v4 H1 @7 B( R5 y' u3 q
A. to the place needed! s+ p7 p6 G- y0 G
B. there it is needed
9 @% ~/ [- e/ w! N6 A( _C. where it is needed# T0 v6 P* x0 [6 M2 i7 o
D. which it is needed
, V2 I' v) T& r$ B  D& O$ Z0 J正确资料:C      满分:2  分  得分:2
4 l3 |1 ~/ t. i) P1 n5 q' x6.  With the help of the government , a large number of people____after the flood in 1991.
4 q4 u. h* t# o$ F  }A. survived
! F1 U& l2 d; y! q  uB. suspended
; y+ [$ M# S2 r, I( |. }0 O& QC. suffered
+ B3 G9 ^8 ~6 q% ID. subfected
* R5 G( g, r6 K+ F7 A# P正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2# r0 A8 j0 F8 S0 c# _
7.  She won't be afraid as ( ) as you are here.  V) Q" {/ R' n: L& g. h! K0 ]& Y
A. long
6 }. l1 ?4 d7 x5 M8 I2 N4 T  }B. well8 k; g. g- ^  b& H' {+ K. y$ L
C. soon- w5 }: K* o; B  w% }
D. far9 T6 G0 q; ?; d. d1 E
正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2# Q2 ?2 L# }' s
8.  With tear gas , the policeman____the demonstrators in the street.* J0 A! A$ u8 G
A. scattered
" [2 N% f$ s+ h; q) M# S0 uB. broke' s0 `* k1 ]3 D9 u7 X
C. assembled7 F2 U8 o: p& Z6 _& c8 @$ x
D. labelled
* E( Q# |' G) M! w. f; F. K正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2
" P9 m6 L! u9 S' C5 H9.  His____personality provides good material for critics.
- z6 m/ s' V& D7 ]- e/ B' cA. mature
% h( R# j8 h! ?B. considered
9 f/ c0 y" D+ K1 s; EC. literate, n0 n2 v3 N/ A0 N+ x9 H
D. dual7 i1 B) x5 J; i' f3 |9 Y
正确资料:D      满分:2  分  得分:2
2 F3 c/ ]! _- \3 _# A" _$ ?" }. v% ^  @10.  Great Britain and France will hold a ____ regarding some European economic problems.- ~( F( W! t1 k! R7 a
A. conference& {4 ^" {1 w/ q/ I. n4 J/ f
B. reference
1 V, k8 x$ r' o6 B/ `6 V6 ]C. conversion1 M4 \  \2 R: N4 p- q7 e/ a
D. cooperation$ S+ v- E7 \2 c# E
正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2


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