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发表于 2015-5-22 18:09:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  ______ is a process that puts an existing word of one class into another class.
- a) U0 A9 q: M% g2 z3 r) w) S. p; ^4 HA. Conversion' g$ m4 B7 w% v& j& O$ j; _
B. Abbreviation
, w1 N' ^% p  H$ |" S9 |) t2 YC. Eponyms
8 I' X9 m( Z5 Q# \9 v4 U9 ?D. Blending
# m' q9 i- O% n# Q. g% o1 ~      满分:3  分
$ Q7 d7 J/ l/ o( c2 K. Z2.  The following dialogue flouts maxis of the cooperative principle does A: How do you like the film? B: Well, the music is very nice.: o  V1 G. }" B* z8 a) {) U3 ]" G
A. Quality
) `9 i  q1 e" p* E+ k! FB. Quantity
/ s" b3 r# X, f" R* a1 t: ]5 ~C. Relation
% O( }- T- T+ }+ vD. Manner
1 D+ W2 h. g/ x/ o      满分:3  分' P3 ]5 g4 _' Y( I+ W% ?% h
3.  Free morphemes were traditionally called _________.5 b5 p! Q8 |  I" r2 C
A. affixes& O+ r, r5 q. E. Z
B. prefix0 ~; S( M. R+ ~
C. suffix5 C' b  S! M: F/ K* i( n+ s
D. root4 C6 ~+ m1 X* s- \% M' `
      满分:3  分
. o* g! d4 J. u, Q# }; \1 }. g/ s4.  Kodak (为下列单词选择相对应的构词法); l! M2 ], k9 i, U/ A" |$ b
A. Sound Reduplication+ K  a% m6 J8 I1 J% y
B. Coinage
/ P/ t8 ^6 f  f( e( p- K; IC. Eponym& m/ u( P2 L- J
D. Clipping
# b9 f2 V! {1 q" j9 X) c      满分:3  分
7 U. J- Z8 _# Q- h5.  When linguists write grammars or exicographers compile dictionaries they must use __________.2 n7 Z* \* T3 V" @# N5 j3 r
A. natural language' ~' O/ u/ P& S5 d; G
B. artificial language: e5 m+ h1 Q1 w* V
C. metalanguage
; B5 H! Y, V( Q9 P9 i0 A0 gD. mother language% W# k5 P- O1 \8 E5 z% W) i6 h# u
      满分:3  分9 U5 x) Z  K" y# [) e9 n
6.  Children all undergo ________ stages of language development.7 |# S4 o  h' a1 I- G, r9 S
A. babbling, two-word, holophrastic and the telegraphic speech
" H% s8 s" H7 `4 b: k8 h& l5 cB. babbling, two-word, telegraphic speech and the holophrastic0 R; w7 H1 }. o- T% g. [8 y/ Q
C. babbling, holophrastic, two-word, and the telegraphic speech2 }; k2 z, a0 C: D
D. babbling, holophrastic, telegraphic speech and the two-word& Z4 `) e5 w/ z8 m* A
      满分:3  分3 P3 d# V- m6 O& k, I( ~- Y
7.  refers to a statement in which you unnecessarily say the same thing twice using different words, for example, “He sat alone by himself”.
