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发表于 2015-5-7 13:16:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Which expression about eliciting is incorrect?(), Q: \5 Q$ J' ~
A. Eliciting involves the class by focusing students’ attention and making them think.3 ~1 C" Z* ~5 P6 k4 z. X# Y
B. Eliciting encourages students to draw on what they already know or partly know.
7 M$ Y. s1 b2 ]/ L/ B& WC. Eliciting takes less time than straightforward presentation of new language.$ Q, R& F, @' S5 z% B( f; A
D. Eliciting g/ e9 j" L& v- v
      满分:2  分
+ k9 w) K0 q& J+ |+ v0 L' [$ w1 m2.  Which of the following errors are caused by ovegeneralization().
7 h4 G6 k+ s% A, R, x# ?7 [A. Nobody knew where was his bag
5 o2 o7 N, h. A& EB. These student are very diligent
; s0 u9 z& d& N- c# y9 e: m# R2 qC. Iwant draw it
: T- c" R  q2 E# x2 DD. He goed there% g8 `' }& S5 _+ _% I
      满分:2  分
# \. F( M/ K3 s: V+ {4 K0 \* B# m3.  Which of the following are not the main types of error correction().- I1 Z- r7 R% V! r* @
A. self correction9 u* R) @8 E# R
B. peer correction
5 c3 @. x$ S, L* s- ]$ Z; L, EC. teacher correction
$ i: U/ f! g" c8 C' u" e/ x& G5 cD. classmate corrction* N# L$ o: Q. I: C/ x) z
      满分:2  分
: a5 G0 H  w/ w* K8 h4.  ()utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research., w) O3 f/ O+ {
A. A group study
3 B4 \# v  t4 H" eB. Teaching journal+ F4 G+ V5 n/ a4 ?* v
C. Lesson report
4 g: J( X! x& f( FD. Action research1 ]4 T$ d) A  Y
      满分:2  分
3 q/ Z0 ?% s9 T/ N6 Q! L* S5.  How many crucial areas are included in the profession ().5 l$ [) C$ C% t2 O0 i2 ~
A. 6
( J$ P1 J2 q3 g% GB. 5
+ y0 i0 M# _: g9 h7 |/ uC. 4
. i( J, A3 }' xD. 3. z. T  U8 G) j0 @2 a+ E
      满分:2  分' X) B1 }5 [' Q4 L- {1 x
6.  Which is the pre-writing activityin which a student or group of students write down as many thoughts as possible on a topic without paying attention to organization, sentence structure or spelling?6 h! L% e* ^' C# f
A. Describing+ P6 ^4 f  A3 X4 B, X
B. predicting+ r9 u/ o, t% Y( y* ^3 |
C. brainstoring
2 F4 a. q* h  u3 R& r      满分:2  分
/ e! n2 O8 s1 k/ B1 ~- e( W7.  The most common form of authority involved in developing language policy and planning is the ().
