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发表于 2015-1-8 14:35:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。/ M' x9 }- ]" b  r" q# L, @" m
  u' U& A. v# [  H
0 P2 c, ?) S4 T6 y# W3 A& G+ w
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  The ____________ function (sometimes also referred to as experiential function) is realized by the transitivity system of language.6 J. q3 x8 q+ N
A. ideational; L- r3 B- z$ O5 Q
B. interpersonal8 b9 s3 ~1 x) P
C. textual$ f# a7 v7 Z2 F( ]+ x' ?9 F: V+ ^
D. logical
& N0 |7 s* |+ N1 F# x3 [      满分:3  分
" C$ I; F/ i3 h$ ?2.  The following sentence flouts maxis of the cooperative principle.A: Macao’s in Spain, isn’t it, teacher? B: And London’s in America, I suppose.
7 n& H; [3 v, oA. Quality
" u+ l& d! ?5 ?- i, [) }( QB. Quantity) l! q+ v2 R9 C1 h8 V; s
C. Relation, [8 B  t1 W. |, L
D. Manner5 y4 k# @9 y3 z) m, b: x1 C9 B
      满分:3  分# b# M, V6 Y6 T
3.  Beauty and siren both refer to a good-looking woman, differing in __________./ U1 d5 s2 v, E
A. affective meaning
/ |9 @% n) v' n6 M4 GB. style1 y# A; V: o* G" X/ k- O
C. collocation$ _6 A! c2 l, r: O( G4 Z7 n
D. register2 L/ Y; ?* P3 K' \- ^4 U
      满分:3  分* R+ z7 G: r/ r2 ^, Q
4.  ______ is an official document that authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.
/ N4 o' U2 Q* z! bA. A syllabus
: m/ k) l  J: p2 G8 o$ ^, mB. A textbook/ w( v, S) w) V" g4 E! A5 _
C. An educational plan
' d" T) A; \& O- L! b5 F  MD. A test# x! ~/ }! {. @8 O
      满分:3  分
( Q/ c4 I/ x3 R& s! a6 @0 e/ e$ }* L5.  theory holds the opinion that a linguistic sign derives its meaning from that which refers to something in the reality.1 e% x% b9 x, r. `6 z- |- y
A. Semantic
/ a4 x" c: ^8 R4 |B. Referential
2 ~) S/ h4 W: ]0 VC. Representational$ N# p" x9 H0 w( O* v0 v+ N2 }
D. Reflected
% y3 p9 f' z  I9 e) ]: d0 R; q  F      满分:3  分
- {2 c! `+ N7 a+ ]/ [3 v" g6.  Indian English, American English, Australian English, British English, etc. are all ______.* u/ M: H1 S/ x6 ^* L
A. social dialects
! W+ t2 j2 a- S( [, N: UB. geographical dialects
% B2 G1 G& P: ^2 l  lC. registers! Z, n! ^; w- p8 \
D. the standard variety7 [$ j! ?. T+ X% d1 D
      满分:3  分
: g. L' ?+ O4 C! `" I# T: g7.  What maxis of the cooperative principle does the following dialogue flout? A: How do you like the film? B: Well, the music is very nice.4 B5 Q; n7 L; E7 g
A. Quality6 j4 g. ?2 F0 e  {
B. Quantity6 p+ V( j, ]" `2 _: l% E
C. Relation
. r: A) m, a7 a* g# c9 HD. Manner9 W8 n. f# W0 ]
      满分:3  分
; w$ L6 M9 R1 e/ \+ d  l. B1 l8.  Pragmatics analysis is concerned with ______.
+ f$ b( m1 M3 ~6 R) r! XA. sentence meaning8 I- l7 ]+ I) _4 d# |: d; B
B. utterance meaning; D' s" Q- P+ H: i) U; I. ]; s( ~2 C
C. listener meaning# k3 F" Q4 k8 l
D. speaker meaning
) n3 N/ B# n# S, a2 o      满分:3  分
. ?) }" n) o- h5 S9.  Krashen’s Monitor Theory belongs to ______.$ Z$ r* q. U2 U8 V6 C
A. teaching theories7 p$ o" S2 b9 F8 {5 P
B. environmentalist theories
3 Y5 d" ?5 e8 @3 z* KC. functionalist theories& ^" ^/ @2 C$ f9 Y# X7 d
D. nativist theories2 V1 T5 A: J. r  c
      满分:3  分
! l( c& \! y( j3 `% _10.  Children all undergo ________ stages of language development.
