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- P! N4 a" V; Q/ f2 U' W3 a/ ], [
一、单选(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  “For I have known them all already, known them all--/Have known the evenings,mornings,afternoons,/I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.”The abovelines are taken from____.9 ^# X+ ~" z$ X( K5 O, @
A. Wordsworth‘s“The Solitary Reaper”0 r( l# K9 L1 e
B. Eliot‘s“The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock,”
% `* d5 |  ]  Z# t  gC. Coleridge‘s“Kubla Khan”
& p9 {4 ^; }% b, t( V! @D. Yeats‘s“The Lake Isle of lnnisfree”
* v/ F8 C3 K- f- |6 c1 m      满分:2.5  分
1 Q9 c# D/ A4 w* E2.  In Hawthorne‘s novels and short stories , intellectuals usually appear as _______ .
6 R& v* S6 F7 ~+ i+ nA. saviors+ T3 h; n% I9 a, R5 R% m
B. villains: R4 X, k' m1 {  X
C. observers0 n0 ^- c: P  z0 l! M. ?1 e
      满分:2.5  分
- C, Y$ m2 [/ r. j! g% l3.  In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of huckleberry Finn, Huck writes a letter to inform against Jim, the escaped slave, and then he tears the letter up. This fact reveals that .
4 @9 i, z. f9 l& ]8 tA. Huck has a mixed feeling of love and hate
2 t# g" a7 K7 x9 ^- ^B. there is a conflict between society and conscience in Huck, U9 Y( y3 x. `+ Z
C. Huck is always an indecisive person
: e' y7 y" i5 _D. Huck has very little education
; y- D8 d. C" f7 }2 i' T      满分:2.5  分
  H/ v% r+ {" ]! x* f) g: L, X- m4.  The English novelist_______ has been regarded as the “Prose Homer”.
8 r6 c9 k( Y8 O2 e' O' e4 UA. Daniel Defoe
6 ]- R. _" I% f2 C8 ^8 K; z1 ^" `9 CB. Jonathan Swift
1 d/ M2 z/ [  d% d( TC. Henry Fielding
: w( z5 X% d2 ^& iD. Samuel Richardson. N% j4 U  s1 M% ~6 }
      满分:2.5  分4 j" D3 p. z2 K6 U
5.  Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms - the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse - with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of _______ farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax.: H9 Z3 O4 w9 e, }
A. Southern
: I" q( q& R* V6 I. IB. Western2 z- K$ t. J4 E6 \. N; k
C. New Hampshire
) \- C- Y% ?; v% T" q. C6 FD. New England  ?/ o. ~/ K4 A9 M
      满分:2.5  分
  I  Y, x) q9 r# G0 h- d6.  Gothic novels are mostly stories of , which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles .
6 s4 `  z# u  v/ P$ \A. love and marriage
' [; ?" R& e  w/ Z4 z3 m% ZB. sea adventures# y% u2 O/ J  g( b
C. mystery and horror
% H) J  P# l& k+ [# J4 R6 TD. saints and martyrs
2 R$ e7 @4 t3 e1 J: M. o      满分:2.5  分
) G, y& O$ l. [8 P: [' t7.  The title of Alfred Tennyson’s poem “Ulysses” reminds the reader of the following EXCEPT
2 ]  k* W/ A5 T; m6 BA. the Trojan War
# {$ s( i# D/ E- i8 |6 FB. Homer’s Odyssey: _$ n1 H( T1 j5 v. ~! Z
C. adventures over the sea
