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发表于 2015-6-18 17:34:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  Some experts assert that driving while talking on a cell phone is dangerous and () because it prohibits drivers from devoting their full attention to the road.A. harmless# h) x& Z* ~3 D, r5 G( K' R0 b5 p
B. inconvenient8 ]# L( W, M' W
C. distracting
, l8 \9 M9 x6 A; D" b; L9 pD. perilous+ U" X9 l  C7 w5 A+ [
      满分:3  分! T% ?! \* _+ S( k
2.  Our needs push us to strive for (); whether in our attempt to satisfy them we do right or wrong is up to each of us to decide.A. fulfillment% }: u" }& x* S( m5 r3 u" e, i0 `
B. integrity
4 L# }" c! ]/ X$ b& }: t0 B4 `C. nettled
2 h1 i7 G; o( {7 J6 H' L' pD. senility
4 a# [# f2 v9 |8 Y* ~/ O      满分:3  分8 g7 d4 F5 E' b* F
3.  Even the () for seemingly altruistic behaviors can be found in the common sense of “I do for you because I can expect some reciprocal benefits in the future.A. spiral
' Q- N) H, F# cB. motivation
, |' l- Y3 G! j( T- PC. languid' k6 s3 b1 b7 ^# i4 b) d3 h
D. excessive2 ?9 P) x6 r6 S) j, f* V4 {
      满分:3  分
' U+ D5 p& c. u( Y7 w7 F- n4.  A traditional way of getting oyster is to ()from small boats and collect them from the bottom of the ocean.A. benefit
: J' j' \! p: Z2 [" q; z( @B. plunge& @' ]( H$ p0 P/ w$ U
C. dump+ }3 E- ]+ D5 e8 A" p2 s
D. distort' B% J" v0 a0 j* A3 F
      满分:3  分
9 e9 A" \) p9 Y5.  You've read of how he had a headache and how, when he got word that Lee was ready to call it quits, he was suddenly and () cured.A. motivation/ x+ ~, w3 n+ V( G1 M1 J' t
B. languid  J7 r  [6 Y* \" ~. L5 P- A
C. excessive
6 V5 j2 ^& {( uD. miraculously
) @! r. ~- [) n" y- @      满分:3  分- L  O- Q! M; Q7 u$ Q; m, C
6.  It seems he and Grant used to () off sometimes and have a quiet drink together.A. crisis
- }- s. `9 n$ d" \; i5 C' P: lB. infringement
) c& ^: ?# q/ U, t7 s& E6 [# hC. slip# b" o9 @& M$ z) B
D. impetuous2 z: ~! O1 \5 c5 o% e2 R& Y
      满分:3  分: r/ H' F9 n1 r# i+ b
7.  As time passed, I did not notice that she was growing () and less inclined to laugh.A. wrapped
6 P: W+ K. S& ~: I  W/ L) sB. custom9 Z% B( {. T! B4 {4 P% L" Z2 B
C. frailer) o( v: ^3 b' @$ y# W
D. ethical$ V# Q: T* j( \- m
      满分:3  分3 _) a/ V4 A0 p( B1 z
8.  I () quietly, careful not to alarm a bird that might loudly warn other creatures to hide.A. proceeded
7 r5 l5 I1 K! o/ I9 g# hB. linger4 P& f1 X# {0 J# i2 o: ?
