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发表于 2014-11-9 16:11:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

单选 判断题

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)
1.  From a practical point of ________, it isn't a good place to live. It is crowded and heavily polluted.
A. view
B. look
C. opinion
D. value
2.  New businesses _________ in this area due to the new policy adopted recently.
A. thrive
B. succeed
C. complete
D. achieve
3.  What is the train ________ to Birmingham?
A. fee
B. tip
C. fare
D. cost
4.  Smoking is __________ here. Could you move to the smoking zone please?
A. forbidden
B. stopped
C. preserved
D. ceased
5.  Public interest centers on the __________ of next week's election, so it seems no one cares about the opening of this 20-storey shopping mall.
A. consequence
B. influence
C. outcome
D. effect
6.  He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to ________ down in the country.
A. break
B. come
C. put
D. settle
7.  You shouldn't __________ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.
A. cut
B. do
C. kill
D. kick
8.  I don’t know the park, but it’s ________ to be quite beautiful.
A. said
B. told
C. spoken
D. talked
9.  The cottage will be cold. Make sure __________ the heater.
A. you light
B. lighting
C. you will light
D. for lighting
10.  There have been many ______ in their marriage, but they still love each other.
A. right and wrong
B. back and forth
C. ups and downs
D. right and left
11.  Mathematics ________ the study or science of numbers.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
12.  Success is not won ________. It takes patience, diligence and continuing efforts.
A. twilight
B. attentively
C. currently
D. overnight
13.  In 1958 Marian Anderson ________ her country as a United Nations delegate.
A. served
B. was served
C. to serve
D. serving
14.  The young ________ interested in pop music.
A. is
B. have
C. has
D. are
15.  It’s bad _________ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.
A. behavior
B. action
C. manner
D. movement
16.  Their efforts to improve the production have been very _________, and they have been praised by the company for their contribution.
A. effective
B. efficient
C. effect
D. affective
17.  Tom was once cheated by his friend; ________ he would not trust anyone.
A. hence
B. since
C. nevertheless
D. however
18.  I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _______ to me.
A. appeared
B. happened
C. occurred
D. emerged
19.  I won’t make the ______ mistake next time.
A. like
B. same
C. near
D. different
20.  If she wants to stay thin, she must make a ___________ in her diet.
A. change
B. turn
C. run
D. go

单选题 判断题

二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)
1.  It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.
A. 错误
B. 正确
2.  It triggers a round of heated discussions about family relationship toward which many people hold the opinion that he should receive open trial.
A. 错误
B. 正确
3.  Somehow, in the panic, the crew of the airplane were able to rescue nearly all of the passengers.
A. 错误
B. 正确
4.  There are distinct differences between albino animals and those that are "white", but both albino and white animals are considered rare.
A. 错误
B. 正确
5.  Everyone was in his room when the bell rings.
A. 错误
B. 正确
6.  Having spent his childhood in France, John is able to converse in French rather good.
A. 错误
B. 正确
7.  Early education is as important as the education of older children and young adults and equally worthy of public support.
A. 错误
B. 正确
8.  Every change of season produce some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains.
A. 错误
B. 正确
9.  It is while we grow up that we begin realizing the purpose of education and understanding it's application in the daily life.
A. 错误
B. 正确
10.  His best movie, which won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi.
A. 错误
B. 正确



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