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发表于 2015-8-13 19:14:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Which of the following characteristics of a task-activity involves students in a way that intrinsically motivates, lowers the affective filter, and creates a desire to excel.A. authentic language materials
. G: z& X& I" XB. inductive reasoning- }  p' T7 @9 J& a; {- A
C. non-linguistic outcome+ t6 ?, s2 w& U/ d6 X
D. motivated students; T0 |, l  B$ H( C
      满分:2  分
3 L3 {0 l* x$ m* p7 w2.  In the following sentences, which one is wrong?()A. Vary instructions could enrich course contents.' p$ I" Y, z. \. a" Q3 t1 I
B. Vary instructions enhance opportunities for learning English.
) M; Y$ m% J$ [7 ~" [5 GC. Vary instructions helps develop students’ language awareness.8 c) U) q4 L. Y' Z) s/ u
D. Vary instructions enhance the students’ memory ability.
/ Z+ m8 E$ y/ W/ K& n" P2 c      满分:2  分) F& Z" _/ p0 {/ T" ^6 M  F4 m- A
3.  ()involves teachers identifying issues and problems relevant to their own classes.A. Literature review
8 Q. @5 K$ E7 d( J* L" yB. Questionnaire8 v/ ]$ U, y$ B4 g% U  l( J$ ~( ^3 I3 Y; |& r
C. Action research6 b4 ]6 t6 N9 f! h. F/ P
D. lassroom observation
% N+ {* q# Y9 y1 }  j  M1 u      满分:2  分, C& I1 ^! V4 E6 g  t& G
4.  ________is a word game in which you write answers to questions in a pattern of numbered boxes.A. anagram1 D, E: B/ I0 z3 |
B. crossword4 ^8 Y  L( {6 E: V, x
C. riddle
) c- n6 U6 I8 T( y- JD. word puzzle1 s1 q1 h' B4 @/ ^# e5 [0 K+ I! x
      满分:2  分  }) T$ s5 N' P0 l1 a6 M1 u
5.  What arenot the causes of an error().A. overgeneralization
* ^2 ~3 B1 c/ v/ Q8 {B. undergeneralization. |7 b8 `. S& [4 b  }
C. simplification# u7 b! }/ n6 t
D. deduced errors
  a% W. H$ C3 [+ m      满分:2  分
( ^3 n3 |6 m" R7 w* f6.  Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?A. Tailoring message to competence+ P% P# f* m( e9 _, \0 b- P6 q
B. Paraphrasing
+ e1 T  l1 f+ k% Q: [C. Using fillers and hesitation devices! _/ `' }1 @0 O- D# H+ L1 f
D. Appealing for help6 M" {. c2 ]# Z) W
      满分:2  分% I" ~9 S1 [# x# h
7.  Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students?A. perceive& c* H& ^% H, l+ v" y! N
B. remember
" N! Z" Z$ T$ ?9 P" G+ WC. think" Q3 Y, z. h& d/ e8 `6 u
D. practice
( Z; }' k$ o" _+ @' z1 c- s      满分:2  分
& @% H1 [7 K, ~' d) E$ x8.  In the language focus phase, language analysis activities also provide a focus on form through ()processes.A. teachers' instructions
* Q  @; _7 A% u; z* c: HB. language acquisition
4 U+ V& I+ I; y8 _1 P+ tC. peers' help/ i* H- Z* r/ N7 w( M# A
D. consciousness-raising' C. {2 M# W9 F8 j3 S: S: A+ y) H
      满分:2  分
! _5 m+ X4 p+ n; f; m4 b9.  Which expression about eliciting is incorrect?()A. Eliciting involves the class by focusing students’ attention and making them think.6 e7 S+ ]6 p- `. \
B. Eliciting encourages students to draw on what they already know or partly know.
3 P2 N3 A; y, n* _$ b' }C. Eliciting takes less time than straightforward presentation of new language.% w" W1 ?# J1 z1 s4 ^' m
D. Eliciting g: q3 D- K5 e& ]2 L
      满分:2  分
- ^  J  _% {: l# s10.  Students work in pairs, each having similar pictures, but with differences. Through talking to each other, they have to find out the differences without looking at each other’s pictures. What is the name of this speaking activityA. Reaching a consensus! C) b1 w- A4 u  ~- h4 d
B. Describe and arrange) c3 ^  S0 ^/ I0 C$ m' N4 q
C. Find out the difference. x; e. h4 n/ z. {
D. Work out the story0 w) i# N1 E) X4 ^
      满分:2  分
/ L0 x) p% p; @11.  The first and most important step a teacher takes is to determine the () of an activity.A. course
" I: _. d: ^6 V  W3 B$ p: P  k  a6 OB. approach6 |4 I( M5 x& N( s$ q; F( g- ?
