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发表于 2015-6-8 16:58:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  In the morning, people take different()to go to work.A. vehicles
/ i# b% t  U& uB. steps/ d9 y8 h2 u0 J5 r6 \: @
C. feet
& a& }* i+ b* V3 I) gD. hands+ q5 N( Q$ q/ n' W
      满分:3  分0 r) ^$ |  W+ e) L1 U5 B2 p4 J
2.  The doctor says that Lily’s heart disease is () from her mother.A. inherited* Q% E% k1 ]3 S: c4 I9 B
B. driven
7 w- P3 H4 K" V  ^$ }5 p# pC. derived
  J7 c" O/ N- Y0 [/ XD. spread
8 j$ h$ u% Q: ]) v      满分:3  分( D# w' H. H- n% S
3.  Smog is harmful to human health, as the () flowing in the air will do damage to the immune system.A. things
1 t( p# f2 B6 q, y( j: eB. objects
3 ?& C: g  s' W4 nC. chemicals
" m6 k6 }$ f: B, GD. matters
- G( c" U: r5 T9 p' }& j      满分:3  分4 s  d  M. T1 ~* ?  ~0 n
4.  Compared to the close relationship between neighbors in the past, people now are()related.A. closely
7 n0 u  ^$ U" x1 Z1 o2 VB. tightly
4 S, N% {; M/ `  @* e6 GC. loosely
! g+ q5 J, c: J+ p; kD. strictly% n8 @- z" C2 K0 T3 r( s
      满分:3  分
5 Y$ Y+ v7 E6 T$ v) @7 p5.  Not knowing what to reply () such a question, we kept silent.A. /: O' f$ J5 Z: d/ z* u( y. h! g3 U
B. to. ~( D+ [4 e( b8 C' `6 v7 K; h
C. with
$ N; x" Y8 D" PD. on
0 k: G) d( R- ?" m, ^* N7 x0 `/ W      满分:3  分5 c0 v% D+ ]" C
6.  Education has for its object the formation of().A. personality
; @5 ^3 x  ?+ l5 kB. character4 J0 Y$ z% V; ^' J$ R6 A, o
C. temperament: i. y8 K/ b( b) D; Q% D4 f
D. decision
8 r. Q& E  d1 s! |0 K7 {5 k" }      满分:3  分
% y) ^1 o, ?+ z" }7.  In classroom teaching, students are encouraged to come up with () ideas.A. boring
0 M8 O. G" \8 U6 BB. innovative" W& c7 K: {* d: H0 M3 [
C. old
" C& o% T5 ~0 pD. creative
3 ~+ O0 ^: v- q: c& d      满分:3  分
) Q' b, o, H) A- @2 V. Y: V8.  I still cannot figure () the sum I require.A. in' b" l+ Z) p# b7 r4 ~$ m" c5 P
B. out" y! R4 w/ S0 l* N+ r
C. up3 Q3 v1 ^0 S1 \. x' M8 x
D. over) F7 Q+ W5 t7 G% T; @" F
      满分:3  分* ^& C$ j  \' I8 r
9.  During the huge earthquake, the animals were () to the extreme that they refused to go back to the cage.A. happy
, p  Q' f) B7 \* JB. horror
$ O% a3 I# R- EC. frightened4 _# ]$ A# u: _  x% n/ ]
D. shocked
' q3 V& c& q' [/ Q# g0 S      满分:3  分5 z: [. L7 ~- S  `0 M
10.  Since his face is red when he feels shy, his friends give him the () “red John”.A. name
0 m9 x( @8 F: v* r. vB. calling+ _; R1 w; C: e: @# H4 o
C. nickname
; \' Q( n$ r- V: N3 o) K$ j; QD. big name
1 O" W. i2 A8 s) A' l0 |      满分:3  分- r6 O' z# X% L* g) I) y  U
11.  My aunt has a special () for rheumatism.A. recipe
3 S) t+ @' L  @5 lB. prescription- R7 @0 v! f" k* N/ y/ ]+ _, }3 r
C. cure
3 @- ]) A  H+ {; N" Q3 w& F! BD. method% J+ w+ y+ V: s* m$ w
      满分:3  分' Q) K& ~& S. ^# k
12.  Mother is preparing a meal while keeping () the baby.A. eyes on
! H1 k) X' ?' r0 W% {B. eye on) [' v- V2 s7 f8 z4 S1 S0 l
C. an eye for' H, B% g5 r$ M
