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发表于 2015-5-7 13:20:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  v3 L5 y% x; ?# Q5 _+ t; t, L$ l! Z' G  S( o) s
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  ()is an intensive study of a specific individual or specific context, which is usually based on the assumption
, N7 N9 p* |5 Z9 UA. Action research
$ Y2 r  b1 c" w9 E5 a# VB. Teaching journal, H+ S8 J/ v% v: m
C. Lesson report
7 M+ _# C3 s( _, H+ [4 A8 |D. A case study
, ?1 M1 @( ~" S      满分:2  分: v4 G" @( g! r; ]
2.  ()involves the organization of learning and teaching in such a way that the traditional notion of the "average student" and "aiming for the middle "in teaching is abandoned.1 d* o( l& q* ?' b; ]9 m2 e" _
A. pair work
1 y. d* _3 h) L4 ~' HB. group work
8 P1 h. D: o5 B( `2 IC. teacher's help
. x( z7 G! {2 d: y0 ZD. individualization' d+ f6 [* K1 Y, d. A& V! `) j! ?
      满分:2  分9 Y+ h  v' @( a+ Y% M, L% w! ^" C
3.  The Audio-lingual Method was developed in the () during World War II.
$ m5 Z& e3 ?5 m' D, `A. German
. m' H  e$ ^/ B2 S4 V! I- ~3 Q+ X. SB. China6 `# c$ R$ M' H  o- G
C. France
0 h" }. S! B- A3 l' v+ r7 KD. United States4 O( u, ~- _8 D  Z/ z
      满分:2  分
: r4 M* K- l4 b( _8 _& C: Z* _4.  In the language focus phase, language analysis activities also provide a focus on form through ()processes.7 k2 L7 Z8 ^, X# ?/ ~9 h7 A
A. teachers' instructions
% Z# B0 o' ]0 J! WB. language acquisition/ Z3 k! h  ~( o6 h2 ^  _8 X2 n
C. peers' help
# y1 s. N/ p$ rD. consciousness-raising  k4 E, y. N" l8 i# U3 s
      满分:2  分
7 K" h6 g+ v/ U& O, N5.  In the following sentences, which one is wrong?()
' G; S7 G/ d( N1 UA. Vary instructions could enrich course contents.& ~$ c' n4 c( m/ Y0 c6 [; a5 f
B. Vary instructions enhance opportunities for learning English.
& H) T% O9 V/ LC. Vary instructions helps develop students’ language awareness.  `* m& a$ m* S9 U1 x& G) N
D. Vary instructions enhance the students’ memory ability.8 n) {4 A, w  o9 b6 z7 B) l* Z
      满分:2  分" r/ ~: y' m1 F+ Y
6.  Which is the pre-writing activityin which a student or group of students write down as many thoughts as possible on a topic without paying attention to organization, sentence structure or spelling?; ]. m& U: d( b3 {0 m
A. Describing
2 j/ D+ c5 N5 I2 g( l4 g. }B. predicting
0 D' ~* q1 k5 {3 s6 m/ I6 |1 g9 m" cC. brainstoring
- Z; i9 p+ Z! ?( h" U6 G0 K! y3 L      满分:2  分% _: t. ]' S6 j; ]
7.  The most common form of authority involved in developing language policy and planning is the ().& Z( g5 v  j' B
A. government. K9 V" A( R3 B; g& v
B. court
" R. ]1 q$ }" \, S0 oC. procuratorate
5 ^7 R# [: J: D( g7 W" f% z+ `; tD. Public Security Bureau( ~' M' z% P3 ]- m) Z) Y4 W0 k
      满分:2  分0 B; d, S5 T. _5 U% N5 Z
8.  Which expression is wrong about learning students' names?()
2 Q- L$ `( ]1 O, I5 w+ wA. Help show students that the teacher is interested in them.7 Y+ Z) c6 n4 c5 d. O
B. It shows the teacher is responsible." G/ y: d4 B/ H3 @. h
C. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.+ u, C2 a. D: g, L5 F
D. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with equipment in the class.
