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发表于 2015-5-7 13:15:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。+ `2 g0 \4 M0 _3 V1 D! b* C

0 ^4 q' F8 ]& U! Q: c$ M一、单选(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  What kind of companies does the “Silicon Glen” boast are the highest concentration outside California?
* X. ^; }, _8 @2 BA. car companies
0 g+ a- N, }7 xB. chemical companies
$ `/ O4 h. A( o5 MC. high-tech companies
- k* f4 d; A' _% S+ z4 |+ s. N+ T2 SD. film companies* b! L- y- X5 p+ M! ^/ S' N% f
      满分:2  分2 g& x( L3 O6 @; [% t% E
2.  By the _____ , building life skills came into vogue.
2 j7 ?: C' Z& J! V; UA. 1930s7 N6 r; \7 y5 y3 J8 p$ v6 _: O, ?
B. 1940s- v/ ]+ q5 y) [* Z# g- P! ?
C. 1950s
$ ]8 y8 Z0 T# J6 ~D. 1960s
" j$ v# K7 s+ }      满分:2  分
" B( `; _+ S) W& X5 u9 a+ h3.  empirical
. d6 v8 o' m. I! x/ e) T1 H0 K( yA. based on observation or experiment& W$ L( a$ C, w4 S$ {3 f( a
B. find fault and complain
; V- O8 i1 D9 K* U' hC. assume
* J) t. V' m7 H5 p7 `% h- O      满分:2  分' v3 {3 \5 t* L
4.  The proportion of women among full-time faculty members doubled between 1972 and 1997, to ------- percent.1 y; P# s. I* c: u, `
A. 38: @* ?# F: u5 u4 j
B. 36
: T7 \1 i1 V; y+ k- pC. 200 b8 O! e( R7 Q$ f
D. 42
  _5 q: g2 y3 d2 _      满分:2  分
1 ]+ ]5 o- n3 x5 ]. L" T: X( h7 X( t5.  According to the text, Jordan wanted his teammates to ______.2 e% o/ {6 x4 i% }- b* J% d
A. understand the fundamentals of the games; p/ X& i+ A9 y* [
B. play basketball like him.: v/ I1 y) m! Q- `" R- S, L& C
C. win the championship of NBA in the near future.
5 ?0 G5 s0 P: l* D+ }' {/ {D. help him to achieve more success
& b: N# X$ N( I1 C$ W* J+ T4 E2 X      满分:2  分) n0 g5 d0 R4 M$ b7 r8 m$ C" @
6.  inbound" n+ J  Y* E+ _( E2 _
A. to execute an inbounds pass
' C, N, r: a/ U$ yB. to have a trip% h$ Z" H' @% m% R
C. lousy4 C3 ?3 M8 p" l
      满分:2  分2 u8 J7 B2 \( A0 E  H
7.  From the article we know the most popular open-air cinema is at ___________.0 l& `5 C% e) M$ x  w
A. Bryant Park7 y- u( r" O2 p6 d9 P3 Q1 W7 ]
B. Brooklyn Bridge1 c7 d1 g) D: V% t7 S8 U& _$ e
C. Central Park! Q9 g$ ]0 k/ d; f
D. Socrates Sculpture Park; r$ S+ Y7 S% H) ?! E& m
      满分:2  分" o8 i# k1 E* t' @0 s3 H1 H
8.  Tejano music is dynamite in ---- but not in California, whose technobanda music does not sell elsewhere.
& e! E1 C! H4 {& f% F& F7 E$ qA. Texas! e, \1 j) u3 k9 b4 e! |
B. New Jersey
3 W' Q, N4 E: U) e6 AC. Georgia0 C4 R$ V, m1 ~5 }2 c
D. Wisconsin
! M* @1 J4 P: q9 `- w      满分:2  分
) z) K* i: K3 X6 X: n4 p9.  According to expert, ___difficult marriages can be salvaged .3 T; I! Q) d; x2 j