D. an eye on( s1 B; z0 Y8 v/ Z- y3 F$ O
      满分:3  分# K- W8 J! x( t8 [+ }
13.  () you are blind, you will not miss the astonishing changes taking place in Shanghai.A. Although
/ `! g, \0 K; c7 U* L2 K9 |& o# l, YB. If
. t; E9 l: x6 ]' k$ o& pC. Since
1 t3 R4 c0 i' B6 K2 m2 hD. Unless5 X% ?( F' d* T8 K, \% D
      满分:3  分
1 ^4 q) A% }8 h  o  k; f14.  I don't think it any use () him.A. reasoning with* t+ T! |9 `8 W6 F2 s
B. for reasoning with
" h( |! J  }* E1 e3 n  o- b& k3 Q+ wC. reason with
  _9 E4 R" ?- b9 {. wD. to be reasoning with
3 ^4 h. ]  J' _5 P3 V      满分:3  分6 L8 Q2 o: ?2 z% K& c) p
15.  Such a silly thing cannot never be done by an () person.A. clever
  w1 R# D% r! U$ U% BB. stupid$ P( ?- `) N" C% @# r5 `
C. smart
/ t# p) g8 J5 ^2 FD. intelligent
  v) ]& I. n" M" w# u7 h! M( o      满分:3  分
! O5 ]. J& C! E* n% E* P1 {+ {0 V16.  My parents are not interested in pop music. They are () the times.A. before
0 D! ~( Y( `; v9 E2 [1 P* K' gB. behind
& M- B/ I3 a; \. K# z: h1 R) PC. against0 ?1 ?! K* G1 p4 M0 H
D. after! P, p# g1 A7 i. l! J2 d
      满分:3  分
$ K1 J6 W. |0 E, G% n1 Z- y7 m17.  What are you () if she asks you to stay?A. doing! g0 j( D2 E- I! D: M
B. to do
$ X: K% W2 t$ S; x9 w4 C5 Y: vC. to be done
# ^% a/ R8 k" ?5 T. ID. to be doing
8 I( j( a  F$ W0 m8 Q      满分:3  分3 |* {, e+ z  w/ n# M0 b* n
18.  The General Store sells clothing and many other things () food.A. inaddition, p$ O7 i* F7 Y1 ~
B. except for$ I# n1 n' F7 Q$ L
C. apart from% s9 S7 N/ a1 O5 V/ H$ v8 I+ }
D. beside0 [! d6 B! [2 t+ k% {
      满分:3  分" C; N+ a: i. K3 f
19.  Jack seems to have no() of time, for he is always late.A. idea7 `: k3 h; W" y& y: D6 p' w
B. conception
; f1 T: X% o7 p; R% OC. opinion
2 R+ u5 v# p. d. v& T: W) \. qD. concept% ?1 {4 r8 g* C" p
      满分:3  分% a4 f& U3 M" h4 ]* h
20.  If you can't remember, let me try to () your memoryA. awaken( l. ?# c9 ]  M' H7 ?
B. stimulate
, z! c  q, D9 I. q0 LC. refresh9 X5 e# i; O3 i) t6 A- z
D. arouse
: e" i' m, M5 Y4 m* N* j" q* m      满分:3  分
, Z4 T4 f. \9 t+ \# S$ R6 H二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  Various means have been taken to check students’ learning. They are().A. quizzes( \8 o" {. f: W
B. duel
+ s0 r9 K) G' C7 ]- j2 G* n3 YC. tests/ z- C4 {0 ^2 q- m
D. exams# n0 S5 k, L9 w2 p# G4 ^- M
      满分:2  分
# D  O# K' a$ D' Y' `  `4 A2.  The nutritious food fast food places now offer is ().A. low-fat hamburgers/ v0 {6 \3 A: C2 [) q; ?/ B3 r
B. broiled or roasted chicken/ Z% g7 x5 G) Y4 k9 I4 x
C. salad bars
5 {8 b8 g/ \+ J& uD. fried chicken. u; d5 l% O& m* Q5 F2 e# l1 s7 ]
      满分:2  分
. ^' p, u7 p) |7 i) ?3.  What is not the recommended kind of email address or screen name according to the passage?A. long name with different letters.
4 g& N3 ~1 Q2 E  u, n9 j/ iB. A long name with different numbers.
0 u; I% D' c# ~9 d# U' HC. A name with the combination of letters and numbers.! S- z; ?9 F8 d" l6 c% R: N$ x( `
