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发表于 2015-5-7 13:17:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 o3 |+ [" R% V5 X
- v, q, O# S! r9 j一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Which expression about eliciting is incorrect?()! h3 `7 {  O4 o$ R7 O2 Y
A. Eliciting involves the class by focusing students’ attention and making them think.
4 b6 J: x" P0 u3 s; K' \B. Eliciting encourages students to draw on what they already know or partly know.+ t# B' ^  F5 |
C. Eliciting takes less time than straightforward presentation of new language.
' j  a: _3 x3 UD. Eliciting g
3 J5 T6 Y: T! b6 R6 _8 R3 E      满分:2  分. G' f; s+ n& N( @1 B, P
2.  Learners may be unwilling or even refuse to learn the language of a nation which is () to their country in economy, culture or social progress.
* q3 J2 L4 l! U% [  Y; H3 ZA. inferior
" d3 Y' u' r- Z: l1 {! _- j( [9 @. iB. superior
, n+ ]/ X6 X& C9 Z- n1 ~4 ^- W8 @3 U/ AC. more developed. g( F4 ?* `! J8 e6 f
D. higher
& @9 I+ M+ E  B4 W+ i2 v7 i      满分:2  分( `- w. Y2 e' m% ?5 O0 u% J9 R! A% E7 f: j
3.  Which of the following are not the main types of error correction().
- B- r. M# `0 dA. self correction% v' o4 b  t1 @0 ^! ^7 b
B. peer correction7 O9 j/ ~0 A8 _1 H! e' q7 _- H( l9 y
C. teacher correction
2 w2 o: A, [& ]/ rD. classmate corrction) l7 v5 F5 x' \' D
      满分:2  分
6 H( a! e" ?$ J' E+ r3 a. P9 e2 f6 i% M4.  What kinds of methods can you use when you observing lessons().) l* ^7 v& s  J8 h& y
A. using videotapes
$ \5 |0 \5 }! y6 a1 x$ h% b6 nB. using sheets
  ~. u1 X6 }$ M1 P7 aC. using checklists
) f! t: U6 T# j9 i5 b8 w" R% y4 S: \D. above all
% f0 I; ]; c, F' H9 j9 h      满分:2  分
& @' O' X7 m" G# n# Z! X* X5.  The root of a word is also called the ________.
- f, B: Y& B0 w+ o  w; ~( z3 ZA. stem  J! l' |$ z  L5 a* }# V
B. suffix& [; ^. U! p* e" {- p' @% w: W7 Z( P- n0 D
C. base form
" |) Y( ?- W. ~# `D. A or C7 w2 O+ q; }4 t% k/ I
      满分:2  分
# A" c2 \! ]$ J/ h* G, O- v6.  In the following sentences, which one is wrong?()
+ a+ x8 [- X- A: m' {* g2 _5 H9 u8 xA. Vary instructions could enrich course contents.) N8 P5 s# i5 @( F
B. Vary instructions enhance opportunities for learning English.
0 E- m8 A' K' bC. Vary instructions helps develop students’ language awareness.
1 o3 d' i1 p! bD. Vary instructions enhance the students’ memory ability.
# [/ ]# G/ B/ L2 G/ `3 U$ ]      满分:2  分
1 }, I1 U% Q: b2 k+ T9 Y) W/ K, C/ Q7.  For most people the term ”curriculum” includes those act activities that education have devised for _ ,which are represented in the form of a written document .
6 G4 K- b1 D* t6 M- L+ N) V" ], [A. teachers" Z; _$ I& n$ l9 t9 z4 s' A
B. designers
2 z, w# w7 _; y3 \- tC. learners
5 t+ p8 U' B$ N) f$ }- g) \4 dD. students; h# m- e+ r, i- s" G% i- I$ ?! ~
      满分:2  分! {7 X! b; f7 m) x' z, F+ L: l1 x
8.  Which of the following characteristics of a task-activity involves students in a way that intrinsically motivates, lowers the affective filter, and creates a desire to excel.& L1 {, D2 T7 R8 s3 W& q) \
A. authentic language materials! l2 Q* a" m8 ~
B. inductive reasoning
! ~' S! K. ]# m( R% @- iC. non-linguistic outcome
2 H' m! v$ {' d! A3 oD. motivated students; @% p( j  ~* K! Z8 ]' D5 Z
      满分:2  分7 }7 r' ]# u+ P
9.  Which is not belongs to cognitive strategies?' Q* a  R. c, y% |; f6 S
A. resourcing
' p6 f4 Q1 K: y+ O  m, M3 rB. self-management
4 q9 z& c9 n/ LC. translation/ N$ D% o9 C0 V8 t2 B3 J4 }& M
D. inferencing
. E  I  ?: `1 |  y  j1 N& O      满分:2  分
* j# s% \3 S* D2 |10.  The analytic syllabus refers not to what the syllabus designer does, but to the_ required of the learner.
