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发表于 2015-9-7 12:45:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Chapter One

Main content:
1、primary level of listening (long and short conversation, passage) (1)
2、use of English(usual expression for communication)(1)
3、basic reading ability (1)
4、language points (1)
5、basic writing(1)

Key Points:
1.1) the general and detailed listening of the long conversation
  2) the general and detailed understanding of the passage
  3) the standard listening of CET-4 conversation: places, descriptions, money, time, judgment, dates, numbers, persons, etc
2. daily expression(different response to various questions.)
3. the standard reading comprehension of CET-4(reading skills—main idea grasping, detailed tips identifications, cohesion, background information, vocabulary, the excercises of the readings of the different and diverse materials)
4.1) basic level of vocabulary(special adjs, verbs, nouns, synonyms and comparison between synonyms, the different forms of words, basic level of preps, gerund and participles, similar phrases, words with similar forms)
2) common structure, and cohesion of the passage; review of the basic grammar, important structure; the words connection in context; the use of language sense in the cloze
5. the standard CET4 composition

Chapter Two

Main content:
1、primary level of listening (long and short conversation, passage)(2)
2、use of English(usual expression for communication)(2)
3、basic reading ability(2)
4、language points (2)
5、basic writing(2)
Key Points:
1. 1) the general and detailed listening of the long conversation
   2) the general and detailed understanding of the passage
   3) the standard listening of CET-4 conversation: places, descriptions, money, time, judgment, dates, numbers, persons, etc
2. communicative expression (answers to different questions.)
3. the standard reading comprehension of CET-4(reading skills—main idea grasping, detailed tips identifications, cohesion, background information, vocabulary, the excercises of the readings of the different and diverse materials)
4. 1) basic level of vocabulary(special adjs, verbs, nouns, synonyms and comparison between synonyms, the different forms of words, basic level of preps, gerund and participles, similar phrases, words with similar forms)
2) common structure, and cohesion of the passage; review of the basic grammar, important structure; the words connection in context; the use of language sense in the cloze
5. the standard CET4 composition

Chapter Three

Main content:
1、primary level of listening (long and short conversation, passage)(3)
2、use of English(usual expression for communication)(3)
3、basic reading ability(3)
4、language points (3)
5、basic writing(3)

Key Points:
1. 1) the general and detailed listening of the long conversation
   2) the general and detailed understanding of the passage
   3) the standard listening of CET-4 conversation: places, descriptions, money, time, judgment, dates, numbers, persons, etc
2. daily talk(different response to various questions.)
3. the standard reading comprehension of CET-4(reading skills—main idea grasping, detailed tips identifications, cohesion, background information, vocabulary, the excercises of the readings of the different and diverse materials)
4. 1) basic level of vocabulary(special adjs, verbs, nouns, synonyms and comparison between synonyms, the different forms of words, basic level of preps, gerund and participles, similar phrases, words with similar forms)
2) common structure, and cohesion of the passage; review of the basic grammar, important structure; the words connection in context; the use of language sense in the cloze
5. the standard CET4 composition

Chapter Four

Main content:
1、primary level of listening (long and short conversation, passage)(4)
2、use of English(usual expression for communication)(4)
3、basic reading ability(4)
4、language points (4)
5、basic writing(4)
Key Points:
1. 1) the general and detailed listening of the long conversation
   2) the general and detailed understanding of the passage
   3) the standard listening of CET-4 conversation: places, descriptions, money, time, judgment, dates, numbers, persons, etc
2. daily communication (answers to different questions.)
3. the standard reading comprehension of CET-4(reading skills—main idea grasping, detailed tips identifications, cohesion, background information, vocabulary, the excercises of the readings of the different and diverse materials)

4. 1) basic level of vocabulary(special adjs, verbs, nouns, synonyms and comparison between synonyms, the different forms of words, basic level of preps, gerund and participles, similar phrases, words with similar forms)
   2) common structure, and cohesion of the passage; review of the basic grammar, important structure; the words connection in context; the use of language sense in the cloze
5. the standard CET4 composition

Chapter Five

Main content:
1、primary level of listening (long and short conversation, passage)(5)
2、use of English(usual expression for communication)(5)
3、basic reading ability(5)
4、language points (5)
5、basic writing(5)
Key Points:
1. 1) the general and detailed listening of the long conversation
   2) the general and detailed understanding of the passage
   3) the standard listening of CET-4 conversation: places, descriptions, money, time, judgment, dates, numbers, persons, etc
2.  daily expressions(different response to various questions.)
3. the standard reading comprehension of CET-4(reading skills—main idea grasping, detailed tips identifications, cohesion, background information, vocabulary, the excercises of the readings of the different and diverse materials)

4. 1) basic level of vocabulary(special adjs, verbs, nouns, synonyms and comparison between synonyms, the different forms of words, basic level of preps, gerund and participles, similar phrases, words with similar forms)