7 b- d# z9 w5 ~% S8 e: P      满分:2  分7 ~6 c6 t8 ]. u9 }  N
9.  Doing a () invlves achieving an outcome, creating a final product that serves some practical purpose.
2 ^# Z4 T. O4 z+ [( KA. homework
  M2 v& y% j$ B. w$ @B. communication task, l1 ^  _  P' L& K# n4 T0 P5 n3 i
C. exercise
5 c+ q, l  r* N1 _  ]2 n+ t8 yD. listening activity: x' f5 V% h8 t8 q6 R7 l; n* j
      满分:2  分- j( x1 t$ n! N1 ~% ~
10.  ________is a word game in which you write answers to questions in a pattern of numbered boxes.- W( O3 [, d$ P6 z6 M- H$ O3 }
A. anagram2 g3 D9 G% I: [0 n
B. crossword1 B* g" K, F% R2 x
C. riddle
0 a# c" |" b! X0 {# LD. word puzzle& q6 \; K# }1 }- C/ C
      满分:2  分# C4 ^3 W5 ]4 c$ p* Z* ]9 l  o
11.  Repetition is belongs to what strategy?5 o: c/ K: C+ t, m# M
A. metacognitive strategy
- V+ o4 q8 f$ }) v: rB. cognitive strategy
, o7 _: ?, Y  ^7 s4 Q) |C. social strategy
$ n+ v0 `6 _% F) y% g/ n* qD. affective strategy
' O& E$ L" D) |+ \; q% |1 ]      满分:2  分4 d- v4 T( R/ ]2 x5 w5 Z+ |; b
12.  Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students?# P7 {/ l; x4 R/ C: p! I: E
A. perceive
; z6 P( O( w2 ~B. remember
. T8 }$ [. h( I2 S4 F2 H# sC. think+ `, u3 R4 p# |& }# w
D. practice4 p, N& E4 G2 v( W, \
      满分:2  分
  C# c1 D5 s2 E7 \13.  The first and most important step a teacher takes is to determine the () of an activity." a1 h' s1 v+ V: d* U8 L
A. course
8 x) a( N3 b! h# _% s' \8 _B. approach% }: o: M; T$ d) h/ W
C. objective# p  p3 m. M  @
D. correction
8 T; P2 m+ o5 R* a$ Q  j      满分:2  分" c# L& L. k" T' q( y
14.  Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong?()( W# p" u% x# T+ Y2 y6 U5 I
A. teacher-guided correction5 F# p! R. L2 a2 J4 x8 q. R
B. group correction
4 c9 ~8 L, P" b7 q7 BC. focus correcting* n# F0 T4 Y9 C; B5 W" s! u+ N3 _
      满分:2  分$ ^' n# z3 j; o/ m% b9 Q
15.  In the learning the established understanding is typical by _ syllabus.+ Q- r  V5 \- J
A. Formal and functional* Y( S8 ~1 T" b& {: l
B. structural and functional
+ p- F- \4 W8 ]: d4 I1 {C. formal and structural0 C3 Q7 F: n) O
D. type A and type B: D- s7 Z/ S9 k" @/ f/ h
      满分:2  分4 Z: F* @9 b* ]4 l
16.  ()utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research.0 P7 G  q8 E) u4 U
A. A group study
, ~6 s3 F7 l9 j+ R2 P" e4 P) I6 ~: n0 N7 EB. Teaching journal; l" ~$ M$ r  f8 z
C. Lesson report5 p: ~! i6 k0 h1 h
D. Action research4 S5 U; m" L4 V3 d7 [
      满分:2  分
7 M; B& O, R5 O) D, b% c: \; A17.  What arenot the causes of an error().: [/ T5 A4 x5 s; Q: w# h2 Q
A. overgeneralization
2 Z% d+ g' [4 N% R  zB. undergeneralization3 u, m7 X3 I. \' m8 Z2 o& x: s! }" U
C. simplification
8 T! s" ^" a. B; ]D. deduced errors
! @* ~- e4 E3 _0 B3 N7 k1 Y# j! B      满分:2  分5 Y3 [3 X7 I* d# F( Z  [1 M6 J
18.  Which is not belongs to cognitive strategies?$ a3 ]1 Y. m+ }% {
A. resourcing' `! S/ r% l) O( B, G; c; P: b/ @
B. self-management- s1 F$ I& R8 [$ i, O+ R5 i
C. translation' p' y/ e) h( j) h
D. inferencing
9 f! E, r4 d, b# T0 t6 o; u      满分:2  分
' p5 Q7 K# L$ U8 H, D; u19.  Which of the following options is not used to show a lexical item visually? ________
% z& C% c7 n( F1 LA. showing by an object- Z* e2 {9 y5 G; ~
B. showing a picture
+ v1 J3 ^, u. }C. showing by miming
: O  p3 }; G3 d  p# h+ j8 }D. showing by listing opposite meaningsf9 `9 w1 g" `# [0 C! |& F4 C
      满分:2  分$ |. m/ h; `# Y" ?4 g8 \
20.  One of the principles of the Direct Method is that classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the ()language.