) u) G8 [2 E  Y; k. s' ^2 m# cA. doing+ v( _+ J& I/ m. e1 ?
B. operations
1 m4 ]; G: g& t4 J9 C; \- O- wC. Practice5 E( }9 e1 H& w& p2 v6 p
D. learning
, N$ Q/ N% T( K/ h% m      满分:2  分
# _" I4 O7 }8 d7 a3 ^11.  Which one of the charaters is not belongs to a good language learner?
6 B- k$ i5 u! a0 S- M4 d2 A$ cA. Be creative and experiment with language- f' c* @: m# M( w
B. learns to live with errors and learn from errors
$ N) z, k0 A& {: J& K, j- KC. recites words without understanding
: ?3 a' f" o3 c6 f/ DD. seeks out all opportunities to use the target language7 h( }7 C% ~5 f( M  C' ]# f' J# U+ G
      满分:2  分
% h4 z8 ~3 O* v: G12.  () relates to the truthfulness of the data.
1 L: N: F! x2 r6 w3 @A. validity
) c) z7 |7 P( fB. reliabilit$ v4 c# H9 ^0 E
C. subject
" }3 _0 P" m+ c8 i) Y5 R% VD. object
! h1 y* t- \0 X0 p# P5 u      满分:2  分
+ |4 V" h$ Q$ C" V2 Q4 p; ~5 w! i13.  Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong?()
; g5 _, N8 r2 R8 iA. teacher-guided correction
, n5 J4 B$ o" D" K3 OB. group correction
& f7 D$ R7 R% j8 H7 F$ v/ L$ G' aC. focus correcting) f& f" ?, b5 t" @, {$ b. R6 L
      满分:2  分* ~9 [* y; E& m0 X  N3 o& T4 |- l
14.  ________ is the adding of a letter or sound, or group of letters or sounds, to a word which changes the meaning or function of the word.
# ^, K  e8 c/ W, A8 K! WA. derivation2 \+ h* d6 ?7 Q, ^) p1 K4 [# q* |
B. conversion* [# t! G+ ^/ F  X. E  M
C. affixation) t7 `+ [" ^' l
D. backformation
  o. E' a6 I8 f+ d9 }      满分:2  分
, `% C, x" |! [4 U+ F15.  One of the principles of the Direct Method is that classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the ()language.
. x8 B. h3 M! b' t: K1 FA. native1 C# ~: v$ `0 n
B. another new* b# ]. C4 S! u2 w) O1 X0 ^
C. target# E/ i% {0 a7 a' z% w& Y. Y. d0 o
D. first
  l, j8 A  Z+ }- E; h/ t& D0 U+ w  F) E      满分:2  分
4 p; m( t: U7 d# t6 W. e9 j- Q+ w( \16.  Who found a strong connection between aptitude and proficiency?
% t; N9 j! x  a: Q4 JA. Gardner8 p( S- U4 d% s6 @
B. Kreshen
% H, F* `# r8 qC. Terrell
( s1 p' s* p  P  o! A+ ~D. Carroll
: T9 [* T0 }$ i- l+ W9 V      满分:2  分
  j' z9 P- `5 p9 O! _17.  In the following sentences, which one is wrong?()! g. n6 j3 G5 f
A. Vary instructions could enrich course contents.( z  ^( x) r* ^
B. Vary instructions enhance opportunities for learning English.: S, R& q7 c$ P! h* V
C. Vary instructions helps develop students’ language awareness.
2 ^2 `* w7 e  [9 }5 V4 ?D. Vary instructions enhance the students’ memory ability.5 @/ D. ^* k" b
      满分:2  分  o" d6 m! f6 P' t) Q
18.  ________is a word game in which you write answers to questions in a pattern of numbered boxes.