C. objective
2 u9 |% G" x1 ]7 ~$ f- E1 C; d& dD. correction. [' j) F+ s4 M8 y8 C: o0 s
      满分:2  分
  D% i) x8 X% Q$ k12.  Doing a () invlves achieving an outcome, creating a final product that serves some practical purpose.A. homework! k- ~; ^3 q. y2 x) c+ s0 p& w
B. communication task6 k" b* T. b: L7 K: @/ L
C. exercise
: Q6 d! o1 X1 U  J6 U1 PD. listening activity# W' _  B. e: ]  _2 z  S6 R; M' K
      满分:2  分. D+ o% C( Z9 G% p- ^! a& r
13.  Which of the following errors are caused by interference errors().A. although…but…. k8 s: V( _! L3 y+ @
B. performent: n- c' f. Y0 m, m; v& c3 P2 U0 N
C. goed- {( G0 g) u5 z) X
D. toothes
6 t" x0 @2 m" C) _1 ]% \      满分:2  分% F+ l2 X8 }5 l4 @6 h, S/ {$ G
14.  A () activity is used where the whole set of information is not revealed until all students have performed their part of the task.A. jigsaw. [& v; G* c% S. Y
B. gap-filling3 h, H" r3 @; R" ^& p0 s
C. hungman  w0 F6 }; V7 A
D. bingo
! M: }+ k  r+ H  h. o: k: a# U      满分:2  分* G( v& Z: L) {+ \! `2 m
15.  The first of the “natural methods”is ().A. Direct Method
5 B4 n' U: m( T" w4 N, P+ FB. Grammar-translation Method; }: q7 i8 H; U0 J$ q0 O
C. the Audio-lingual Method
  L( I) C& _/ {. e! m5 |D. Situational Language Teaching
0 P5 i( ~$ i3 F; e& t      满分:2  分
0 `% g0 d1 H1 z- m2 `' L8 F16.  Which of the following are not the main types of error correction().A. self correction6 W8 m: E  K. l* \; E
B. peer correction
/ [7 ]3 \/ `' Q+ u, i  M: WC. teacher correction( @, q' m5 X5 F, A5 j
D. classmate corrction
! C3 A, h! M1 P, L0 K- a      满分:2  分
& m2 b' \& k$ k8 G1 ?  ]17.  Which one of the charaters is not belongs to a good language learner?A. Be creative and experiment with language
- H, h8 Z, m. wB. learns to live with errors and learn from errors/ K& \& V3 C, _6 z; T- d; E  d0 V
C. recites words without understanding1 ^, g$ Z, P$ {+ e1 A' K  q
D. seeks out all opportunities to use the target language1 n' A* V, G8 }; C" J% x
      满分:2  分4 m9 E3 {' `/ }! G- H! A* x& ?% E
18.  Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong?()A. teacher-guided correction: D5 J, Y# S: R/ v4 @) S1 E' H
B. group correction
8 j0 j1 ]0 H: P- m! C' kC. focus correcting& c! @9 A4 j* b0 O3 a- U1 ^
      满分:2  分# Z5 J8 a0 U' }# J! ?% ^1 A& s
19.  If we should not require native-like pronunciation, then what should be our realistic goal when we speak English in the classroom().A. consistency/ M6 q' w/ q9 l! |+ C. Q* S
B. intelligibility
2 ^/ N& J& t9 J8 RC. communicative efficiency
) M" o. E' |/ {/ iD. above all
5 x0 d% l* R9 F3 ]( I; H: D      满分:2  分
- q0 I# r* b9 c) A& v: ?' y' g4 U20.  ()involves the organization of learning and teaching in such a way that the traditional notion of the "average student" and "aiming for the middle "in teaching is abandoned.A. pair work! e7 ^6 |! G) ]6 c7 M
B. group work- L4 q4 P( O2 s7 z- R
C. teacher's help) B6 N6 D( [* u* q; a( q2 J
D. individualization8 d, _6 [$ y3 }$ L
      满分:2  分 ' w$ ^4 {! ?6 b/ }4 |+ b8 M

. L7 X# S( |4 F8 `1 W二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  Which procedures are recommended in preparing self-report forms (Richards and Lockhart, 1996)A. identify in as much as possible the philosophy underlying the course0 u9 R9 T" s5 V2 s( u! C
B. identify different kinds of teaching activities, procedures8 B! a2 w" E' z  d
C. prepare a lesson report form
: f) s1 T- g5 H' vD. prepare videos9 f. t$ B  L* e+ V
      满分:2  分. I. N- n. L( m8 X
2.  The advantages of the pair work and the group work for students.()A. Give them far more chances to speak.
3 b& c% l: e* f% _8 ZB. They feel less anxiety./ g7 {: V, P; H' k; D6 b
C. Make them more extroverted.
1 l- ?- n' i9 R" uD. Give them chances for greater independence.
