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发表于 2015-5-20 20:38:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。. b7 y* P9 G' r7 Q4 ^8 I6 c  W
3 R6 W9 G+ y* y- I5 C0 Y5 s" O
) n9 o' r) L# C1 R" j! T  Z2 h
福师《语言与文化》在线作业一5 r( {% f' S* r6 s  i& j

5 C" ^7 `% _% J( _2 |6 J
+ ]( O" A4 e; E9 D6 w( p2 N0 B1 B2 u; q7 v4 J

) D1 w2 r: P0 K4 m一、单选(共 35 道试题,共 70 分。)
8 W) X  ?+ f0 X+ S8 j1 O4 r: e( m& F3 }/ x' Z5 E' Y: i
1.  The expression “ You don't seem to understand ”, can be called( )from the perspective of interpersonal communication.4 U5 `2 f4 z* J+ h2 m$ [% i; U
A. beautiful words  T; l: H2 u, h- e# S$ C2 A! ^
B. negative words
$ V( y$ e- ?7 s  CC. redundant words! j+ G; W: r( J7 q% r6 ?8 I8 ?
D. softening words3 o8 a& ^0 G: T( G4 b- _
正确资料:B" A* l( L3 h& g$ v4 j
2.  “To do something that could cause quick anger in other people”is synonymous to“( )”." N. \8 x( m& D: p: `# N
A. to run a business in the red
/ M. a: L+ ^+ h' D* dB. to paint the town red4 g/ z1 d+ M  a1 s3 Q8 |7 k: C2 ~
C. to become red faced
7 }& F' y6 \6 b" E# lD. to wave a red flag
/ i, c. ]9 @; i! m+ _1 P正确资料:D
! f5 X3 ?0 T$ @3.  ____refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.
5 a) j% ^/ a% k2 j; ]+ h. DA. Honorifics3 g# [& M- z6 O
B. Terms of humility) f8 ^4 z( x) Q4 t3 L" s! \
C. Euphemisms
8 R! }  a3 D4 s: K$ Q/ `, Y& @D. Verbal taboos
4 [7 E1 l3 R" c/ _2 ^% ^! D正确资料:D  x/ t% {. {: z+ ?7 [! ^$ H
4.  His wife had only her husband's interests_________.
$ s; d0 F; T  H. C8 pA. on her heart0 \1 v0 ?# R% J3 a" \) x3 j( u
B. on heart9 A1 c. s4 u8 o) z* i4 b& }$ a
C. at her heart  M+ F' Y6 ~4 y# M- U
D. at heart) I: J5 X- H# m( T1 n
# C5 y  \, D- s( n0 j+ X" q5.  American scholars generally trace the origin of intercultural communication to( ).. c+ I1 I- \7 y1 q" _) @, y