7 G% i  d# S* u; r% ^3 m6 q9 {A. babbling, two-word, holophrastic and the telegraphic speech
" L% }0 L+ o# v+ i0 oB. babbling, two-word, telegraphic speech and the holophrastic& _; d' N7 {0 Q* B7 r
C. babbling, holophrastic, two-word, and the telegraphic speech; w$ _2 C3 w3 U3 l8 D9 w
D. babbling, holophrastic, telegraphic speech and the two-word
: O" W) a8 g$ d% u! o* P      满分:3  分
# K! W3 x) k! r; H11.  1. The term ______ is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field.% X4 |0 F/ n# W; k& w
A. variety
/ _  U1 z% l. W! B( n6 F4 aB. register
/ u% L; ^  U/ g4 t/ R. X) t6 ?C. dialect* t2 ~+ x$ k- L9 A
D. Creole
+ ?1 h# t/ S% a, g, a      满分:3  分* |$ V: `0 X# t
12.  Speakers consider the matter of face for themselves and others. Based on this observation, Leech (1983) proposes _____________.
% H( b( O4 S) O9 D& u6 |! ~A. the cooperative principle
, a0 q9 R& O3 C$ xB. the principle of relevance6 e4 M& a2 u" D# w# h9 I+ m
C. the politeness principle
- B. Y9 S( Q8 ?- d# B9 s, [5 W2 ND. speech acts9 K- S: f: U0 {2 J: K& N3 P+ @9 g
      满分:3  分
- L9 r/ ?) S! ^4 X13.  refers to a specific-general semantic relationship between lexical items. Dog and cat are subordinates of livestock.7 Y: i6 u( ], I/ s) u. a
A. Meronymy
3 w' t6 @5 ?, Y  l+ jB. Hyponymy
  ]+ j; {! E8 T' e) f1 HC. Polysemy1 d0 U0 v. q% w0 H% m8 t, {
D. Antonymy" }/ Q3 f, T2 S% U
      满分:3  分
) g1 [6 J, Q9 H1 f1 _$ X14.  _____ is the approximate language system that the learner constructs for use in communication through the target language.$ `+ d! O1 H+ o5 v9 W
A. Metalanguage! g2 i. G: `% L$ F
B. Interlanguage
: t4 j& P' ]2 `2 o* H6 pC. Sign4 S1 G7 O: s; E. N' i% d: D. H! Q
D. Esperanto, Q" |4 P7 h( E8 L; c/ {
      满分:3  分+ k8 n, \2 \2 D$ Q% A
15.  ________ is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to “varieties according to use”, in contrast with regional dialects and sociolects, both of which are “varieties according to user”.) b, D1 m$ c8 |2 ?. V/ b( c
A. field  p4 p; B6 L" X* ?- ]
B. mode
# Z5 d+ j2 f( K- `# o/ m( B: vC. tenor
0 g0 G8 |" r; I( `- o/ qD. register/ D# o/ n& E+ [$ |' ^0 j1 ~0 ]2 @
      满分:3  分7 C- Z  G( E6 ?, D5 `) B1 ^' o
16.  __________ is defined as the study of meaning.
& f2 k: z. r' v7 v7 uA. linguistics
4 \2 L9 r/ ^% L  zB. semantics
1 u# i  [. X3 ?" S( A! S8 {" bC. morphology; _8 m# V2 J; d  {# D# D
D. pragmatics* Z, k# L. b& p1 Y- l2 Y
      满分:3  分! h1 b/ B5 K1 K- C/ s- i. ?& G
17.  refers to a statement in which you say the same thing using different words unnecessarily twice, for example, “He sat alone by himself”.