/ z2 v. L2 G7 g& A6 ~! n/ JA. native  A% m6 B! ]4 v8 [9 ]
B. another new
! j# q4 M- Y7 U$ |( C- |- ^6 o+ g' ?C. target
) H. i2 g3 l( W. i. E. r2 qD. first
$ z* M- B1 q2 |' D2 k5 p      满分:2  分
) C3 v- T0 m7 H% d" q, \4 E8 y* V6 `1 W/ H( ]
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  Research is considered to be a process built around three key features)
4 K! w7 H8 L& S# E9 u1 s7 uA. Research questions and hypotheses are clearly articulated; Z8 H5 C1 V7 A
B. specification of appropriate research methods for addressing and answering: j" z7 G4 k1 c9 T
C. therory of your resaerch
: W  e* l# |- W: K1 gD. specification of a research context for the questions
: b+ K5 d* P3 k      满分:2  分6 Z+ j- [/ K. R+ R* @1 x
2.  What are the two ways of grading a piece of writing? are “impression” marking and “split” marking.
/ Y' @7 U1 D; E* K1 rA. impression* @! g/ J+ i4 B9 u$ z" S4 ?! I8 B
B. split) w# j6 g6 b+ |, t3 D9 O- G
C. inductive
2 M" m5 T" H' ]6 e7 o$ a* h6 YD. deductive
: C" ^9 _3 W! B0 [; [0 y$ \7 }      满分:2  分
! z/ X% b! ~9 M3.  For most cases, teachers have to search for and develop their own strategies to maintain discipline in their classroom. Which measures do you think are proper for indisciplined acts and badly behaving students().
: v9 e7 ~( N7 PA. talk to students in the class5 b3 ?' E6 K( \+ f
B. stop the class
. C* F$ P* v7 D5 ~$ f, T+ fC. change the activity
3 w/ z' [$ |( m2 `# s0 d4 zD. rearrange the seats7 [; Z! c( N9 X# i* q- u
E. putting them in the corridor
2 u' |* r" `7 ]9 U" o      满分:2  分
, B! ]; a6 ^9 B; A, z# s4.  The advantages of the pair work and the group work for students.()
2 H! m- F2 z5 j+ h0 KA. Give them far more chances to speak.. M8 p/ m$ H8 z3 k& b+ O
B. They feel less anxiety.
( @' g; M0 j/ m. a4 R/ t: @8 JC. Make them more extroverted.7 |6 {: [4 t# W& c; l/ H' G/ C( S5 y
D. Give them chances for greater independence.; [& T7 ^8 V2 Q/ K3 J0 |& b* X6 b
E. Help them hold attention.! P" L% Z* l9 N8 }
      满分:2  分4 o  z5 s: L+ j% d! H
5.  There are three Ts that can help engage the students in the writing activities. What are they?) R! w* m5 u5 V3 w- _- A$ r
A. target
3 L3 X" |$ _; a: y+ |  Z; z0 d$ FB. tools
' r1 ?2 G0 H( S8 i  qC. topic
5 c$ Q1 Z# a, M5 y( z$ ~D. time  `! t  L( s% {$ e6 q- L! S, A0 J
      满分:2  分
$ b% E( Z! H+ I6 ?; }6.  There are three things to prepare your memory to retain words for a longer time, they are________) |2 P. @7 F! y% t2 }
A. understanding5 Q9 Z0 I# A" }# E7 ~
B. associating
' Q4 n0 C% M" h' L4 F4 J' PC. visualizing
9 ?& D9 }6 M7 Y! Z  U5 b# ~D. memorizing
. G/ @; ?6 n4 _5 v) w+ H2 N      满分:2  分. {$ N7 p8 N5 {1 N
7.  which of the following sayings are right according to this chapter?________
2 \( `- S) y& W# `A. Students should learn both the form and the meaning of a language item.8 h! Q2 ]1 d( S* J) \" L7 ]! P
B. context determines meaning# @+ N1 \' K" M+ K9 O6 j( D
C. both the teacher and students need to be aware of the fact that form does not equal meaning and vice versa2 z, C, F/ s  v: Q9 ]! d