A. all
* Z% a" y7 V2 P3 d$ sB. none, m. E. j; `- w  z
C. few
- L: h1 M- l( R  H: Z8 b8 p- `D. most8 P- q2 e6 u3 ^8 W/ @. ^/ }1 D
      满分:2  分2 T& ]" R' a2 s" S  H% I( L
10.  offensive) n4 o& l  s1 N+ ~
A. an attack or assault
" y0 `! C& a7 TB. work even harder( |8 c6 l# N' ]8 Y
C. never give up
$ X& F! h" _8 b) `7 P      满分:2  分: C. ~! E' O6 E: y
11.  According to most educators, ______ is not the virtues of homework.
5 a5 ^, v! E0 L1 M& ?( H: xA. building good study habits
0 `0 Z$ A+ J4 J# g$ D/ H5 eB. building time-management skills
% K5 G) S! n1 A" \9 T/ YC. reinforcing the day’s lessons
; S( q, T( L8 u  gD. crying jags7 o8 p. O; O! l5 u
      满分:2  分
3 X' x4 k3 _* t1 @12.  inhospitable
3 H6 @' E: J" x. LA. not giving shelter; unpleasant to be in' k7 n- [  S% [* y6 g; X
B. very good and kind3 g& c4 m& y: G6 G
C. quite lazy% k  V1 b$ m  ^) q" W! S; u
      满分:2  分1 q  x  @: r* G# z  a
13.  Which of the following is not of the qualities by which Carol has defined well-being?
' n0 ^( S* A% T1 z, H! ]A. a feeling of growth as a person2 e, }7 `% V0 V8 o5 Z
B. good relaitionships/ X; E" e3 @% e. x; S+ \6 W
C. changeable emotion; B* i- b+ I$ I9 O, U1 c6 r
D. independence
: a- G! p) u* Z  S* g% h      满分:2  分
; R& c! S% J+ j3 R. a14.  deteriorate .( b6 T" S3 U5 c2 i6 @& ~7 e2 I
A. to become better
" R1 ^1 m4 ], P8 x# FB. to become worse in quality or condition" |0 n, ]$ B1 L( n
C. happy statement
1 `" \) L/ \  d  _      满分:2  分6 O/ M% q1 N" ]# p
15.  bogus
7 d. ^  D0 Q' R% T$ _" uA. intriguing8 B2 \5 L1 U$ |+ P1 e
B. sham, spurious3 D3 ~" x, f' \  |- T
C. former pupil or student
: ~0 E' P- g  v, ?& `* \      满分:2  分& m. k2 O0 S( I
16.  eligible.
! f; C9 F3 }6 q$ `8 U. V8 g# iA. to eat without choice+ E& N3 K2 I$ F) ?! |( @
B. qualified or entitled to be chosen./ {) h6 m& I5 l3 T+ k3 w: t& \3 X
C. serve sb heart and soul0 D4 u2 E4 s  `' T
      满分:2  分
: ^( a2 }& @# V1 g+ y' T17.  On what does China spend the least money ?
! d+ V3 M7 K8 E; S( Q. P6 TA. Taking care of an aging population
3 R8 \5 |  X0 p2 C- w7 _B. Dampening rising unemployment
+ R' Z( O9 u  U/ r9 }8 H6 }C. Overhauling its command economy
4 V! z, x( q+ k) r+ g- VD. Cultural conservation
- D6 F* D2 M3 d( e+ t7 Z      满分:2  分
+ g* l1 b3 \8 {18.  marital
, v2 J! S7 L0 GA. of or relating to marriage0 ]/ b0 i6 q. m7 e5 ~# E- v0 h2 c, X
B. wife or husband
+ y( ?  U* H( \7 t& tC. to save/ J# l' h$ M* S3 Z/ x$ F6 Q
      满分:2  分
1 E4 x! H* P3 M19.  bellicose .5 P6 [- r8 [! N# N' r- w
A. always wanting to fight or argue+ @" c- ^% g8 E3 W* h) _/ C
B. serious and difficult situation' v+ |7 }0 O( V  t. x0 I# h
C. the surrounding
; o; Z3 f, ?6 r      满分:2  分9 U/ G( i* @, l1 x+ A% P7 j1 ]
20.  How much will it cost to kill the country’s beef and diary animals?
- c8 u7 _" ]  k2 C) v3 R, r& eA. £10 billion9 o" v3 D9 l9 W2 E! d8 m
B. £20 billion. t  W+ Z  u/ M( I: ~
C. £15 billion0 V( a# U( i$ N9 x
D. £10 million
, R: i) g# k' o: W( q! F5 D      满分:2  分. m0 I+ x+ M- u% T7 i
21.  The device used for the survey is___.
( V  ?, i0 x( u+ P& QA. E-mail4 w- t* Q6 q7 }! d
B. mail
; Q( b. ~' Y9 D- p* nC. telephone; }- \. b2 ?0 @  R) N3 c3 ?