7 n; Q; y8 \3 x0 z, Q9 A3 GA. Tautology
9 P, y. @9 J$ u3 Y9 }B. Rhetorical device  z; x1 N' ], Q4 ]8 b1 Z! L
C. Truth condition
( m" J! ^2 J+ j% h# g6 f4 GD. Prototype
2 o- d5 |4 N0 Z! `9 b$ q      满分:3  分
5 ]$ i5 r% n1 A8 m, E18.  mixed language which has become the mother tongue of a speech community is called a ___________.1 }; l6 M7 M6 s2 d" G3 b
A. pidgin
. Y# u" \7 ?- @9 bB. creole
; V" c' Z* u0 F  d5 G+ ?; ~0 w  dC. Esperanto% V% t( T; e9 w/ h, p, C# V9 ]4 U
D. natural language7 z; ?) x8 D! m& E) L
      满分:3  分3 [9 a: p7 @+ i3 u7 T) P
19.  ______ is, fundamentally speaking, logic-oriented.
3 E, P( F! ?. {A. Sperber and Wilson’s principle of Relevance5 K& e" }6 |* T/ `0 U
B. Leech’s theory of Politeness Principle" q2 L& f* c9 U% N5 r
C. Grice’s theory of Cooperative Principle
5 ~7 _& {6 y& d2 iD. Horn’s Q-principle and R-principle
" H3 J, s' T6 a- t/ d5 W      满分:3  分
, ]% {3 R) x# b20.  _____ is an expression which substitutes one which may be seen as disturbing or offensive to the addressee.2 Z/ R) k' u2 L4 ^$ r1 j
A. Taboo
8 K9 Y% y1 s% W* [/ y+ G# xB. Euphemism3 I) o( S+ f6 @1 {! P2 }
C. Implicature5 g, D; }0 [! g8 {
D. An indirect illocution
! \' o6 y* I: \% |      满分:3  分 - l9 T2 Q! i- l4 k, V, d4 K

1 c7 g/ P9 b. y" [0 S) O二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Reference relates the sign to what it denotes in the world.
0 I! [, A3 l# @" K5 _  D6 _A. 错误
$ `# q! _* q! l0 rB. 正确' M% y1 c0 i) c5 o' D
      满分:2  分2 J' o0 F5 y  E$ S& Z' O
2.  The process of becoming adapted to a new culture is called acculturation.
4 z3 v/ R: S+ |, fA. 错误
* C3 m3 y! c! T$ e0 }( z, m: T: `B. 正确
/ b% h& A8 E; W) ~      满分:2  分
' ~+ L" E8 Z3 G$ c3.  Variety is a term widely used to refer to varieties according to use in sociolinguistics.# r+ g3 y7 j; G# C' T
A. 错误
7 |  f0 W6 e* v9 B. s, XB. 正确  a- r+ `/ x: p5 C8 L* i" \
      满分:2  分: v9 y4 O$ b' M9 s' k+ k: B
4.  The structural syllabus takes the discourse as the basic teaching unit.! l. j  z3 W% B5 I: u% o" _
A. 错误
* m. L, @- T: n5 b2 l" T' E7 YB. 正确" o6 Z4 Q* Z9 h5 B; b
      满分:2  分/ \2 p3 c% \( d6 T% S
5.  The metalanguag, created by linguists in their analysis of the sound system, the lexicogrammar and the meaning of a language, makes it possible to talk about what to teach.* f7 m0 N1 Y$ a. r8 B; b" t
A. 错误) `8 j$ V0 Z, E
B. 正确8 E' \2 U! R; ?' p, }
      满分:2  分
- q. V+ e: [) Y& N- e6.  Psycholinguistics studies language in relation to society. Language varies from region to region, from class to class.
2 C* e; B5 _! C( M1 s: OA. 错误
# l7 l5 b7 C6 V9 N3 w0 ]8 i9 e) E7 ^B. 正确+ A9 O$ a# G5 N& V
      满分:2  分' o& E. t9 k" A* v8 C
7.  Register is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to “varieties according to use.”- ^5 d* A. b5 n2 y
A. 错误
5 r3 r* h# L4 K1 V8 B5 Y  `3 _B. 正确
& v5 [) ~4 W3 Q( ?% y9 g9 J7 G: Q% ~      满分:2  分% m1 @! v) p1 u$ G7 Z0 E% ]
8.  The domain to be conceptualized in metaphor is called target domain.
6 k, c  u* K6 k5 b  |/ B, T1 yA. 错误
3 `( Q9 `+ T' YB. 正确( c3 M" [% y  U0 K' Y9 r. L
      满分:2  分
8 ?! Q5 V9 J6 v1 w& b$ G/ P# p9.  A test is an official document that authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.