A. cultural anthropology
' ?+ Z! V; _7 u7 F- O$ tB. sociolinguistics
: ]8 L4 v. `: kC. comparative education. X4 N- n2 \4 Y9 `4 T6 a  A
D. philosophy
6 r6 \" {; Q4 |2 P/ z正确资料:A
2 S* E) L2 Q) Y$ h) {6.  The English equivalent for “黄色电影” can be____.
/ I" o* ~" ^3 Z- ^) Q% ~1 mA. a yellow film
! F# b/ B( m+ V6 t& \B. a green film8 K; T6 K$ U  z2 N! r5 p
C. a pink film
  o5 a4 ?% m4 B' ^; KD. a blue film
5 l' O9 M0 z% X( p0 |2 E正确资料:D5 j% l  K; T/ |( F; ~0 e* f% E* E7 _
7.  It is said that the newly-built gymnasium is three miles_______from here.
- L& _. y) m9 C5 \1 e8 XA. away far
5 i4 z* d) g  N' s9 w+ KB. far away. Y) T* f6 j) w0 G. D/ v
C. far+ F" Y4 S5 e  m
D. away6 }9 W/ Z" X+ ?( ^' c3 g
正确资料:D  F- O  _! q5 f" g3 v
8.  It's generally acknowledged that the publication of The Silent Language in 1959 by( ) marked the beginning of intercultural communication studies in the United States.5 Y& `; x8 ^6 W$ M1 J
A. R.Porter
) S8 P2 N' s* G9 dB. C.Barnlund
( C+ `+ p: {- D, qC. Edward T. Hall
' g# y6 L5 |  D# h* X6 vD. A. Samovar$ e) h- [! w1 Q; Y3 l
正确资料:C4 I7 K; ]& \" M" B6 g7 C
9.  As I was just getting familiar with this job, I had______to ask my boss.: P& j2 g* X& J( b
A. many
9 i, A& L, m5 `5 @2 F" L) qB. most8 y: g3 [# h7 @1 b
C. more
4 S9 P% n8 @. R" C5 dD. much
, S7 [( L1 Y+ g正确资料:D# J5 Y3 [: f! ?  n! q6 L/ }
10.  Word( )frequently appears together with “boy” , “man” , “vessel” or “airliner”.9 \* E# X6 f/ Z# \
A. beautiful8 T( x. }% C0 Z, |. T6 n
B. nice( j. u4 i- i1 I  M  Q- t6 A
C. pretty
: H# c5 c; r5 m  n3 CD. handsome
. b( ^0 j- U# Z# _9 O$ E( x正确资料:D- t" c: t- @; l% j0 M5 q
11.  It has been years_______I returned home.* l) ^5 S- I  w* s( X+ ]0 y! w
A. after
  ], \9 t- \1 u+ H1 J0 f- ]* \B. that& g* U& O/ ?+ a
C. since
/ f8 H: X/ X; VD. when4 R' h8 {  ^# g4 k
% D$ o4 g/ K) l. \9 i12.  It is only recently _________astronomers have begun specific research into black holes.
4 ]  T. C0 D" `: p; pA. when
$ Z$ L4 g2 H. n9 pB. so that% m+ O: [9 [9 Y2 d- G0 U: E: ?
C. that
5 i, x/ ?2 ?: N6 T  `D. which
" S9 t4 y" J( W$ T# G' j正确资料:
1 h, W6 D3 y( t- |3 E" t13.  It was announced that only when the fire was under control ___ to return to their homes., w; z' Q2 `/ o" ?6 ?; K5 J
A. the residents would be permitted
9 v% G. h3 ]. ?4 X8 T4 gB. had the residents been permitted
" k7 n0 Q' O% D6 ?C.  would be residents be permitted
' }( O' B0 c/ e8 u! Q( y) b, n9 gD.  the residents had been permitted
1 z! `& H5 H( Q+ b正确资料:  x6 M! {+ x& D! B& J9 R
14.  _______the drill is, it is very useful in improving your oral English.2 f! _  s, t: u5 R' I5 E
A. Simple you consider
- U- B! F: {2 X; hB. You consider simple0 P/ n0 O5 b* v: t. ]* o: C' d
C. Simple as you consider/ u3 A) h% |) G: p; O+ t7 T
D. As simple you consider
) r. q- J0 |6 e. ?5 ^+ g3 K& ^正确资料:
4 l2 D" Z+ o" k& H( d15.  When westerns introduce one person to others, they____.
: P$ K5 j% Y( f4 e+ ^A. do not use “title+surname”, and they introduce his name first, then the positive or rank  K8 Z( }+ r' u" E2 u$ [
B. do not use “title+surname”, and they introduce his position and rank first, then his name2 b8 x; k2 K( B9 H+ n0 Y! E# ~: y  m
C. use “title+surname”, and they introduce his name first, then the position or rank( W5 L+ s/ y2 e% n7 N  i5 s$ g$ q
D. use “title+surname”, and they introduce his position or rank first, then his name( E! K4 l+ U/ {1 z$ W1 l
' U/ ~9 n- V& o- M0 o16.  Companies are struggling to find the right____between supply and demand, but it is no easy task.5 O6 k( N# G1 D  l' ]& H' p. U# L
A. equation0 [! U( Y7 c! R, ]4 J# w
B. formula
# R" e" N3 H- j3 T' @% wC. balance( {+ P) k3 J6 ^1 G) F' G6 P
D. pattern" P' c4 V5 o, }9 s
0 O/ Q8 w9 p# ~+ P' c1 `17.  Actually , information technology can____the gap between the poor and the rich .
3 w' m6 E" ~1 [, D( T, q9 kA. link
& p* y  f$ w: \B. break4 e9 g4 d( E5 d+ G4 W
C. ally
8 C* P0 ]" x; M) l3 F2 w* q% tD. bridge+ U8 t1 P* m( _4 `# t" f
正确资料:1 n# B" V' y- N- U$ T% r7 v
18.  The mayor____the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.$ I- M$ q8 U: }3 a. |+ X4 w
A. rewarded
) p+ p9 v8 l/ A; I" ~B. awarded: J- F6 w6 _: Y: s! x% i
C. credited4 c3 }0 u: J0 P3 ~
D. prized
- n$ R" S3 h( m: @) l+ o! q正确资料:! m+ D2 |7 ?6 H5 m6 @/ v
19.  Analogy is often made in English between____and people who are rude or hot-tempered or people with high intelligence or remarkable power of endurance.