D. telegraph$ J" c* b! J. e& \" A
      满分:2  分: E4 J2 E2 ]1 P4 ]0 @
22.  Which one do you think is more important during a Presidential Election after having read the three pieces of news?
/ g0 |5 C6 Z/ X3 G) _3 RA. Financial support
: P* P4 `# [$ @! `( w( pB. Religion policy/ D' a/ T! g7 q! V  d( b
C. Both A and B! Q" |4 R$ b/ E8 z9 G7 P
D. unknown
7 R3 P4 t0 F9 b% ?7 V3 D      满分:2  分
1 D$ e% x8 M, L# B7 N23.  According to the survey conducted for the Independent Women’s Forum, ___percent of the women said they had hooked up with men .
4 B! I# `- C+ e) f: T# _A. 14
% D  |3 v/ m' M' iB. 40' m' y5 B  k4 b0 g, o. U1 Y
C. 108 k* g# F; f) ]2 X1 j0 D
D. 60
0 s; Z$ m( X! ?4 T9 Q5 V* y      满分:2  分5 x  `7 S( F: V; y
24.  virtue
6 ~+ V6 p  |$ v% ]3 JA. to express sorrow or regret* [, M- }7 o; H8 a
B. good quality" p6 s& F2 \: L9 h1 g- X* X
C. experimental test" P6 j& M2 U$ Z% t& x2 p
      满分:2  分
; v( z3 W* r/ P7 i2 {4 o5 `( A, w25.  According to the text, in conducting the report for the women’s forum, 1,000 women enrolled at ___ colleges were surveyed .* A2 X' [$ o$ m: ~# @3 O6 M
A. religious
8 ?6 V' j7 B$ w& g0 I4 g3 eB. three-year
8 k1 ~( y! r* M1 o7 Z  rC. four-year religious
3 `( F' T3 l5 ]3 n5 K9 bD. non-religious
% B- P) _3 Z& p      满分:2  分
* l4 w, w  k2 j" c# B26.  Why did people think Haifa was a safe place ?
  ?1 x6 y$ o* \1 I9 ]A. It was a seaside city and a port
8 m9 D( }% S  m( \5 G& lB. Israeli Jews and Arabs lived in relative harmony9 {  w# ~0 G' h+ h4 ]! ^
C. It is on the West Bank and near Ramallah. @$ E9 K3 p& y! X+ w2 a* J
D. None of the above
, G7 w  @3 B1 `' W      满分:2  分
: \( G" D# n2 n& E# D8 ~  \27.  explode
% }/ C" J  |( ]! WA. to increase suddenly or quickly.. |  u4 [3 t) A) \
B. bomb
$ h* z- B0 k2 QC. lose one’s heart
" O# z' _8 R, E2 }2 [2 V, n  u. M  U      满分:2  分
: f# J1 i* l: U) N) t. e) z28.  From the article we know that gang members selling drugs report median earnings of $______ a week2 o& _+ r* z' d+ d9 H
A. 900
) G+ v* O. G7 Z  T  HB. 1000
7 F& }3 I) y# ^. z) ^: S9 UC. 2000
/ u& U& G2 j, T( [" B; n1 gD. 2200% h) M3 B' }4 X9 ?( Z) s3 D( `2 A/ r& t
      满分:2  分6 Y- B0 ~, [- z8 `8 H) g4 s0 V0 h- d
29.  influx .
