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发表于 2015-5-30 09:51:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  茅盾先生说过:翻译文学作品 ,很重要的一点是
% r4 u. ^* q$ o5 O7 R) t; vA. 能将它的风格翻译出来
, G& e% D8 F: Q2 O1 |5 v$ fB. 能将它的一部分风格翻译出来
" J$ y5 Z4 U) x$ wC. 译者要有自己的风格, B+ k' s5 J5 {0 V$ g9 i; g
D. 风格是无法翻译的# `' P7 q- G$ z. r' L
      满分:4  分
! |' \  `& A( ?5 b% r2.  他尽管有点老,但还能胜任这项工作。
- t$ v" B, u( q4 o) n: e% Y  Z' [A. Though a bit old, he is still fit for the work.( K: E! |+ I+ Q# v/ Q+ ~
B. Although a bit old, he is fitful of this work.
/ H# H4 Q7 Q, R3 X. jC. Though a bit old, his is competent in the work yet." c9 p/ P: ^" ?0 P- ~8 s; r
D. Although being a bit old, he is suitable to the job.: d6 d! e/ U. s$ m/ N
      满分:4  分
, D5 x. Z  l) p; [/ S- l3.  中国作为疆域辽阔、人口众多、历史悠久的国家,应该对人类有较大的贡献。
6 ^3 A, L$ s2 r4 C- w- m& uA. A country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, China should make greater contributions to humanity.
. C9 I5 d8 r8 m3 |! LB. China is a country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, should make greater contributions to humanity.( X( p1 Q( ]5 F. e4 g( e
C. China has a vast territory, a big population and a long history, and thus makes greater contributions to humanity.. K& w7 K5 I7 p6 |) X5 H
D. As a country, China has not only a vast territory, a big population but also a long history. Therefore, China should make greater contributions to humanity.3 U3 s8 L! e; l  c5 ?
      满分:4  分8 b; d) s$ e2 E
4.  I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers.
$ m) }$ O% v/ U! A& R' X6 F1 {: wA. 我记得儿时的名字、小草和秘密的小花。$ i. y+ }3 C/ o, u
B. 我记得在我儿时,我的名字是以小草和隐藏的小花命名的。
) j# R8 B& B9 p. O7 d! F2 pC. 我记得儿时给各种小草和隐蔽的小花取的名字。* a2 L- j" D4 H) p$ n
D. 我记得童年时给各种小草起的名字和一些隐蔽的小花。
2 F) F: }1 L; V1 e# N      满分:4  分% v3 [+ p4 ?# v! S) Q' y
5.  你什么时候方便就过来玩。, [. U$ ?, g% @; w
A. Come and play when you are convenient.+ L; H$ n! x$ ^. O
B. Come here to play if you are convenient.
& D5 F$ n, x' K" FC. Drop in whenever it’s convenient.5 x& U- L7 M7 L6 F5 c6 P
D. Drop in whenever you have convenience." @( ~8 v' ^/ S0 s& L& X
      满分:4  分  s6 d; o. w* U4 u& s
6.  We often say that there are no places left on the earth where the foot of man has not trodden.+ e* a1 A% g8 I; @, W8 B
A. 我们常说地球上没有没留下人类脚步的地方。* \! F: y1 Q. }5 \
B. 人们常说人类的脚步践踏的地方地球上无处不在。4 C# S; M4 T' L6 q! P) x6 s+ c* K0 @
C. 人们常说,人迹不到的地球上没有留下地方。
" V; A5 T: k1 M$ ND. 我们常说,地球上无处不留下人类的足迹。1 G" x7 I7 H) j8 k! o
      满分:4  分- t3 M+ c9 F# J4 y3 C7 b" P: h
7.  ________先生在《中国语法理论》中指出:“中国语多用意合法;西方多用形合法。”
1 K- q4 ]: ^; c3 O, LA. 王力9 K' Y" ~9 a2 @# L9 x$ h6 k
B. 玄奘; t" y, m% L. J
C. 傅雷
) q" P- C' p% q" v4 _, p* ND. 郭沫若( Y8 F6 b5 k" {( l! K
      满分:4  分: {: j2 }" K; R1 D. _/ x0 l$ W3 r