' A' ]5 ~8 j  Q. R- @8 ?A. bears
2 K) u) D# `7 c. z: tB. horses
- ?( l0 l) y* L5 _) `C. monkeys; |" _' [/ f, o5 v  O. a) N. V1 }
D. foxes. T. n: B+ C8 K/ v  a
正确资料:5 T, e) a8 j7 H  {/ _8 ^
20.  In its narrow sense, culture is( ).8 [( I/ m% [! i
A. whatever distinguishes one nation from all the other nations
: m3 J5 }) T& D) }B. the attributes of man
9 H  p  Y- h4 kC. life way of a population9 i. ^! _' A  r- K  G; @6 d
D. intellectual or academic development
# r) M# Y: `3 C正确资料:
. Z+ V: L. o9 f& \21.  The explanation for “to move heaven and earth to do something” is____.
4 u$ g8 P. c3 s: R( H7 g3 RA. “to understand the nature of one's work and be competent in the performance of them"$ H  W! o7 T# D- J0 F8 T8 R5 F
B. “to lose the opportunity to do something"0 ?$ V  c( [/ }: k2 s- N
C. “to do something without proper material"' L& z0 ]0 X! w" ^6 z
D. “to make every effort to achieve or obtain something”
( s/ Z0 Q+ v1 `( a* Q8 j正确资料:" f8 I! a$ g8 X9 m, h, n
22.  — Do you have any problems if you ______ this job? — Well, I’m thinking about the salary….
1 l- O8 a  V; {* f( d" ^, RA. offer
# p: b% s" X2 r$ P' IB. will offer
, R" E# J6 i" ~% x) xC. are offered7 |4 G3 B- M* L+ e
D. will be offered. ?5 m+ i  J( P6 |- m( C4 l/ M
8 p% Y- j; G8 A- S0 D6 N7 l23.  寒舍is equivalent to____in English.
9 e4 n  M) y2 z! k. G- vA. my home8 O/ X- a6 ]7 A
B. my humble home
* c4 }( I8 A7 w0 D0 O6 tC. my cold house
. Y. ^/ y4 `* ~" vD. my shabby hut+ U: j+ R( r$ b7 |9 }( D
! O+ C8 K$ E  @# W$ W24.  An Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, approximately_______from Marathon to Athens.
* u2 a6 K/ n8 }/ X! EA. distance% U1 q! V0 d* _( U6 `; o: {
B. is the distance
1 k4 s0 u# o4 fC. the distance
4 A5 y  e0 T; H' y$ o( a) Y0 }D. the distance is
' C$ M" h+ A# d6 R* r" E( p正确资料:
; E7 E/ @/ y; D' v* Z+ ?25.  When a fire______at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.7 M" ]2 e7 Q, C7 ^; L
A. broke off" q7 Y) F8 g5 ]7 ^
B. broke out
- e/ x/ v2 p8 z/ F- i' FC. broke down7 Q/ [9 {4 R! z) C! s" E" Y5 X
D. broke up
4 @$ w/ m3 t! P% I% H; I正确资料:
3 E" I' V0 n0 t( o1 F. F: u26.  Liquids are like solids______they have a definite volume.
7 ]5 h/ p) [) c' x% @6 ^: I) r! CA. in that
2 S1 o; [2 f+ k" H, e6 K4 s% RB. for that( R4 E9 k5 i/ O
C. with that
% ]5 e# z4 j. r0 j* DD. at that. z" l( K- U) c; @
1 o( ~/ f% [5 k7 z27.  Sorry, I don’t know he is a friend of_____.4 l% h9 }6 `8 X% N+ l# `4 g
A. your brother
7 U2 `2 B! g' E9 d% Q2 f* _* [- pB. your brothers
6 E: K; T1 W8 [' T5 a$ NC. your brother’s friend0 i6 G9 o; Q! `# }
D. your brother’s6 g. a( n- D" z  p* n* B& Z
3 y. l; W& L& g3 ]+ R) p' ]28.  When thanked, the Chinese public servants customarily reply“____”.1 v; m4 Q: H( |9 f$ [4 j
