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发表于 2015-1-2 12:20:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。' U- \% D1 {$ o) I
3 L8 ~! M& P4 H5 c4 ]
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  ()research must be analytic9 U' ^4 i7 h8 t* U( \
A. experimental0 C; N8 V1 e+ [( i1 p* c5 M2 e, y0 [
B. descriptive8 V5 R$ v" W0 H9 g* h
C. Action research* i7 o4 k% q! s# C8 x
D. A case study6 G, `  }4 M, i/ W  q  Q1 B& `
      满分:2  分
% M- q! [0 H1 V) G2 V- I- g' ^: w5 H9 }% y2.  A () activity is used where the whole set of information is not revealed until all students have performed their part of the task.6 \% W. A- c8 V% n2 A
A. jigsaw
* B4 J3 m1 [/ BB. gap-filling4 I& c+ }7 k+ ~7 ~1 x" d
C. hungman
& H5 C8 C3 Z4 T- `4 f" z$ z% m% }2 wD. bingo
; c6 _2 ^) j3 h/ V8 M$ R" F      满分:2  分
" [  H- ]) Z& r: i  [8 k3.  The root of a word is also called the ________.
  c6 D* a% D( X6 g- VA. stem
& {: H8 ?4 @8 X( F3 BB. suffix2 h* t7 _$ o- }" k4 l' N& n
C. base form) B, _- A$ A2 H* i9 _9 d1 k
D. A or C: O8 B: l$ [- ~/ \; a
      满分:2  分
! z! |, J: i9 a* _3 E; }4.  Which expression about eliciting is incorrect?()
. X7 t- f7 T8 p- p: r$ Q2 }8 @7 hA. Eliciting involves the class by focusing students’ attention and making them think.
. G; y8 d. Y  K4 t* V+ }: C" X$ l: ZB. Eliciting encourages students to draw on what they already know or partly know.
# Q4 o+ ^4 i: g* j7 ]9 R3 DC. Eliciting takes less time than straightforward presentation of new language.
: u6 x$ n; a) D; A- Y/ KD. Eliciting g
) W( Q2 S8 J- r8 @3 T- E+ `      满分:2  分! l1 P" b: s* M% k5 p  E% ?
5.  Who found a strong connection between aptitude and proficiency?& |( o6 u9 q5 I  N: F: m
A. Gardner$ c* o0 l! w/ ]7 C9 C1 e
B. Kreshen
7 ~: Z) R+ _: K! @) x! ~+ b" CC. Terrell9 u, d  I0 j5 v$ i0 A
D. Carroll
+ w: u. \; {9 ]% k  k  _      满分:2  分; I( F/ r0 U; u* |6 P
6.  Which of the following options is not used to show a lexical item visually? ________0 ^  S+ K1 n2 X& h8 Y5 ]
A. showing by an object
+ C8 Q; s7 a4 _- m! z# h1 WB. showing a picture& G- G, l3 Z7 J! N- [
C. showing by miming
) _, S; ~  i8 s+ n; UD. showing by listing opposite meaningsf
. X; I4 }$ T2 y' P$ \/ b      满分:2  分6 w2 |/ F/ N$ x6 x: d2 H
7.  ________ is the adding of a letter or sound, or group of letters or sounds, to a word which changes the meaning or function of the word.- M9 m& w9 ]+ S' E( Y
A. derivation& s- R$ X3 m3 \1 q7 T
B. conversion$ X5 P& _. @6 B6 r$ {) e4 w/ F
C. affixation
0 @6 ?6 ]- y# QD. backformation, @1 L5 n5 h7 O/ {7 t) F
      满分:2  分
2 z5 ?" n' q1 W! n" x8.  We all know that the teacher needs to know his/her students, in the following items which one is the most difficult to ascertain().
5 H$ F. w# A$ k7 N2 q* C& bA. sex: _  t. U9 u2 C. r% R
B. age& y1 O! }, E1 E3 m
C. social background/ k; S& Q" ?- g% c6 U' u
D. occupation( Z' X5 {5 z5 ]4 Y% b6 @
      满分:2  分0 @& o- u! j6 q/ h) p/ F1 G9 U
9.  ()involves the organization of learning and teaching in such a way that the traditional notion of the "average student" and "aiming for the middle "in teaching is abandoned.