5 E. d: C& t- K( P2 J4 tA. arrival of people or things
* h8 T0 p) s7 i' _) d  FB. work hard9 a' k8 T  k$ a8 U/ y
C. surrounding4 @$ c% ?; ]& I2 M$ p$ J% x
      满分:2  分
& I  l2 n! \$ e9 \, G7 ?4 w2 M30.  Although the populations of majority in the U.S. approve gun controls, the NRA still gained _____ members last year.
; [7 U; u3 Q8 ^- `: @5 ]A. 200,000
* C3 U& }( s) i  uB. 300,000
: u7 Y- R( k% C+ l9 a! RC. 400,0006 N! B( ~, q9 s7 ?
D. 500,000: _* V9 l. {, X0 a; z, W( w% \- m
      满分:2  分 9 o9 }1 e2 y5 ?" U: ?

% n) S3 l0 u  W8 g+ H二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  The old rule for a polite conversation is: Never mention the topic of sex, religion and politics.- ~: s. Y; t# x3 i; x1 C: R
A. 错误3 j( J$ {* Y* }6 k" B; V. @
B. 正确
1 X4 Z$ f  @* E! M# Q3 a7 L0 b      满分:4  分  N: n" h1 ?3 m& P+ l
2.  The old rule for a polite conversation is: Never mention the topic of sex, religion and politics.4 R$ q7 o6 ]+ l4 q! Y
A. 错误, m+ I. q2 {0 U% |' p& B
B. 正确( n; N# o" i& O5 a, ?  P
      满分:4  分; ^% k3 Z  D$ i- h& t9 H. B! P
3.  Queen Elizabeth2 cannot choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament or declare war.  x! y5 }. K, `9 D4 o' @4 U/ N
A. 错误
/ }: b4 l/ e+ A8 u7 HB. 正确' @9 z( a2 ^% e) F4 N7 @
      满分:4  分
  y1 c! X3 {+ X6 p2 z8 X" O& q4.  The Australian government apologized for the Stolen generation; z0 h- Y  W! e
A. 错误
3 }: l1 {' _5 SB. 正确6 U& U( G- R* O. Z0 z, r: r
      满分:4  分+ @/ p# b: e( J5 j4 q6 G2 K
5.  Winston Churchill often described parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy as being imperfect----but the best that man had yet devised.; y3 I' c( C& ?
A. 错误
' G! X1 ?' R# A# I4 qB. 正确
: n, ^+ J* A4 E0 G      满分:4  分
: x: q6 g* W6 w1 P1 d6.  British monarchy has served both the empire and the commonwealth with little distinction.
7 i) a! V" X! `$ oA. 错误
" y" n$ S" b% O. \- [6 H" J5 XB. 正确8 H3 ^/ y( d6 F2 E# m8 t' U
      满分:4  分
* A2 E3 p; F5 R* f4 z( c! j7.  John Kundereri Moriarty , living happily in an aboriginal tribal community in northern Australia, was transported south through Alice Springs.
) b3 a0 o6 o& C5 l0 }2 I& IA. 错误
4 ?* P: i) E. j) x: o4 HB. 正确9 k! k. f- b! p$ D) Y+ a
      满分:4  分, p: u1 h9 \& C, N7 H. d; U/ B
8.  The Scots and the Welsh worry a lot about those Japanese companie s./ L2 W' B+ B( k3 z8 u
A. 错误' }) w. E2 F' q9 T/ ^6 O
B. 正确' ^$ [7 t7 a( L, U* ]
      满分:4  分
* b* U* p" A8 k, @9 W' I9.  The reason Gore lost in the election is that he was not a devotional follower of a religion.
% U4 u7 X  ~! J; t# jA. 错误! T, }7 R  r2 `& r  X6 Y% e
B. 正确
: B6 v) H& t# [      满分:4  分
2 L. ]2 ]! l- ^( {& ]$ y10.  Nixon still believes that Communist party will be the enemy of the United States forever.
1 c0 i6 X! O/ s+ ^8 JA. 错误
: J3 D  W. g; j! w) R5 qB. 正确7 }0 [( R3 `" e6 m7 p- j
      满分:4  分 $ N4 V3 f6 Z$ F) L$ N

/ g9 E0 f; e1 v4 R9 f1 Q谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。
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