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发表于 2015-5-26 19:24:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' g9 X6 l7 u( m: k: X  T" O; b/ K2 O* O7 s
7 J% ]0 S& ?6 }0 O
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  A capital expenditure results in a debit to ( )
; ^; A& C: a5 h& yA. an expense account6 o* W4 i% c7 e+ e3 A' @
B. a capital account
4 Z; ?/ \$ c& mC. a liability account
6 L5 |# Y; q, d& M; rD. an asset account
: r( i; y: N. D; B- Y- K0 j      满分:2  分
8 H. {, u3 p& _/ A; C8 b2.  The debt created by a business when it makes a purchase on account is referred to as an) q1 }7 E0 |$ W' L1 o* ^
A. account payable
/ u" G2 }" y  w) U' iB. account receivable; I; @; |- N9 v8 q) b% V
C. asset$ G) m( |: K4 _
D. expense payable
. C. @" @/ q1 R" e! Z6 o      满分:2  分* [) T; j* c% ?# t
3.  When the corporation issuing the bonds has the right to repurchase the bonds prior to the maturity date for a specific price, the bonds are. A4 G  r8 s, G1 u. U
A. convertible bonds
" [% T" `* L; R% U- H9 GB. unsecured bonds$ }' p: O4 K# y* I
C. debenture bonds
% V! K( W' v  g8 a; C7 O+ F) Z2 [D. callable bonds. _5 d. Z! _. h! E. k2 T2 D4 J
      满分:2  分
+ q7 a9 `  F' C! r" e3 G6 G( f4.  Which of the items below is not a business organization form?( ); b; V: \& q% @( T
A. entrepreneurship
" f8 l$ X1 O% `  w9 MB. proprietorship
4 G! Y5 I+ M' P# q( UC. partnership
( w- ~0 }5 R5 Y) v. TD. corporation7 N8 k# f# ?( B& v, N& _
      满分:2  分: |( S' `: S+ m( g0 T/ r8 s
5.  Cash investments made by the owner to the business are reported on the statement of cash flows in the, ]1 n, F% I( V) ?' q
A. financing activities section1 ?  g- G, U' H- ~
B. investing activities section
& A# n6 P8 m; d* a3 [/ AC. operating activities section
$ u! B& v4 T. d- r0 uD. supplemental statement$ s! W2 @4 c; K; P7 ?  {4 D+ Q
      满分:2  分
. A5 t7 M" ?+ S6.  Current liabilities are( ). @7 a0 P7 P* ?5 f- E0 v
A. due, but not receivable for more than one year4 O. E2 D+ G! T3 ^" `" |
B. due, but not payable for more than one year
6 L7 D( ^* j, m  C- `' Z  cC. due and receivable within one year' [! u% v# e5 q0 a3 `
D. due and payable within one year% M: F- \. U9 p( A6 B6 ~3 [! X5 P4 v
      满分:2  分
+ h% G1 Z) r2 |, Q$ [6 C1 D3 d& u7.  The measurement bases exclude( )3 `& j7 y3 s/ m+ `. A/ }6 B2 Z3 }+ z
A. Historical cost
# q0 ]" P' s2 L2 v, PB. Current cost
+ {; y/ E  T' ~+ rC. Sale price
9 a; m' V7 ~7 B4 z. P* mD. Present value9 K/ L. c2 d' v8 F
      满分:2  分
- D2 D0 F/ W/ d5 l8.  A bank reconciliation should be prepared periodically because ( )$ M8 j, X8 f7 b) [
A. the depositor's records and the bank's records are in agreement% K) ^' F8 q  @9 \, ]9 y- e2 s; z
B. the bank has not recorded all of its transactions  o4 q  X4 u" B2 z3 q
C. any differences between the depositor's records and the bank's records should be determined, and any errors made by either party should be
  ~) j+ S, V# e' H      满分:2  分
1 }7 F3 G( E! \$ E# P9.  Which statement below is not a reason for a corporation to buy back its own stock.