/ \, A# w8 Y4 I+ Q) kA. 错误) P( f' `0 Q2 r0 s. F) K
B. 正确# `: L3 E6 Q: e0 p
      满分:2  分- H. \" D* L" J" [
10.  The theory of prototypes, solves the logical problem by a notion of degree of membership.& h5 Z! H- [; c7 C0 _; g
A. 错误
$ j" u1 B" X' f. W; E* iB. 正确
3 G3 B. e+ }4 c' f  W1 E2 T* _      满分:2  分
5 A3 t& J% T( U. v  l$ |/ ~11.  The sentence “My father has deceased to join the heavenly choir.” is of the intimate style.8 F0 e2 O: d. d7 c- O$ D3 _2 o* S
A. 错误
8 Y2 X6 D, z  P) fB. 正确
/ p8 W! x: P" @& O      满分:2  分
1 G3 H3 L. I6 {12.  The term geographical dialect is used for less drastic difference which is restricted to variation in pronunciation.
) I% s8 O  v, G& d% c+ K/ m9 LA. 错误
, Q7 b7 |: L/ m# y+ d1 Y( z( nB. 正确' U# B. p9 M$ ]! M  x% u$ [! i2 G
      满分:2  分/ S) K4 Y0 M# \7 _1 f
13.  The experiential function (sometimes also referred to as ideational function) is realized by the transitivity system of language.
5 ]. C; F0 V9 e2 n# s5 l9 V' l! X& yA. 错误( n  X' H+ D: L
B. 正确& L( q* [4 t- @1 r$ R4 `( u& h
      满分:2  分
  @& q0 }4 x' s" @- r3 F$ H14.  Register depends on the relations between the participants.
* U  w' W. t1 h2 G3 KA. 错误9 T7 D2 S: _6 I0 s$ F) h
B. 正确
& h3 O5 K  o) }; R$ n      满分:2  分
* k3 S+ {+ a3 O' i3 Q. H) g$ ~! V15.  Modality can be categorized into probability and usuality.; K' B: {+ A3 ]0 z0 S' p
A. 错误9 J0 F. x7 h) n, ]: X
B. 正确- m# a. h$ \/ S- \
      满分:2  分  Q9 f3 G; T* X5 a. K/ W
16.  Sodium Chloride and salt, which denote the same substance, differ in Mode of communication.% ~$ d" H( j. O( j
A. 错误# u6 }+ o  |4 N* ?/ ^7 s
B. 正确' L+ {! |9 u( s6 ^; @
      满分:2  分
3 F$ g  n- c8 L* }0 h! g  q& o17.  Hyponymy is a relation of inclusion. Tiger, lion and dog are hyponyms of the word animal.& G/ W0 D7 f2 c$ Z3 h4 H6 k% ?
A. 错误
& c! {# x5 e) J5 L; P% SB. 正确4 N% q0 B, M$ G3 q
      满分:2  分
$ t3 o) n$ d1 S# a% t* E18.  Pragmatics is the analysis of meaning in context.) Q, c" V6 Q4 H4 C9 m. |
A. 错误4 }2 s( X- M: h- i6 L( V. Q+ m
B. 正确
9 C9 z; p$ g9 Y      满分:2  分
5 }( l" _" m; i19.  The term Creole is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field.
( e4 o( @- Z' {7 c3 JA. 错误; b9 _6 B* b7 q/ P
B. 正确5 Q6 S+ B* {9 ^9 X1 c
      满分:2  分$ h; g$ ~$ v; Q4 r4 a$ }
20.  American English, British English, Australian English, Indian English, etc. are all social dialects.# i5 V& U% j- Z( t' [
A. 错误" u* b: ^9 A7 m7 _$ u7 X
B. 正确5 j$ |: f+ }) p. m6 d1 c2 h
      满分:2  分 & \$ V% G$ w7 z7 q% Y& ]
5 X" X& X6 r5 O
9 S' K# V( B4 v! Y2 ?1 ?0 ]( O" o
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