2 {# Z- Y% b# l9 j4 U" MA. government
# {  w) r& c6 o- @B. court0 @) S+ Y8 d; |+ F5 j0 h& n( q/ _8 C
C. procuratorate" ?, q7 H& P& `  z
D. Public Security Bureau
( b* C# B' I; v# O+ v3 I/ L& D      满分:2  分
7 G2 r& Z5 I9 _% `% F8.  Which one of the charaters is not belongs to a good language learner?
1 [% ]9 H' e# F( n# W- v, KA. Be creative and experiment with language5 h0 P0 H, P$ r
B. learns to live with errors and learn from errors
6 K0 ^' G" u* z( MC. recites words without understanding  A5 Q" _, b: u' r. ~. {7 G5 S
D. seeks out all opportunities to use the target language
1 P. V* Q" o. ]+ g      满分:2  分
1 [: G$ y7 G( M; U) L( V  K: k9.  Which is not belongs to cognitive strategies?, [; T' Z' i. h1 g
A. resourcing: J9 @$ s5 k& S6 Z
B. self-management. F! p) N" S: x& [0 h9 }0 r8 v
C. translation8 M  ?& q. ~# _5 [
D. inferencing3 |" A6 H/ \" x; G5 \2 u: @
      满分:2  分
4 G; O( k# W+ s) t1 Q( e10.  The first and most important step a teacher takes is to determine the () of an activity.% g/ m/ j8 i2 ~
A. course- {2 v* }2 Z5 C
B. approach
- `2 k* [  W) i) P: I' }C. objective: I0 i: s$ J0 \( B
D. correction; O5 Q0 B' V0 K  _% r' D* x0 @4 z8 j
      满分:2  分! f* i. R/ t( S1 S
11.  Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?) C, p  _! q: Q/ {
A. Tailoring message to competence  n6 k, ]* s' e+ |! t# K2 C
B. Paraphrasing
6 k3 f4 d: _, J1 c9 r+ OC. Using fillers and hesitation devices
" s0 I) S8 F1 G0 j. A5 q8 LD. Appealing for help
! T( A2 ]+ ~, W5 A( }& s      满分:2  分
% Q3 n0 y+ L5 ?$ W12.  ________is a word game in which you write answers to questions in a pattern of numbered boxes.! l, L! n+ a* M. F
A. anagram
# i% ?1 [' g& n5 w# E8 DB. crossword
& Y8 @+ h& E: B* @C. riddle, G( I! r, w" C) I% h- l
D. word puzzle- p5 e$ E) }0 u' b2 f, J
      满分:2  分
; Z$ u( a! [6 L: J0 y, b( V13.  ________ is the adding of a letter or sound, or group of letters or sounds, to a word which changes the meaning or function of the word.: r; D( e. h  @4 _  O
A. derivation
$ R0 O3 z" u1 J4 C" ^B. conversion
3 [$ M1 H* \9 K& q" L8 sC. affixation
' U- k% C2 Z% n3 }* ^* U1 Y" dD. backformation
% s+ S( R3 f7 z: @/ y      满分:2  分
3 z! z7 u) u) V' Z4 Q- y9 _/ i$ @. k14.  Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong?()
8 W1 `3 j: z. C. nA. teacher-guided correction" _/ A% G1 @& i
B. group correction
+ k5 G/ ]2 J- L: H, O& HC. focus correcting% ?) y# e: h! }! q$ C4 K
      满分:2  分
( G( Z* G+ j; l: z9 C" i6 g! n15.  The root of a word is also called the ________.
7 h8 b/ [: A6 V* l. E4 r0 \A. stem
/ X; |' _" B2 @6 MB. suffix
6 c9 e3 L7 z: RC. base form  r) T8 x; n* }+ ]5 y' V8 ?
D. A or C
4 N0 s0 s6 X. o9 ^* I# |6 i      满分:2  分0 r0 r8 Y1 t+ q/ ~, e. |
16.  () relates to the truthfulness of the data.8 T/ [  K# k8 d% b  I
A. validity9 h# N$ U0 d- E' @* ^$ C, k& a+ }
B. reliabilit+ x- r- u8 [  r* L9 L% p
C. subject
+ \$ e+ M# r2 F4 t9 G4 uD. object
* O9 D& N; d. F* f* u" _      满分:2  分7 U7 ]  `2 l$ t) h" z4 `
17.  Which one do you think is not the correct statement()./ h+ O0 v  `7 G: N7 I5 F# r
A. as an assessor, the teacher does two things, that is, correcting mistakes and organizing feedback" D8 {: s3 _, E
B. the most important and difficult role that the teacher has to play is to be an controller- }2 Y. k  Y! d8 t  y. s
C. task-based teaching methods encourage the teacher to participate
. I4 n/ Z7 X6 r$ k8 p' ~9 _1 Z9 E      满分:2  分
# ^2 @  _% Y$ P7 d8 @1 k9 H18.  One of the principles of the Direct Method is that classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the ()language.
/ j% T( |! o  C8 ~+ U: E! x" F' _A. native8 r: f* |0 m, F) H4 J
B. another new
# V: N8 J- J" S9 e3 P8 QC. target3 `9 R0 B' A. y& r
D. first; e4 u8 G' G. j4 q. ]7 R! A
      满分:2  分
  G2 k. |/ v2 E- o7 ^" w19.  Which of the following options is not used to show a lexical item visually? ________
8 {7 h% R+ n" s0 z) V. AA. showing by an object1 W( h  S0 n2 \7 [: X* u5 L
B. showing a picture
4 P. K1 Z  R' m) U8 p- D% fC. showing by miming0 J1 q8 F; c, x# A
D. showing by listing opposite meaningsf
, r5 w" C% O* k* f" F      满分:2  分
- G, U5 T7 g7 d% A: z; Z% \6 f20.  Which of the following errors are caused by interference errors().