9 E# \% V5 F* t: @; \E. Help them hold attention.7 ?9 _9 o4 k/ t- g/ H
      满分:2  分& a. |" S( {4 d( U% F/ A
3.  Sensory Modality Strength categorizes learners as what?A. visual4 e4 m3 t- P/ {, l
B. auditory8 S* s. Q: u1 m
C. tactile-kinesthetic
+ T" T: z7 R5 T5 ^, x/ bD. thinking/ o% N& [2 p9 e( Q6 g& V% [
E. analytical
+ i8 ~- ?2 m# N5 P' N9 C6 d      满分:2  分' d3 y, C+ Y& ~
4.  Which are cognitive strategies?A. resourcing
* X7 i1 I( L9 }0 ]B. translation
& V' k( M5 S3 [& |C. elaboration
% \4 U( L# D. s8 a  Z2 a# u4 kD. delayed production6 T/ w. c+ P5 Y' ]; e" L# u
E. question for clarification  h. P) k0 d& `
      满分:2  分
5 ], E4 z8 A# y2 Y+ \- N5.  There are three things to prepare your memory to retain words for a longer time, they are________A. understanding
; v) w+ v9 a+ WB. associating
$ |5 r$ M- E! Z( e( T+ l0 ~0 {7 r2 CC. visualizing# M9 ]# o- g$ w. \) A' E. u1 {, H( d
D. memorizing
( w9 o6 u) V, o& T( h, O/ c4 i      满分:2  分( y% t7 H3 u% l6 k
6.  As an organizer, what are the characteristics of the teacher?()A. encourage and value initiative9 `0 C/ [9 K1 N+ `. E1 `
B. distribute responsibility as widely as possible
, w$ r/ _% ^, Z2 A8 MC. build on strengths
9 k, t! E; G5 ~; L2 RD. make all the decisions2 u" S8 W" k2 a* Q" v8 \
      满分:2  分: B$ S# N. h1 E! x5 I
7.  What are the roles of teacher's nonverbal behavior in the classroom?()A. Allow teacher to become better receiver of students’ messages.
( U' f2 Q, b0 uB. It will active classroom atmosphere.
2 X" L! u3 Q. l3 sC. Teacher will become a better sender of signals that reinforce learning.
+ g$ ]2 A$ P- a" u3 wD. It will increases the degree of the perceived psychological closeness between te) e, ~8 ]$ W9 g
      满分:2  分
+ [3 d5 z$ V, e  L2 r8.  In the following, which are controlled writing activities?A. copying# h! [' U- z0 S7 F
B. gap-filling3 L' j* e3 v5 {% }" T8 p- s" B
C. Making lists+ z& \' f4 Z: `! H
D. Sentence completion
1 @! A. ^! y) u7 M( E% E      满分:2  分
! `8 ~5 Q- D6 [) D( ?4 a/ r9.  The interactional view of language sees language primarily as the means for ()and for () between individuals.A. establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships( j; o- M$ d( X9 f8 r' w
B. performing social transactions: m- ]6 j/ E$ g! A
C. learning to express communicative functions3 U, t( m5 t2 _0 [) x3 q
D. learning to express categories of meaning+ k8 R0 K; u% i3 ?# u# |' v# Q
      满分:2  分
: v8 s3 p2 e/ {0 t- X" Z10.  Which of the following options are the ways to show the meaning of a structure visually?________A. using the things in the classroom that the students can see" Q; g. n. ^3 H1 b% Z
B. using blackboard drawing
8 Z; x: X+ |, X( _/ }7 b: H' DC. think of a situation from outside the class, in which structure could naturally be used
- J7 B  D% r# t- M/ O- r; OD. explain the differences between strutures1 j3 T, b7 J9 h' ]4 U& u* ?; L
      满分:2  分
0 l; ^+ g4 k6 h1 ^& J # F4 d& D% n, a
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Fluency describes a level of proficiency in communication which includes the ability to produce written and/or spoken language with ease.A. 错误/ {+ b. E  r; q% K: G
B. 正确
  j, [, J" `0 _. n1 j, A  c      满分:2  分' `; ?) A4 F# O# R! A) X6 r
2.  Information gap is a situation in which information is known to only some of the participants in communication of two or more people and those who do not have the information are interested in finding it out.A. 错误
  Q# _; i6 y" I# M! f. zB. 正确
. F( X- W. H, S2 o" n& [0 _1 S      满分:2  分% _1 k* L( w3 M+ C0 u
3.  The Audio-lingual Method has a goal very similar to that of the Grammar-Translation Method.A. 错误8 M9 j& g# P# D
B. 正确# a" E- i; j+ u3 T3 w' c
      满分:2  分