0 J- r& ^% s  h, A, |' p4 R; @D. religious quest
6 S; ~0 o/ D/ |& B$ ~3 X      满分:2.5  分8 j9 V; ], P. r; Y% O
8.  "‘I believe you are made of stone,‘he said, clenching his fingers so hard that he broke the fragile cup. …‘You seem to forget,‘ she said,‘that cup is not!‘" From the above quoted passage, we can find the woman‘s tone is very _______ .4 P3 c4 g8 r. r8 `/ e% t! Y
A. sarcastic
5 T4 L, n: Z$ H3 X/ M  ?& UB. amusing
8 ?4 y1 ^3 X6 O/ fC. sentimental# m) M! ?$ q0 H4 g3 }. ]6 p4 y
D. facetious  h, c! O+ E' v7 s. v( s* t
      满分:2.5  分
; {+ }' N. D( x& D2 T9.  “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” is an epigrammatic line by .5 C/ z8 O  ^# @$ }7 f  s+ P, J6 ^, \
A. John Keats
4 x2 o. N8 a4 Q  _( Y' q2 PB. William Blake
; C4 r4 x( f* J5 C/ c4 Q% u, {C. William Wordsworth" A* V& v+ t* y9 L9 P& _% x
D. Percy Bysshe Shelley
# b+ s6 r# K" O0 _7 p3 N      满分:2.5  分
5 a( h  p) w5 {* s# e10.  The most original playwright of the Theater of Absurd is Samuel Beckett and his first play, _______, is regarded as the most famous and influential play of the Theater of Absurd.( d  X0 s; o' F$ _! H
A. Waiting for Godot
- s" w3 m: _1 x4 JB. Murder in the Cathedral- ]8 K8 o0 u: Q! [* V/ B2 P
C. Too True to Be Good* b& I; R7 B% L' D; Q* p
D. Mrs. Warren’s Profession
, |& l3 M0 I& J0 L, c9 u      满分:2.5  分
8 |6 H- ]8 S6 z( c11.  “What is his name?” “Bingley.” “Is he married or Single?” “Oh! Single,my dear, to be sure! A Single man of large fortune;four or five thousand a year.What a fine thing for our girls!” The above dialogue must be taken from____.# @) q/ \/ z' c/ g  R
A. Jane Austen‘s pride and prejudice+ ^6 f7 A: \# Q; V
B. Emily Bronte‘s Wuthering Heights  q+ ]; \* \9 r) U6 }
C. John Galsworthy‘s The Forsyte Saga2 ^: y) ?" f: n
D. George Eliot‘s Middlemarch
" |1 t+ M7 F1 B+ s- g) v      满分:2.5  分
! d  T. R7 G8 |; ^% Q4 `9 P8 J# e12.  “You and the girls may go ,or you may send them by themselves , which perhaps will be still better , for as you are as handsome as any of them , Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party.” What figure of speech is used in the underlined part ?" ^4 h8 _* }: V' I& R) J6 q# v
A. Paradox
9 a" n8 _" @2 UB. Simile
( v* s: R, v; ~7 |C. Irony# g# U3 R3 L) K6 h& n0 b
D. Antithesis
9 V2 a/ Q5 V3 A3 Q$ w1 J3 g. L      满分:2.5  分" n1 J( @2 {+ S0 d
13.  The statement "It reveals the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life" may well sum up the main theme if Dickens‘s _______ .& `0 F6 b) e8 z. r
A. David Copperfield
6 Q" J1 v; m' h# O" F" HB. Bleak House4 ?3 u( w2 _0 F6 Y2 P
C. Great Expectations3 R6 u4 A* t, M2 O1 |: Z
D. Oliver Twist: G% |: u+ n# U, N+ T
      满分:2.5  分
) z# U" O; Y8 J5 z7 z14.  _______ is not the work by Robert Frost.2 z+ _. U/ G6 \9 Q6 A$ I: w