6 j$ f9 Q! H" xA. Tautology2 y* F& [0 U6 T4 o9 n% d2 L: X
B. Rhetorical device
6 |; V* b8 J; l! A9 L$ W( N1 e* lC. Truth condition
: U: j, \! Y1 W% [D. Prototype
+ j% m, U$ ~7 q5 d      满分:3  分8 o6 o( d; ~+ Z) L7 y
8.  Clipping is a process that ____ a polysyllabic word by deleting one or more syllables.
. r, @0 W9 N5 w8 M8 ]0 m$ o( L6 iA. Lengthens
4 k" h% @" T/ A- {; L4 |6 iB. widens0 d3 y5 A' x8 |& X
C. shortens+ J- s# ^: ~; r4 n# g2 `
D. strengthens
* n3 \/ L% j( r, R  d. Z      满分:3  分. V% H6 M- d& @* x5 S
9.  Words and phrases like now, yesterday, next week, in three day, etc. are called __________.
$ p  K2 G5 |8 Y7 U% `3 J8 E: tA. person deixis
' ~* H" h' X# i9 F! b( F! @' _- ^B. time deixis' S  K+ ]9 w: ?) \" i2 Z
C. place deixis" g* i; S, \; d# e3 K
D. discourse deixis
' Q# X' u; o% G4 e$ r  M      满分:3  分* Y+ V0 v) \4 ]' f/ H
10.  Pragmatics analysis is concerned with ______.1 }! p. H; }1 O& _2 W5 e0 E! i! G
A. sentence meaning
" a! u' d. r1 D/ v; s( [B. utterance meaning
! F( i$ W" [: \  I# D) J/ uC. listener meaning5 u$ M0 n0 R: }; v1 D
D. speaker meaning" v. k2 e. R) X6 M7 d
      满分:3  分
% D3 [: K, }( L1 G11.  __________ refers to the vibrating of the vocal cords when sounds are produced.
* h8 L! {4 W3 S6 }) e* d, L7 aA. Voicing
' _* d. H) C8 _, u+ y" cB. voiced9 |' O+ h  R* g1 p
C. nasalization
* ?+ ]$ a: Y$ S7 {% HD. aspiration
" K  m1 \1 K* L' h) b/ S% K      满分:3  分
5 y% k- X3 W/ b( k12.  ________ is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to “varieties according to use”, in contrast with regional dialects and sociolects, both of which are “varieties according to user”.3 Z% {6 t  R6 L$ b9 U" x5 R
A. field. _( G- V8 w) z, B. L% W
B. mode
: r1 a9 S4 b7 t" {9 @C. tenor
0 W$ \7 @# H- j! m( U3 Q) D0 `D. register2 Y: B1 c; C  ~" o
      满分:3  分* o. Y! i% Y$ j* j1 g
13.  A(n)________ is the minimal or the smallest distinctive linguistic unit in a language.
3 l, k# _5 x: u1 {3 B" E* \- LA. phonetic symbol1 b% Z/ Z9 w+ w9 V. H2 z6 G& B: B5 v
B. alphabet
# M7 B% Y: u" s8 xC. phoneme
: m$ y/ L7 b0 @D. allophone' D& s( m0 R  h1 j( P
      满分:3  分- R- ?2 n: c* y; U  b. C# A
14.  The following sentence flouts maxis of the cooperative principle.A: Macao’s in Spain, isn’t it, teacher? B: And London’s in America, I suppose.
( u% \* I1 j4 M# q# m. C+ ^/ uA. Quality
  W4 O: e1 a2 V' E( T$ SB. Quantity
* w- L0 g  b; j) B; L( [' MC. Relation
* {' L0 [9 Y5 v) G+ GD. Manner
  K7 ^! c3 Y7 J! L      满分:3  分; T+ L4 F% v( r
15.  Human languages can be used to describe themselves. The language used to talk about language is called .% H  Y2 N5 X' `; _% W. Q5 n0 }: c
A. special language3 R$ l+ J( {' i7 y- r
B. local language0 w) k) h8 x. ^5 \% ]( P% s" E
C. metalanguage) A) G; ~7 j, B2 l# ]
D. human language
3 h& d/ O  b$ j$ U$ w, q      满分:3  分) A' _  N3 @+ w2 V; x9 z
16.  He is (watering )flowers. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)
% p5 X- p; g9 F- ~5 _8 B( k/ BA. Conversion5 P4 `3 |% Y; ?( u8 z
B. Derivation
& j& M, p- j0 ]# I" _* VC. Blending
" q4 q2 K3 y3 OD. Backformation
1 o$ s3 J) {" h2 y# ]4 [1 l* ^      满分:3  分! T, o" H. t, Y! d& E; N: L. y
