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发表于 2015-8-13 10:43:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  The followings are acknowledged as important factors in second language acquisition except _________.A. motivation- L. X( r0 o, R1 S" G& J, ~0 L
B. nationality
9 f/ q6 |2 E  [# rC. age+ C9 }2 [; I+ m3 {1 Z: D/ V
D. learning strategy% M- R6 A: b* F, N" G
      满分:3  分2 d( W# A' |" b! |3 I' w
2.  Words like pass and fail, male and female, etc. are ________ antonyms.A. gradable
! d$ S$ c0 a1 @7 i' N1 D# _' zB. complementary. U5 g0 Q: |4 z8 P& F  [7 p
C. reversal  L/ J6 @, A' S/ v9 U
D. relative4 i* n% u& a5 ~2 Q1 ?( Q$ G
      满分:3  分
" Y% q- y' H6 p2 F: _/ r5 O8 @3.  This (vet )is famous in the town. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)A. Sound Reduplication
- V$ h" L5 h/ {* |, c- ]5 {B. Coinage; S' T& M8 ]! @4 O
C. Eponym3 Z; [$ c9 l$ s; Y+ p% t* T
D. Clipping
- n) K6 n+ l6 W      满分:3  分( U" g# M! U" B( o8 y! b
4.  Beauty and siren both refer to a good-looking woman, but they differ in __________.A. affective meaning
3 O$ g) u6 q0 y4 d; TB. style
! ^8 y0 j, X/ r, B& o& SC. collocation
0 ?, Y6 W# h2 F# O5 @4 u$ qD. register! Y% Q$ r( M9 l. j
      满分:3  分8 A3 p! F! ]* {0 B' a
5.  If segments appear in the same position but the mutual substitution does not change the meaning, they are said to be in ____.A. contrastive distribution% [" Q% h* g: i% X$ y: r
B. free variation; W4 X3 Z  p  t6 e% ]! L
C. complementary distribution0 Q7 }+ f5 R3 Z9 B  y
D. distinctive features
% C3 G2 [; D* l* A7 Y  \      满分:3  分
  N  L1 o5 y1 E2 i, Q# S' e2 ]- G$ Q6.  In more detailed transcription (sometimes referred to as narrow transcription), a sound may be transcribed with a symbol to which a smaller symbol is added in order to mark the finer distinctions. The smaller one is called ____________.A. segment
7 j7 g; j9 k1 m; K; AB. phonetic symbol5 m; j- a3 r; _4 ]8 W, m& d
C. marker
8 P# N" A) ]4 c$ d. C  K2 ]D. diacritic- U- C6 r" e& g3 \' x7 @
      满分:3  分
. F0 r, J1 G* u# g, A0 ?+ S7.  An editor is a person who (edits) a newspaper. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)A. Derivation
8 ~6 p! H, Q/ O6 _( D# x" ]8 AB. Blending. B4 i+ h* m: Y$ K
C. Backformation' s8 F9 j, k0 N8 r! w% O
D. Acronym
% |3 j. t/ C! t7 v4 u% x      满分:3  分
, j$ \3 {+ d5 @1 C+ T, g6 ]8.  I like to have (brunch) quite often. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)A. Conversion
; a6 A! h! t/ J7 [$ V7 j6 EB. Backformation4 O% G( Z2 b" U5 i3 ?% f
C. Blending: Z! \: D# n1 Y2 V) X$ `
D. Compounding) b/ J# {5 F7 U5 `; T  F: O
      满分:3  分
0 |! `, w% G* b) W5 u9 S9.  The process that puts an existing word of one class into another class is ______.A. Conversion
! y% k6 s: u8 L7 j! G! S* ]1 cB. Abbreviation- K6 ~& S) U9 A& `1 e6 I: e
C. Eponyms6 ~$ W$ T, z. W7 X8 d( F
D. Blending9 c" c2 u* h5 K. Q8 r: y
      满分:3  分
8 r, o& F/ ^$ f5 C! ~( y0 w10.  ______ is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to varieties according to use.A. Register3 v; a9 W; ]) m
B. Dialect
0 d( @1 z- s7 D$ [, V! t7 h% cC. Tenor; Q9 q& t' j1 V; W! }/ Y
D. Variety
2 d7 I4 W' U4 g4 C* C- V7 I" o      满分:3  分
& H% e2 S5 n; F4 k5 p11.  The general roles language play are termed __________.A. metalanguages
. P7 J5 C! v' ^2 w6 H& g) MB. metafunctions
! P$ c2 S. v0 \+ g; m% ^# N7 eC. metadiscourses* g* ?5 b, O  y8 H1 k6 M* Z& w: v
D. metagrammar
; B4 W  s$ I, s. o5 }# l) y5 O      满分:3  分$ v! ~, G; Z, W0 }9 N8 H
12.  What maxis of the cooperative principle does the following sentence flout? A: Is Don Regan, the White House chief of staff, a feudist? B: Don Regan, 66, is not a feudist, but he is not as well as his predecessor [James] Baker. Somehow, the adjective “ruthless” invariably arises when Regan discussed.A. Quality; [( R2 o( x' W! ]- X
B. Quantity' K3 W* t  L0 n/ L9 K9 `
C. Relation# v3 ^7 Y1 C$ P9 G8 s9 O3 e3 e5 Z
D. Manner- v/ ?% G: O* b
      满分:3  分+ |6 k$ T- j, @3 \0 I3 S" ?
