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发表于 2014-11-27 18:38:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  The national flag of the United States is the Stars and the ( ).
A. Slices
B. Strings
C. Strips
D. Stripes
2.  The intelligence department was accused of failure to ( ) the troops to the possibility of an enemy attack during the weekend.
A. instruct
B. warn
C. dictate
D. alert
3.  Obviously, no teacher has ( )patience. Even Larry, who is always kind and tolerant, lost his temper on that particular occasion.
A. infinite
B. definite
C. spectacular
D. plural
4.  As a reporter, I was paid to ( ) into other people's lives.
A. pry
B. convert
C. blurt
D. carve
5.  Once Mr. Green ( ) you in conversation, you're stuck with him for at least an hour.
A. submerges
B. engages
C. occupies
D. launches
6.  Don't let his criticism ( ) you; he belongs to the kind of people who take delight in finding fault with other's work.
A. discourage
B. concern
C. dictate
D. paralyze
7.  The offer of a free overseas tour ( ) him into buying the villa on the hillside.
A. discouraged
B. committed
C. tempted
D. tangled
8.  Everyone else was killed in the accident. I was the only to ( ).
A. alive
B. outlive
C. survive
D. relive
9.  The talks might ( ) for weeks before any concrete result is announced.
A. press on
B. drag on
C. get bogged
D. hold out
10.  Our director had ( ) on the matter for a long time before he made the decision.
A. hushed
B. thrashed
C. pondered
D. suspended
11.  He was healthy ( ) and ( ) .
A. physical, mental
B. physically, mentally
C. body, mind
D. bodily, mindedly
12.  People under a lot of ( ) may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties.
A. stress
B. exposure
C. endurance
D. endeavor
13.  The weather wasn't favorable and both teams had to ( ) icy rain and a strong wind during the match.
A. pin down
B. contend with
C. get stuck in
D. take control of
14.  We need someone really ( ) who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.
A. crucial
B. realistic
C. essential
D. efficient
15.  Dr. Light, who is ( ) to be one of the best surgeons in London, performed the operation and successfully removed the tumor in her lungs.
A. confessed
B. thrilled
C. perceived
D. reputed
16.  In today's working world the roles of men and women are becoming ( ).
A. dwarfed
B. incorporated
C. correlated
D. blurred


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