17.  Watt (为下列单词选择相对应的构词法)" B2 Y* J1 U: D/ a. A1 ^* y' y
A. Sound Reduplication. [" W7 t( U6 k, I* j
B. Coinage
' g$ j, ?. ]1 }! pC. Eponym
2 p* R% Q) y7 T# I- f% LD. Clipping
& J. B( \; B4 l      满分:3  分
  z4 w: A8 [( v6 v) x5 j18.  edits (为下列单词选择相对应的构词法)
6 }: t; y0 }* I* RA. Conversion
' M  P7 ^6 C$ V8 BB. Backformation$ w# j. h  q9 I7 w( J3 K" O# V: E5 h
C. Blending# j- C$ D7 d3 X6 H8 N
D. Compounding
5 m# i- K# ?8 x# l; S: B      满分:3  分" t3 d9 c+ l) @+ W$ \7 \
19.  The longest ____ in English may contain four consonants, as shown by prompts.  M; U7 ~; }& @* k" Y
A. word% K% X& x* Y+ [! u" v' F9 P
B. onset8 t  y+ |1 G  d4 b# O" f
C. nucleus5 H/ O! ]# H" j& x9 w! U
D. coda
) u  ?$ m2 g. R) U' P* d      满分:3  分
9 j; W- C. `2 p/ d20.  In more detailed transcription (sometimes referred to as narrow transcription), a sound may be transcribed with a symbol to which a smaller symbol is added in order to mark the finer distinctions. The smaller one is called ____________.( e+ Z5 F( }' l; D) b
A. segment( o' c3 @9 o# Y* ?. i
B. phonetic symbol
4 j5 e1 P* P6 R) v( LC. marker, E- F7 O7 {' ?. C; G! _
D. diacritic* v7 h6 o$ D' \- ?
      满分:3  分 ! v9 b  g$ ~! s8 T  [
- Q" @/ I, ~. d% o% U' \
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Code-mixing refers to the fact that a speaker changes from one language to the other in different situations or when talking about different topics.0 o. P- _4 Z3 B9 N- K9 J
A. 错误& @+ d8 x) M+ P( Y. p6 \* Z1 d
B. 正确) c0 p, ?8 `4 B6 \( P
      满分:2  分
" E8 |$ F: Q& e" `! g2.  A number of divisions of linguistics can be put into two categories: intra-disciplinary divisions and inter-disciplinary divisions.
, C+ E/ S/ F( h6 MA. 错误
) @& Y* q  C7 p! {: V( _B. 正确, R, t6 |, [* X  k
      满分:2  分
/ r# c2 g' h0 z- p0 O6 r, Z3.  If sounds appear in the same environment, they are said to be in contrastive distribution.
3 Z1 D1 ~- ~+ ]( ^' sA. 错误
9 S$ S& |# U7 L$ `: u9 r- w: y+ wB. 正确5 u' D( U" X7 q5 ~  k
      满分:2  分
! f1 Y% @8 V& Z; D  }* p2 U4.  “He sat alone by himself” is a tautology.
" d; S: K& k2 K1 g$ I3 D+ cA. 错误
# d! u# C! s; u. l3 {. S# j9 k7 N3 oB. 正确" K, W! g: ~# G. H" [2 L
      满分:2  分+ h3 A! F/ x- u& P- X( }
5.  Children all undergo babbling, holophrastic, telegraphic speech and the two-word stages of language development.) X& i* f: l) W, {/ Y6 S
A. 错误. ~4 d; s" u, _5 D
B. 正确9 t2 Q3 Z2 L) Z8 ^  l4 a
      满分:2  分* }: s' S% n  V* j, ~
6.  The smallest meaningful unit of language is called a prefix.
4 l, I) g" Q% }3 SA. 错误
3 s0 w. S6 p$ s/ i; aB. 正确
, x& K) ~, T1 c/ l' ^3 J4 `1 Z& B! M      满分:2  分
( @/ f% B& j# C) d7.  Speakers consider the matter of face for themselves and others. Based on this observation, Leech (1983) proposes the cooperative principle.% ^/ y$ H/ {) p+ `0 R0 D2 \/ G) E
A. 错误
7 T. \7 {8 o( }B. 正确
0 K  @  H/ z& n# q      满分:2  分' f! h1 R* p4 \# X; G+ b' O
8.  Register is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to varieties according to use.
' e/ A. j( z/ e; [A. 错误
% x1 V9 K1 t2 ]( J" j8 A6 m* QB. 正确" D5 Q4 q, E6 {* F9 l
      满分:2  分9 ]& F' x9 r2 ~& \  K& ?
