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发表于 2015-6-18 17:38:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  The sea()from Shanghai to Europe used to take months.A. trip;5 H1 I( e0 e! M0 N* Q* D
B. voyage: W  W2 Y" M* f( Z6 T( t) Q7 p- c
      满分:3  分) X, R9 v& s1 k7 A, Z' L
2.  When I said hello to the people, they stared at me and said nothing. ()I got a reply from someone who said,"How are you?"A. occasionally;6 P! [7 g7 D7 O; O7 c' U& ?
B. never
, k( x/ z, e3 u( j. P6 ?      满分:3  分& i) ?0 h( _& ]8 l# i3 K
3.  Do you need()to paint your house?A. anybody;
, ~3 y6 ], i3 `% k; q6 a& W6 M  \B. anyone. X5 ]1 f0 _+ U9 C9 @/ Z
      满分:3  分5 G9 q+ [' z, n5 ~: [
4.  This book is()reading.A. worth;
  C( f' J) c+ ]( N5 ^. S8 gB. worthy2 y; N, m& m  o6 L! U; A5 z
      满分:3  分
; U2 l  h- U$ n) i1 [& ?% p- C5.  Now people in most rural areas can watch TV programs broadcast().A. alive;  U1 K, V9 {" j$ V) j( |  m
B. live
! [' V! d. k# v; Q, q      满分:3  分1 `5 K( J' Z/ m9 Q7 v0 P
6.  The old couple had no children and they lived().A. alone;9 g6 ~/ b9 {/ j; M4 e; ]* r6 h% y0 n/ F
B. lonely1 V' Z) f1 {' w
      满分:3  分
3 }, M5 M/ x1 Z( y, ~/ L) i$ |! w7.  Scientists have made several experiments with()mice.A. alive;
- W) r: E: i8 ^! UB. live! q& N/ o) x9 b& t6 v7 o" X+ `, j
      满分:3  分
( Q! F& d- Q4 v, v. c7 n8.  Helen Keller was not()to see or hear or talk and yet she learned to read and write, and to become an author.A. able;7 d8 R5 \8 p7 H! I
B. capable
2 Y% r, j; n6 u0 c' l! R      满分:3  分$ k: f' G% j$ {+ `8 _
9.  ()is not just for making a living. It can bring intense pleasure.A. Work;
! q2 m/ c; `$ p$ YB. Job+ a4 z9 a7 \1 @
      满分:3  分
3 e2 \/ s/ |4 X& e+ L10.  Plays need the sounds of human voices to bring them().A. alive;" V5 U' z$ a6 y! y6 \1 e
B. live
' S, @8 m. b7 p9 c      满分:3  分
1 y2 o8 k3 G* l/ b11.  My parents are strongly against my decision, but I().A. insist;
2 P" i% ^" i  {  ~7 B4 |  P* p' [B. persist9 i  I, {. g2 M/ B( ^
      满分:3  分+ R+ p! D2 b/ k" C
12.  The young man has the()to do this work.A. ability;4 ^0 }2 [( N9 ~  M
B. capability
6 p! [( ~8 a- W+ ?4 T4 i* L1 B      满分:3  分
% j' D8 L2 U4 p8 L6 H# Z6 E+ ^13.  There is no use feeling sorry for our()youth.A. missing;- X, }& o5 r% _( e! u
B. lost, J/ I( {3 y* M7 l
      满分:3  分  }  J6 O% Q( G! Z/ }/ e
14.  The()headlights of the cars could be seen through the fog.A. glowing;4 L7 q  ^0 ~9 J. x* U
B. gleaming. r$ R- G! \5 [! O
      满分:3  分3 O3 V$ E% |! i+ x
15.  I seem to()seeing him before. Has he ever studied at our university?A. remenber;
: J0 l. S( Z% [7 b, r  W. iB. memorize
7 r  u* |6 N, C2 J0 O$ V      满分:3  分
! E: Q9 t8 `, h, y" |16.  Doing()means death. Activity means life.A. everything;
( z* N0 M, m0 pB. nothing
0 o3 S/ C3 w6 I      满分:3  分
+ S9 Y! @% I7 o! d/ Q% h# l" ~17.  I don't like the way they()the students. It kills their interest in learning.A. check;# `' w) \  g4 `" c* H
B. examine0 T! P/ U! O$ v3 ?& w" p+ J- W
      满分:3  分: l% x* u. _2 k
18.  In the U.S.a final agreement is()signed in person, but a high percentage of day-to-day business is carried on through telecommunication.A. normally;' A8 Z6 U$ O8 Q  M* M
B. occasionally; _% P8 S# [* x% a
      满分:3  分
% n" _, x# L/ A( n4 j19.  He had many friends with him, he still felt()at the moment.A. alone;0 E. d- L4 `' s! c# X
B. lonely
( @, o, w3 q: W% w: K* d, {      满分:3  分
: r6 }9 S+ h; C" k0 w6 \20.  The court issued an order for his arrest when they learned that he was still().A. alive;
- ?% b! ?" ]: a# u+ w, uB. live