D. students need to be taught how to use the lang
* d5 F# U* y, Y# H  ]) {( x2 \      满分:2  分
6 n: o( k5 o+ j8.  Teaching can be defined as ().( L$ m' I, L& d& ?0 W. u$ R3 p
A. giving instructions% e0 [' @1 P( }" Y; ?
B. guiding in the study of something% Q& _3 S9 B- _
C. providing with knowledge5 [6 {0 S& X' i% q7 z
D. causing to understand. ?1 ~+ z3 K" C- o
      满分:2  分
, C) _* ^, K: ~2 l  {9.  According to Michael Wallace (2000: 209), collaboration in AR can be Collaboration with()
* b8 e0 n1 `4 g: |A. students
& x3 d$ S) T0 zB. colleagues in other countries
5 K* d9 v! @5 A0 QC. colleagues a different area of expert/ }; k( V7 l; Z
D. colleagues outside our school/institution# b/ f% n" T* g- o8 F( d5 o
      满分:2  分
* @6 ^! x1 o$ ]; ~8 j* [7 V6 I10.  What are the three different views of language()?
$ k& Y7 P6 N8 [# k: t8 R  r. qA. the structural view
0 l6 E+ h# K4 w/ ]1 U6 |8 s, J0 ^B. the communicative view# t4 M5 B. p5 u
C. interactional view7 b" t. t  @) V6 n
D. functional view# D+ D2 `% D9 L0 ?
      满分:2  分
; E0 d  W, x: Q* i% o! `: \+ ]+ V5 \( J
, t9 D5 C! Z# Z* q4 ]5 F三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Group studies utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research.' k3 r) F5 m% S. O7 |
A. 错误
/ C7 L9 o: i0 k, hB. 正确
$ @  D+ m7 U  C% l      满分:2  分) A7 S3 ]* b+ v: E
2.  Introverts seek out company actively and enjoy the company of other people.9 @* |, [; p$ {$ w' i
A. 错误
8 R) ?# M+ x0 \, ~! YB. 正确
* n: X; T" D) z) z5 _6 Y5 b4 `      满分:2  分6 z5 q3 k" R* @5 H3 G) j
3.  Chomsky (1972) proposed a communicative definition of language which serves as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching.
: t/ k7 N$ }: u. e7 P- u5 F: AA. 错误4 I8 j& C" K0 ?
B. 正确2 U7 W  x6 R' }  E8 K
      满分:2  分& Y- o+ ?' h0 e2 T
4.  In the Western world back in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, foreign language learning was associated with the learning of Latin and Greek, both supposed to promote their speakers’ intellectuality.
% W# |6 V3 p4 k. M" X% QA. 错误
/ {( m: ?" N6 D1 R* T) `# C( TB. 正确  A5 J! W" B4 |. F( l1 I7 }
      满分:2  分
3 r& Z/ v7 K. U5.  If we want to develop speaking skills,it is a good idea to present our students narrative text.  q5 h0 Q9 S( n
A. 错误
4 k/ ~! H+ g2 ?# UB. 正确9 `5 K0 b; w# p! g5 C" O# N( C
      满分:2  分
) t) U6 u) K5 f& g4 ?+ C6.  An important tenet of structural linguistics was that the primary medium of language is oral: Speech is language.6 ~1 l- S5 k) k6 ^
A. 错误
2 ^0 D- O2 |4 Z8 M3 ^B. 正确8 T- v/ @" U9 I: y
      满分:2  分# E3 M& v5 a, q: }
7.  A task is a goal-oriented activity in which learners use language to achieve a real outcome.: X1 S4 @9 b  v. {
A. 错误# b/ W- }5 h7 @$ h8 T& ~( B
B. 正确& Y+ ~/ w0 }8 \
      满分:2  分, B- C! ?) ]7 v8 V( v& C; B4 g
8.  It is the task of goverment to examine these needs to determine what goals may be relevant to its educational system." L  g0 u: T2 }. R  Z# v5 m
A. 错误
( w) q' f3 z6 [( Z+ K, f4 eB. 正确
# L0 z- o7 v7 u5 C. p5 M# a8 R1 X' ^      满分:2  分
& {4 h: D9 p1 e( o! ^4 I& A* m6 b9.  English is described as a second language in countries such as Fiji, Singapore, Nigeria,America.