A. “I heard a Fly Buzz ---- when I died”$ t1 E- N2 Z; z5 p2 k
B. “ The Road Not Taken”
" R+ w, U+ E0 @/ rC. “Home burial”0 w  s" B" p/ I! B* l
D. “After Apple-picking”
# r0 v6 @/ B: l' }  e" `      满分:2.5  分
0 P4 D2 {$ \  j" ^0 n15.  Which of the following best describes the nature of Thomas Hardy’s later works?
. w& O! v1 E7 fA. Sentimentalism.4 J( _; ?% ^/ L3 f2 N) t
B. Tragic sense.
, s* d' q. w$ |C. Surrealism.0 R# \5 t4 }# d1 {% T) T
D. Comic sense.
# n1 n+ Y8 T( X  D      满分:2.5  分  S; h  G/ b2 d' w1 A$ u
16.  The statement"Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability”opens one of well-known essays by____.0 ~% d) z2 _1 i  V# F! h
A. Francis Bacon/ Y6 k5 t5 z4 x5 p8 u4 W' s
B. Samuel Johnson
; K2 F( R  |$ _% y& b  Z4 DC. Alexander Pope: u4 k) u6 A' k" `
D. Jonathan Swift
, Q# p- x# d7 G/ M6 C) Q  ^      满分:2.5  分- S' X  f% _' ^' w8 m) U. M
17.  Hawthorne generally concerns himself with such issues as in his fiction.) y$ }% ]* q; J; J, X8 f$ |
A. the evil in man’s heart
" i5 O" V) N+ {+ |. iB. the material pursuit
' \% G- X* B$ i& Q% [  M0 vC. the racial conflict
6 ~; ]. `7 H3 U9 N1 O5 vD. the social inequality
; N- Y9 o! z8 P- P& m( {      满分:2.5  分3 O' ?- Q, S4 @  }
18.  In Samuel Taylor Coleridge′s “Kubla Khan,” “A sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice” .6 b0 s) V7 k5 d4 D* S
A. refers to the palace where Kubla Khan once lived9 u" {5 V, y6 R+ f. \$ ~
B. vividly describes a building of poor quality& E1 q2 `. p, [; d% Y
C. is the gift given to a beautiful girl called Abyssinian+ L+ J0 {3 w9 W1 o
D. symbolizes the reconciliation of the conscious and the unconscious
- L$ V5 ]3 ?- s      满分:2.5  分
6 |( q$ _# Q4 C( I: c9 ~19.  “Ode to the West Wind” is the representative work of_______ .
3 W6 x9 E0 o/ Y, mA. P.B. Shelley’s
, E: I! Y9 q4 @B. John Keats’s
+ ^$ a) v; T9 P- ~5 h; y/ WC. Samuel Coleridge’s. U: S) ^0 w( x0 a( `
D. Lord Byron’s8 y) P9 x9 x" e' W" y. Z
      满分:2.5  分
/ T4 [5 c3 a/ g) }20.  Which of the following best describes the speaker of T.S.Eliot’s " The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock"?% U/ w& H7 ~, ^* [
A. He is an man of a action.6 R, w/ t  k' }
B. He is a man of apathy.2 c- X' a& {( K# o, _1 \0 e8 S
C. He is a man of passion.7 V8 [9 f/ u) b" j$ ]7 U9 [- s& M
D. He is a man of inactivity- B- T. o5 U1 R. y9 h; G
      满分:2.5  分
9 ~  y8 M, |+ |* M1 c+ c& {21.  Tess of the D’Urbervilles, one of Thomas Hardy’s best known novels, portrays man as ________.
' s# X6 ~. e( L+ zA. being hereditarily either good or bad
' B9 d# a) q; }0 I- J1 A: XB. being self-sufficient
2 L: i; P2 k/ J2 _% Z# PC. having no control over his own fate
5 }. |) P1 N5 ^: gD. still retaining his own faith in a world of confusion
% P# w3 v5 K) m9 ~" j& i" N" f      满分:2.5  分
' j. K7 y3 _+ @22.  In which of the following works can you find the proper names “Lilliput,” “Brobdingnag,” “Houyhnhnm,” and “Yahoo”?
: O2 t; c9 U; g# U& I0 m+ {" bA. James Joyce’s Ulsses.
+ x9 e# ]! e3 l1 H% YB. Charles Dickens’s Bleak House.
" H+ t/ o( N2 c" S$ C: {C. Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels.( G6 f, D$ u& M9 N
D. D. H. Lawrence’s Women in love.
$ [) s' z6 Z# c2 z2 B5 Y      满分:2.5  分
4 G4 m' V0 A3 U0 J4 I5 Q! E4 R- m23.  If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?”is an epigrammatic line by____.
8 ?, q1 O  M( }7 N9 J  [9 k# iA. J.Keats
: u( D8 \3 z3 ?4 o5 _3 HB. W.Blake- u4 X; y  n6 V
C. W. Wordsworth
% T8 f: x/ V6 j0 P9 ?D. P.B.Shelley* A5 p6 u+ E7 |1 Q2 I
      满分:2.5  分
2 y2 v1 P% s7 Z  v8 D24.  It is generally regarded that Keats‘s most important and mature poems are in the form of _______ .7 E3 p  F+ d- H7 x* `& g$ y/ a
A. ode
) J; _( w" B" K9 n1 HB. elegy
9 {7 R$ L% U) P; p2 F' g: rC. epic
# e; `2 N+ r8 oD. sonnet, _- w6 G! P! n( T' p4 T6 z- S
      满分:2.5  分
6 q2 E. ^! \0 r/ V  g25.  In Leaves of Grass, _______ is all that concerned Whitman.
