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发表于 2014-11-20 19:30:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  It was not until then that I came to know knowledge ____only from practice.
A. had come
B. came
C. would come
D. comes
2.  She didn’t go to the cinema because she _____the film before.
A. had seen
B. has seen
C. saw
D. was going to see
3.  "Got your plans for the weekend, Bill?" "Well, I had planned to go to London, but I _____ afford the train fare."
A. can
B. can't
C. may
D. might
4.  This rule only applies __ people above 60.
A. for
B. in
C. to
D. at
5.  My room is a mess. It needs _____.
A. to be tidying up
B. tidying up
C. to tidy up
D. tidied up
6.  "The windows need washing." "Well, let's wash them together, ________ ?
A. shall we
B. will we
C. won't we
D. should we
7.  I don’t feel like ____ today.
A. singing
B. sing
C. singed
D. sing
8.  Very ___ he will forget all about it.
A. like
B. possible
C. probable
D. likely
9.  No sooner had we sat down ______we found it was time to go.
A. than
B. when
C. as
D. while
10.  "I had to walk home yesterday: I had no money for my fare.""You______ me l I could have lent you the money!"
A. ought to tell
B. must have told
C. must tell
D. should have told
11.  I ____writing the article by the time you get back.
A. shall finish
B. must have finished
C. have finished
D. shall have finished
12.  It gets ______ when summer comes.
A. warmer and warmer
B. cooler and cooler
C. hotter and hotter
D. hot and hotter
13.  He ___his leg when he _____in a football match against another school.
A. broke; played
B. was breaking, was playing
C. broke; was playing
D. was breaking; played
14.  What is done cannot be _____.
A. undone
B. unbuttoned
C. unfastened
D. untied
15.  When the class was over, everyone made ___ the dining-room.
A. at
B. for
C. to
D. in
16.  We had warned him __ the danger but he turned a deaf ear to our warning.
A. at
B. of
C. /
D. with
17.  About the sixth century A. D. when few Europeans could read, the Chinese ____paper.
A. invented
B. had invented
C. have invented
D. had been invented.
18.  I’m ___ of cash at the moment. Would you accept a check?
A. want
B. love
C. like
D. short
19.  Our teacher ___ great importance to listening comprehension.
A. attaches
B. gives
C. takes
D. makes
20.  He made a(n) ___ appearance and took up two hours out of my limited time.
A. shock
B. unexpected
C. expecting
D. astonishing
21.  "What can I do for you?" "If you ______ see Mr. Li, tell him I've got his letter and I'll write to him soon.
A. must
B. may not
C. won't
D. should
22.  The middle aged man was seen ____out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.
A. came
B. come
C. to come
D. have come
23.  "I have never seen a Beijing policeman." "You_____ one. You've been in Beijing a week already."
A. must see
B. will have seen
C. would have seen
D. must have seen
24.  He has ______(join) the army for ten years and is now an officer.
A. gone into
B. joined in
C. been in
D. come into
25.  I ______on the door for ten minutes now without an answer.
A. was knocking
B. am knocking
C. knocking
D. have been knocking



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