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# m2 U- I+ s2 p
! C; M' ^: t, g4 U" {) l- k6 E+ `一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Doing a () invlves achieving an outcome, creating a final product that serves some practical purpose.9 Q# [; ?" d# f& O, \2 W. C5 ?
A. homework* p7 C$ z( x1 o) I0 R, m
B. communication task
3 g3 g( b& I1 s. p' ?C. exercise* L+ `* P" R: L# w/ l; }; Y( x
D. listening activity% f5 ?2 n6 b7 ^7 I3 |% N
      满分:2  分
: _' e' Y0 B- {' I2 r# A" y2.  ()is an intensive study of a specific individual or specific context, which is usually based on the assumption
! H$ ]& B0 [/ dA. Action research
# _7 [! U7 r$ d0 TB. Teaching journal
  Y+ G% r. N! u) [C. Lesson report
" r2 M" ]0 D! ~; oD. A case study9 ?( x4 b2 v' a+ q" h# }" x
      满分:2  分
' K8 b* G' z3 \+ I# V$ P- n- d  s3.  Students work in pairs, each having similar pictures, but with differences. Through talking to each other, they have to find out the differences without looking at each other’s pictures. What is the name of this speaking activity8 b' i4 [. v2 c( N
A. Reaching a consensus
% U2 @3 ?! x1 s$ l( b3 ?4 Q/ {4 LB. Describe and arrange
; p; t3 H* i) X" Q2 P* nC. Find out the difference
  ~5 m# G; E1 y5 J- h: ED. Work out the story
  `4 `: U: E1 j9 T9 C      满分:2  分
8 E- R+ G, [- S4.  In the following sentences, which one is wrong?()
, b7 c0 J4 x3 fA. Vary instructions could enrich course contents.
% {; \8 n# L( y  l# P  D, F4 i9 DB. Vary instructions enhance opportunities for learning English.2 s: @. b- r7 B( A. W9 l
C. Vary instructions helps develop students’ language awareness.
+ C; V$ ^4 |+ B2 ^: FD. Vary instructions enhance the students’ memory ability.
- `9 `+ Y, ?; M5 n+ |) F      满分:2  分
( I$ q2 N7 L  _, O3 }# G5.  What kinds of methods can you use when you observing lessons().; x8 f2 C! Q. k. H
A. using videotapes' B0 s" Z* f+ {+ n
B. using sheets
& x& G3 r# S% B" [7 eC. using checklists
0 d2 N1 y7 o% C+ n7 B, wD. above all
- m4 @/ m% C! I- D6 a      满分:2  分" C8 W/ J) a, ~; M9 B: D8 y
6.  ________ is the adding of a letter or sound, or group of letters or sounds, to a word which changes the meaning or function of the word.
3 j- ^3 _5 u5 t: \2 Y- ~A. derivation# F& Q$ r& S5 S5 s
B. conversion
; y7 u# _; V& M9 Q# Q# KC. affixation! t4 t5 h# v: s! ^7 c/ @8 ~
D. backformation/ q7 m: o! P$ |  W7 D0 T' ^' t
      满分:2  分
/ \0 j( U& ]( H% q' ?7.  David Nunan (1991) offers () points to characterize the Communicative Approach:
- N2 t0 b* v& y. _A. five
2 e) o3 C8 m# ~: u6 y9 _B. six
9 w' H- i4 G! t# dC. seven
) z$ F" V- [+ }$ h/ w  PD. four/ C& p' w8 J" P) w* i
      满分:2  分" k* p/ G5 [8 T  ?
8.  Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students?5 ]+ {5 E% A# p' {