A. 朋友之间,何需客气
, u( R( _2 K- z$ L8 kB. 说谢就见外了
% L2 j9 S. e! h& U2 \C. 一家人何需客套  r3 Q: X% Y8 U( R- v6 e3 U& M
D. 没什么,这是我应该做的
! G2 C, ]: E4 m% V! w8 }正确资料:5 v# H% v7 h1 i4 w  x5 x- E5 x
29.  I hear they’ve promoted Tom, but he didn’t mention _____ when we talked on the phone.& L1 \3 E/ q; l; Q
A.  to promote" g; i! m% K( K9 P9 l) N$ i2 ?
B.  having been promoted5 |' @! P0 Z. G- u- w' U
C. having promoted8 s% h3 k* b1 h) N
D. to be promoted& e0 Z3 `: \  v" i5 N( c! h) O
( F) l% q! x4 n) H4 I# m1 ^30.  As a painter, Ted was very_______about the colors he used.( K  f8 y/ \7 L
A. specific. o: |' n/ J3 J
B. special
9 m; j" T- \1 FC. peculiar/ m) `5 ~7 y8 h0 U1 g0 d% n
D. particular1 s' t/ y  u" q- v5 ]/ N
正确资料:: X& x* m7 u) m/ W3 f* C4 {
31.  In English speaking countries you usually introduce( ), not the other way round.
. [! l% ?$ A$ ^* h- BA. a man to a woman
2 [1 W9 X- ]* E: n0 ZB. a woman to a man
; g; o1 X: Z% b- tC. an old man to a young woman8 |) t3 _- N' K* J: L; g0 f
D. an old woman to a young man
& Q5 H2 e8 f# B$ ?4 T6 X" u正确资料:) D6 ?( N  ?3 h+ h" R( ~
32.  The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could______.% \! t: [( \; z6 W, i
A. stand up to
* c2 d7 Q) I2 V5 u4 n3 B9 Z+ MB. make up for0 L( p- w8 N2 f( f; h
C. come up with
9 H7 Z+ K" i; @  TD. put up with) A6 n2 S& M; Q/ a
正确资料:3 x7 w5 X  e: T' s
33.  ( )refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.
" X% D: L' O. d2 I. Y7 BA. Honorifics( o( H% u# `4 j8 d: K- K
B. Terms of humility, \& I8 k2 M9 o$ `: A8 w" _) g
C. Euphemisms
* S7 w$ s' r% H  u! b" X! BD. Verbal taboos
( v% \, t9 H/ a" x! t正确资料:
, K1 L. L5 T4 O  K, I34.  When you want to learn about someone's family relationship with another person, you may ask____.
1 H( N7 C/ a6 h" x: dA. Are you relatives?: u* e6 W1 Q/ `* a
B. Are you family members?1 W; Q2 x' G" p; i, v  ?. v
C. How are you called?5 h% |" I' o2 F/ W2 O( i9 Z
D. How are you related?+ u; K* D$ j1 d7 ]+ B6 j
正确资料:# V* D+ C& F) \) n$ V" S& t
35.  I wish I_______longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.- v2 j( f. S* T1 i
A. could have slept; T2 a' p! Z9 B: m0 O& _$ {
B. slept
9 R) N: n/ o. e& W6 ]" X$ eC. might have slept
, y2 [: Q* _0 p& C3 a, WD. have slept
# H* \1 g% }# j8 W! b1 h* J  Z正确资料:0 O3 }. G; l: ]3 I' Y
- P) O9 c! R) o' h9 m7 c, o

1 i# y+ n# P' e  i ' m( Q, Y, N1 W% i* R* C
; Q8 O7 ~- X) P1 W+ g
/ Y- q* c( m9 R4 I$ e- m" N8 j) k& g/ l! H& T/ B/ {* n7 p. n

. V! b" o' F& E( _: d+ b2 m% ]8 _) N8 g# w( \; d! ~
二、判断题(共 15 道试题,共 30 分。)5 y/ `; J9 x7 J) _5 ~

5 g4 u2 S& q/ F1.  Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Saturday of November.
) }, e5 ?' Q! C1 bA. 错误
/ T8 w7 z* x9 V9 Z1 e* O1 BB. 正确! C8 v3 _8 E, E4 N' Y8 |& X
正确资料:- c. n" X2 M7 i1 V9 I& O
2.  “Promises” like Why don't we get together one of these days? , though frequently made by Americans, are no commitment.$ n9 g3 q8 T( ^4 J. |: p
A. 错误
& p; p1 e8 ?+ X/ q$ R1 LB. 正确
9 ?9 h3 f2 s9 A: F9 {* y( b正确资料:2 |8 ~' y" B/ I- k* n6 Q
3.  In the U.S., it is a compliment to tell someone that he or she has put on some weight.8 H# ~) H/ {* p& }  G1 c4 u
A. 错误
. l& F- [- {# Q7 K9 p: QB. 正确
8 E9 X6 C3 c5 \% |/ a. C正确资料:3 P3 I! m& |  U+ w+ |
4.  In English-peaking countries you usually first introduce a man of higher social status to one of low social status, not the other way round., P9 @# P( D9 F( k
A. 错误1 w: M$ ~+ l) s  `7 {/ ?, E% ^
B. 正确" S' x5 V( L: M8 e! v# l0 ]8 Q
正确资料:, R9 H) S5 Z* }' ?2 a8 j  v1 I9 X
5.  ( )In certain situations body action contradicts what is being said.