C. stack+ V7 c- J  B+ l9 s- C
D. spiral; \2 }9 f  \# \; f6 I6 R
      满分:3  分' y/ ~: `' i) t! C5 `0 r) }4 X
9.  Generous public funding of basic science would () considerable benefits for the country’s health, wealth and securityA. lead to+ s. z- m4 K% [% k, u
B. result from
  G' j# R# p) Q6 [- m2 z  E4 YC. lie in
& y. Q# d2 k1 J! AD. settle down6 S' l  p$ A5 _- Z7 U. [
      满分:3  分
4 n! ^" f. y' j10.  Identity is determined by genetic () (what is inherited from parents), shaped by environment, and influenced by chance events.A. endowment
, c) f+ T, h; r3 I. xB. luxury
* K! e3 J1 P7 R0 yC. recollection
2 t4 q/ |9 ^2 l3 [) r. SD. expound
6 k, v, Y6 @7 @* J      满分:3  分
8 w& m1 w* X$ {- y0 o8 D; L11.  Lying on the bare earth, shoeless, bearded, half-naked, he looked like a beggar or a ()A. beckon
8 N3 N) s* i. E$ }( wB. lunatic
7 J" \7 p. {) r- k. q. ~+ {6 F/ D9 }C. invoke
. }& h/ v9 j; DD. windbag
# Z: C+ ^5 _$ o$ @7 R      满分:3  分
# R4 g5 D7 y3 S" l2 }% u12.  He had become blood of my blood; he the strong swimmer and I the boy () to him in the darkness.A. nettled( a: F" q1 c3 n9 }+ G$ Z+ P8 _8 |5 k
B. senility
6 j" C$ z+ f6 A  q3 o9 G$ IC. expedition8 \5 ~$ P$ \8 ^9 t, z
D. clinging' W. F7 m* c0 x" ~# n4 `
      满分:3  分" [# H0 s% }6 V# o6 e% u/ s% L
13.  The novels he has written have shown his () ability as an authorA. literal7 s# x: \5 x* ^8 M. d
B. literally
( O* u1 m3 z5 uC. literature
9 v3 |6 C/ o( |" ?( g9 I6 _; aD. literary
: [& E+ T: V6 ?; s8 S4 _      满分:3  分9 D8 t/ R% ?* u- e
14.  At that time work was mainly () to slaves in that societyA. blamed, M2 t  C/ |; S
B. complained
4 y0 e0 E- Y6 c* s3 n9 T) K+ Q, ?C. restricted# H) U* T, y4 d& Y, G
D. expected, \; _" E9 E5 L' X
      满分:3  分4 c2 M( Z7 w8 J: |
15.  When I returned the books, she lent me more. Soon I began to see her almost every weekend, and my well of knowledge about natural history began to () over.A. extravagance
3 W8 i: [* h6 v5 KB. brim0 M0 ^6 i3 X' V5 `) r; i
C. pursue* W- I9 G9 ~" I
D. grimace
. R5 L2 l3 K! [) I; j. p; C      满分:3  分
* j+ m# V: `% d: D$ i16.  But one Civil War site did keep () to me — not one where the armies fought but the one where they stopped fighting: AppomattoxA. decorated7 P6 c- j! z/ W$ h2 ^
B. interact
- ?9 r+ h- p5 SC. wrench
# t9 a+ ^6 A+ RD. beckoning' Y. ?; h9 ]4 N3 J" U  c# K  O% I
      满分:3  分& i) {" S4 u- E* t' s# s
17.  He was seated at one of those little bamboo tables _ with a Japanese vase of paper daffodils.A. distraction1 w+ l% K1 Z8 |8 v( D" J0 ~
B. decorated/ _! _  p  d7 p; t
C. interact7 x/ n( S0 E( I6 m- G1 i- Y0 J7 S6 [
D. wrench0 O* z5 p% A7 k3 ^" i; u
      满分:3  分1 X/ W* Q! y! h- |' ^
18.  For all his appearance of indifference, the sight of a well-to-do gentleman () a suitcase from the window of a moving train had surprised him very much.A. pitching8 B3 M% a* G7 t5 H
B. plunge
5 w! h9 O5 A1 q. I+ b; x, T% PC. infuriate; C* P8 ~( k" f( B. I- ?3 O# q9 D
D. dwindle
: Y; q- }. J3 m: p' L      满分:3  分
$ X, g0 ?% W' m& g- z9 a19.  The concert was intended to be () to the 1960s Woodstock, promoting peace and love.A. a test
& U; T( u9 W7 c$ BB. an honor6 P, c2 s/ x/ C( {9 [2 M
C. a contribution
1 J7 \9 r0 Q  r7 Q, _D. an activity) j3 E! a+ y8 J  z' m0 ~, ]
      满分:3  分" @4 B: G3 z6 R) ]8 O' N1 y# O