   2) common structure, and cohesion of the passage; review of the basic grammar, important structure; the words connection in context; the use of language sense in the cloze
5. the standard CET4 composition

Chapter Six

Main content:
1、primary level of listening (long and short conversation, passage)(6)
2、use of English(usual expression for communication)(6)
3、basic reading ability(6)
4、language points (6)
5、basic writing(6)
Key Points:
1. 1) the general and detailed listening of the long conversation
   2) the general and detailed understanding of the passage
   3) the standard listening of CET-4 conversation: places, descriptions, money, time, judgment, dates, numbers, persons, etc
2. communicative English (answers to different questions.)
3. the standard reading comprehension of CET-4(reading skills—main idea grasping, detailed tips identifications, cohesion, background information, vocabulary, the excercises of the readings of the different and diverse materials)
4. 1) basic level of vocabulary(special adjs, verbs, nouns, synonyms and comparison between synonyms, the different forms of words, basic level of preps, gerund and participles, similar phrases, words with similar forms)
   2) common structure, and cohesion of the passage; review of the basic grammar, important structure; the words connection in context; the use of language sense in the cloze
5. the standard CET4 composition
Chapter Seven

Main content:
1、primary level of listening (long and short conversation, passage)(7)
2、use of English(usual expression for communication)(7)
3、basic reading ability(7)
4、language points (7)
5、basic writing(7)
Key Points:
1. 1) the general and detailed listening of the long conversation
   2) the general and detailed understanding of the passage
   3) the standard listening of CET-4 conversation: places, descriptions, money, time, judgment, dates, numbers, persons, etc
2.frequently found conversations (different response to various questions.)
3. the standard reading comprehension of CET-4(reading skills—main idea grasping, detailed tips identifications, cohesion, background information, vocabulary, the excercises of the readings of the different and diverse materials)
4. 1) basic level of vocabulary(special adjs, verbs, nouns, synonyms and comparison between synonyms, the different forms of words, basic level of preps, gerund and participles, similar phrases, words with similar forms)
2) common structure, and cohesion of the passage; review of the basic grammar, important structure; the words connection in context; the use of language sense in the cloze
5. the standard CET4 composition

Chapter Eight

Main content:
1、primary level of listening (long and short conversation, passage)(8)
2、use of English(usual expression for communication)(8)
3、basic reading ability(8)
4、language points (8)
5、basic writing(8)
Key Points:
1. 1) the general and detailed listening of the long conversation
   2) the general and detailed understanding of the passage
   3) the standard listening of CET-4 conversation: places, descriptions, money, time, judgment, dates, numbers, persons, etc
2. frequently found conversations (different response to various questions.)
3. the standard reading comprehension of CET-4(reading skills—main idea grasping, detailed tips identifications, cohesion, background information, vocabulary, the excercises of the readings of the different and diverse materials)

4. 1) basic level of vocabulary(special adjs, verbs, nouns, synonyms and comparison between synonyms, the different forms of words, basic level of preps, gerund and participles, similar phrases, words with similar forms)
   2) common structure, and cohesion of the passage; review of the basic grammar, important structure; the words connection in context; the use of language sense in the cloze
5. the standard CET4 composition

Chapter Nine

Main content:
1、primary level of listening (long and short conversation, passage)(9)
2、use of English(usual expression for communication)(9)
3、basic reading ability(9)
4、language points (9)
5、basic writing(9)
Key Points:
1. 1) the general and detailed listening of the long conversation
   2) the general and detailed understanding of the passage
3) the standard listening of CET-4 conversation: places, descriptions, money, time, judgment, dates, numbers, persons, etc
2. frequently found conversations (different response to various questions.)
3. the standard reading comprehension of CET-4(reading skills—main idea grasping, detailed tips identifications, cohesion, background information, vocabulary, the excercises of the readings of the different and diverse materials)
4. 1) basic level of vocabulary(special adjs, verbs, nouns, synonyms and comparison between synonyms, the different forms of words, basic level of preps, gerund and participles, similar phrases, words with similar forms)
2) common structure, and cohesion of the passage; review of the basic grammar, important structure; the words connection in context; the use of language sense in the cloze
5. the standard CET4 composition

Chapter Ten

Main content:
1、primary level of listening (long and short conversation, passage)(10)
2、use of English(usual expression for communication)(10)
3、basic reading ability(10)
4、language points (10)
5、basic writing(10)
Key Points:
1. 1) the general and detailed listening of the long conversation—revision
   2) the general and detailed understanding of the passage--revision
   3) the standard listening of CET-4 conversation--general review
2. frequently found conversations (different response to various questions.)—general review
3. reading(mainly revision )
4. 1) mainly revision
2) basic grammar review
5. the standard CET4 composition

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