% L- S7 u. Z8 _9 ?$ _* ^A. although…but…4 Q$ k- I0 _9 X
B. performent
3 I$ n- U9 Y4 o4 e" s) Y6 WC. goed
: o4 M  W8 j1 X$ o$ ]% v: kD. toothes
# j! b0 x% u5 L6 @* r0 j( u      满分:2  分
. |: s; W  Q4 I! `5 N
$ k" i3 |; q8 h8 D$ y9 ~二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  There are three strategies for expanding your English vocabulary, they are________6 l0 k% w: u! c8 ]3 O
A. contextualization
/ R  V( N8 R7 V2 _7 K% JB. discrimination
& z+ p# O6 b+ [! g% SC. affixation( N7 r; C6 N. \
D. substitution
6 ~) [' J# N: O9 ]' a, c) t      满分:2  分
7 f9 v0 _6 L1 t) \7 y# O: b5 ^2.  Which procedures are recommended in preparing self-report forms (Richards and Lockhart, 1996)1 G% w* U3 N9 q. g- i  O
A. identify in as much as possible the philosophy underlying the course
/ C" V8 ^% s+ S( rB. identify different kinds of teaching activities, procedures9 X' C; @# H) @# Y
C. prepare a lesson report form# ?& U) s) q6 B, }! L* Y! e3 N9 u
D. prepare videos; E" c" U6 y$ z( a. S1 m8 R
      满分:2  分% L$ v# g" O: m0 h
3.  There are three Ts that can help engage the students in the writing activities. What are they?
8 `: L. h% b% B/ C3 _2 vA. target
- J9 I) D0 n6 p1 TB. tools
3 @: P: L" _' n2 IC. topic( M& ^& U+ }$ x$ U. A6 {
D. time% N4 W( B! h  t& ^
      满分:2  分3 @3 n7 Z) c. D9 k" W- T" v
4.  How teachers help the individual student in the class about their own purposes?()
  y& `* z  v# P7 CA. Help to discover the purposes.* a% s6 j0 m; L# A: P  m, o# K4 A
B. Help to formulate the purposes.
+ A  Q* T7 q- C3 v! OC. Hhelp to clarify the purposes.5 M; s. t4 z- M, h( w
D. Help to set the purposes.5 ^' O" U8 U% z; O) F
      满分:2  分
, |1 J( U" m& @+ A4 f# N, X5.  The advantages of the pair work and the group work for students.()( e% q8 K; }6 y: \
A. Give them far more chances to speak.
9 g/ K3 h6 w$ p3 D' T! J* Q' `B. They feel less anxiety.
2 T4 n" K2 m4 @C. Make them more extroverted.
! H" H* Z: _7 h& A1 jD. Give them chances for greater independence.! ]  j4 V" B- p$ D8 H
E. Help them hold attention.5 A) z" z  ~! V+ x* l
      满分:2  分
6 k" b( J; ]9 {* q* T0 l* W6.  Errors occur for ().