/ X! a' i8 k/ p6 lA. pair work
! c; T: W* E5 a4 F9 w5 j% \/ Z7 TB. group work
/ ~' k) N% k, `C. teacher's help
5 T4 s( ]5 k& CD. individualization
7 ]$ y- a6 H! }. H9 ~- E* a      满分:2  分
6 ^% ]% G- @0 _& G$ S; O% m10.  The first and most important step a teacher takes is to determine the () of an activity.: w1 m* r. t7 ]: G
A. course$ N9 r' X  @* e# I3 U" e: Z% {  ]
B. approach0 W& I! [; w( P4 G6 R3 H
C. objective
2 S9 w  v- S) [+ Z8 I, ^2 jD. correction
0 O  F5 T* n: l* p) z      满分:2  分1 ?' q8 k8 K3 j) X# t* Y
11.  Which is the pre-writing activityin which a student or group of students write down as many thoughts as possible on a topic without paying attention to organization, sentence structure or spelling?; q. M6 `% b; U
A. Describing
# `# Z6 i: ]) M5 x1 fB. predicting
. m! K8 O' ?% Q8 w, f# KC. brainstoring+ o7 ?' C5 D/ _0 Q- M
      满分:2  分
7 Y- h! E% C0 k# Y* t  J+ b5 H8 a) Z12.  Which expression is wrong about learning students' names?()
) S" J( i  S  ^3 A( \6 ^6 zA. Help show students that the teacher is interested in them.
  d  i3 G4 o/ S5 y5 m- [B. It shows the teacher is responsible.
. Z  u) E0 g8 \" wC. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.
: |" T9 v! u9 J7 k3 QD. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with equipment in the class.5 [2 x1 ]( }2 u* B' a0 @1 J
      满分:2  分( ]+ z+ i) B: z+ E4 H& I: j
13.  In your opinion, which one is the most typical macro planning ().
, r7 ]! H5 K9 H. JA. unit planning
  M+ q; P  v7 r! r# }' O2 d3 Q  ?B. half a semester planning
0 d. A" n3 J) d$ }0 wC. one semester planning
4 M' c0 ]) N- kD. whole course planning# u+ B9 {+ P2 f' Q( }; X
      满分:2  分! Z" A8 M% Q( Q) s8 A
14.  Which of the following errors are caused by ovegeneralization().
' u, v  }; z8 Z4 XA. Nobody knew where was his bag
3 |! W2 ]! e& e, iB. These student are very diligent
2 L9 n6 o" V1 X8 v' Q( J( mC. Iwant draw it3 m7 f- s* U  b  ^0 m
D. He goed there/ ~+ Y/ W9 G8 ]  F# l. m" C
      满分:2  分
  M9 w4 l3 E& `! Q- b- G& U15.  For most people the term ”curriculum” includes those act activities that education have devised for _ ,which are represented in the form of a written document .6 B7 S& Q: q6 _( |1 M
A. teachers
' ~* O  \1 F6 _1 wB. designers& I7 B7 _5 e2 G" R6 u
C. learners
. ^9 p. _# t' y+ q3 v4 z5 QD. students2 Y5 v% Y1 `$ L( t
      满分:2  分
8 ?- J. U! \* N% o4 I; X16.  Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?' r/ Q; }& B+ b$ J: X3 D' R
A. Tailoring message to competence
. P5 G! x/ y( w( j8 R- [B. Paraphrasing1 I: R6 d; Z) w+ o+ N
C. Using fillers and hesitation devices6 |2 p+ ^2 h, S9 v
D. Appealing for help" l7 u( c- H/ D; U" t- R
      满分:2  分5 _- L( [5 ~* e, R6 F
17.  Doing a () invlves achieving an outcome, creating a final product that serves some practical purpose.8 @, m6 Z! o4 g
A. homework
+ j$ v# ~& K8 @! ^; yB. communication task
9 m$ q/ j5 C& d9 a# y0 WC. exercise  u2 {, x) e; Z  R7 b& w) ]. O# M
D. listening activity3 J2 i9 m' x. B4 k2 B7 p: |
      满分:2  分
0 }# u/ X, Q% f6 J4 D: p3 k18.  Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong?()
; H& i% W' M. p( vA. teacher-guided correction- e* }  J; i6 u5 F# Q, p
B. group correction
* F6 D" R: z9 u% ^: {& IC. focus correcting4 g* N1 ^- H9 G