8.  He thought that directly internal confidence in the regime declines,her financial structure would be in danger., W7 _2 X; s4 I( i
A. 他认为,那直接影响着园内对政府的信心下降,它的财歧体制就会出现危机了。4 Z3 L5 n3 F4 ^7 }
B. 他直截了当地认为,国内对政府的信心下降,其财政结构就要出现危机了。
0 c" D# N" o3 @# z. @C. 他认为,一旦国内对政府的信心下降,她的财政体制就会出现危机。
% D8 n) f# E. C$ e3 zD. 他当时认为,只要政府内部失去信心,其金融结构就会瓦解。& g9 H9 y* |/ I$ M: r
      满分:4  分
& ^8 [7 y) v) a7 w5 q* g9.  The Art of Translation is written by _____.8 C6 p8 F4 ]) ]( f3 G. v1 i/ }
A. Charles R.Taber4 D5 h7 i) q$ U% d0 g
B. George Steiner: X- P1 Z3 h" I/ j
C. Theodore Savory
  L" F% E3 L" t- {& ~' C& mD. Eugene A.Nida
1 k, K. j, q( F2 P" e      满分:4  分
; M" ^/ f. {) m4 u- h* ~10.  在他3岁的时候,父亲去世了,母子俩无依无靠,处境更加艰难。
5 G9 C, `, S* p( ?5 dA. At the age of three, he lost his father. With no one to support them, mother and son found life still more difficult." A$ N" j, a6 d2 V( q" J
B. When he was three, his father died; he and his mother were in a difficult situation as there was nobody to support them.+ Y9 o  }6 l8 H' P6 j- g) z7 e
C. At the age of three, he lost his father; he and his mother were in a difficult situation as there was nobody to support them.$ ^5 j8 `; B* k& z8 t
D. At the age of three, his father died. With no one to support them, mother and son found life still more difficult., ]9 X9 q9 @5 B# M. K: z
      满分:4  分
+ s" U" E) T* c$ u
9 K$ L! W. v- c二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  You can never be careful enough. 你越细心越好。
/ T1 i; q, @/ h& aA. 错误# i& h& B5 R0 B: a: f
B. 正确
5 a, a' w, C3 k  E! F" m      满分:3  分
% G/ u1 F* q5 w8 J0 ^, l2.  I suspected that he was pulling my leg. 我怀疑他在拉我后腿。4 H& e" r! D9 b1 g* i% o
A. 错误
; ?9 N! d; D6 }0 BB. 正确7 @0 F# y3 }% H! f; y5 E  q
      满分:3  分
% G9 v" W3 F- Q+ ]8 G; j( s% e( M3.  夜里下过一场雷阵雨。 There was a thunder shower at night.
" |* `+ m" j3 B! YA. 错误( D# G% H9 N& O" X8 Y/ J
B. 正确# _1 _8 D8 m; B, B+ n8 D
      满分:3  分
% r8 X* F; ~# N4 y2 t# z4.  学习外语的方法和学习游泳的方法一样,必须把实践放到第一位。 The way of learning foreign language is the same as learning swimming. Practice must be put first.0 T& p4 k! H8 W; H* S
A. 错误. s9 y2 F3 m7 C; c/ U$ E6 A' @
B. 正确
/ {$ r/ n; c0 F      满分:3  分
1 [* _; \# l( p3 W1 Q( W3 N5.  前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。 The prospects are bright, but the road is tortuous.2 |9 K! r, ~- t, h) R* H
A. 错误3 `' v3 H, u; c- P9 [
B. 正确% \) ?1 q& P8 G; j
      满分:3  分0 C. i1 ^! G' p0 F, t
6.  我希望你常来信。 I expect you to write me now and then.0 U0 T  n& |7 C  _( ^" ~$ `( d
A. 错误
9 }7 M" m  y+ `0 M; O* |  WB. 正确
. @9 ^/ }7 d2 d) R$ _/ A3 J      满分:3  分% {& m; e6 ]; T& Y7 J
7.  无论什么都逃不脱他的眼睛 。 Nothing can escape his eyes.
3 z4 Z' ]4 _  I5 F- X) K3 B! ZA. 错误, Z1 r) K5 D% D  u/ g
B. 正确
1 [; Q/ j4 [7 a, K: ~      满分:3  分
2 [4 p* W, J5 e) q- s% J8.  我离开家乡多年了。 I have left my hometown for many yeas.