( I0 L% L2 {2 `% uA. interference from the native language/ b4 v6 o( J, Q7 o6 f' v
B. incomplete knowledge of the target language# d1 {5 G* T" g, g) U' V
C. the complexity of the the language
4 ]2 X9 e5 A/ I9 z2 U3 a  ^2 fD. dufferences in writing system
2 ]! ]$ B$ g9 D3 E, p      满分:2  分4 s0 U$ I9 I! y
7.  What kind of common techniques are often used in error analysis().9 R7 h9 O8 @* ^& c
A. error identification
; r- T7 O' V+ u# vB. error classification6 y+ A- `1 J* A- o
C. error description
& F; \! W; j5 k4 k* SD. error explanation* m8 a3 m6 @1 ?' Q
      满分:2  分9 c) K8 d# q( M6 k% K4 _( g6 o! I: z! @
8.  For much of the class time, students are put into groups of different sizes. The most common student groupings are().7 x% j! l( w  S, R8 S. \
A. whole class work& O6 {6 }0 }2 z0 n4 B
B. pair work/ z6 d! I! o$ P/ W
C. group work. z7 c2 X$ b/ F: h; f2 `
D. individual work
: K+ N/ o& ~( d: E+ t      满分:2  分
: G- J/ p$ ?* N+ \- }5 w# e1 C: `9.  In the classroom there are some rules to follow for making instructions effective. Which rules do you think are proper().% Z# X6 _6 f6 C+ w/ [/ I% q* c
A. use simple instructions and make them suit the comprehension level of the students
- P' V. H6 {. O1 N. Q5 ~9 gB. use the mother-tongue only when it is necessary( z8 Z) R. A' m  G3 ~' e( h
C. hardly use body language to assist the students’ understanding
6 N( w2 \: P. G7 J4 f0 \& iD. we want the teachers to be careful not to do all the talki
0 p1 ^: K7 G1 N9 s      满分:2  分
5 l( c7 q$ _5 }) V9 e% T10.  What are the two ways of grading a piece of writing? are “impression” marking and “split” marking.9 W$ e( E. B' v" k; l
A. impression7 f5 p1 ~& U7 u  o* z" w! N  d
B. split" ^5 u* v/ }. J0 ]: ~; O2 O
C. inductive1 o5 M) r' s$ q4 W
D. deductive) e9 j  u) r' Y
      满分:2  分 " W: o+ g( q. j1 ], U# i
2 _$ B8 ]; o9 _' e
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  A very good way to expand your vocabulary is to read because there are a lot of unfamiliar words in reading.% ~' X% ?* E8 Z% u* S
A. 错误1 b; E, R) u  z# i  K0 i: a9 Y
B. 正确
2 [& L4 |- P# ^1 @# N1 V      满分:2  分; x+ }" V  H& H, F
2.  A normal role play can be called a task even if it does not contain a problem-solving element.1 D6 F# h( J( q( H
A. 错误! ]! z$ A# Y5 c6 b/ w& \$ f
B. 正确# |8 U) d0 O1 J' M/ ?. l% f' _
      满分:2  分
0 D  }  o6 n; |$ \6 L3.  During the production stage teachers could use the voice to emphasize student's mistake.
' a6 k" D. U7 m6 {A. 错误1 I; S$ {: D5 C* R( i* d
B. 正确& }+ E0 z. ?. ]
      满分:2  分
$ A- g4 P$ h, s% s8 r- I- Q' @4.  Teaching journals, lesson report, Audio and video recordings and survey and questionnaires and action research are major instruments in action research.* ?6 `7 x1 p' }/ s) l" L
A. 错误
, g- P  ?: t& ~. |/ A7 i" uB. 正确" Z8 U5 B* F3 W0 k! W" E% P6 l
      满分:2  分
4 B( v5 G6 E5 M6 V3 P5.  If students are given a list of words to use in an activity, they are not doing a genuine task.
1 u8 W, l; k% rA. 错误
* v3 \$ S6 H7 jB. 正确" `; a+ U: N$ x  Z
      满分:2  分$ p: }  Z8 g) o: H
6.  Good writing does not happen by accident. The teacher should give the students both tool and time so that they can learn to write.
  F2 r- s6 f3 b+ H7 z" Q, `: g+ IA. 错误
) z" |0 F7 R1 F8 u$ i, ^B. 正确" S: _$ i, S; u1 c. Z
      满分:2  分
1 M" R8 `: p9 o( n; q& `( N( m7.  It is necessary for the teacher to show the students what they have learned and what they have failed to learn.( |$ m& O) [2 Y' s5 K  c
A. 错误. G& }% K7 O$ {6 Z7 z# [" _
B. 正确' u7 s: z! i' b; M
      满分:2  分
9 _  c) [7 n+ r6 S9 R  S8.  TBL requires students to engage in interaction in order to fulfill a task.
  h$ _  I6 U" r( g* D# z# o0 wA. 错误' e" U5 u5 y. |2 D0 l2 J
B. 正确
+ A, b2 |. U, X0 |6 a5 _3 b$ N5 N      满分:2  分
( s5 u% o* J- d# G9.  Group studies utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research.