      满分:2  分
* X9 Z5 h; p; E2 k- C; r19.  The most common form of authority involved in developing language policy and planning is the ().8 ^9 e' r% e/ v1 d% y6 @
A. government; o' ~- x5 p) L
B. court
) N- x  [/ T& ~C. procuratorate. F+ T% {6 o- ?6 _0 z4 F. d
D. Public Security Bureau
$ q" @9 J5 Q: X" }& m4 P3 U% p# n      满分:2  分
" G* H* |% F6 y) A  q9 P3 P20.  Students work in pairs, each having similar pictures, but with differences. Through talking to each other, they have to find out the differences without looking at each other’s pictures. What is the name of this speaking activity' \; Q4 a3 @, k+ ^
A. Reaching a consensus; }0 c* p) [; u- L( Y# s
B. Describe and arrange
: i9 }3 u1 h# z; GC. Find out the difference9 w2 j) ?$ D' M( O) j
D. Work out the story
) z* ~5 b  L+ n1 {  c      满分:2  分 4 t1 e0 r& p& U

+ W* E) B& B4 \8 {二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  Teaching can be defined as ().! c. ^; c+ q/ l1 @( x& N% |
A. giving instructions
! r/ K# y9 j& |# A2 s- t2 e( J$ ^9 KB. guiding in the study of something
& g: q/ l# R" C! [2 Q4 GC. providing with knowledge, Z; w5 ]! E/ J9 V5 V) d  Y
D. causing to understand
1 B: }( Z: ?# s- f      满分:2  分
) O* k' W# M* r8 t2 I9 ]$ [# E2.  Which procedures are recommended in preparing self-report forms (Richards and Lockhart, 1996)
/ v3 `+ H* a& UA. identify in as much as possible the philosophy underlying the course
! `9 j0 S  ?6 f! o2 A& jB. identify different kinds of teaching activities, procedures  d1 S7 r( o) }) M8 O, z
C. prepare a lesson report form
/ B- X( k( F( B/ j+ zD. prepare videos4 ]  P4 {* S+ H0 h6 M# V6 P
      满分:2  分# ~: k9 e# V1 U  t9 Q$ x! k
3.  Research is considered to be a process built around three key features)
2 ?+ @& g5 ?: c8 u0 [# h  A/ aA. Research questions and hypotheses are clearly articulated4 U1 ~" ?& F: f3 ^3 V; a
B. specification of appropriate research methods for addressing and answering
2 d9 F/ z' @6 P+ C% p& c+ @C. therory of your resaerch2 L  L4 n7 d6 b4 V
D. specification of a research context for the questions" h' o8 K0 f0 @$ r, _
      满分:2  分7 i7 m" a# F9 R  F  Z4 Q5 P
4.  The ultimate purpose of teaching is to assist students to become () learners.6 b$ @) k# ?$ P; [
A. independent9 q. V7 W6 ], ^7 ~" l$ ]" Z
B. self-regulated  L. O0 U0 M8 l1 h8 E# z% Z
C. dependent' \- o9 p/ o& j* e
D. undisciplined! V( D- m/ C, L' K! o
      满分:2  分, j4 l) K3 v4 u1 \
5.  Which of the following options are the ways to show the meaning of a structure visually?________
+ `; V8 y5 e8 z/ i/ @3 L; J; uA. using the things in the classroom that the students can see4 O7 R: i, T- r
B. using blackboard drawing5 z/ {  A5 N! z
C. think of a situation from outside the class, in which structure could naturally be used
/ r% M4 R0 P' f; G2 z6 x6 _* ID. explain the differences between strutures* Y, U4 a2 H9 N* }: ?9 d
      满分:2  分
$ K7 p; T3 o" B6 _' c8 N( u8 X6.  Listed below are some possible characteristics of a disciplined ELT (English Language Teaching) classroom. Which ones do you think are appropriate()./ T4 ]0 Y$ U$ p$ Z7 q6 Q3 P. ^5 @
A. the lesson is proceeding according to plan
9 d8 j3 R3 Y# s* lB. the class is under the teacher’s control5 M% R  ~: X6 ~: _: g, Y