4 y( w' u: g  U8 TA. resale to employees
+ o" r  h! d, o: X& uB. bonus to employees
( e+ N  l; d  [7 e3 E3 y4 RC. for supporting the market price of the stock
  |3 T# M5 P; P) RD. to increase the shares outstanding
+ j+ b7 {  W' J2 S. T+ _      满分:2  分
8 t( r& K3 o2 G; |6 t10.  On the balance sheet, the amount shown for the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is equal to the ( )
, T) F; Z. L3 r# ]: p- _A. Uncollectible accounts expense for the year
8 P  ^  R7 C" q% ^% eB. total of the accounts receivables written-off during the year8 A- L3 G, c6 }' G: I
C. total estimated uncollectible accounts as of the end of the year9 ]/ X- Q1 c& n
D. sum of all accounts that are past due.
7 [' L, G* t5 I' y      满分:2  分
1 V& t' x6 C- T+ z11.  Cash dividends are usually not paid on which of the following?
1 ^1 l, `( J- TA. class B common stock
. y+ ^9 a& C+ ~' X- }: F2 \+ U2 D8 QB. preferred stock$ d1 x8 b- U/ G! T6 J0 |
C. treasury stock
2 p$ P& C6 v' @" ^( y  _D. class A common stock7 x* ]: k+ m! }4 h- F- `  V
      满分:2  分
! [3 u2 H1 Y/ E- q8 ~7 S/ c8 O12.  The primary purpose of a stock split is to ( )
' N0 Q: x* d" `A. increase paid-in capital* k& v) [# b+ O- K- v
B. reduce the market price of the stock per share1 e0 Y4 i! g/ p8 t4 e4 q4 C$ W! E8 z
C. increase the market price of the stock per share% R4 E  @) l+ G9 t
D. increase retained earnings
* W" N! k  ?9 i  M/ r      满分:2  分4 m  Q) M" Y, N& a1 l. B8 X
13.  When the perpetual inventory system is used, the inventory sold is debited to ( )/ C; v. e0 e2 M/ h6 b
A. supplies expense) x7 t! i1 c  T8 Q% P5 `
B. cost of merchandise sold: }5 y% e) H8 s$ j) z0 n
C. merchandise inventory$ z% c4 r4 R9 E) F
D. sales9 R5 s; A; i2 ?  n! Q, ~% I4 U5 P/ |
      满分:2  分
# u( r1 D- K' Q1 n; ~- z14.  The two most common specialized fields of accounting in practice are( )
! n/ o- f' e6 e1 F) m4 _A. forensic accounting and financial accounting
/ w& R; w! f/ c- G9 w5 ?B. managerial accounting and financial accounting
4 x9 u; F0 c' b1 T/ E) }' e/ m, YC. managerial accounting and environmental accounting
1 e5 g& l2 n$ h6 aD. financial accounting and tax accounting systems  \4 {# d, ]3 ?
      满分:2  分
3 h8 B# T/ D+ N, D* }. a15.  The cost of a product warranty should be included as an expense in the ( )
, V, |  u2 s$ e1 _A. period the cash is collected for a product sold on account3 M6 H3 s0 j9 e, P$ i/ z2 h/ Q