9 N- `7 B9 S9 d3 \- W8 H; ^/ V( bA. 错误
0 `. ?4 A9 a+ r7 d! ~: U& EB. 正确
$ |( A2 l2 D. Z: g2 s% ]      满分:2  分
- O2 s( \! k9 l: G3 {+ @2 B, a10.  The term “curriculum” means things to different people and to the same educational instructions.
( p: S0 a3 Z& L6 Z  ?6 Z0 [A. 错误
+ b- H) X# F% x" kB. 正确
9 c  J$ Q  J- H, a. ]; ~7 q$ s$ J- m      满分:2  分# v1 g" i5 _- G4 Q% j
11.  Errors can indicate the student's stage of language learning and acquistion.
. ?: J: V9 R4 ~# e6 DA. 错误
2 r" n4 e' t: O* f9 ^, sB. 正确
+ f; D4 A! z+ l% Q0 v      满分:2  分
- X( }, P  G5 @. D7 \: V$ {  S12.  5. Unlike descriptive research that can be either synthetic or analytic, experimental research must be analytic.( ?- q- N6 Z+ g- |6 R% b
A. 错误" H0 @* q8 p1 {1 v% j( ^( Y
B. 正确# o) I4 t6 F/ L! N6 n! y/ m$ t7 u( J
      满分:2  分
4 v, I8 i: U4 I% p1 m- H13.  When students are not sure how to start an activity, or what to do next, or what to say next, the teacher should give appropriate prompts.
3 J0 h. U4 I- P* V- qA. 错误
- o' C* P  I% z1 [: G3 {B. 正确9 C% e. m, [5 e: B$ K, @, d% F
      满分:2  分
; M3 z# T7 S6 U/ {; ?14.  The third step of memorizing words is to over-learn, which means to learn them so thoroughly that you can recall them as quickly as possible.
4 e9 m* @6 \& h& K0 d2 h8 WA. 错误' ~0 A2 B& U. h& Q: |  C- L. ?
B. 正确
% H( _9 }1 H4 P: `7 [6 d      满分:2  分
2 ^9 u6 o: R( M8 o15.  Inductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific, and it is sometimes called a "top-down" approach.
$ _" M7 B, @7 z6 |! r. QA. 错误1 O7 N, M4 X$ Z& m, f
B. 正确
" O* t, Q  ^  ?% a1 g0 @: |      满分:2  分" j& |. W4 _  @" p" ~# ?! F9 D5 S
16.  Before the end of the 1950s, the mastery of language structures was the main measure of competence in a foreign language,
6 m- P8 L% c- AA. 错误
2 ^7 O% c  k# z: W; `B. 正确
& Q# }6 K5 p6 ?) ?      满分:2  分) i0 {5 x  g5 s9 j2 [$ Y) H  o
17.  If nobody corrects leanrners' error, they will never learn good English.
$ T( f' g. C6 p/ oA. 错误
8 a' g% z: G# d" r2 OB. 正确- U( C5 L) g; a$ |3 m$ u  o, y7 s
      满分:2  分
4 R! \: W& Y% p% J# M18.  Information gap is a situation in which information is known to only some of the participants in communication of two or more people and those who do not have the information are interested in finding it out.: b# c' F7 C; c% [1 {
A. 错误* V3 H9 T, M. O  S) X- ~
B. 正确
2 w7 O% I/ R7 e3 t% [1 j      满分:2  分
+ }1 u" J% T8 e+ g19.  If students are given a list of words to use in an activity, they are not doing a genuine task.' T" K# b. d4 _+ X. e! m% ]
A. 错误
8 h9 ^# ~" y7 _8 hB. 正确1 [/ I% `* H8 x( Y
      满分:2  分
* B# f9 Z* d; O4 s8 m20.  Field-sensitive learners enjoy working with others to achieve a common goal, and most often look to the teacher for guidance and demonstration.! z3 p4 [. m* B- e+ f; ]* W  N6 P, @& u
A. 错误
$ e. N$ V% j5 x( U/ lB. 正确
& g( e: Q6 h# S( c      满分:2  分
% z; L* Q9 m' ^' ^! e6 Y, i( X3 W# h2 M. t
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