A. perceive" T2 l9 L* ~8 ]% J
B. remember' u1 x* B$ i4 U' c
C. think
/ K, V6 q; R' b% @9 I) ID. practice' K/ j8 _& o! A; K& S
      满分:2  分5 r% {1 p" H2 Q  |3 L' a
9.  In the language focus phase, language analysis activities also provide a focus on form through ()processes.
  A8 v0 B' H3 M! p+ rA. teachers' instructions
3 F- G# Q/ [( R* YB. language acquisition' Y7 g- m, x7 T% C
C. peers' help
' E1 [' j, V) L* WD. consciousness-raising- F  A$ M# U, I. E8 K$ o+ W
      满分:2  分! |  q$ j/ c, }6 y
10.  Who found a strong connection between aptitude and proficiency?  b! R& \; O5 {# [
A. Gardner
& l& ?9 M  P- {+ I# fB. Kreshen  t( q& c  }! j
C. Terrell' ?% \& l2 z6 C- \+ z9 C# e
D. Carroll5 V5 r2 _3 k9 k& i# _: @
      满分:2  分
% [: W" F/ Z8 z. L' n# u11.  Which of the following options is not used to show a lexical item visually? ________. u- U; ~( w- k5 r
A. showing by an object1 x. t) U: b) g# Z
B. showing a picture8 @$ F1 h' H& X' v+ K
C. showing by miming
' f' d& L9 S: a9 y& n& a" MD. showing by listing opposite meaningsf
/ [4 [0 d/ N3 n3 s      满分:2  分3 Q4 l% `7 o' j; L2 f+ S9 g$ z
12.  ()utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research.# o6 ~# N6 Q2 F
A. A group study& }7 j5 R. q$ q/ m% W
B. Teaching journal, V  M4 f- r/ S$ L: q
C. Lesson report
- U( z6 ^* g, z+ A& GD. Action research( y* h) V5 s6 P
      满分:2  分
" n$ b2 _' r/ ]* C/ ~2 G# c13.  We all know that the teacher needs to know his/her students, in the following items which one is the most difficult to ascertain().! [/ w6 A  O) A8 H- H7 _
A. sex
) ^6 P2 @1 s" \6 O0 j9 K# c" o4 U! HB. age
( s- r# o% K$ K1 ?C. social background/ ^' ?' `( _+ N& }6 n% Z
D. occupation
' `" f3 I3 N) [% [# L. l      满分:2  分  p  W+ c9 ]2 ?
14.  One of the principles of the Direct Method is that classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the ()language.