# @# b  ~: X1 x* ~1 ^) {' d  A' RA. anagram
- {, N" {" _2 N- X5 K. W# xB. crossword
. `! ~/ }+ ~. A$ cC. riddle
/ u8 {! B: I% L4 ^D. word puzzle: e2 u0 z6 b8 T" s: h. c) U. r
      满分:2  分2 c- G5 p6 V* F1 o6 ~7 a- R
19.  Which of the following options is not used to show a lexical item visually? ________
/ F5 c- r6 ^# u# {2 xA. showing by an object1 i5 q; _, M1 p
B. showing a picture
+ y! b6 h1 v5 i0 ^- i2 u4 N% k  c( p* t. MC. showing by miming
- R2 q' B" V  {4 p5 KD. showing by listing opposite meaningsf4 N7 d3 i5 V( F! E. b
      满分:2  分- G9 m# [2 O* q7 ?
20.  Which one do you think is not the correct statement().+ h1 g8 s, A$ a8 c$ `
A. as an assessor, the teacher does two things, that is, correcting mistakes and organizing feedback3 A* O9 e" \- [5 \2 Z
B. the most important and difficult role that the teacher has to play is to be an controller" p& ^& ~  k$ U; [# J5 n7 o
C. task-based teaching methods encourage the teacher to participate- o9 e# O( N# Y$ i5 n
      满分:2  分 0 T6 }, ~% \, I6 O5 B- i% K, k0 S

, h8 l, v- |9 Q( L- {, S二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  What are the roles of teacher's nonverbal behavior in the classroom?()1 a( h. {$ u) _' i9 \2 k, `+ v8 Q
A. Allow teacher to become better receiver of students’ messages.
( J6 {5 Q1 f! f/ X; o+ GB. It will active classroom atmosphere.
; d" N1 \3 l" I) wC. Teacher will become a better sender of signals that reinforce learning.
9 w) \6 N! O( M" D% |5 t  d; tD. It will increases the degree of the perceived psychological closeness between te
( p  o+ R% ]$ b$ t4 e6 o* k: H      满分:2  分
( d# o8 B( f/ U/ ]2.  Techniques of noting an error including().
6 d7 ~) r8 M9 \) m6 w6 \/ O# VA. facial expression
7 d" e# ^. T' W, y" ^B. sentence completion7 z: l0 V" g, b, U  Q! Y) B- @
C. clarification request' W4 ?8 x! @' h/ H  }' x
D. explicit correction
. K' {* d8 D; H  _2 }      满分:2  分* x4 x& Q7 s3 D  @
3.  There are three Ts that can help engage the students in the writing activities. What are they?0 b. k) I" j# F. c! x2 \6 [
A. target
1 }+ E$ U6 {* `" CB. tools# G' y0 j. s7 ]
C. topic- @& D6 e* X6 l$ V3 C8 |( ?7 U
D. time8 |/ n6 `9 {* n+ I6 n' I; O* C4 ~
      满分:2  分5 R: O4 e% I, d6 g( w# z
4.  Listed below are some possible characteristics of a disciplined ELT (English Language Teaching) classroom. Which ones do you think are appropriate().6 T, L" j6 @$ O