13.  Human languages can be used to describe themselves. The language used to talk about language is called .A. special language7 G4 n/ K! T9 Z. F
B. local language
8 Q$ E+ r6 k3 UC. metalanguage
( J6 ]: D. k: L0 o2 g, V2 _! wD. human language4 l" d) A+ J$ ?" i! w, l6 N" J* z$ n
      满分:3  分
, v1 ?6 N. N( {9 x* W. g14.  The motivation that the learners have a sense of achievement as long as they learn if of vital importance may be termed ____ motivation.A. instrumental( N4 J! G5 d$ p' W) ]8 L- a" M7 k
B. integrative
( Z; n) X& ^) H: B" m; A2 UC. cognitive
- C' G. C( i+ n6 mD. none of them
2 l; C# F4 O4 Q  H3 N+ b      满分:3  分* m! i' m1 F/ {, X# V
15.  (Orlon )is a kind of cloth material. (为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)A. Compounding# x* U+ `& V, v0 {
B. Coinage
. L1 J# d2 ]& ]/ y2 CC. Sound Reduplication' @+ U" \: k& p: k5 G! k
D. Clipping
3 A/ \; F, g( E: m3 @( T      满分:3  分
7 W/ r9 `  f% ~7 b16.  ____ is an expression that substitutes one which may be seen as offensive or disturbing to the addressee.A. Taboo
# F$ a! U& s9 F% e' D  P2 UB. Euphemism* ~% K' J7 S5 U. Q1 y% k7 q
C. Implicature
# {% D$ z: |. x( TD. An indirect illocution
) s5 p, p" f; ?; f7 s      满分:3  分' m' g$ x$ C: e
17.  The language used to talk about language is named .A. special language
0 @! t3 X; a- h* k4 rB. local language5 b8 f( E' G5 F
C. metalanguage! `* B. o) I" G
D. human language
: K% D4 P$ c. ?: q5 S/ p2 e: Q      满分:3  分2 s  J$ W1 ?9 s2 a8 X" l
18.  The majority of English ____ change the part of speech when added to free morpheme or word.A. prefixes3 t5 o3 ?2 I, H3 C7 }3 W6 j% S$ O
B. infixes
3 C2 [* @- V5 a( n' l/ lC. suffixes2 Y1 X5 [0 \2 H( Y9 D
D. morphemes4 I  a8 J% J9 ^5 S$ r# k) l& _
      满分:3  分
& K6 S$ Y( A! Y% k19.  (Tick- tuck)is the sound by a clock(为括号部分的单词选择相对应的构词法)A. Sound Reduplication
( |$ \4 i% O4 r+ T1 iB. Coinage
4 d# J, b* w# T: _5 CC. Eponym
, F+ P8 x0 X8 ~, cD. Clipping3 I8 P7 O9 Q. L, w
      满分:3  分
* o* s& H4 k5 W- \) |20.  What kind of pre-sequence is A’s first utterance in the following discourse? A: Do you know what I want to tell you about Mr. Smith? B: What? A: I saw him flirting with a lady at a party. B: Does his wife know that? A: Of course, she does. The lady is his wife.A. Pre-invitation2 Q8 s* p" y: G( d0 d% F9 }
B. Pre-request3 F5 u5 F1 s( A- E9 L8 {) b" |: u
C. Pre-announcement$ s, t, J# P5 U- M) K
D. Pre-apology
+ Z( ?8 i' Z6 P1 s1 ?      满分:3  分 ; p* c. I% ^; \" }/ t& G
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  A morpheme is a minimal distinctive linguistic unit.A. 错误) E8 g6 v+ _+ q* W: d4 W
B. 正确( t5 d* {) M( [# n
      满分:2  分
" F; s9 @# x' k% M; w, H2.  Tone is not a distinctive feature.A. 错误
, I& c- b' W' f* g, {  Z+ DB. 正确
7 n; Y7 @3 \/ a7 M2 q% e+ O) @      满分:2  分! A  z) \9 M. E! _4 H. x
3.  In second language acquisition, age is an important factor.A. 错误5 H) X; ^0 j% W2 I
B. 正确
0 ^0 h! z# I' I$ C' x  G" I      满分:2  分7 Q) g, G7 K5 r* K7 w0 J# Z( O
4.  Metaphors can create similarities between the source domain and the target domain.A. 错误9 B- h( z. m: s$ A
B. 正确# |% Z% [- p; V8 F9 \
      满分:2  分5 o4 a: c# {; r$ ?