# P" E/ R/ g1 e* L) |- k* @0 s      满分:3  分 + [7 E3 s3 Y7 K+ a7 q/ u6 V
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  We have Intensive Reading in odd days.A. 错误
2 a* B  O6 R/ G' tB. 正确
% w* b9 m: R9 }% C  N  h# n/ p      满分:2  分
$ ^$ f' |& q% U- T2.  Dorothy opened her eyes on the sound of the door being opened.A. 错误
' h9 i$ L! E, U4 _5 f- nB. 正确2 ^) k6 |( a4 k2 U5 M
      满分:2  分8 h( W7 I4 t8 b# r( D. h
3.  When dinner was over,Mr.Fang and Mr.James went on to the draft of the joint statement while we went to the acrobatic show.A. 错误
, ]2 {; h3 N- }( @/ n$ v' S0 rB. 正确
! w$ L! v6 _2 n      满分:2  分8 j3 _0 d* j  _+ j# r
4.  Have you got (anything particular) to do this Saturday?A. 错误
6 g# z( w2 k  X; P9 Q3 r( Y1 YB. 正确
  N; a) X7 ], a4 J& \9 y      满分:2  分
  a2 I3 F$ Y- P* r1 X0 R  i6 u% X5.  I was shocked to hear that, and for a moment, I didn’t know (what say to him).A. 错误# Z9 @6 S7 |7 A3 H1 |) {
B. 正确
7 j5 w  V4 j2 i% ~: K! G( W      满分:2  分
* W7 L  A, }, M6.  This is the funniest joke I’ve (never) heard.A. 错误2 Y2 b# J1 L* ^& g- ~
B. 正确
- G" o0 P9 ?; q( c' A$ L9 B      满分:2  分
# O1 K( Q+ v* i: i7.  He met the director (straightly) after the lunch break.A. 错误
/ E+ N5 C- _/ P% [$ gB. 正确
/ h+ j: c9 p/ C      满分:2  分/ y1 h, {, O1 P" k8 b
8.  My suitcase had been damaged on the journey home, (because) the lid wouldn’t stay closed.A. 错误/ c; }5 ^% y5 ?" ?8 a
B. 正确
1 ~0 @$ D% @1 _      满分:2  分
1 l  C6 g, v5 {. M, y0 E  [9.  He explained his absence clearly in case it would cause any misunderstanding.A. 错误$ n/ f( B# S! I/ C* b7 D5 j0 N
B. 正确
8 J( r4 D' L$ h) R3 Z; @      满分:2  分4 |/ T7 k$ I9 \/ \8 o0 h
10.  How long can you stare without (blinded) your eyes?A. 错误+ U% v& T5 ?8 t
B. 正确/ z9 Q0 j+ t8 _8 a
      满分:2  分5 m$ `3 f' R4 p
11.  These terrible sandstorms brought the whole nation to attention.A. 错误0 f: f  x& Z  f3 q. T
B. 正确
2 E! B, T7 C& m: S; ]& [      满分:2  分
. W3 o  v+ e: U" j12.  At times of economic difficulties, it is the poor people who usually go under first.A. 错误7 {9 E3 g& J. J6 Y: @' A3 j( ^8 I
B. 正确
/ V0 t: Y8 b' v      满分:2  分" T: p$ T! j4 {" |! _* c( p
13.  The development will consist of 66 (dwelling) and a number of offices.A. 错误& X% f0 t) ^; {3 z2 K# V4 p$ j
B. 正确) Z9 r* I4 R' `8 p
      满分:2  分
0 q: n2 R9 t# V* a( M- N. Z7 N14.  I left a message (so in order to) be sure of contacting her.A. 错误
: X' l0 s8 _, R. [+ qB. 正确
; N  F) y% o! ]2 M6 W  _      满分:2  分
9 x* ~2 [9 h* ^+ i1 C) `15.  I suggest that you first read the novel which the film is based.A. 错误: R: p& I' X* A4 e" @9 t3 ~
B. 正确! u' M$ E8 H8 z; U9 ?- v; U* i2 z0 t
      满分:2  分
; B/ V- C* e+ }+ ]# k16.  (In my surprise), he had the presence of mind to take down the car’s registration number (at such a critical moment).A. 错误. y. u2 C/ z- a  {( k, i
B. 正确
2 k1 s5 k: @# a7 F3 K      满分:2  分
# F4 x2 Q- G7 H17.  This (reservoir give) water to the whole cityA. 错误  c4 b9 D6 y$ @1 o0 ~; Q5 o3 F
B. 正确
2 B2 ?! S' S& ~. z      满分:2  分
  `+ L' _8 _% P: Y) S; j3 i5 J18.  Under/in such circumstances, we’d better send him to hospital at once.A. 错误
" _9 ^' X! H2 H' p- ?, S+ U/ oB. 正确1 Q7 h% ^% u$ O& ]& J  \
      满分:2  分  C5 i3 Z/ C% j2 _$ k$ w6 f
19.  John can shape a piece of wood into (wonderful works) of art.A. 错误
- m1 `+ l  Q* j+ j/ nB. 正确
6 O# w( p: h7 @* ?4 |      满分:2  分1 N7 R( S+ h  Y0 ]4 }9 j
20.  It’s not true that all people do things out from self interest.A. 错误
  g  W# H% D9 t5 \B. 正确
8 [+ r- A2 y9 \/ o6 ?; |      满分:2  分 ; i* D1 f, X; v. k3 N' ]0 k
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