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发表于 2014-12-31 19:58:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  Let’s buy ____ apples tomorrow.
A. more some
B. some more
C. any more
D. more any
2.  I have two sisters , Lucy and Lily is ____ of the two.
A. nicer
B. the nice
C. the nicer
D. nice
3.  What is ____ food in the USA?
A. very popular
B. more popular
C. the most popular
D. most popular
4.  We can jump ____ on the moon than on the earth.
A. more high
B. much
C. high
D. much higher
5.  When he heard the good news, he felt ____.
A. happier
B. happiest
C. happy
D. happily
6.  Do you like Beijing Opera?Yes. It sounds nice. But it is ____ for me to learn.
A. hardly
B. hard
C. good
D. best
7.  I don’t feel very ____ today.
A. good
B. well
C. nice
D. fine
8.  My brother doesn’t like studying. He watches TV for ____ two hours every day.
A. less than
B. more than
C. little than
D. much than
9.  The young man is ____ to carry the heavy box.
A. enough strong
B. strong enough
C. too strong
D. so strong
10.  Please be ____ next time.
A. carefuler
B. more careful
C. carefulest
D. the most careful
11.  The Changjiang River is one of the ____ in China .
A. longer river
B. longest river
C. longest rivers
D. long rivers
12.  I draw ____ and my handwriting is ____.
A. good/good
B. good/well
C. well/good
D. well/well
13.  The third cake is ____ of all, but it’s too dear.
A. delicious
B. most delicious
C. more delicious
D. the most delicious
14.  Is chemistry more difficult than physics? No, chemistry isn’t as ____ as physics.
A. easy
B. difficult
C. easier
D. more difficult
15.  It is ____ today than yesterday.
A. cold
B. colder
C. more colder
D. many colder
16.  The question is ____ than the last one
A. very easy
B. much easy
C. very easier
D. much easier
17.  The ____ he is, the ____ he feels.
A. busy/happy
B. busiest/happiest
C. busier/happier
D. busy/happily
18.  Of the four seasons, the ____ time to come to Hangzhou is in spring.
A. good
B. well
C. better
D. best
19.  Last weekend many people went to the concert, ____ young people.
A. hardly
B. probably
C. mostly
D. really
20.  That building is about 100 meters ____ .
A. tall
B. high
C. taller
D. higher
21.  Will you please drive ____? The train is leaving soon.
A. quick
B. faster
C. solwly
D. more slowly
22.  It takes ____ time to go there by plane than by train.
A. less
B. little
C. more
D. fewer
23.  Our classroom is ____ in the whole school.
A. cleanest
B. the cleanest
C. cleaner
D. the cleaner
24.  If you want to know the meaning of the word ____, you’d better look it up in the dictionary.
A. mostly
B. exactly
C. nearly
D. hardly
25.  Sorry, I can’t work out this problem.Try again, please. It’s only ____ difficult.
A. a bit
B. a lot
C. very
D. much too



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