B. future period when the cost of repairing the product is paid: }: |) Q" y6 L* ?
C. period of the sale of the product  e  A) J1 I# u$ o7 `
D. future period when the product is repaired or replaced; _7 e- K& F: |" E
      满分:2  分
8 g5 n. f) }- B+ p+ j16.  What is the type of account and normal balance of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?' e- y( ]  U4 W; j' L
A. Contra asset, credit
5 W) V2 W0 i" ]4 kB. Asset, debit& s$ M6 W* C6 ]$ P
C. Asset, credit6 L3 G6 B: C1 ^9 V7 [+ B0 @2 U& t: {
D. Contra asset, debit
3 S  \4 d* d; l# ~1 G- T8 a      满分:2  分
1 }* y# k* [$ y* U( y! Z8 \17.  The inventory method that assigns the most recent costs to cost of good sold is# f* G2 v# x2 W% _# i
4 L3 @. w' g) Y. h* S  `+ PB. LIFO
8 J3 W1 C* @1 S, t8 NC. average
4 |  [  q9 s9 @: Z! zD. specific identification
0 v6 N7 {6 y5 ~8 u* a; H      满分:2  分
3 o7 @: Y! b1 R' V: D' y5 K2 T1 A18.  Sinking Fund Cash would be classified on the balance sheet as ( )4 U* L- ^1 S6 h" M2 n
A. a current asset
# I0 W; U7 W  g0 e- }B. a fixed asset
- _; ]. t) D& t* rC. an intangible asset# p5 v5 N2 U' f- g6 S& [
D. an investment+ Z) J/ }% c/ u; v9 Q2 C  T
      满分:2  分5 c- G! L9 a3 u/ |3 x( W' K* b( ~% ^
19.  Revenue should be recognized when( )7 }5 w% w$ ?6 X1 B
A. cash is received
+ ~. J* C2 B' W9 O4 Y7 qB. the service is performed, `$ n. R  O! {/ n0 t, ?0 _
C. the customer places an order
0 Q& W; T) @. {- s1 \' \" o- FD. the customer charges an order
) W7 E+ b2 B7 o      满分:2  分4 d6 Y* d  B- L* t5 }  ~
20.  For accounting purposes, the business entity should be considered separate from its owners if the entity is( )0 v4 r7 x- a2 Y; E5 g
A. a corporation
. \* ~$ r# c8 l  GB. a proprietorship  U1 x2 u8 q! ~3 M1 S
C. a partnership  x6 B4 c) W( \. s
D. all of the above5 f: f! Z$ I8 a* o4 k4 `
      满分:2  分 ' S/ g: |0 J2 O& P

; i4 v% e: k8 I: ?二、判断题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  Overall objective of financial reporting is to provide financial information useful to internal users in making economic decisions.
( Y4 h, z0 {2 m& e# XA. 错误
. E9 k, D, y- ?4 Y+ hB. 正确
" c: }) g7 O8 V2 ^! b3 \7 w  C      满分:2  分
& W$ @2 w" v3 p) [$ p  V2.  For a current liability to exist, the following two tests must be met. The liability must be due usually within a year and must be paid out of current assets./ h( E, ~% O( |: U% F5 `, R" O
A. 错误
0 O7 g. p5 m) J" ]B. 正确# C7 A& I0 N3 C& }. k
      满分:2  分
# h: w; j' N6 ]& @' U' j3.  A fixed asset impairments occurs when the fair value of a fixed asset falls below its book value and is not expected to recover." ?3 w6 u, y& c) \: N) k$ `; ~
A. 错误
' @* Y7 E2 H) A, l6 U7 kB. 正确
5 S3 ]) S. d7 E: X+ Y* ~  }( l      满分:2  分3 v4 F. s' u. r9 C, J7 ]
4.  Bonds are sold at face value when the contract rate is equal to the market rate of interest.
9 c: Y& v3 d# NA. 错误
; L9 Z, w. b+ i6 @. {B. 正确
+ A* j1 `$ K2 J1 j$ \, Y      满分:2  分
1 k% ^& N3 z! l5.  In preparing bank reconciliation, the amount of outstanding checks is added to the balance per bank statement.
- c+ {& |+ f% i  O/ u2 ]A. 错误$ J) x. k* m+ a1 T
B. 正确3 _% y, N; x: M1 [6 ?. b
      满分:2  分
6 f6 X1 G7 ]5 U# ]$ ?6.  During inflationary periods, the use of the LIFO method of costing inventory will result in a greater amount of net income than would result from the use of the FIFO method.