C. the teacher and students show respect to each other/ f" P+ u/ w- V
D. the teacher appears to be the authority
) Q( T8 R: R6 \6 vE. undisciplined students are punished# a/ b+ g- G: u, X
      满分:2  分- T; L/ a8 |! W  L  M
7.  What kind of common techniques are often used in error analysis().
+ [# y# H% o# n2 nA. error identification% X# r% S" a2 ?3 k- C2 c. a. S4 a6 _
B. error classification
# P% a3 c; R2 x2 S  `C. error description
8 `, h1 z3 V" P% g3 n& _6 HD. error explanation  t- I9 U- X+ Q  r2 ~
      满分:2  分. x8 {* p2 b/ S8 I$ w2 w5 `
8.  What could teachers do in class when there are still a few minutes to go?()
9 V- I/ C( }2 ]0 qA. The teacher could invite one more pair to report their work to the whole class.
. a1 c" a! \& k! b. ~B. The teacher could review what has gone on in class today.
" ^1 i# O* m+ _' o; d( ]! ]C. The teacher could ask students study by self.* ~7 ]; O) V# X, E
D. The teacher could the students what they will be doing in the next c
$ \( v* e. H: |; d      满分:2  分
) E; D" X2 F6 {- ~, C5 p# H9.  To help students carry on oral communication in English, what categories can teachers offer?
% E6 t, u+ {5 Q. MA. language input
4 d8 o1 ^5 p! `4 S+ i: V! h, PB. speaking rules
  q6 ^  p* y8 ^1 E$ {4 J! {/ kC. speaking strategies
, Y! ]* a5 d+ S7 Z- O  XD. knowledge of social and cultural context
) E- q8 D& x& z$ [; D      满分:2  分. [6 x1 }8 H9 _5 s
10.  What are the two ways of grading a piece of writing? are “impression” marking and “split” marking.+ R1 d* E1 w5 b
A. impression
- y9 v6 @: }* j( H+ lB. split
- ~9 |2 {  l0 xC. inductive; V- G( }2 y; ^* @; Z, f- v
D. deductive
( B3 ~- Q/ [) o& J2 u      满分:2  分 : s3 ?/ f5 k' g; M% f7 o8 E) {7 S) L

* i" a8 t$ ^8 f& B! `' q- N' u$ T三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  It is best to correct all the mistakes students make in the class., C  G5 r- x. P) h+ ~8 h
A. 错误% C" s- C3 [% }0 y0 H3 Q; b5 m
B. 正确
" ]/ u* L' i4 w0 h1 W      满分:2  分
$ t* B* y; P5 ^1 Z, g. ]& E! b2.  Teachers should always speak at a natural speed.% ^0 p( x. {0 }& d: f3 Z
A. 错误
" Z4 c* b8 G- E+ jB. 正确
" {7 [$ \1 u3 J/ F1 \/ f      满分:2  分
: j; `2 c& q  q, C3.  A task means that learners use whatever target language resources they have in order to solve a problem, do a puzzle, play a game, or share and compare experiences.
! k7 S9 i, \# E; P7 YA. 错误4 v8 f, O1 x  e
B. 正确
" r8 q; J9 }1 n) B) l( N! l# N      满分:2  分
. R; O1 r7 ^, D6 O3 k4.  Over-prepared lessons are as bad as under-prepared lessons.
1 S1 _- ~# O+ I4 [* H4 FA. 错误5 j: \( p/ D. }+ v4 u  v; `
B. 正确
7 C4 Q, N6 Z9 j: Q, L. z# S      满分:2  分
! |' M) f5 n9 U4 F6 M, e& p5.  The role of English and other foreign languages differs widely from one country to another( f- q0 ]* B' h! i
A. 错误
6 l9 B* Y) {# B0 D7 {7 p' TB. 正确
! b' e1 h7 U( f. N3 m* ]+ N      满分:2  分
* {' q  z: H( R6.  Learners can neither correct nor explain pre-systematic error.
# D. h: P5 O) m$ [+ k2 z* LA. 错误
+ p2 H: O, {3 {! w) p" oB. 正确4 Z5 ?- b% K, A0 l: P
      满分:2  分
# e5 K) w1 k# q$ g' j2 [: K! S7.  It is necessary for the teacher to show the students what they have learned and what they have failed to learn.. K1 ?8 r0 o; Z* R5 r7 l, W! e
A. 错误
" c7 @) ]- s& d8 sB. 正确
0 T6 f. P' E8 u0 \8 W' K      满分:2  分
7 w' f- r+ M* ?8.  You should introduce new structure performing the same function when showing function.' d; ]2 f% u$ _
A. 错误
$ L1 G3 @2 `& X! ^; J% T7 hB. 正确; C6 _# R, Z8 m$ z3 N) |
      满分:2  分
* x; j7 g, D- g5 `; C6 V2 T) s9.  TBL requires students to engage in interaction in order to fulfill a task.