D. A name with unusual symbols.
9 E3 e; p. W4 f( d( y      满分:2  分% }: l% P4 [7 k
4.  Cyberbullying ().A. refers to cruel or bullying messages sent to you online, M: R5 {' [" n( \1 }
B. has been stopped+ f& k! v9 d" W( ~  h  Y
C. can be irritating+ C% ?4 l" z/ i& B- P
D. is not frightening
1 {0 I& v" Y* P      满分:2  分! j$ h8 @8 q# _- i* F& J
5.  Which of the following is the name of the festival? ().A. Halloween
( d- A  D% n2 v- I9 S) mB. All Hallows’ Day
* ]& i4 l- L8 Q/ R8 Y1 J' ^% V/ X. wC. All Saints’ Day; N) k1 K1 m, Z* d) y% X6 e+ d5 i
D. Ghosts’ Day
6 p6 s4 E) y" w* G' w      满分:2  分% E& ?; A8 @) M0 E: ~- F- d3 g
6.  People requesting personal information may ().A. send mails of advertisements3 z7 Y7 }$ |7 F- M9 o
B. begin illegal or indecent relationships
, G  ~( q  ~. B2 J4 E, I1 {% A. VC. harm a person's or family's well-being, {  D4 S- c; ]! y4 g" F. N8 K
D. call the police1 \, }/ t( ]6 p
      满分:2  分
- S0 F, T+ s8 _. H+ F7.  The British Parliament is composed of().A. House of commons5 j* q! V$ m, l
B. queen
5 n# J& G, x& mC. House of Lords
' ?, ~% l# J" A$ W3 }D. cabinet! C( h9 R0 w  ~
      满分:2  分
3 h7 }! ?8 r( M4 R2 u& Y8.  Which of the following words can refer to the Internet?A. The World Wide Web& x! t2 h6 @# {8 a  c, F- V: x
B. The net cafe* x& L1 @8 j$ ~" F- P1 n
C. The cyber space
" i: \% W$ Q4 k% }D. The network
4 B. v6 O7 P  c% |* ~0 b; y      满分:2  分* w! o" I1 E9 P1 x- d6 m7 S
9.  During the orientation week, students usually().A. collect information about the college or university/ v* L' R' @' @" V! S
B. attend informative lectures that introduce how to use campus resources9 ?; \. Q9 @$ _4 v
C. buy necessary items at a low price at the “flea market”3 b( r# i3 A& h! u
D. have full relaxation  i: I4 I* z& d
      满分:2  分- e1 _/ f  H: x& P, \% \3 K
10.  The two-paycheck families().A. are popular today
+ k3 O5 d+ G3 T5 i' x/ b& jB. make parents have less time to take care of the family* {) n- d. a  X! ~( L* L
C. help lessen the economic burden on one of the parents
4 L  m5 u/ w& h6 tD. have children stand on their own feet
# J3 q1 y' n5 Z      满分:2  分 ' T* Q% K& P! o+ a# }! M4 u
三、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  People associated apples and nuts with Halloween because they were symbols of the harvest in Roman times.A. 错误; x. P- @7 W9 v- S. O5 g
B. 正确( U. a) J  J* u1 Q
      满分:2  分
9 ~7 I3 B" j( e. g% @2.  “The air around the earth” is called atmosphere.A. 错误
/ K! |, Y1 O, yB. 正确( n3 d' P- {2 b9 ^4 T
      满分:2  分/ D# N; W8 K8 B# h+ B' o8 `
3.  Advertisers write specific ads to make certain groups of people choose their product.A. 错误' t0 f* Y. c& h- o
B. 正确
+ K- {9 C4 o- n2 r  U$ Z. ]/ @      满分:2  分6 X; `; O- m, s3 D" l" ~$ Y
4.  Traditional Japanese families take women as a piece of property, which is subjected to men’s disposal.A. 错误
" I# U7 i- B# w1 ~2 J3 l! MB. 正确# v9 L. y0 d! B* a5 Y8 F" g
      满分:2  分
$ e- f3 O. B! d8 H- F5.  Cyberbullies are usually weak and uncared-for people who only does it to attract people’s attention.A. 错误& m6 ?/ ]' ?* W0 T1 t: e6 R
B. 正确' v- Z2 ~, a2 \; b; l* Z5 w
      满分:2  分
6 s; M7 h8 @2 E4 ^- ?  c& X# y6.  In Germany, public universities do not charge tuition fees.A. 错误6 D) Q9 h- f! B! O, |' j. v
B. 正确4 v7 Z4 I1 O3 A9 |9 o; A  A% s
      满分:2  分
  p5 W# D4 S/ N8 B' B7 E  B; |* P7.  The custom of trick-or-treating in costumes comes from the days of the Celts.A. 错误
. `! w1 Z8 m/ r' N; SB. 正确
6 i" Y  e( l/ v! L5 Z& ]      满分:2  分
5 t2 _9 h$ S% {) ~8 V2 v8.  International students in institutions of higher learning are foreign students at colleges and universities around the world.A. 错误
) e+ Z- ~* E) w; T# Y3 YB. 正确' X* d" K  l4 M
      满分:2  分6 w- x! j' \, w/ B9 J
9.  The United States and European countries have equal numbers of students from abroad. Foreigners don’t study in developing countries.A. 错误8 s6 c! B* M3 \4 V" C" @" H. A
B. 正确: a( N! J, {3 e; k! b5 J7 H. W9 ~  ~
      满分:2  分( _8 v' E! n7 S  H- K9 V6 O
10.  It is polite for Americans to leave some food in the plate so as to show their appreciation of the host’s cooking.A. 错误( F3 O" o, `; Y' M! }3 |# y
B. 正确
4 q! M+ H0 R1 Q' C2 |$ O% \5 f) E      满分:2  分 2 A1 X3 ]. R9 Z
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