5.  The lexical sense relation between flour and flower is synonymy.A. 错误8 {. m$ T  D2 i
B. 正确0 E' ?, X7 a* h3 C5 Y# T8 s
      满分:2  分
+ z, c6 ^! C& F+ `+ |6 C2 Q. z; X6.  Voiced refers to the vibrating of the vocal cords when sounds are produced.A. 错误
( a& _" a& w9 c$ O2 D! z+ ?2 @B. 正确6 g5 ~2 C# y; q) x5 \0 F' D- ~
      满分:2  分
3 A  w0 [: y9 A* U( h- z+ E7.  Sodium Chloride and salt, which denote the same substance, differ in Mode of communication.A. 错误2 R$ d4 C8 E" k6 v
B. 正确
/ r- E2 _4 ?9 e. P0 B      满分:2  分
* g* w- j1 W# ^8.  The ideational function of language binds individuals together.A. 错误; K7 v" [% X8 l1 U: D- K
B. 正确( r, _  X; b/ `$ H3 _# a
      满分:2  分  T6 s$ u; O" z8 |$ k& M
9.  The Swiss linguist Chomsky regarded the linguistic sign as composed of sound image and referent.A. 错误- W, @' N9 A+ y& ?1 o( p7 A
B. 正确
9 ?" `! w+ l1 A1 f$ W      满分:2  分
" T% C2 O6 N* V; ?$ u2 i  y10.  When the tongue touches the alveolar ridge, the sound produced is described as alveolar.A. 错误
5 t5 O  L3 @; m' E( A/ IB. 正确
. @0 c; G% H- I# ~& i, q8 s      满分:2  分
3 \9 r3 l" k! V" g+ l1 W# U8 c11.  Interchangeability is the first and foremost striking feature of human language.A. 错误" H9 Z2 C. k- t# Q4 i
B. 正确* H. k: h; y" H: m# Q( s- s/ }
      满分:2  分" L% ], W1 L" k! B- T
12.  An indirect illocution is an expression that substitutes one which may be seen as offensive or disturbing to the addressee.A. 错误; ]$ ]4 Q8 ^( q* i9 p9 G
B. 正确
4 l% i. @; ?/ O8 I8 [$ b$ j      满分:2  分5 ]& [. n3 t+ ]; S+ U' C
13.  Brunch is a blending word.A. 错误0 f5 |; |, G) J, E6 m& u9 J
B. 正确
9 t0 z& T  G5 S& T# y' D9 f# n3 g/ Q      满分:2  分
, l6 r1 R! Y% M) ]) q) ~14.  General linguistics is based on the view that language as a system, which is composed of three aspects : sound, structure and meaning.A. 错误
) O  Y  u( E! L/ E8 L' m1 f/ qB. 正确
+ j* z9 t4 G& b/ x- }1 X, _3 }7 n4 ]# |      满分:2  分8 s1 X. I1 }# g) F7 s' G1 R1 u
15.  Traditional grammar was initially based on European languages, particularly on Latin and Greek.A. 错误
: S: @- p0 e; Y' H! G9 K: cB. 正确
; l7 G! k7 G0 H4 o/ x, o' M) q      满分:2  分
" @9 S, A; r# H# o( I# u. U16.  The language used to talk about language is called metalanguage.A. 错误
0 ^# {9 A. O" z4 d" s8 f7 ~3 b( zB. 正确+ y3 b( `1 e- A$ a. j9 @. g- K
      满分:2  分
% k/ q1 U. i% ?5 O( ?+ _17.  [u:] possesses the features [-high][+back][+round][+tense].A. 错误
  v1 d; }' n9 e1 S. Q; @( aB. 正确
" `, J; Y5 m( v, \      满分:2  分6 E! o+ d" s+ n- w
18.  The products of linguistic descriptions provide the input to syllabus design and material construction.A. 错误
/ R" i9 Q- O# y% L/ qB. 正确
$ U2 f. F' }3 M9 Q" z! X: t* ]# U      满分:2  分
, h. V" W$ Y9 b7 r+ V- u) {: x19.  The standard variety is a variety of a language spoken by people living in an area.A. 错误$ r* f7 W; t+ Q8 h* w8 Q7 l& t2 Q. C* R
B. 正确
1 n5 i6 M, J; m# q* Y& _      满分:2  分/ h2 p* n0 y3 a8 ]+ d% f: x
20.  Eponyms is a process that puts an existing word of one class into another class.A. 错误
  x1 |' R5 K; }! \# e1 J9 mB. 正确3 J, a  {) C9 C1 A' b+ L( [/ y
      满分:2  分 . l2 I: a5 G6 j" n  f+ U
* i1 m, L: y; _/ E3 v
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