0 g0 l: G1 J' J7 I5 X# a4 J7 |# mA. 错误, D. d" c0 E% k# o: s! O. O/ v2 Y
B. 正确
' T# v5 j% f% l2 P! M      满分:3  分) _) `& _8 g7 M
9.  有五种爵位:公侯伯子男。 There are five ranks of nobility: baron, viscount, earl, marquis and duke.. x  P+ l# u9 h* f
A. 错误
9 D; H, P3 C! ~9 Y9 H# iB. 正确/ ]* o) Q2 z! X. `! g
      满分:3  分
# e3 n! x2 M; J1 f9 q/ ?2 ?10.  There had been a meeting of the minds. 头脑里曾举行过一次会议。
7 _. h+ c+ p( UA. 错误
) ?8 r7 _  N/ C1 v  LB. 正确; g' o: r  g- M9 d! V6 d4 n
      满分:3  分. ]5 {6 m0 I5 ~/ {' W
11.  He was convinced on the basis of what had by then appeared that there would be a lot of trouble ahead. 他确信那时已经出现的情况的基础,前面还会有不少麻烦。
5 d0 Z1 `! |4 R; X4 FA. 错误6 A0 I0 D$ T  q$ L0 J  U  j
B. 正确* W* Q2 {7 D( \6 t6 e
      满分:3  分
( C3 h8 [5 Q, [6 x1 d9 g- J12.  劳拉打了鲍勃一耳光。 Laura slapped Bob on the cheek." Z' H; F1 ^9 l( ~& B# D
A. 错误
) G& G% a5 V; \1 W! [" sB. 正确5 Q3 a5 _5 d4 r, W
      满分:3  分+ I$ _) U6 a! ^5 {
13.  这幢房屋值10万元。 The house worths 100,000 dollars.
" n7 I# r. i/ Q) T/ H! {' u  yA. 错误1 N$ h9 _' v3 l  P2 \  U5 c
B. 正确# l5 j" W: h6 [. O' y+ Z8 ^+ v
      满分:3  分
' q+ W/ |" l) Z% R" _+ |1 A7 L" d14.  The importance of spoken English cannot be overemphasized . 对于英语口语的重要性,不可过分强调。' U5 F3 J4 y4 O( h; j8 Q
A. 错误: O0 p1 ~( c- A# x1 l
B. 正确
: p$ v) Z4 ?3 ]6 @      满分:3  分
5 `- d& O0 y+ k0 J9 f( d% N15.  There are some kinds of rays from the sun which would burn us to death if we were not protected from them. 太阳中有些光线射到我们身上会把我们烧死,如果我们不防备的话。' Y" q% j, I1 a) t! O
A. 错误
% P# j: `( _' b1 q( J7 eB. 正确% J- t+ w5 W  I5 o! `# o
      满分:3  分6 t; N8 J$ y( G- l
16.  你们在讨论什么呢? What are you discussing about?# T7 H. T6 J. H- c- S( \' [7 m
A. 错误
. i" _- H; K$ o, H, r6 |B. 正确
' g: f0 Y/ z) S! ~0 ~2 K      满分:3  分1 ^, m4 r, j& C$ B
17.  中国人民不用多久就会变得富裕起来。 It won’t be long before the Chinese people will become well off.
$ R$ N2 K+ g# `/ rA. 错误, L9 D2 u# `. q& R) q
B. 正确2 w5 w: d; q3 I0 A: t9 d
      满分:3  分; V* V, ~* V& V* I% P7 g
18.  They had barely enough time to catch the train.他们差点儿没赶上火车。
) |9 a$ V$ |8 Y7 S1 I. OA. 错误- \. p4 g. T/ ]+ l, B- t; m
B. 正确7 q7 ]' n. \* L. e8 Z1 d* g
      满分:3  分0 g$ M+ Y! M) E- a( K: |
19.  在改造自然的斗争中,人类也在改造自己。 In the struggle to transform nature,man has also been reforming himself.
: D5 J8 b  h- j/ c# Z( E+ sA. 错误
' k% G8 M" _1 v$ a: f0 B8 |" SB. 正确! R' F/ _9 F( X% {1 G% ~
      满分:3  分
+ Q+ Z2 [7 v' a4 G- l20.  不知不觉,夜幕降临了。 Evening came before we realized it.
& E2 x8 Q0 B2 ]7 JA. 错误
7 x- x! [$ h* I2 z. f+ r. DB. 正确& `, c6 k0 R" t, E& {6 h/ E
      满分:3  分
) `2 W2 l1 ~6 ]# Y1 i. G! X
- s; X5 S; H$ A4 F
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