/ w; l) p+ s8 U) u' VA. native+ T* H; y# K& w8 }* X+ Y6 C0 n
B. another new
) b; P8 l) @8 tC. target$ l( o9 w$ S1 {' G, o# z  e
D. first# l) m1 }9 u5 [
      满分:2  分: y: w( J2 W: D& j* i; p+ J' ~6 a& m( k
15.  The first and most important step a teacher takes is to determine the () of an activity.) G- B- j; c1 O
A. course6 [2 q0 [. b1 @+ r0 Q
B. approach
6 A* L8 N0 H: XC. objective/ E- s6 P: H; u4 F. T" x) s
D. correction7 a# r; o( R% n" |! m
      满分:2  分3 o0 J1 f6 H% T1 l, P
16.  How many steps are there to teach free writing?
- s  d! b0 C2 S) G7 T4 ~, r6 bA. 3
1 J6 S  i# c$ @  X# iB. 4
% X. ?" ~* y: Q. [( [C. 5
' ^  w/ X( T+ P3 wD. 6
9 ^( ?( u8 i- _/ d1 y2 E      满分:2  分$ H3 D: g$ T; _
17.  What arenot the causes of an error().
4 x7 G& O7 x# k" N0 e. E# L) p2 |A. overgeneralization
- I% Q6 c$ y  w% r$ q$ f- K  _B. undergeneralization
4 k; E3 y+ r6 I5 d0 ]& t+ E0 oC. simplification/ s4 i% N) _7 w$ C$ T$ B
D. deduced errors
3 L( h' y% S, T- g% t      满分:2  分
/ M2 c# b1 C7 b1 w2 k9 [" F% I2 L7 ~* i18.  The analytic syllabus refers not to what the syllabus designer does, but to the_ required of the learner.  E. b/ M  h1 O3 A1 E$ e4 S. F
A. doing
' u& o- w3 _+ X+ `B. operations
) [. r) Q1 l  U# x1 ?4 o! ^C. Practice9 J$ }4 q3 }5 j
D. learning
1 m9 f) i8 y$ R7 A7 U      满分:2  分
1 {  [( o& @: E8 x" a* i& I* u19.  ()involves teachers identifying issues and problems relevant to their own classes.6 ^3 f( h  j$ ?% k  n2 j0 L
A. Literature review( R8 Q9 O- R+ f4 M5 }8 V; B: D+ _
B. Questionnaire
5 a, Q. ~8 e. g5 JC. Action research
( l# [% V+ G& ^+ g$ q- tD. lassroom observation
6 k( C- q. w# u1 g      满分:2  分
. l( w& n1 Q: j- s, u20.  For most people the term ”curriculum” includes those act activities that education have devised for _ ,which are represented in the form of a written document .; h+ r- e& b7 U
A. teachers
; n8 G3 G2 r( I( D; N) LB. designers, q% R5 R, @8 s  H
C. learners9 O  y. C6 d9 y* F! b, I4 y
D. students2 f" b+ T! x3 p  ]$ h+ l& c# P( W
      满分:2  分
+ S& @% ^& r. ?4 ]9 i. T
# k7 r, v. y' Q- Q: S9 F二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  As a teacher, you need to know how the students feel about learning English and what they know. The major areas for you to investigate are ().( D& U+ n: ]8 l
A. interests3 g7 N7 @. t7 v* d5 m: U. i; t% z
B. home environment and neighbourhood
' c8 \# [- `) O* n8 nC. educational background- _: q' K+ a% V9 r6 s7 b
D. motivation and attitude, D- L4 P. D; U- b( I
E. knowledge% g! x* k/ I9 \0 i( ]
      满分:2  分
+ d+ T' P, m' Z2.  Teaching can be defined as ().$ s, j8 r' H; P+ G& i
A. giving instructions
3 R3 d1 [5 L" {1 I' EB. guiding in the study of something  K1 `/ N+ @* X6 z
C. providing with knowledge; }  k/ b' P) f: @6 S: L) g
D. causing to understand
" y% i0 u# r$ ?4 @5 e, K      满分:2  分% W# q8 i4 N: q- a. h  ?
3.  Research is considered to be a process built around three key features)
5 y8 ]: N4 U  v  |) \6 vA. Research questions and hypotheses are clearly articulated  Z6 Q' x* w/ U
B. specification of appropriate research methods for addressing and answering
% j2 H. z$ J/ @* |. L' P4 g' h$ P: @C. therory of your resaerch' f1 ^7 g4 ~! }* q+ T5 w; f& q
D. specification of a research context for the questions& A4 N  w* _9 G8 f2 m9 O( G( m
      满分:2  分
8 K8 U+ H/ [0 d/ n2 b4.  There are three Ts that can help engage the students in the writing activities. What are they?
5 O8 ^1 P/ t! \6 m, Y& MA. target
+ G* F6 M* d' E7 q/ {) kB. tools( r3 f' d; n1 a: [) Y
C. topic
* H( m5 ]4 q7 v2 J1 a9 h1 H4 kD. time2 r! {& e" w/ @0 b* Y  I
      满分:2  分
$ R6 u1 C7 O/ ^& p' z5.  Effective teachers have command of at least three, broad knowledge bases that deal with ().
* y, Q& j8 h2 i0 r  D5 N, CA. subject matter6 F/ W1 m9 t0 k3 H1 ^
B. human development and learning0 d2 q* X9 s7 N/ W
C. pedagogy% G3 M; B9 K$ m
D. healthy habbit
) M, l4 D1 U3 i* }7 }0 K- O      满分:2  分
: m- S  i0 j7 U7 j6.  Sensory Modality Strength categorizes learners as what?, p0 p: u9 H; N" m
A. visual
% U0 V/ V( r7 Q. R" `1 K, P7 hB. auditory
; `2 M$ X! D# m" \$ O6 Z& eC. tactile-kinesthetic
# T' ]) ?' d) YD. thinking
8 r" D: T" ?. A# x; E9 ~8 hE. analytical
3 l* M. Y0 s% R, r* u1 ^8 |      满分:2  分. M" _0 o* _7 C% Q5 @
7.  How teachers help the individual student in the class about their own purposes?()' n8 {6 ~. m) y9 e; s8 f! H, e
A. Help to discover the purposes.
0 M" N, C+ q' P; i( t* D3 [! @* r$ [B. Help to formulate the purposes.
: b1 Q+ X& q5 w8 ]C. Hhelp to clarify the purposes.
6 v7 }" q( Y0 v/ {2 a; eD. Help to set the purposes.