A. the lesson is proceeding according to plan/ A! x, X6 [9 e9 U4 ?& O' s# H# {
B. the class is under the teacher’s control# b! T! |# S; |7 y
C. the teacher and students show respect to each other
+ M$ V4 B4 R5 O5 U0 pD. the teacher appears to be the authority
; O2 n' e: p# r4 I7 R! C8 sE. undisciplined students are punished
. X9 ]& @  |3 A' A2 Q# [! o! q) H6 E      满分:2  分' }9 j, y, \+ t7 `2 E& \
5.  Qualitative data of heuristic/synthetic research may consist of ()
! H# k. i% _5 Y( sA. ethnographic observations,; l: T: x. R- m
B. interviews- Z/ X$ v# `: t! G( B
C. examination of texts2 R, @) E- g! x) D- N6 V5 i
D. collect data$ s4 W. S: g: x7 v
      满分:2  分) s% _7 D9 m' s: i4 o
6.  A typical class might be structured in the manner presented below().
' G8 A& B: @7 Q/ a" n" S0 RA. introduction
& A$ M) E! N  MB. input
" n3 v& Q$ T) O4 ^9 ?C. interaction/ S/ R: V* W4 x* `1 f# ]
D. evaluation. l! n2 d$ P5 _" x4 s4 ]/ h, }
E. integration
5 @7 V. V1 a$ i% w      满分:2  分* u+ y6 }! k1 a; r
7.  What are the cognitive processes result in the rules which compose the interlanguage?
  |  t9 `* A. k# cA. Overgeneralisation1 [- y( I9 j  @
B. Transfer of Training7 _5 t" \9 ?$ x, n0 b/ @* X
C. Strategies of L2 Learning/ H* h4 {# p  w! c3 G: F6 Z8 s
D. Strategies of L2 Communication7 C$ c; j5 B& D8 _& k1 c5 z$ I
E. Language Transfer0 V- V- V+ p+ p& v6 k2 ?
      满分:2  分' |) t2 ~* z9 y. \, q" t& t7 Q
8.  There are three strategies for expanding your English vocabulary, they are________
2 w2 H2 Z5 h  ]1 P# g- E+ G9 ^A. contextualization
2 O1 p. `$ L9 u6 m; P# P* ?7 eB. discrimination
/ s1 B* N% Z) x1 mC. affixation
' o& N! |6 a4 G, L6 ?* {* WD. substitution% y% d# |5 M8 J! W: t
      满分:2  分
) ~& U- y3 ?; C' S( X$ B9.  For much of the class time, students are put into groups of different sizes. The most common student groupings are().0 O- n4 X2 t+ b' q1 Q3 F8 x/ }! f
A. whole class work6 S5 G7 Y0 w: E: y
B. pair work% t: N0 b" M) G6 B2 M. Q
C. group work
- m8 V$ x: o4 ]7 I$ z, MD. individual work! e6 ]$ u$ i( W$ R; u2 C
      满分:2  分  n* \2 b* G. b1 ~0 s& P
10.  Which procedures are recommended in preparing self-report forms (Richards and Lockhart, 1996)* i7 H. y6 {. A2 o. [
A. identify in as much as possible the philosophy underlying the course
' T' }, X- r/ ]# k9 ?3 G$ e- OB. identify different kinds of teaching activities, procedures
5 }3 [9 a+ M0 ~: s$ k0 l. DC. prepare a lesson report form9 U+ J& r, U. g6 o
D. prepare videos. _( r  H2 Y7 l, c/ {" ?
      满分:2  分 5 b% P  l2 h* p9 h; F; C) I

  T  C2 P1 c1 Q2 E2 z0 M三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  The meaning of a word can be showed by combining different techniques.
7 q, Y6 U$ D0 I& uA. 错误
6 g; y$ B5 q8 F. F. E. vB. 正确
8 Q7 N+ z2 Z8 v7 a5 M8 B& Z      满分:2  分0 ]" J! A# P5 e
2.  When correcting an error, a teacher may suggest an appropriate alternative word or phrase., }9 h6 Z0 }8 x" E+ F1 @+ B
A. 错误
) P$ g" I5 h0 s1 b, t7 r$ eB. 正确
, G. g, C5 M, G& K      满分:2  分" ^& a! v# i$ [" F
3.  If teachers do not have enough time, they could finish abruptly or run on afte bell.
$ q3 u5 x0 Y& z3 `A. 错误, N7 G' d7 L$ O' ?5 j) N
B. 正确0 S( M1 F$ Y5 D; V! N
      满分:2  分
6 N" ]1 q5 _% D6 t4.  If there is an immediate task at hand, such as taking a test, perhaps teacher-guided correction is the most effective solution.& F4 A# r# D! I. |( [. J- `5 _
A. 错误: ^" a# e7 @2 A; Q$ q
B. 正确
. j" |9 R+ q4 \9 H0 B0 T8 w* G. T      满分:2  分6 G6 \9 T2 l1 H. h5 U" [: m
5.  It is best to correct all the mistakes students make in the class.
. l# m# v6 r6 h5 j5 a5 ]A. 错误* C: O4 ]( R$ r
B. 正确
! L5 |4 w( T: X7 x      满分:2  分
8 @; [/ I& y. v2 N$ ]! v; L0 e6.  Intralingual errors originate with the structure of the native language itself.2 c) a, w8 @2 ]5 ]! L
A. 错误5 ?! X+ s; B! G1 c6 z) y: g! T( f% {
B. 正确7 I7 j3 b# V, v8 v2 \* C4 n* J
      满分:2  分
) h2 Z/ C# J7 K$ {5 `+ ]7.  Qualitative method is a research method that relies less on numbers and statistics but more on interviews, observations, small numbers of questionnaires,& V5 Z6 [, f4 U# W1 [; d