) h. b9 P( j7 B& }A. 错误  q( m: Y8 V2 x9 t& D
B. 正确( e4 l# h- M$ P) _. u
      满分:2  分
9 A. d' u1 f8 f0 [( ?0 r* {10.  In free writing activities the students are given a communicative task to perform and they depend to a large extent on the practice gained from the controlled writing to complete the task.
& f& R, y7 ?$ f+ zA. 错误# Z  `2 b+ N; V- b/ \
B. 正确9 k. C7 P9 Y- H/ m6 X, Y1 B
      满分:2  分
) O, a; M2 e: L6 P9 I9 u/ i11.  Intralingual errors originate with the structure of the native language itself.( I# ]4 V8 Z. P1 t) n0 g
A. 错误
" x/ L+ q1 O* W7 ?2 V+ ^B. 正确
% o- |3 A3 z- P! l+ }* U0 g+ ?      满分:2  分
2 }" X5 P. @& s; X5 \8 n# {3 |12.  If students are given a list of words to use in an activity, they are not doing a genuine task.6 M; h+ i1 L0 T# \9 C" m3 h
A. 错误
* G, Q% v+ _1 s9 r! l! IB. 正确
  j; t' Y' b$ \/ ^' Q      满分:2  分  A' B0 [$ }$ b& V$ Y
13.  Inductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific, and it is sometimes called a "top-down" approach./ g8 ^- D2 p% Y; B  |
A. 错误' _  m& `3 C8 t9 A( A1 {
B. 正确
! a$ b6 @  `4 L+ j/ u- B      满分:2  分
7 |* R0 u' B' ]1 W- |' u% d14.  The more recent understanding is concerned with how something is done.
' E$ n5 S1 x8 |A. 错误
" b5 A3 L% o8 S2 z; YB. 正确
9 `/ W" C& A# q/ K: ^3 g0 e      满分:2  分" `# @! _# o$ A( J5 Z
15.  If there is an immediate task at hand, such as taking a test, perhaps teacher-guided correction is the most effective solution.% {* N4 @, `/ w, o7 k, }% X
A. 错误
2 V6 B4 @1 g6 i: R% YB. 正确4 o" |: ]/ M: T0 I' \0 J; [
      满分:2  分
+ {# _- d' ~9 E6 `; l16.  English is described as a second language in countries such as Fiji, Singapore, Nigeria,America.7 m7 d5 m& ]. J- E5 H) n- O
A. 错误
5 F4 \( o8 f" e  W9 N, r0 W7 nB. 正确1 K# Y4 h& S, C5 p7 Z
      满分:2  分
# u9 X: U2 @9 y- E! r17.  A lexical item may be more than a single word.7 D- m; Q' g& _/ D, A! _
A. 错误/ t; J& `/ ~0 _6 M; Z$ W
B. 正确$ l2 X' Z! l6 Z) C' {* M' u, b
      满分:2  分
9 }! \% i! K' R) Y9 t18.  If teachers do not have enough time, they could finish abruptly or run on afte bell.
+ _+ p; m  A& d; ^A. 错误- ^3 Z1 M5 @5 U6 Y- q* p9 [. k
B. 正确
1 V3 n! [2 w% {! R      满分:2  分
* A3 I+ R7 p2 y6 V2 e19.  The term “curriculum” means things to different people and to the same educational instructions.
$ e0 s- S4 h# d+ N9 G, wA. 错误
% R# [" D, `4 o; [/ W( u9 NB. 正确
/ g, V/ A% s) Z% c      满分:2  分  ]$ l! i6 _$ k4 [9 Z
20.  The aim at the controlled practice stage is simply to give students practice in forming or "manipulating" the structure.
8 H7 H7 E  r0 n$ q* QA. 错误
& j/ Y% @; [# }: w  X& ]* l2 aB. 正确
6 l" t, {3 x+ {* J- B" d      满分:2  分
% M/ X' `9 M# F% W6 D& q6 W( a) W3 Z3 I; u1 j
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