& D. V7 `3 O7 x0 D      满分:2  分
3 J* a% m( |2 w: k; C) g8.  which of the following sayings are right according to this chapter?________6 B0 R: V; d) _: `* n" Y  o# L7 Y
A. Students should learn both the form and the meaning of a language item.! D" ^0 Y8 B) H. ?; T/ h
B. context determines meaning
' Y+ l0 d, ]0 Q) ZC. both the teacher and students need to be aware of the fact that form does not equal meaning and vice versa- m9 ?) J5 x9 G& I3 ~
D. students need to be taught how to use the lang0 X4 F8 u/ c2 A7 c3 i/ @; a3 ]
      满分:2  分
4 t# d& l: {! n" ?$ \9.  Which are included in social and affective strategies?3 Q- ~9 L) z& Q! {( ^
A. Questioning for clarification  W% D7 L: x* k& y# G& C
B. Cooperation
; @! n9 M! _2 y0 l" k( O; Z. FC. Self-talk  o7 C: j  _, N# D3 U
D. selective attention* {9 b6 n" _( {8 s( k. W
      满分:2  分
# z6 a/ ?: t% Y10.  There are three strategies for expanding your English vocabulary, they are________
/ ^- k. w! b3 s/ V- iA. contextualization
: n# k' t' ?: b, H& S2 xB. discrimination3 B8 ?/ c6 R% ^( z
C. affixation. ?3 l. t$ b- H0 w+ w4 j5 T5 Z& }
D. substitution' P; N  f# \9 g
      满分:2  分 / q' ]' i4 k% ?. t
; I$ @7 T) Q  I2 ?7 z
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  It is important to show even to beginners that language can be used to perform different functions.3 [' w  {, t2 h5 q6 J. W% G
A. 错误
3 a: r8 ?5 |! O- pB. 正确
3 [/ \: \9 v4 a      满分:2  分( D' U. A% P3 b9 G" N$ v9 n
2.  In L2 teaching, the use of a variety of different kinds of tasks is said to make teaching more communicative since it provides a purpose fo a classroom activity which goes beyond the practice of language for its own sake.
' P9 w3 Z5 ?, v5 p! f6 UA. 错误
% j7 P5 x, N6 |4 x& GB. 正确
9 {& ^  V( g% \; H0 k% n4 I5 q- ?      满分:2  分, c7 ~* T( e# G7 L$ d7 Y, H
3.  5. Unlike descriptive research that can be either synthetic or analytic, experimental research must be analytic., W  G: O# k6 x( x  y. a: }2 F
A. 错误5 q; c4 t5 L: `) W
B. 正确9 E/ r3 e( V) C
      满分:2  分. h) y1 H  ^1 R1 P
4.  Lesson planning is equivalent to lesson plans.; h5 o/ W& R4 I0 m# \  T
A. 错误0 O" L2 ?4 I$ b& ^3 f- W
B. 正确
+ |" I/ ~- m: \( x) Q      满分:2  分; N, b$ L# j: s# x; `9 c1 c1 L" l
5.  The meaning of a word can be showed by combining different techniques.5 Y6 `( j1 G+ @4 E& y
A. 错误' S; r5 c" X  D0 H
B. 正确
& y% c6 X3 b" `      满分:2  分
( [" y" E# B% p. J: S6.  Fluency describes a level of proficiency in communication which includes the ability to produce written and/or spoken language with ease.