: F" D0 M" d; b2 w2 q3 y- EA. 错误
4 `2 V5 E. i. @- XB. 正确
: u1 W% W% s% W4 E* [4 {正确资料:9 T; N! a3 u! l8 C
6.  ( )Monochronic time systems are characterized by several things happening at once.0 f# `! K2 R; S. [  ]' K
A. 错误' R& ]4 ]9 _/ N/ f
B. 正确  Z0 W6 }- D0 [1 h' }9 s
正确资料:4 N. k' s' R6 P$ H, N- w
7.  In the United States, the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, is considered the family.6 _' [. m& P" `+ r4 ?9 b. }
A. 错误
8 N) ]0 h9 W7 B5 i$ e7 R+ n: K5 d' PB. 正确
( |! u" R5 ?' f+ Y; D正确资料:
3 b# s# x& W! z" X- }8.  ( )When an Americans says I thought it was quite reasonable in response to your inquiry about the price of something he has just bought, you can rightly assume that he is willing to tell you its exact price.; s# S' ?: x" y/ H! T+ z
A. 错误" Y, ~7 [6 l/ D) \
B. 正确- H! E2 ?% b4 a& W+ f
! \& s" L( E. _$ |9.  Whenever someone responds to the behavior or the behavior residue of another person, communication has taken place.
1 w# s( P5 Y0 N# eA. 错误
2 R3 B6 E* F+ U) K/ Z! P; IB. 正确$ H  h# \% f9 h2 G7 \$ [3 }6 _3 J
正确资料:: s; P( W) M1 w0 T+ F
10.  ( )Stereotyping has its practical uses and limitations, because it helps us better understand what appears to be a mess and at the same time any generalization is very often an overgeneralization.
9 P$ \( ^% X1 \) ]  kA. 错误
7 e# ]& a* z$ T0 f; R4 kB. 正确3 `9 V% p% B3 d7 T
: C9 b' }. j5 @  }. v9 a( v0 G3 M11.  On your way to the school cinema, you happen to meet Professor Jones walking to the cinema, too. You can greet him by saying You're going to see the film, aren't you?
' Q, E3 g9 i8 `/ j6 yA. 错误* y$ p1 I  X8 K: p3 q. X
B. 正确/ d" u, d0 F0 K4 N2 V9 n) d
正确资料:& c+ x1 C" T# C8 u! B
12.  ( )In English-speaking countries you usually first introduce a man of higher social status to one of low social status, not the other way round.) [7 K: w" m7 Z6 C
A. 错误
+ h& M/ b: L% _6 r: r" [B. 正确# a, D! _' d$ D! E& ?
正确资料:5 k% J! P$ g" {) E, J, w( e1 ~7 c
13.  ( )In the U.S., it is a compliment to tell someone that he or she has put on some weight.
( c8 [: R8 z/ U% L% ?% Q5 CA. 错误- o2 d( G' }1 E1 ?5 `3 [3 y
B. 正确! @) E' R, H$ e: e/ V
正确资料:7 ], d4 @2 O4 V
14.  ( )Instructors of intercultural communication believe that the process of communication under conditions of cultural differences can be analyzed and the knowledge about the process of IC and related skills can be taught.2 @; ^/ ^' F: q; `+ y# ]& J8 z
A. 错误0 M; _4 t9 t3 v+ h; z; f4 [
B. 正确- c5 _% @3 F7 H0 a
正确资料:6 V% f6 j, _  d; h0 p% A
15.  ( )Given name or forename has recently replace Christian name in many English form, because religious beliefs are very much a matter of privacy.
# G/ }$ ^. V: v' f! G; zA. 错误
9 ^, H7 E2 f) a) KB. 正确
: ]2 l  Z# Y) d3 v7 p" l正确资料:5 \7 t7 X8 B, w  \% w# D

7 M* [$ K8 J+ S2 ~% Z/ p8 M' j3 X, R; ]# t& R+ `% |

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