) |; |. u' m9 UA. 错误$ a, y$ W6 ]- L* g% f# E# O
B. 正确  V0 w' O( P7 e. [) c; C1 e3 C) y0 C
      满分:2  分& J4 _- z0 ?6 F6 y# q
10.  English is described as a second language in countries such as Fiji, Singapore, Nigeria,America.
5 w5 n; f, ?+ \5 k3 i6 fA. 错误( P1 A+ X$ _. c1 O/ D* ?4 _
B. 正确
& A: F5 A+ C) y: g* P0 ]7 ~      满分:2  分& K- C0 K; ^) W/ H* m
11.  If you know much about speaking rules and strategies, about social and cultural background, you can handle real life conversational situations.7 y7 @3 v! Q& F  H
A. 错误* L* i) a6 e; m0 O5 l1 d! `: C
B. 正确1 d* R1 x' F8 _5 v( `+ @! G, c
      满分:2  分
  [# M7 l1 D6 ^12.  The meaning of a word can be showed by combining different techniques.* Z. J# z8 F5 u& g( S
A. 错误
( V. X+ v1 ?( ~) Q8 ~  jB. 正确1 ^7 w3 ~) K4 {% u1 c) g( O7 F
      满分:2  分( X3 i& B, `) f+ \2 M: @& a
13.  Accuracy is most important when students are practicing what has just been presented to them.
6 X- Z" C1 |/ B) H4 S! h! MA. 错误% r1 _' x5 G: V  m2 ^
B. 正确
2 d- r8 y) F4 f5 s; x# B; i7 o      满分:2  分
! E8 M) l( q; B  L/ l* q0 Y# z14.  The role of English and other foreign languages differs widely from one country to another9 h; g5 M# o. C' E4 ]
A. 错误7 Z- w7 Z# w$ Z& N
B. 正确
( Z) v4 F5 j1 [% z6 |1 ?      满分:2  分
3 s7 |( J1 T- }! [; j, n% ?15.  When correcting an error, a teacher may suggest an appropriate alternative word or phrase.3 y, B# m5 V8 R
A. 错误
& g1 ?5 B% `' Q8 j- rB. 正确& c6 n+ w9 Z0 c" \
      满分:2  分
# `( i+ V( ^* U16.  Errors can indicate the student's stage of language learning and acquistion.
0 N$ [7 p6 L. FA. 错误
/ T, l( I7 P8 S$ |- IB. 正确
) b. _* g' j, {5 V% w, I5 h6 f      满分:2  分
5 d% d# j2 ~) v1 O, N9 |0 ?' Y3 k17.  You should introduce new structure performing the same function when showing function.5 A! _4 t; A( @8 ?  m8 C
A. 错误2 E4 c7 N  ]" @! E* D9 C% O! f
B. 正确
/ }! X. B5 l9 R/ i      满分:2  分
1 V2 O& H' L& ?5 p( M0 D( T. I* w2 S18.  In free writing activities the students are given a communicative task to perform and they depend to a large extent on the practice gained from the controlled writing to complete the task.
- u/ X2 ]5 p: w4 A* `A. 错误
: N# b7 X) R' l0 b" m2 pB. 正确
! l1 j4 Q* c, y      满分:2  分
# `! u; @" H2 v9 x% h5 b: ]19.  The analytic syllabus relies on the learner’s ability to learn a language in parts independently of one another.
$ s4 O/ h. v% @' d% `! ^A. 错误4 @8 E( e$ Y. e3 \/ d: L
B. 正确
, S9 I' T9 k. z. n      满分:2  分
& R' K: _4 {/ K5 F20.  Curriculum and syllabus can represent the same theory of learning and can be realeased in various way.
7 a/ B' e+ x. F2 w* ~7 zA. 错误
( N$ k' A! g2 D8 L/ ?; c0 a3 eB. 正确! m" o' F6 c$ ]& ^2 ^1 e
      满分:2  分 , d/ R8 G6 y5 A( w! P: b* e, o2 E

. N/ B; \0 O$ l( }2 j
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