/ d6 y, l# y$ `7 O- A6 oA. 错误! ^8 i# p4 T9 x
B. 正确
* U% x5 k6 k" S0 P      满分:2  分1 `& ^; T1 R; K' K' x  b/ I/ C
7.  Analytic learners initially require an overall picture when learning a task.
0 E# z5 |# u' ^) |4 HA. 错误- h+ l4 n& [9 d6 D2 {3 |& M
B. 正确# [% \" a* Y3 K4 V
      满分:2  分
; ?" O" }9 e0 U% B0 P; |8.  Students feel less anxiety when they are working “privately” than when they are “on show” in front of the whole class.( \; x8 d' [8 q0 X+ U% q2 i$ ?5 f
A. 错误
5 l" t6 Q: p( r2 u1 e( R; MB. 正确
; }( d4 K5 V  B+ ^$ R      满分:2  分
1 b2 M2 l* |- ^" z9.  Teaching journals, lesson report, Audio and video recordings and survey and questionnaires and action research are major instruments in action research.0 f# T& U3 V6 r0 x$ M, }
A. 错误
+ w) ]  F: R( e  q: Z4 Z5 z0 \1 t- ^B. 正确
' B' g& p* x' o/ c# n" _      满分:2  分/ n. t1 o( I& j( L
10.  A normal role play can be called a task even if it does not contain a problem-solving element.8 p& P4 w; }* t/ R8 E
A. 错误
& ?9 X! b) W" i$ u+ QB. 正确# T+ B/ z2 s% |+ O6 @
      满分:2  分
% P' ?' g/ p: O% k: q* S$ r$ }11.  Paraphrsing is a kind of common speaking strategy.% X3 Y2 H8 Z* j; [
A. 错误' q" s/ j% t7 H) \' g6 U
B. 正确' @  {5 O& n4 r: T1 Z
      满分:2  分
6 _! s0 t( `" Z2 d12.  If students are given a list of words to use in an activity, they are not doing a genuine task.4 t. ^8 ~* J7 `# u
A. 错误
/ G* x9 {# |7 M4 U' uB. 正确
2 I4 F7 p/ x! G1 h      满分:2  分
' r9 t# Y( u, b0 \. {9 c. x13.  Inductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific, and it is sometimes called a "top-down" approach./ [! E2 |% u" }* n' Q0 O. D* S) W
A. 错误
8 s! z8 i9 d. |* n% a3 @- [B. 正确
1 F" Y7 M. n# l; Y4 |      满分:2  分
# y1 w/ I% A  w14.  Survey is used widely in descriptive research, in which sampling is one of the key issues.# F$ r5 H! S3 M3 C0 b4 j
A. 错误( _) ^! L+ C2 f' i, E) v
B. 正确& Y  k' _0 R* O1 f& A# u
      满分:2  分2 a- ^2 R! [$ }1 o/ V
15.  Qualitative method is a research method that relies less on numbers and statistics but more on interviews, observations, small numbers of questionnaires,0 F; `$ R7 y$ V. S- d: K
A. 错误
* u* w1 y) ?2 I5 XB. 正确
" W4 P, ]( B0 b9 U1 ?& v; G) z6 X$ `      满分:2  分8 v7 f3 x5 x$ }& t/ B; v
16.  The explanations should always be as clear and simple as possible., {6 t1 _' _$ ^8 F" Z. o6 {8 ?- I
A. 错误3 X; [, a$ \3 _, H4 a& P( d* J9 }2 Y, R
B. 正确7 E1 Y8 a5 ]8 Z7 ?
      满分:2  分
1 t7 ^6 ]1 F3 F2 B17.  Introverts seek out company actively and enjoy the company of other people.
) k  f- t1 S( G4 Z1 x/ N: VA. 错误
+ M3 z  X8 v- _8 k. sB. 正确
9 y) S4 S6 x+ H2 @8 x      满分:2  分
3 W7 h  a: z# D& d; z; A18.  The aim at the controlled practice stage is simply to give students practice in forming or "manipulating" the structure.$ M( c3 L* Q3 |* A: V. d
A. 错误7 q$ f2 Q( x$ ^! O! u! E
B. 正确
1 j! Q. U& y; B' A2 t      满分:2  分" [, B! C. \% S6 f0 ~  L: ]8 M
19.  A task means that learners use whatever target language resources they have in order to solve a problem, do a puzzle, play a game, or share and compare experiences.
8 v. m# y$ g0 RA. 错误
0 @3 C' ~; k5 m: h+ Y8 b$ eB. 正确1 u. d  R6 S$ p: w
      满分:2  分
$ M- |  D0 W- e) D7 J" B; w20.  At the presentation stage the teacher introduces new language for students to learn. Here the teacher is in complete control and does almost all the talking.& A) t, D. i0 B% {% Q0 l
A. 错误
/ `) r. z7 S1 k3 ]3 o/ F3 i7 xB. 正确$ J! ?. `0 T- W
      满分:2  分 ( C$ |4 Y1 s- O& G/ f! v

" l, r5 R7 L8 \0 L  g谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。
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