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发表于 2015-5-9 00:51:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
单选 判断题

一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 80 分。)
1.  Mr. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, ______? ______, he does.
A. does he; No
B. does he; Yes
C. doesn't he; No
D. doesn't he; Yes
2.  The People's Republic of China ______ on October 1, 1949.
A. found
B. was founded
C. is founded
D. was found
3.  No permission has _____ to anybody to enter the building.
A. been given
B. given
C. to give
D. be giving
4.  Although John was the oldest in the family, he always let his sister _____ charge of the house.
A. to take
B. taking
C. take
D. taken
5.  ______ to see a film with us today?
A. Did you like
B. Would you like
C. Will you like
D. Have you liked
6.  I asked him whether he had done all the work himself ______ he had had any assistance.
A. and
B. but
C. nor
D. or
7.  ______ clever girl she is!
A. What a
B. What
C. How a
D. How
8.  He ______ live in the country than in the city.
A. prefers
B. likes to
C. had better
D. would rather
9.  You'd like some tea, ______?
A. wouldn't you
B. shouldn't you
C. hadn't you
D. didn't you
10.  We ______ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us ______.
A. were waiting; waiting
B. were waiting; wait
C. waited; waiting
D. waited; wait
11.  ______ a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp.
A. To save
B. Saving
C. Saved
D. Having saved
12.  The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers but ______ work for young people.
A. provide
B. to provide
C. providing
D. provided
13.  I ______ swimming in the river and I always _____ to swim when I can.
A. am liking; have gone
B. am being liked; am going
C. like; go
D. have liked; have been going
14.  It is impossible for the plan ______.
A. to put into practice
B. not to put into practice
C. to be put into practice
D. to be not put into practice
15.  Here are some new computer programs _______ for home buildings.
A. designing
B. design
C. designed
D. to design
16.  This English song ______ by the girls after class.
A. often sings
B. often sang
C. is often sang
D. is often sung
17.  In fact, she was the first woman _______ to such a post.
A. to elect
B. to be electing
C. to have elected
D. to have been elected
18.  Our room must ______ clean.
A. keep
B. be kept
C. to be kept
D. to keep
19.  Little Sandy is now much ______ than he was 3 years ago.
A. happy
B. more happier
C. happier
D. happyer
20.  A new house ______ at the corner of the road.
A. is building
B. is being built
C. been built
D. be building
21.  We'll go to play with snow if it ______ tomorrow.
A. snow
B. snows
C. will snow
D. snowed   
22.  ______ your mother ______ some cleaning on Sundays?
A. Does; does
B. Do; does
C. Does; do
D. Do; do
23.  When you ______ at the door, I ______ some washing.
A. knocked; did
B. was knowcking; did
C. knocked; was doing
D. knock; am doing
24.  Mary ______ on shoes when she ______ them.
A. tries; buys
B. tries; buies
C. trys; buys
D. trys; buies
25.  Nobody ______ how to run this machine.
A. know
B. have known
C. knows
D. is knowing
26.  If you are tired, ______ a rest.
A. have
B. having
C. to have
D. had
27.  The television is a ______ machine.
A. newly-inventing
B. newly-invented
C. newly-invent
D. newly-invention
28.  Tell the students to stop shouting. We ______ our essays now.
A. write
B. have been writing
C. are writing
D. have written
29.  New computers ______ all over the world.
A. is used
B. are using
C. are used
D. have used   
30.  ______ he ______ himself there? No, I don't think so.
A. Do; enjoy
B. Does; enjoies
C. Does; enjoys
D. Does; enjoy
31.  I ______ the incident as if it were yesterday.
A. am still to remember
B. have still been remembering
C. am being still remembered
D. still remember
32.  ______ me go. It is very important for me.
A. Do let
B. Let do
C. Doing let
D. To do let
33.  His new book ______ next month.
A. will be published
B. is publishing
C. is being published
D. has been published
34.  The Young Pioneer _______ water for the old man every day.
A. carry
B. bring
C. takes
D. carries
35.  Information technology is taught in most schools, ______ we have entered the information society.
A. so
B. while
C. still
D. for
36.  "______ you angry then?" "They _____ too much noise."
A. Are; were making
B. Were; were making
C. Are; made
D. Were; made
37.  English ______ in Canada.
A. speaks
B. are spoken
C. is speaking
D. is spoken
38.  ______ it is today!
A. How cold
B. What cold
C. How a cold
D. What a cold
39.  Don't disturb him. He ______ to the weather forecast.
A. listens
B. is being listened
C. has listened
D. is listening
40.  The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable ________.
A. to sit
B. to sit on
C. sit
D. be sat on
单选题 判断题

二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 20 分。)
1.  Children often take a bath each night and enjoy to play with small toys.
A. 错误
B. 正确
-----------------选择: office, to sit down and began to fill in the forms.
A. 错误
B. 正确
3.  He is always borrowAing money and forgetting to pay me back.
A. 错误
B. 正确
4.  She said that the sea water is salty.
A. 错误
B. 正确
5.  I'm going to play football tomorrow afternoon.
A. 错误
B. 正确
6.  Which sports are you interested in?
A. 错误
B. 正确      
7.  Microblogging differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller.
A. 错误
B. 正确
8.  The train leaves at three this afternoon.
A. 错误
B. 正确
9.  Do that implies taking reponsibility.
A. 错误
B. 正确
10.  She brought some toys for the children play with.
A. 错误
B. 正确
11.  How long does he like to play game at home?
A. 错误
B. 正确B      
12.  When to start the work has not been decided.
A. 错误
B. 正确
13.  What good children they are!
A. 错误
B. 正确
14.  Hey, what did you say? I'm not listening.
A. 错误
B. 正确
15.  His father said to him, "Came back at four o'clock."
A. 错误
B. 正确
16.  Did Thomas come here yesterday? No, he did.
A. 错误
B. 正确
17.  We tried to persuade him, and he refused to come.
A. 错误
B. 正确
18.  Let us to talk of that matter.
A. 错误
B. 正确
19.  It was impossible for lost time to make up.
A. 错误
B. 正确     
20.  I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.
A. 错误
B. 正确


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