9.  Textual function does not belong to the language metafunctions illustrated by M.A.K. Halliday.' U5 m- E) R' l, {  g2 n' ^% m
A. 错误# \1 k- f0 r' h
B. 正确
! K3 e" @! |! ^) K2 p      满分:2  分% h; ^* w' v! }
10.  The idea that people cooperate with each other in conversing is generalized by Grice (1975) as the politeness principle.
; c/ z" l3 Y+ S7 L5 OA. 错误5 r9 \$ A" x/ Z, S* s
B. 正确/ Z2 y- y& W. ]# g0 E! S
      满分:2  分# l& V0 ^7 u) w7 E! t
11.  Words and phrases like now, yesterday, next week, in three day, etc. are called place deixis.
* ]( l5 ~1 ]* R. Z! E5 I: ~: T4 J% iA. 错误0 h6 w0 `4 ?- W1 R3 _4 z  w8 V+ d: x
B. 正确0 U$ L- m! B; _4 k: R9 a3 D
      满分:2  分
' s) I+ k5 y; _3 F) n& y) \12.  Environmentalist and functionalist theories are those that attempt to explain acquisition on the basis of assuming an innate biological endowment that makes learning possible.
: e, ~+ u# F2 g! H7 W! o5 v9 WA. 错误9 H: _; f3 a( l" U) v6 O% q) b
B. 正确5 i; U3 B+ {9 k6 k2 s" v/ o( o
      满分:2  分
% u. q( F7 v* M4 G4 }, z6 `13.  Beauty and siren both refer to a good-looking woman, but they differ in associative meaning.
5 W4 B9 w, q9 r" \8 H  }$ V! ZA. 错误5 u7 W% s! Z9 a& [  R/ c
B. 正确7 B# E% e. ^* L( b
      满分:2  分. e- @/ L# I/ h# D5 H: U2 @2 U
14.  Both pretty and handsome mean good-looking but they differ in social meaning.
* K1 e1 `( H1 C, Q$ DA. 错误0 }, d3 d& X/ _  L
B. 正确# L& q8 d5 C% q5 P4 [! ?5 M
      满分:2  分4 y9 C7 a# }+ _
15.  The casual style is used between family members and very close friends.7 V2 C' @3 z% `& w2 C
A. 错误
( u5 z1 G2 ?8 IB. 正确0 z1 g# [- _& D" D  I% o) Y8 l% f: W
      满分:2  分
1 |$ v, E# d$ \3 T6 f0 r0 C16.  Words and phrases like now, yesterday, next week, in three day, etc. are called person deixis.
( S* T" o8 A" C7 EA. 错误' ]! _1 J/ ?8 c, s4 f1 O4 a: w2 F
B. 正确, j8 H, w. o& P  l9 X
      满分:2  分
' n4 F, t4 Y" a5 v8 o) L17.  In China, foreign language teaching is composed of activities on four levels, the first of which is educational planning.) A8 _. V6 @, T- n1 Q8 E1 M5 b
A. 错误
! ~( _' B3 n; ]! O- ?" E, L6 tB. 正确/ V4 x3 _, o1 ~5 t% [
      满分:2  分
$ r3 T# _& T8 F( I1 q' H18.  The features that are found over a segment or a sequence of two or more segments are called non-distinctive features.
" o3 r& D" t9 K0 F# dA. 错误
' S, S/ w! Y$ D9 p" ~B. 正确
/ o4 R- I" _2 q4 F* O- }3 K      满分:2  分% S# K+ I7 u# F  |6 m8 B
19.  Dialect is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to varieties according to use.6 x+ R, G8 a" ~8 k' o* ^
A. 错误
& h$ R) j+ a' @' i1 g4 iB. 正确
% }- d( X9 `' D% d% P      满分:2  分$ Z5 ]4 P* u8 j# R" E+ }0 }
20.  [+continuant] specifies all the fricatives, liquids and glides.2 w, e- ^: E4 Q9 N* w7 e
A. 错误$ Z* i5 s4 L0 s4 E* N3 F
B. 正确
- u" i* W- K9 t: P% x      满分:2  分
( _2 A9 U4 Z2 m, C
- \7 O' J1 i& c# \
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