7 |; T4 ?+ M" T8 Z2 |, aA. individualism$ V5 i, v7 u! x- w% y3 Y. ^% K1 S
B. the spirit of democracy/ A- V8 x5 D! F' j+ |
C. freedom
2 @1 V" U% s, X; l" u8 iD. all the above3 s4 i- o4 y. H' q
      满分:2.5  分) q* _; |1 D9 C  c) Z7 ~
26.  To Theodore Dreiser, life is “so sad, so strange, so mysterious and so inexplicable.” No wonder the characters in his books are often subject to the control of the natural forces, especially those of and heredity.. @4 p5 \8 x. ]
A. fate. _/ f, ^; @2 `+ P
B. morality
* Q6 A7 g' A6 b! JC. social conventions: n9 |- {; V% |: q; @2 K
D. environment9 H9 `7 {" S6 @# u& z
      满分:2.5  分* h, @7 |, A6 u# s/ m; ~
27.  "To be so distinguished is an honor, which, being very little accustomed to favors from the great, I know not well how to receive, or in what terms to acknowledge." The above quoted sentence is presented by Samuel Johnson with a(n) _______ tone.
5 V, y$ E5 B: D7 W2 x1 R: k- s7 ?A. delightful& X) ^. b1 i, e0 K! K) M. d
B. jealous/ n4 k9 G" r3 x
C. ironic
* u) K$ Y6 R  P3 c) {D. humorous
7 |% b3 p4 e5 \1 z3 Y, }$ g# F8 `7 r7 u      满分:2.5  分) N: O. T' }3 t* \& Q
28.  The unquenchable spirit of Robinson Crusoe struggling to maintain a substantial existence on a lonely island reflects .
# L( g4 R/ i, r( U) \8 HA. man’s desire to return to nature
: r/ O* g/ ?4 h) n. n. ~% }; YB. the author’s criticism of the colonization
$ _7 b9 S" `' O9 F% VC. the ideal of the rising bourgeoisie1 d8 Y0 ^2 u* ?4 i
D. the aristocrats’ disillusionment of the harsh social reality
6 g2 e5 q* S: T; k7 M      满分:2.5  分( _" j( W2 |+ Q2 L2 w
29.  The subject matter of Robert Frost’s Poems focuses on ./ x& a+ m! s& k1 ~" x% P, l
A. ordinary country people and scenes
; K) a5 w8 A. V7 y. u2 G- qB. battle scenes of ancient Greek and Roman legends* m  R  N; U% O  B0 F9 h
C. struggling masses and crowded urban quarters+ v0 G+ T0 H8 K" i* {4 [
D. fantasies and mythical happenings
! C5 b5 g: d' W/ O1 d; o4 [0 c      满分:2.5  分8 V0 O0 A. A, G6 W5 b: h" C+ [
30.  The hightide of Romanticism in American literature occurred around .% u& V$ A: Y2 r, Q1 ?' ~$ c. s
A. 1820, ]( l" \8 @, b0 g. l3 i
B. 18504 O  N* j7 G1 G7 r) I0 l5 @
C. 18807 d6 Z. I- n) i, B
D. 1920
- }) ?, S3 t' S" ]% s0 i      满分:2.5  分) B' u3 _* N! c; x3 O6 A: y) F
31.  Most recognizable literary movement that gave rise to the twentieth-century American literature, or we may say, the second American Renaissance, is the _______ movement.
3 a0 v2 u' t: b9 V- Q- {' LA. transcendental
  h/ _0 H$ U% q/ `B. leftist; c" ^* A; t! U" p: [6 F
C. expatriate/ d2 I& @8 r" s2 d; d
D. expressionistic
5 J; P: w) t, x7 U  S      满分:2.5  分
3 [9 i9 S# P5 d; m6 m32.  Most of the poems in Whitman‘s Leaves of Grass sing of the "en-mass" and the _______ as well., D, ~+ v" _( c
A. nature- G2 T: O$ ]: H- b
B. self-reliance/ }, }. e1 @% B2 H3 {- {/ B
C. self
) Z8 a# g/ S' j$ V  }D. life( g/ S% S/ w( @( |+ R
      满分:2.5  分
, q! W9 M; d- R33.  “ So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this , and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets 18) What does “this” refer to ?