$ g+ X0 k0 ]! iA. 错误
- E% e& r! Q: O" D; W. LB. 正确
' q. \2 ~8 b  K' E: t      满分:2  分
4 z# ~! \- t8 [  A+ y" Q7.  Sales Discounts is a revenue account with a credit balance.6 q& j3 K4 u1 c8 {6 I* @  ^+ l
A. 错误
" s5 d9 r/ D% V, DB. 正确4 y! u: `) c- B5 Y, v6 y
      满分:2  分
* o' j$ j6 j5 U, U8 g9 O, p8.  An income statement is a summary of the revenues and expenses of a business as of a specific date.! ?' p, U; y) i0 N$ K4 w3 L4 E& c
A. 错误
4 C) G9 s$ \1 X6 W$ v' T. wB. 正确# d- [: k) q1 ~. a* z0 Z
      满分:2  分
3 `+ N& J! x- |) }4 l9.  Financial statements should be understandable to everyone.; p. a9 V! d! g' X/ P8 \
A. 错误3 p; \: U0 B6 F5 u
B. 正确; R" s2 b2 p; j& U: w, `/ ?# Q4 y
      满分:2  分
7 \; {  R* o5 Q7 [* u& g! f" `2 d10.  The allowance for doubtful accounts is similar to accumulated depreciation in that the account represents the total of all accounts written-off since the beginning year.  V7 o. R7 s3 l
A. 错误
' F  B$ x2 Q' y' tB. 正确
# h4 D3 Z& T( |4 p- f" N2 e      满分:2  分  i4 K7 t& H( Z7 r3 S$ m. D' _" k0 G
11.  Revenue accounts are increased by credits.- F6 \+ a% e# W/ g# b
A. 错误
% R3 D; [2 G! j: tB. 正确& ?0 J3 D7 S5 W& d
      满分:2  分
& l" a9 b" I7 d1 d" o7 ?12.  During inflationary periods, an advantage of the LIFO inventory cost method is that it matches more recent costs against current revenues.
7 y1 Z0 q7 C1 L& G( r7 \2 BA. 错误
* f' A$ p4 Z- nB. 正确
( W5 |; G4 }0 A7 _( f% q& y& S0 w      满分:2  分& X+ B1 r$ F) q( P3 p$ m
13.  The statement of cash flows consists of an operating section, an income section, and an equity section.& E9 O# h) e( u( W
A. 错误, \# S- ^0 P7 s0 c6 ^$ H0 I) ]0 C
B. 正确  C3 J6 C# p( J0 V! C/ P, z
      满分:2  分
& f/ _* T, Q6 ]* x; H14.  Any difference between the fair market values of the securities and their cost is a realized gain or loss.( b# y# L1 f0 R% E" k
A. 错误
( J1 j1 x5 G+ q8 \. o0 V/ TB. 正确5 `6 e* W& B( i2 D3 Y, ^1 k0 v
      满分:2  分3 g9 B2 {- _" q) J
15.  Ordinarily, a corporation owning a significant portion of the voting stock of another corporation accounts for the investment using the equity method.# b4 ^# H' _, [" p
A. 错误, W  g- D0 X, Q* c# l' n7 _
B. 正确+ `+ z+ K1 L4 T
      满分:2  分
7 J" M7 e0 G0 l: \1 A0 O* h' Y16.  Income is recognized when an increase in future benefits related to an increase in an asset of a decrease of a liability has arisen that can be measured reliably.! R! Q( E9 E1 R: [2 T/ ?
A. 错误
  O/ O+ r1 n' m+ ZB. 正确
: Z1 d% B0 }( o) x: d      满分:2  分
6 Q; g+ K+ V& {3 a17.  The balance of the allowance for doubtful accounts is added to accounts receivable on the balance sheet.; n+ m; }: C; C" F
A. 错误* g/ f0 H5 h8 b3 Z* y- x' j& ~
B. 正确
# G, b* [7 y- @+ d( @; T5 g* x% ~      满分:2  分
6 t2 C: \3 @* S8 o18.  Managerial accounting is primarily concerned with the recording and reporting of economic data and activities of an entity for use by owners, creditors, governmental agencies, and the public.$ N" b5 l9 U  s9 V- n8 |- a9 L
A. 错误
5 U- \0 N- T1 [3 B% bB. 正确8 m# Y5 v$ X, K' {
      满分:2  分- _9 R# i* G& g3 M* P6 l
19.  The journal entry to record the cost of warranty repairs that were incurred during the current period, but related to sales made in prior years, includes a debit to Warranty Expense.