A. 错误9 c; x; u' L1 P/ I
B. 正确
- k: S8 l  p0 _* I! S      满分:2  分7 ]: H) U$ x  f: P) u
8.  According to Noss , there are a number of facilities available to implement the language policy.
/ |$ w; \1 o/ T& A3 `A. 错误
7 Y) Q7 b$ b/ v4 n4 p- OB. 正确% Q' a* ]) I/ t2 Q4 |# d
      满分:2  分( v' r5 Q# t. [  Z! ~1 J% B* o; Z
9.  The teacher’s role can be defined as controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant and resource-provider." t' f9 C1 q' C# l  b0 x
A. 错误" M3 t7 L8 m1 _7 n2 C' o1 O- ]
B. 正确+ K5 c! a, v4 _/ f( ~$ [
      满分:2  分
- m. Q( P) [' O- C: D3 Y10.  Before the end of the 1950s, the mastery of language structures was the main measure of competence in a foreign language,
; ^' c# {) z: c1 UA. 错误& d& n+ v! q# b" n
B. 正确
! R7 U# |0 G9 n( p6 H9 T      满分:2  分
+ @. {0 y; v  m11.  Errors can indicate the student's stage of language learning and acquistion.
. D8 E2 l" Q( R% G  @A. 错误
$ ^* x/ ~+ V5 u9 U8 _B. 正确& N) T1 P0 ^% k* w0 F; d
      满分:2  分
* H8 m+ d2 O- P- x12.  In Communicative Approach , the focus is on language form, rather than on meaning.+ E, K- _7 h+ i+ |1 m7 P
A. 错误
- L6 A/ m6 U; kB. 正确7 H5 m1 p+ @1 [- w, {
      满分:2  分) x/ x6 n$ s$ B" i2 U6 S' H) X
13.  The aim at the controlled practice stage is simply to give students practice in forming or "manipulating" the structure.
$ V8 `" C6 w( ~0 |: i) _$ tA. 错误- m. p6 I, A7 @) e, z
B. 正确: m5 U6 [, e" ]1 L1 |
      满分:2  分
. P+ ]. }# o- A7 p  c14.  Authentic materials are dialogues and reading passages that have been specially written for language learners.
) \: x* S0 b' A& A, s; Q6 M0 \A. 错误; F/ ]/ z6 L' D
B. 正确7 ?4 `5 h2 o* Y9 k) @
      满分:2  分6 r7 \" Q2 b1 W3 w- E9 |0 l
15.  We should learn words which frequently appear.4 g$ E" X8 p8 |
A. 错误- y2 H2 f; |6 R' e# L
B. 正确
$ I: O* o0 y+ Z( k$ G      满分:2  分$ X2 A3 ?; W# _  k9 T
16.  After the class observation, it is not necessary for the class instructor and the observer to schedule a post-session., U4 m$ ^3 ^! \9 z5 n' i
A. 错误
& U! g* a' ~; H3 {B. 正确
( X1 S9 i3 j1 C      满分:2  分- ?9 S6 K( X2 c% v) d
17.  Accuracy is most important when students are practicing what has just been presented to them.
' D+ h1 v) z8 l9 h: I4 P& C. ?A. 错误
/ u* T4 b$ {  U0 RB. 正确4 G1 }' y' B# l- C
      满分:2  分' ~2 R! `4 Z" _7 J) k# h$ D1 _% g7 F
18.  Learners can correct but not explain systematic error.2 c+ W5 T6 w3 [# E6 E2 L& }+ C
A. 错误; O" |0 C6 f7 ?' N, K
B. 正确- G, C; Y! N3 Z' ~* d' f' g
      满分:2  分8 r! e; W; m, r6 m, x! e
19.  Metacognitive strategies are skills used for planning, monitoring, and evaluating the learning activity.
$ z2 F9 ^: R2 p5 \! xA. 错误* p9 L: B3 O" W" O
B. 正确7 g0 J  t/ ?5 k
      满分:2  分
4 B0 H; S* B4 t% l20.  If you know much about speaking rules and strategies, about social and cultural background, you can handle real life conversational situations.
2 ?$ [* z; I3 V- ^: h: y8 OA. 错误. Q' n/ z8 i" Z5 G4 {5 v
B. 正确
% T- Z7 T1 i4 x! j4 v' I; j- `      满分:2  分
4 q4 _9 g6 U( D) B. a" n+ A' {- [% l, V. }& P  n; ~* F
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