) c& V# U& W9 X( a1 G+ A$ |# _A. Lover
9 F1 u, R' p/ X+ b. L2 qB. Time
" g- e  D3 Y8 l+ ]0 {+ V) ZC. Summer
+ m5 X9 _3 c0 B2 GD. Poetry
* q" Q$ A* x+ y) U2 Y$ S( i      满分:2.5  分
" M4 H( D2 c% [# q34.  is the successful religious allegory in the English language .
: C/ x# K0 m$ G( YA. The Pilgrim’s Progress
$ I) V' q6 U" n. D1 a/ j+ n, bB. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners: L4 [8 L' Z1 ~+ _
C. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman+ r/ [( b8 Y- S0 L
D. The Holy War; I% G6 V: H& x# B& N7 ^
      满分:2.5  分8 r" o9 ?% \$ q! G( q9 S
35.  As a literary figure, Belinda appears in Alexander Pope’s .- e0 Q7 S! |7 m3 |4 Q
A. “The Dunciad”# }$ i/ Z# i! a) j8 G5 G- }$ t
B. “An Essay on Man”; B9 i$ m1 k. ]: X2 ~! N, k, ]
C. “An Essay on Criticism”0 P0 t8 {, X9 q% `+ o" O( T( q
D. “The Rape of the lock”
1 F8 ^2 \, o% K5 ]      满分:2.5  分6 d- ~  s  P$ b* L; d
36.  _______is the essence of the Renaissance.
' {$ q3 x* V& i7 X) m5 T# jA. Individualism2 a8 o& I( n- a; ]0 k
B. Reason4 z7 N- L" N- ]5 K9 z: R
C. Irrationalism
6 i  B' H5 I  w' rD. Humanism# F3 w! M; ]* r* ?3 x. _' t2 n
      满分:2.5  分+ P. A9 E+ Q& T1 _
37.  Walt Whitman, whose ______________ established him as the most popular American poet of the 19th century.8 W6 `6 Z: G4 g$ Q( Q  s
A. Leaves of Grass
( u% Y  ?  ^; F4 u6 [4 CB. Go Down, Moses
8 [2 w3 T# s# G3 s4 b% hC. The Marble Faun
( d6 G% Y1 ^7 ^1 J, _' O% ]D. As I Lay Dying
9 Y6 O$ r8 j) {; i" ]" S      满分:2.5  分
8 N# e4 k( [. r1 E' U38.  Here are two lines taken from The Merchant of venice:“NOt on thy Sole,but on thy soul,harsh Jew /thou mak‘st thy knife keen.”What kind of figurative device is used in the above lines?# g- D" C# U+ X
A. Simile.0 D* F# [: i. \9 U( P; b
B. Metonymy.- I5 v9 A9 a. x
C. Pun.
+ d; O. c$ z$ hD. Synecdoche.9 C& A) J1 i6 P% a
      满分:2.5  分6 ~& r9 T* ?* M. F3 \8 y
39.  In which of the following poems by William Butler Yeats did you find the allusion to Helen and the TrojanWar?7 g* w" Z( |* C, V0 R+ q
A. "Sailing to Byzantium"2 L3 [7 N# B9 A' ]+ v( w$ G
B. " Leda and the Swan"
- j) E' |9 E- [C. "The Lake Isle if Innisfree".8 a' m; C2 j% y; t& b
D. " Sown by the Sally Garden"# w) @/ ], ?3 T& Q" X. E3 K( N, {+ I
      满分:2.5  分
, c; p& \4 b7 [  Z, {/ Z40.  Crusoe is the hero in The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Grusoe, of York, Mariner (also known as Robinson Crusoe)by .
: N2 X% x& Q7 k" oA. Jonathan Swift  {" M& o5 D( L  D  u
B. Daniel Defoe
6 m4 \/ c" h% }" S9 V7 VC. George Eliot; G6 O+ U0 a8 ]# w
D. D.H.Lawrence" E' o" G: w- o: T
      满分:2.5  分 * }" S5 G. z7 F$ q3 `8 `

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