20.  It rolls down the () and lands up against their railings.A. embankment
2 J1 I0 j- |1 n+ ^4 }B. preached; G# u. \- X0 I7 B1 |  j
C. glared
6 c9 z2 w/ B6 b8 E" n) [D. scraped
# X- O; k6 F) v      满分:3  分
4 F+ \% ?8 [* f二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  veil means curtainA. 错误
: ?5 p, w- ?3 YB. 正确" s& i. A: q* {. \
      满分:2  分8 C: C! ~4 l6 u% T; o0 J
2.  endeavor means to try very hardA. 错误
1 N0 N1 V  w: e4 a. Z7 jB. 正确
/ n9 @! N4 e: P      满分:2  分8 I7 ]2 f+ B( [& H/ p
3.  .invoke means to discourageA. 错误
9 W% L; _: X; `+ z  G/ Z% j* _6 w' z1 TB. 正确
$ T! z3 l6 r: Q6 U      满分:2  分
- ~( t; I3 `$ I) V( v4.  diagnose means to find out the nature of an illnessA. 错误8 U+ N4 a0 z5 @- G- U' [, C
B. 正确
4 |9 i$ `( R  o6 a      满分:2  分6 y# a: n' ^. G
5.  transparently means clearly, so clearly that it is very easy to see throughA. 错误
& {& E, h) _; p- b# K% ]8 KB. 正确
4 A- |8 K8 A- N      满分:2  分! U8 j; A) P( F2 S1 [" F
6.  lunatic is a normal personA. 错误! ^7 T0 x* ?) d% S. S& l
B. 正确6 b6 l3 ]4 c; ]1 I( T. t/ z
      满分:2  分) P1 \9 ^$ G$ N% w! X
7.  curiosity is being curious; inquisitivenessA. 错误
3 T3 l' W4 C2 D2 C" k' AB. 正确. m1 u+ N. ^5 v1 L
      满分:2  分" o8 |& B8 ^/ t
8.  tyrant is kind kingA. 错误) S1 I' o8 D9 L$ w- S
B. 正确
& d2 K; ]. f1 K* k* X      满分:2  分
3 l  K- M: o/ K% l3 x9.  harmony means pleasing combination of related thingsA. 错误' H! N: Z, L7 {% t* m
B. 正确3 d- V4 C5 G/ d7 ]2 y) i
      满分:2  分* X4 P" G1 R' p% v2 A8 G
10.  adolescence means old peopleA. 错误5 m: p" X% u" {. s& r4 j8 Y' X  W
B. 正确5 ~  D6 i1 g; Y. J. a
      满分:2  分) s' |. a) c. b7 C
11.  acclamation is a loud expression of approval or welcomeA. 错误
9 f/ Q8 N4 }0 t5 [% r0 R5 fB. 正确! O. {- M& o8 `. D
      满分:2  分
2 Z3 C3 p9 F  u" H12.  efficient means performing and functioning in the best possible manner without wasting any time and effortA. 错误
8 g& f/ Z2 {  A0 B7 c% @B. 正确! q7 h8 _# z8 r3 G
      满分:2  分
/ s" e* g2 N( J' D7 }# j% T9 T13.  elegant means being beautiful and gracefulA. 错误
7 L7 S9 X6 y" V; E2 @B. 正确
1 o, V$ W9 }+ _* t/ R) M4 b      满分:2  分
& h) t2 f) j6 ^. Z, @. X; Q14.  momentary means lasting for a very long timeA. 错误
! I. G3 S$ }. G" F( \; s- C  Q0 a1 Y7 bB. 正确
" N5 L, Y+ Y( S$ N0 s# e" g( o      满分:2  分
2 `$ K+ ]9 A) t$ D- e" [2 D15.  grimace is an unpleasant, twisted expression on the faceA. 错误
  @0 u) M/ ?% t, `) A+ X$ QB. 正确2 L0 N9 @, Z+ @" L# T
      满分:2  分7 D" Y* X1 O% q7 ], N& h/ A
16.  tact is the ability to be polite and careful about what you say or do so that you do not upset or embarrass other peopleA. 错误/ ^6 j9 W& K  c% _- `1 d
B. 正确9 P) h. n+ e6 g; t/ o& K3 T0 r
      满分:2  分5 f6 c$ g7 b& B. d6 s0 L/ u$ h
17.  delicacy means food with very bad tasteA. 错误
: m$ ]- y: C+ [6 q7 i! {4 l" GB. 正确
2 P+ K7 h- b$ y; O      满分:2  分' Z% Y4 W' H3 E3 p: _' g9 ?
18.  disarray means the state of being completely confused or untidyA. 错误
2 {4 D& K- n+ ^' q; R# cB. 正确, k, n0 r, j- r+ v
      满分:2  分; N8 r) I) [) E) r" N$ l: V9 y
19.  clout is the power or authority to influent other people’s decisionsA. 错误' d; O5 \1 m" h; i
B. 正确
) g3 i0 F2 t' _      满分:2  分/ h8 K% `% H5 s
20.  immense means smallA. 错误- z/ y1 a' `9 u0 Q" M' O  e
B. 正确
, b5 N1 @0 ]( g6 v6 F. }  I) _      满分:2  分 + I7 B/ f( [* _4 K% L) U
. k7 a3 }+ ~. y; q$ X
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