3 {% _6 L# ]) ]# @4.  It is the task of goverment to examine these needs to determine what goals may be relevant to its educational system.A. 错误
1 `7 S3 i5 R, G+ S# L+ IB. 正确. |# B  V! R0 R) W
      满分:2  分3 L' Y. u0 v& R" S3 u) A! `" a
5.  Before the end of the 1950s, the mastery of language structures was the main measure of competence in a foreign language,A. 错误+ B% k6 ^# n9 ]* X' p, M
B. 正确; ^9 D5 O7 _6 `' M; G
      满分:2  分
3 y7 l8 y! V6 n+ C( {* h6.  We should learn words which frequently appear.A. 错误# h. [0 ?8 k+ D% e+ t" B5 [
B. 正确
/ D  C4 O% R, H$ c$ G  A      满分:2  分
& z- O' h" q6 U5 ^0 Y# l. o, J3 F7.  In classroom practice it would be not only artificial but also impossible to deal with only one of the skills at a time.A. 错误
) e* Q& e% E9 \* w( s6 ]- xB. 正确
6 W. ^: v$ g1 r9 X- D$ I5 s      满分:2  分
$ ~+ `* k# ^/ Y7 g* g8.  Good writing does not happen by accident. The teacher should give the students both tool and time so that they can learn to write.A. 错误* Q" M, E: D4 L+ }
B. 正确
" i( v3 K" c7 E, t" D: M' r: o      满分:2  分
: }5 {( l1 m" u: k* g9 o  J9.  Learners can correct but not explain systematic error.A. 错误
$ p7 s! h8 b  h+ m: J( x# \B. 正确
$ B3 Z3 Q9 p; L6 e! \) U      满分:2  分
0 E  B( t  P$ P( G3 k  l10.  Lesson planning is equivalent to lesson plans.A. 错误: ~4 t8 O- o! J, D; W
B. 正确
3 K( k  I7 t; ^, ~# h      满分:2  分5 l% T: p  \, ^- |
11.  The explanations should always be as clear and simple as possible.A. 错误5 N# {# f( A* I* c- M) H
B. 正确
% C7 M0 }; k3 c  }- q# ]      满分:2  分$ T! A9 \5 \* q* d3 R2 X
12.  Ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: macro planning and micro planning.A. 错误3 ~4 F; o4 `' @- ^
B. 正确7 K- a" H3 I4 \$ |
      满分:2  分, g- B( v; P6 ^$ h9 D7 C
13.  In the Western world back in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, foreign language learning was associated with the learning of Latin and Greek, both supposed to promote their speakers’ intellectuality.A. 错误
$ b+ I% c8 a) hB. 正确, B+ C' l2 F. |9 b7 _( i4 `  `
      满分:2  分
7 F% P1 u3 ]; d0 `' v% Z14.  A role play where students have to act out roles as company directors but must come to an agreement or find the right solution within the given time limit can be considered a genuine task in TBL.A. 错误
- U) s- l. E$ F( n/ n; \B. 正确
0 X5 ^& ?# {/ V, h5 u' _      满分:2  分# Y" C! Z( j) C7 m- [+ w+ Y
15.  Teaching journals, lesson report, Audio and video recordings and survey and questionnaires and action research are major instruments in action research.A. 错误/ R% o; @' T7 a! T7 b# X
B. 正确4 }0 P8 G. u8 T" R6 M
      满分:2  分3 I6 M" @$ x/ ~$ i) U7 {
16.  Analytic learners initially require an overall picture when learning a task.A. 错误' Y/ T" t+ O) r* p
B. 正确
# ^# o$ S/ s5 d& b, d- f( `      满分:2  分6 D% `' s. n; t  F
17.  Adults' experiences are their advantage in the early stages of SLA.A. 错误
$ ^+ p1 q* f! r) Y8 ~B. 正确. I# I* E) s, [( u5 ], W" P
      满分:2  分
4 f* {9 B: I/ A9 Q6 R18.  A task means that learners use whatever target language resources they have in order to solve a problem, do a puzzle, play a game, or share and compare experiences.A. 错误; `# M; W. E, \" Y' @
B. 正确  W1 t+ e7 X  [6 A. r! J" U
      满分:2  分' g% y1 u& N. L7 X0 ]6 Z. M
19.  English is described as a second language in countries such as Fiji, Singapore, Nigeria,America.A. 错误8 [+ \' G8 ?& p0 b6 ^9 v+ t0 r3 j+ Z
B. 正确
# R( M8 r  V9 g( q  {( F      满分:2  分
1 G2 B3 y) h  n20.  If formal business letter English is required, it is of much use to employ a free expression type of exercise.A. 错误+ P2 e2 Y9 L3 B. E4 ^& o, M
B. 正确
, J7 [0 K4 ~4 {4 f/ i& v      满分:2  分
# P' S! [. E- h9 G; c 2 M( h+ y# f. C- r
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