! e9 X6 p2 j& p! C& u* ^+ E) k. uA. 错误1 w% e0 b5 p: A  v
B. 正确
0 }) s8 b+ i- O: M      满分:2  分% K+ Z: @3 G7 |" Q& g3 b5 G
20.  Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users.7 G: |' N" z  G$ y
A. 错误
- s% A  h* m5 P9 k" u4 ]2 Y5 MB. 正确
) e+ F' y+ @- S% C      满分:2  分
& t0 m% c4 u/ @2 f9 h' a$ C3 y21.  The book value of a fixed asset reported on the balance sheet represents its market value on that date.
) l, c. G" J1 G6 C4 v' o7 UA. 错误* `$ y) J7 [' \. i) a9 ~6 l' Y
B. 正确
& d6 Y  x: u( a5 \+ g9 O( K      满分:2  分- {8 z1 h2 h- d* a$ g7 q! V
22.  Consuming goods and services in the process of generating revenues results in expenses.
& {- p# h+ t- k+ F$ DA. 错误
; @  N, t4 y  K: g, Z# U8 zB. 正确0 h4 |' _* H4 H& x/ W
      满分:2  分  Z( x4 q1 `' ?5 x: U- c/ ~% v0 @! h: Z
23.  If ending inventory for the year is understated, net income for the year is overstated.# {* k- c& P$ M: j" E, b
A. 错误
3 _: e6 k' C3 L/ wB. 正确+ H$ V1 P7 I3 c
      满分:2  分4 R& d- e9 j5 s1 t! y% \: u
24.  The amortization of a premium on bonds payable decreases bond interest expense.
8 Z% n- v. ^  R& S7 p; t+ iA. 错误1 {/ G: {* B8 d% T) Y* X
B. 正确. g3 I; ^" Y' L3 o) G; a6 j
      满分:2  分
- D8 `5 ?! ?1 g0 E" |1 L* U# e7 u25.  Amortization is the allocation process of writing off bond premiums and discounts to interest expense over the life of the bond issue.
. p  A6 b1 ~3 G( J0 ]) YA. 错误" F, x- m8 U( r$ F6 S# w
B. 正确
9 ~- {+ x* g! ^! {      满分:2  分2 j4 f" E" e  h& x1 b
26.  Intangible assets differ from property, plant and equipment assets in that they lack physical substance.
3 o  Y" I. A0 {2 G/ F( NA. 错误
7 W' {5 p& ~( {' B2 U3 p( sB. 正确( Y: z. v  k5 i, E: v
      满分:2  分
; t' f7 u. \9 `27.  Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is a liability account.2 D- U6 T5 r; j
A. 错误9 |. y4 y& d, J8 w0 h
B. 正确
( V# L. M$ G% }3 J( y+ q* @7 Q      满分:2  分: u! B: V  C4 k) a* }/ R' c
28.  The double-entry accounting system records each transaction twice.6 t7 m) u2 J. D5 z
A. 错误# b/ i! a8 @" j3 g
B. 正确
: P  z7 G% w% K# E# Y      满分:2  分  g; \% u/ K8 a: P5 ?7 M
29.  Primary users of accounting information are accountants.* a: X$ }. K" p; ^5 n( l
A. 错误
) _1 z2 S1 x+ I, gB. 正确
6 J0 q8 W) u) O+ H& Z$ [9 v      满分:2  分; z9 }  D# C8 E* I& k' m
30.  When a stock dividend is declared, it becomes a liability
# _6 Q1 M3 s# b  d* UA. 错误
: e2 y7 G  R! T  XB. 正确
1 C" D; W: G2 @      满分:2  分 3 v2 S6 ]: G0 K1 B% @

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